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19603883 No.19603883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Straight bros... it's over

>> No.19603891

>defeats the spartans
the spartans also fucked children and dressed their women like men
you can't even make fag propaganda right

>> No.19603903

now show a cool statistic on pedophilia among faggot parents

>> No.19603907

Have you ever considered that it's the other way around? There's a strong correlation between intelligence and mental illness. Therefore, fags being more intelligent than straight men on average is easily explained by the fact that intelligent people tend to develop odd, deviant behavior

>> No.19603908

>gay families
Such retarded nonsense, there were/are based fags because they live on fringes/live fast and die young kinda thing. Stable or normalfag homosexuals are subhumans.

>> No.19603938

The history of romance and hetero relationships having such a strong impact on every level of humanity and that of great stories makes me understand why opposite sex marriages stood the test of time and hence the best.

>> No.19603967

>hetero relationships having such a strong impact on every level of humanity
errrrr name one (1)... nothing beats achilles and patroclus for raw dynamism...

>> No.19604027

FUck are you talking about. Homer detests people like Achilles and loves people like Hector, the natural man, loyal, heroic. Fuck Achilles dog shit faggot

>> No.19604032

Hector = boring (muh familly muh city)
Achilles = based

>> No.19604042

Gays have literally never contributed anything to art science or society.

The only reason this dumb image and its snippets exists is because there is a massive propaganda machine out there called the left. There's a statistic for everything, including an infinity of contradictions. It means nothing.

>> No.19604055

>Gays have literally never contributed anything to art science or society.
This is one of those opinions that it is impossible to hold without being a schizo

>> No.19604105


>> No.19604333

The way things are going, half the males will be soon be femboys anyway. Straight men can have a female wife for breeding and a trap wife as a PA/sex pet. Gay men can have a butch woman and a twink for the same reasons.

>> No.19604349

homoeroticism wasn't the same as being biologically gay in Ancient Greece. Repressed heterosexuallity or misoginy leads to homoerotic behaviours

>> No.19604357

Schizos have been blessed with divine insight. All of the Biblical Prophets were schizos.

>> No.19604367

>There's a strong correlation between intelligence and mental illness.
How so? I thought it was a meme perpetuated by midwits who "understand le existential horrors of life"

>> No.19604663

>women hold you back from achievement
More news at 11

>> No.19604670


>> No.19604697

Didn’t know about Flaubert.

>> No.19604903

>Gays have literally never contributed anything to art science or society.
Thomas Mann
D.H Lawrence
Oscar Wilde

>> No.19604946

>ugh, muh IQ
faggots are schizoid revisionists lmao

>> No.19605135

There has perhaps been no greater blight on humanity than the abrahamic religions, schizo-kun

>> No.19605353

McLuhan was right about literacy societies getting lost in abstraction. If you identify more with signs than with things you will be more prone to rejecting your attraction to women, along with other possible ailments.
One way to read Mishima is he is saying 'get your head out of the words and abstractions and stop being a faggot, take action on things (women are examples of things).
I rest my observations.

>> No.19605367

I can attest to the veracity of the graph on the top right.

>> No.19605382


Western Australia truly has reason to be proud of itself.

>> No.19605396

This is true but the real redpill is to realise that all this genius stems from inhibited and deeply closeted homosexual desires. I am bisexual but I will never act on homosexual feelings,I will marry a woman and I will have kids

>> No.19605402

James Baldwin
Alan Turing
Yukio Mishima

>> No.19605420

the real black pill is that faggots make great literature, so sexual abuse is a precondition for great literature

>> No.19605426

I have a fiance but I would love to have a cute Twink to kiss and fuck.

>> No.19605471


It's that fucking anon with the overly intellectualized homosexuality from the DH Lawrence thread again, isn't it?

Gay men have opted or defaulted out of the dominance hierarchy. They are halfway free of Nature herself, the whorish beast and our warm-breasted mother.

