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19601364 No.19601364 [Reply] [Original]

>takes about 50 sales to get 1 review on your book on amazon
>he thinks he can get even 1 review without some kind of social media market campaign or purchasing ads
Face it, if you’re unwilling to market your book, it doesn’t matter how good it is for no one will read it.

>> No.19601373

Where's the fucking sus amogus?

>> No.19601380

come on man it mentions hatreon, its obviously pre-amogus

>> No.19601383

50 purchases x 30 followers per purchase of book means you’ll need 1,500 followers per review per book without asking for reviews to advertise your book on any media platform. Don’t drop a book without at LEAST 15,000 followers.

>> No.19601392
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>> No.19601441
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Just face it, you will have to advertise, do preorders, and sell ads to so well.

>> No.19601474

Genuinely curious what the libtard rebuttal to this comic is. I'm guessing it's- Uhhh just stop being a freaking asshole???

>> No.19601480

owning the means of production: it's not just for marxists anymore!

>> No.19601499

Fun fact. They’re both liberals. They both cry foul when the other is in power. It’s just now getting a little fascistic.

>> No.19601727

>you WILL give social media companies your time and money
Why? It's not even a good way for a beginning author to do marketing. Beginning authors need, at minimum, a website and an email newsletter. This connects an author directly to people who actively show interest, without risk of depending on social media. It's only worth branching into social media if you know that is where your audience hangs out. Trying to gain as many followers as possible on Twitter, Insta, Tiktok, YouTube... is pointless if they won't buy your book. You're better off spending that time and effort writing another book. Strategizing Amazon review shit is a chicken and egg problem. If you don't have interested readers, your first book isn't going to get reviews. So you need to do something to attract readers before your book is launched. There are ways to do that, but it's not the end of the world if your first book isn't an immediate success. Just keep writing more books.

>> No.19602783

chudtoss is a nazi

>> No.19602847
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>> No.19602900

That's not really true though, conservatives in government and big tech haven't moved to bar left wing people from social media/ employment/ academia the same way that the left has, it's not a symmetrical situation, and you know it isn't.

You can almost assume that reality is the opposite of left wing propaganda.

Like, 2020 saw a full year of massive riots, featuring old people getting beaten in the street with 2x4s, random assassinations, rioters trying to seal the doors of a police precint and burn the building down with cops inside, anarchist militias accidentally putting dozens of rounds into black kids.... but left think tanks publish that the majority of political violence for the year came from the right and it gets uncritically repeated in every major media.

They get those numbers by torturing the definition of what counts as political violence and counting everything they can find by allegedly right wing people. I.e. anarchist militias and rioters in black bloc with communist sloganeering aren't conclusively political, but an old man who yells at a BLM rally (and gets subsequently beaten by the crowd and then arrested) made rw terrorist threats

>> No.19602904


>> No.19603006
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Nazi's are cringe

>> No.19603105

i'll never unsee 2020. watching neighborhoods i used to go to daily for work being destroyed by swarms of chuds and the police doing nothing. the nyt trying to gaslight people that the riots didn't happen when we all watched it being streamed live from the crowd themselves. i despise the left now.

>> No.19603143


>> No.19603147

Absolutely the same. I used to consider myself as a leftist? But holy shit 2020 brought me hard to the right.

>> No.19603148

It really was something else. It felt like a nightmare, perhaps not because it was scary but because it was so abnormal and bizarre. It felt like reality was distorting. It wasn't even for a good reason.

>> No.19603156

It was a mass incident of manufactured consent. How anyone can have any semblance of trust in news entertainment is beyond me.

>> No.19604163


Now imagine having already voted for Trump once and actually living in central Minneapolis when retards burned everything. Truly life unworthy of life.

>> No.19604396

They will. Neocons are no different from neolibs like Biden. The Pentagon may go either way, who knows, who cares? It’d be all the same security state.
> Like, 2020 saw a full year of massive riots, featuring old people getting beaten in the street with 2x4s
By the police. Yes, I saw that
> anarchist militias accidentally putting dozens of rounds into black kids
Agents in black masks shot people?
Look. Both racist groups and anti capitalist groups are now considered “domestic terrorists” by the feds. They’re not on either the side of liberation or reactionary coup, they’re for the status quo duopoly

>> No.19604427


You're not smart, and no one cares about your "astute analysis" of varired extremist groups vs. the state. More than ever before, living through the George Floyd riots crystallized my total and correct hatred of everyone who is like you.

