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19604085 No.19604085 [Reply] [Original]

How did Dostoevsky understand human psychology so well? This is the most accurate depiction of a loser in any art form

>> No.19604095

Also, how did he predict incels?

>> No.19604113

Losers and incels have been a large part of any nation throughout the history. Not everyone can be a king or an aristocrat

>> No.19604120

>How did Dostoevsky understand human psychology so well?
divine inspiration (misdiagnosed as epilepsy)

>> No.19604130

Have you ever had a seizure? Seizures and psychosis are practically as divine as it gets

>> No.19604148

The Underground Man is a lot deeper than a loser or an incel. That's a crude take. Where's the Zapffe who was posting the other day?
The UM is someone who has become too conscious, is afflicted by his consciousness. He has thus become hyper-aware of how unconscious the people are around him; how they shuffle about their days without questioning their lives or the assumptions that shape their conditions. The society he lives in feels existentially fraudulent, and so he chooses not to participate. And it's not because he can't have sex. That's such a dumb, slack-jawed monkey brained take.

He was a great mind and suffered tremendously and had an introspective disposition that made him pathologically prone to bouts of contemplative self-reflection.

>> No.19604153

Maybe for it's time. Stuff like Welcome to the NHK, Taxi Driver, Joker, etc were much better at depicting a loser. Not all losers are >tfw to intelligent types, in fact it's quite the opposite.

>> No.19604219

>nooo I’m not incel actually I’m too smart for pussy

>> No.19604243

>The UM is someone who has become too conscious, is afflicted by his consciousness. He has thus become hyper-aware of how unconscious the people are around him; how they shuffle about their days without questioning their lives or the assumptions that shape their conditions. The society he lives in feels existentially fraudulent, and so he chooses not to participate. And it's not because he can't have sex. That's such a dumb, slack-jawed monkey brained take.
sounds like something the underground man would say

>> No.19604299

>He was a great mind and suffered tremendously
Because he did well in high school?

>> No.19604311

>and had an introspective disposition that made him pathologically prone to bouts of contemplative self-reflection.

l;iterally me

>> No.19604374

Sounds like a loser incel to me

>> No.19604380

>This is the most accurate depiction of a loser in any art form

My guess is that he was, at least for a period of time, a loser himself

>> No.19604394

Dostoevsky was a gambler and literally got orgasms from losing a bet.
You bet he was a loser haha

>> No.19604532
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Proto NEET. Fuck wagies.

>> No.19604850

The reason notes is a better depiction is because it actually gets into the psychology of the loser, like how he's still seething about perceived slights from years ago and how that fuels him to attack an innocent women and how he blames society for all his ills instead of taking accountability for his own life

>> No.19604917

Jordan Peterson would have sorted him out by teaching him about the lobsters.

>> No.19604922

>literally got orgasms from

>> No.19605150

I dont get the hype this retard gets
>NOOO dont you dare murder the (((pawnbroker))) you will feel LE BAD!!!!!
>be a good hubby and beta bux with the prostitute!

>> No.19605160

C&P specifically is severely overrated by normies for some reason, while most of them dont even acknowledge the existence of his superior novels.

>> No.19605174

>literally got orgasms from losing a bet.

>> No.19605625

I think its just because c&p gets to the “hook” more quickly than his other novels