Well I presume such a freedom has its advantages. It is a good and clean home that houses gay men's psyches. It harbors no cluttered fear of woman's laughter, and old age, impotence and other castrations find no shadowed corner to wherefore to creep and shelter. Blessed is the night time wanderer of those wide and airy halls, whose peaceful sensibility is an immunity to half the dooms that foretaste death, the death of manhood arrived before man's death. And what freedom is his, what air! That opens wide around the world, where progeny might otherwise have been. Oh what time, what freedom is his, who has not wife nor sons nor daughters. May it birth for him great works instead.

Alas, take your devil's glimmering prize, sweet boy. Only give him too his due. Thy grave plot is a lonesome sight.

Each and every man is cursed and made to suffer. None of them escapes it free. Make for a camp then, brother-- man-- make with me a peace. We desire what the other has, and hate what thereby it relieves. Cease the contest. It will not make us either one the better brother, free. If we must share a mother, then let us have comradery.

>> No.19605477

>The greek dude's hands drenched in oil
Lol based

>> No.19605495

this is because you start incarnating as a gay when you have lived hundreds of lifetimes as a straight just to shake things up and turn up the difficulty setting on life. they just have more experience

>> No.19605505

You're not disproving his point that Homer prefers Hector by simple saying "seethe"

>> No.19605522

I don't think Homer prefers either.

>> No.19605560

>fringe elements of society more likely to trend towards extremes than majority of society
>idiots who dont understand basic mathematics attempt to make sweeping statements using complex statistics
>OP pretends to be straight through 4 dicks in his mouth
It do be like that.

>> No.19605583

> there's a massive propaganda machine promoting gays as significant
>hurr durr you're wrong! just look at these names the propaganda machine has exaggerating at the top of its lungs this entire time!
some seriously low intelligence cope

>> No.19605759

>gays have never contributed anything to art
>actually they have
>t-that's not what I said cope seethe dilate

you're not worth the (You)

>> No.19605858

Proust and Mann and were promoted in the early 20th century because they were gay? Was the propaganda machine active in the Middle Ages preserving the works of Sophocles and Theognis too?

>> No.19605893

You know about them as homosexuals not because of any 20th century promotion. Very obviously it isn't just the works of homosexuals that are exaggerated, but the homosexuality of work makers. You really are dumb aren't you? Need me to say it slower?

>> No.19605895

Yet you still need to reply because you're so threatened by the truth, hilarious.

>> No.19605912

Be that as it may, your original thesis that homosexuals have contributed nothing to culture has been retracted. Furthermore, I think it is completely possible to be familiar with both authors without knowing or knowing much about their sexuality, but it’s also true that homosexuality plays a significant role in their respective bodies of work, and it is especially hard not to notice in Mann, for instance. With regard to Sophocles, I knew nothing about his sexuality (I’d never seen anyone modern talking about it) until I read other Greeks talking about his reputation as a pederast

>> No.19605920
File: 720 KB, 1680x950, gaygreeksmyth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19605922

>>Be that as it may, your original thesis that homosexuals have contributed nothing to culture has been retracted.
No it hasn't, the exaggeration is both in their contribution and the homosexuality of contributors. There is no greatness to be found whatsoever from homosexuals in the world, regardless of how you want to try and twist words or move goalposts.

>> No.19605924
File: 880 KB, 1400x1100, 502D8589-0B9D-40B4-A8DF-3F79F1AE30B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19605931

But plenty of people who dislike homosexuality and consider it immoral have valued and venerated their work. The medieval Christians were violently averse to sodomy, but still respected, revered and preserved the writings of ancient Greeks and Romans like Sophocles, Theognis, Horace, etc. Socrates, though chaste, and though he advocated abstention, was himself strongly erotically interested in young men — were his contributions to culture exaggerated or made up?

>> No.19605937

Sometimes bros be homos?

Why are you so against this? Why can't gays have contributed great art in your worldview? What will it contradict if there are/have been?

>> No.19605978

This thread is about homosexuals, not coomers & groomers

>> No.19606032

How do ciscum heteroids on /lit/ cope with the fact that their favorite author was most definitely homosex that sucked cocks and drank cum???