>> No.19604447

>Your observations of the cop riots of 2020 are invalid to me because it hurts my tummy
Bootlickers, black tongued bootlickers. You do exactly as they expect.

>> No.19604476

Ok but how would you refute OP's comic?

>> No.19604497
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The soft roll out, what I’ve called blue fascism, is no better than what the GOP would/will roll out in retaliation. They want control, and the partisans are unironically gung ho for it. On the freedom loving “right” and “left” understand them to be both odious scum.
Stonetosser hit upon a truth, but does he understand the full implicat— no, never mind. Of course he doesn’t.

>> No.19604617

No dummy, you can't both sides this. The cops sometimes fought rioters, this literally isn't the same as rioters just beating random civilians who got caught in this mess, which we saw over and over again.


Go look up Keese Love and see a group of BLM beating and robbing a pro blm white trans woman, then doing the same to the good Samaritan who tried to rescue them.

The night before Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself, rioters severely beat an old man and shattered his jaw, after spraying a fire extinguisher at people looting his burning store.

>>masked agents shot someone

Again no, literally it was the security at the autonomous zones in Seattle and Atlanta who both killed black kids. Weird how in a year hyperfixated on violence against black people actual insurrectionists putting dozens of rounds into cars full of black children on multiple occasions never became a big story

>> No.19604672

My guy, the status quo right now is to allow politically desirable violence (burning a downtown core and beating the chuds) by not providing a strong police resistance to it, and not making arrests or charges being dropped. Cities with Soros backed prosecutors have seen hundreds of rioters with charges never filed.

Conversely, unarmed laprping boomers who had doors opened by the cops are portrayed as insurrectionists who almost overthrew the government. The same people who wanted to defund the police, end prisons, and reform bail are suddenly ok with 1/6 people being held without bail and getting beaten in jail.

The status quo is to create whole cloth a narrative of out of control white supremacist violence because people chanted with tiki torches 5 years ago. But when black people repeatedly murder white people with explicit racial motivations, the narrative is that these are tragedies and accidents that shouldn't be politicized, like Waukesha.

Leftists do this thing where they are experiencing full spectrum dominance and act like we're on the verge of a fascist takeover.

>> No.19604711

Fair enough. Your IQ is a lot higher then average Stone Toss hater.

>> No.19604727

What an incredibly bold lie: "conservatives in government and big tech haven't moved to bar left wing people from social media/ employment/ academia the same way that the left has,"

The Conservatives in the Federal Government of the United States of America under the Trump Administration scrubbed all references to global warming from all government websites, removed Covid dashboards and references from websites and publications and charged their administrators with crimes, prosecuted whistleblowers and spied on and attacked journalists, used social media to track and then kidnap BLM and Antifa protestors, buried statistical information required by law or stopped collecting it altogether. …

I could go on, but the bottom line is that you are a liar. Liars don’t deserve a voice or a job or anything. We will find the liars, and put your names up on websites so that people won’t do business with you.
Then we will fill your jobs with immigrants, who are honest.

>> No.19604926
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Rioters are rioters. There’s lots of footage of copes standing idly by while scrambling looters try to run away, (falling all over themselves). I don’t forgive either sides violence, but this was orchestrated.
A whole lot of lies and disinformation happened. I’m not calling you a liar. Thanks.

January 6ers are being persecuted, yeah.
The blue fascists are getting the GOP fascists revved up for controlled infighting to thoroughly cover over the class war. The whole country is the Colosseum and we entertain the elites.

Oh thank you.

And for the record, Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.

>> No.19605266

Name any rioter in 2020 that got as much jail time as the Qanon Shaman. Which side were celebrities sending bail money to?

If you cannot see what is in front of your face you are blind, nearly unanimously willfully so by anyone who unironcially spouts what our dear butterfly just has.

>> No.19605283

Not gr8 b8 m8

>> No.19605713

Muh nazeess!!!! Is even worse

>> No.19606043

This can't really be you.

>> No.19606106
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I am not actually Sucy Manbavaran
These are the kind of things leftists stand for. Not partisan politics, but freedom, truth, shit like that.

>> No.19606302

>used social media to kidnap protesters

Oh my oh no there was a consequence for starting a structure fire, this is fascism

>prosecuted whistle-blower

Biden is extraditing Assange right now

Anyway, professors get fired for publishing studies that don't show racial bias in cops and average people get blacklisted for saying riots are bad and anyone with a prohibited opinion gets banned from social media, which doesn't seem to include calling for a communist revolution or liquidating kulaks

>> No.19606319
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The real redpill is that the riots, Rittenhouse, Chauvin, Jan. 6, etc were hoaxes, entirely fabricated at Langley. There are tens of thousands, maybe more, of employees and actors getting paid to pull off mass media stunts to psychologically manipulate not just American citizens but obviously the entire world. Everything is a movie. It's not just false flag shootings; that's the tip of the damn iceberg. Even local crimes are often faked. Not all scientific research is fake but a lot of the big stuff is (Stephen Hawking, for example), and all modern art is a money-laundering scam (funny, people are accepting this now ONLY because the elites have replaced the scam with bitcoin/NFT). There are no honest politicians. Many of the people running things are part of the same bloodlines running back thousands of years to Phoenicia. John F Kennedy faked his own death and ran the country as part of an underground oligarchy with the Rockefellers, DuPonts, Morgans, Chases, Stanleys, etc. It was a purposefully similar circumstance with Lincoln's fake death (hence the strange coincidences people talk about). The American and French Revolutions were fake, too.

>> No.19606435

Almost up to 200 followers in a month of starting twitter. At what point do you become decently recognized, like 20k?

>> No.19606486

>all modern art is a money-laundering scam (funny, people are accepting this now ONLY because the elites have replaced the scam with bitcoin/NFT).
Wut? Wall Street made it obvious in fucking 1987:

>> No.19606516
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>These are the kind of things leftists stand for
>I know what they stand for
>for there is no truer Scotsman than I
left and right are so imbued with personal meaning they've become meaningless, or at least completely relative.
Is the idea of bodily autonomy left or right?
If its the termination of a pregnancy, then its left
If its a forced vaccination, then its right
No ideological consistency, just opposition.
The very nature of the Left/Right divide is opposition.
So much so that if one side adopts a position the other side reflexively adopts its opposite.
But opposition is the nature of a republic, and without that their would be tyranny.
Left/Right can be colloquially useful when discussing congressmen or members of parliament in relation to each other, but its not comparable between ages or countries and claiming it as some banner or identity that you claim to understand the true nature of just makes you look retarded.
you'll make yourself blind to your side's evils because you believe in their ideals
>Its almost like something as complex as political thought requires more subtlety than a 1 dimensional visual metaphor a child can understand

>> No.19606567

Part of what I try to get at. It’s stupidly subjective, and it’s used by the powerful to divide us. There is tyranny this way.
In a direct democracy there’d be no parties, only a confusion of factions trying to hammer out deals

>> No.19606590
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Mainstream yokels for the most part still unconsciously nod and accept that Rothko and Pollock are masters, for example. They don't like the art, no one really does; they may tell others they do to keep appearances, and the really sad ones search for some way of coming to like them, but no one does. Most people hear about the banana being taped to a wall and say
>that's stupid but funny, haha
without ever scrutinizing the details of who made it, who bought it, why, how much, who brokered it, what are their past records, what is their genealogical relationship, and oh! would you look at that, they happen to be part of the British peerage. Funny, huh?
>Wall Street made it obvious in fucking 1987
First of all, this is a movie. Films are all about hypnotism at this point. Normal people don't actually pay any attention, they just see pretty actors and actresses saying words and get swept up in emotions. That scene doesn't have a soundtrack to lead you on, at least. But most people won't hear
>60k, sell it for 600k
and ever consider money-laundering, as in hiding the profits of dirty, illegal money from drugs, sex trafficking, embezzlement, coups, etc. Most people have no clue that the US government (and most world governments) are synonymous, one and the same with the Mafia, with pirates, with the Vikings, with Phoenicians, with the Sea People, etc. It's all the same plundering, being done by CIA, highwaymen, (((red)))beard, you name it. No one knows. This movie is the tip of the iceberg and makes people think
>wall street is bad and these crooks must be stopped!
How? How do you stop them?
>regulation and government intervention!
You mean the same government that is run by Wall Street's cousins that have been intermarrying for hundreds of generations? Uh huh.