>> No.19606047

I think well-educated straight people all eventually come to the realization that gays, queers, outcasts, and freaks are the primary driving force for culture and art.
Certain people simply hold more cultural promise and capital by way of their birth, like that of the homosexual.

>> No.19606063

the ancient greeks were misogynistic pedophiles. who cares if they allowed men to fuck other men in the ass

>> No.19606110

If being gay was considered normal in ancient Greece, then the plays of Aristophanes, which reflected the mood of the common people, wouldn't be full of insults centered around being a poofter.

Much like today, being a homosexual paeodphile was the preserve of the elite oligarch class of society.

>> No.19606155

Achilles =literal son of God and fully lustful for patroclus

>> No.19606178

Aristophanes only mocks bottoms, not men who are attracted to males. Furthermore, the voice of ‘Right’ in the Clouds talks contrasts the righteous behaviour of eromenoi in the past with the coquettish behaviour of eromenoi in the present, implying that there is a version of pederasty that the voice of Tradition and Virtue approves of. We also see in legal orations expressions of homosexual desire, which would have been addressed to an audience of jurors from a variety of social classes (often lower class men since it was a paid task). in precisely the kind of arena where one would not want to voice unacceptable sentiments.

>> No.19606196 [DELETED] 

>If being gay was considered normal
being gay was not considered normal, but fucking a man (or boy) was. does that make sense?

>> No.19606212

>the spartans also fucked children
so? grow up.
>and dressed their women like men
i like tomboys

>> No.19606283
File: 75 KB, 459x576, 1638554926890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also want to add that incels have lower IQ on average, that's why this thread is what it is

>> No.19606836

Who are you saying beat the spartans twice?

>> No.19606840

Sparta was also gay.

>> No.19606847

their own faggotry

>> No.19606848

Sacred Band of Thebes

>> No.19606861

The macedonians
Agis III faggots btfo

>> No.19606957

ah, the "liberals suck, real scholars were silenced" paragraph of straight up lies... now with fewer citations!

>> No.19606978

>so? grow up.
what is with 4channer lgbts and pedophilia

>> No.19607007

>pedophilia is... le bad!

>> No.19607012

I just found out Thomas Mann was a fucking pedophile, wtf. Not just a homo, but a pedo. Why is being attracted to a 10 year old and 13 year old son sugarcoated as repressed homosexuality??

>> No.19607015

>he was a hecking pedophilerino!1

>> No.19607109

>income gap
not this bullshit again

>> No.19607130
File: 45 KB, 314x294, 1614737312100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I'm totally happy with the Christians taking power and stamping all this faggotry out. Gay marriage was a mistake and I want it to be outlawed again.

>> No.19607151
File: 142 KB, 828x480, symposium-greek (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even LGBTQ+ fur fag Normies are way too conservative for full scale greek homo pedestry to ever catch on

Feels bad man.

>> No.19607203

Men were inclined to lay with men in the days of Deuteronomy, or else no law would needs be written.

That old and hidden magma pot has been bubbling among mankind since the beginning, and it will spew and burn them time and again, and nothing may be done to stop it. It is a great tragedy and many men and women are destroyed by it.

The beast latches on the backs of some. Some fight it off. Some never know. Some feel accursed by its unrelenting company, and determine to make the fiend a friend.

Bless them all, I say, and be modest in your ways, whatever they be, beast or none. Settle down, Mr. and Mr. Hollyoak, and gather into your home two orphans, love them as your own son and daughter. For that would be good beyond the birthing of two more by men and women.

{Enough of this artificial insemination carrier pregnancy abominadion. May nature loose its wrath upon those who will to control it) With adoption, you would redeem two faults of nature in one stroke, by utilizing its deficiency to care for its excess. Sweet, sweet, loving, gay justice.

That is what I say to any supposed Christian on the subject. Would you turn out children to the foster home, and men to bath-house orgy? Or would you help them make a crooked home?

>> No.19607244

Faggot cope.

>> No.19607285

>There's a strong correlation between intelligence and mental illness

Uh, wasn't it the opposite? Weak negative correlation between IQ and mental illness?