>> No.19606634

>My guy, the status quo right now is to allow politically desirable violence (burning a downtown core and beating the chuds) by not providing a strong police resistance to it, and not making arrests or charges being dropped. Cities with Soros backed prosecutors have seen hundreds of rioters with charges never filed.
This is a lie though because dozens of people were charged in the Floyd rioting and protests. I challenge you to find evidence this was not the case.
>The same people who wanted to defund the police, end prisons, and reform bail are suddenly ok with 1/6 people being held without bail and getting beaten in jail.
Its ironic a retard like you would make a statement like this, and then go on admonishing the opposition for not being harder on BLM protests. Trump was president, retard, he could have sent in the national guard he wanted to, and prosecuted these people federally. He did not.
>The status quo
Please don't act like you're against the status quo. Trump increased the size of the government, exploded the deficit and debt, and renew Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. In fact, the defunding of the police actually came from Republicans - they voted against the American Rescue Plan which explicitly gave funds to police departments.
>But when black people repeatedly murder white people
Whites murder whites at a higher rate than blacks. Again, its idiots like you attempting to start a race war. You are no different than your progressive friends - you're woke for different reasons.

>> No.19606646

Stop being a fucking coward. Why do you retards even post here anymore, were all already on domestic terroristists. Stupid fuckign faggot

>> No.19606658

You can't even respond to any of my points, you faggot. You are the weak one. Real men don't cower when challenged like you just did. Fucking degenerate. I'm so sick of profligates, like yourself, who can't even stand on your two feet. Be a man, pussy, instead of hiding behind talking points. 4chan isn't an echo-chamber or your hugbox nigger.

>> No.19606670


Shut the fuck up, you're not fucking smart, fuck off.

>> No.19606690

>That's not really true though, conservatives in government and big tech haven't moved to bar left wing people from social media/ employment/ academia
The fact that you think its okay for conservatives use government to do that, and not progressives, really doesn't make you any different than them. You're one of these Qanon paristan hacks attempting to paint your side as saints as you always do. Stop with the bullshit.
>Like, 2020 saw a full year of massive riots, featuring old people getting beaten in the street with 2x4s, random assassinations, rioters
You can't even be this melodramatic because you're talking America. There hasn't been a time in American history where there wasn't rioting and violence for stupid shit. You must be under the age of 18.
>They get those numbers by torturing the definition of what counts as political violence
Nah, its just that people like you are okay with political violence, and are upset when rats like you are called out on it. People like you were responsible for the Charleston church shooting and Pittsburgh synagogue shooting - but you want to cover that up and act like that did not happen. Animals like you relish violence, and you are upset people are not going to let you get away with it.

>> No.19606712
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>> No.19606713

Nothing you say will ever get you in trouble, everything I say can get me in trouble, that's the difference, and you know it

You risk nothing

>> No.19606721
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I'm not even a leftist, retard, I'm libertarian that hates you both. I face more obstacles than retards like yourself because I'm willing to stand by my principles regardless of who's in charge. You're a coward riding waves.

>> No.19606798
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Refute? It’s a fucking cartoon, it dumb

>> No.19606832

Do you ever get in trouble for saying libertarian things

>> No.19606931

Not who you're replying to, but I've seen someone fired for advocating for accelerationism (which I can almost get behind by virtue of the iron rule of oligarchy reaching its inevitable conclusion in western democracies).
In case you were wondering, advocating for total social collapse doesn't bode well with management when you're working in the financial sector. (At least not out loud. You can profit off usury from war-funding though).