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19600862 No.19600862 [Reply] [Original]

Mathlet here. What are the implications of quantum mechanics in respect to philosophy?

>> No.19600874


>> No.19601015
File: 186 KB, 441x900, turtles all the way down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just another turtle in the stack

>> No.19601030


Infinite stacks of infinite turtles.

>> No.19601037

It proves Plato right
Like Bohr says, quantum mechanics represent the final triumph and justification of the Platonists over the Aristotelians

>> No.19601064
File: 497 KB, 2560x1591, Standard Model of Elementary Particles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's funny is I originally thought the "turtles all the way down" was in reference to the first turtles we use in programming. Basically little objects that process information given to them and interact with their environment depending on the rules/instructions. I pictured every level of just little objects following their own rules and creating new emergent phenomena from their collective interactions.
Only later did I realize people were referring to old mythologies

>> No.19601102

Every particle is made up of smaller particles that become increasingly difficult to prove the existence of.

>> No.19601120

Physics PhD student here. Non-determinism is the main one. That said, the probability distribution is perfectly well known once you figure out the Hamiltonian. If you're getting into QFT territory (+relativity) you get shit like locality, causality, and a very limited set of rules under which our universe can work. Other than that, not much.
P.S. being a physicist makes you hate faggots who marvel at muh quantum like it's some sci fi magic. Learn linear algebra, niggers.

>> No.19601134

None. Philosophy of science will have something to say about some of its claims, and whether they can be considered science at all or not. Philosophy in general is unlikely to be much affected by it.

>> No.19601178

how feasible is it to self-study physics as a small hobby?

>> No.19601191

>He thinks there is a dichotomy between Plato and Aristotle.
>Thousands of years later they still share the same philosophy
Wew lad

>> No.19601206

What do you wanna do with it? If you're more about experiment, you can set yourself up with some dank shit, but expect to deal with a lot of electronics. If you're a theory fag like me just have a brain, unlike the 99% of the population. It's all about interest and math aptitude.

>> No.19601298
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Philosophers haven't been scientists for nearly two hundred years now and it shows. Honestly, no one who isn't a scientist deserves to be called a "philosopher".

>> No.19601314

Unless you're 18th century materialist then practically none.

>> No.19601446

umm i think we threw determinism out of the window, does that count?

>> No.19601491

nothing because quantum is bullshit

>> No.19601931

Can you think of an experiment to test free will? I mean actual free will, not just the kind of non-arbitrary liberty that Schopenhauer spoke of.

>> No.19601998

matter-antimatter object pair can be plucked from void using some energy. Its literally something for nothing. think about it.
Idea of antimatter was driving physicists nuts in early XX century.
hope you are happy with your life

>> No.19602014

Nothing except the (probable, as always) refutation of atomism. Although atomism was never really legitimately philosophical, and it was also refuted long before quantum mechanics appeared.

>> No.19602035

The perfect cover for a supreme substance which doesn't want her skirt to be lifted up all the way.

>> No.19602187

>What are the implications of quantum mechanics in respect to philosophy?
Buddha was right. Read Nagarjuna.

>> No.19602482

Nobody fukken knows, its metaphysical assumptions are buried so deeply and obscurely in the convoluted math of its framework that the theoretical physisists dont look for it, and the philosophers cant look for it. As an example, check out sabine hossenfelder's recent video on superdeterminism in quantum mechanics, she a somewhat dogmatic but very useful theoretical physicist that actually understands the math and tries to make some points about it. In the video she explains how the whole fundamental randomness of quantum mechanics coming from Bell's theorem might not even be the case, and mostly comes from a possibly false assumption everyone just assumed was true for no good reason.

>> No.19602485
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>> No.19602501


>> No.19602601

>the first turtles we use in programming. Basically little objects that process information given to them and interact with their environment depending on the rules/instructions.
It sounds like you're thinking of Logo, the programming language. It's a programming language from 1967 that's commonly used as an educational tool for teaching the concept of programming to kids or other novices. The drawing apparatus is indeed called a turtle. It's sometimes implemented in real life as a robot you give Logo instructions to.

>> No.19602603
File: 174 KB, 845x623, Turtle_draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robot btw

>> No.19603221


>> No.19603238

It validates a possible worlds semantics

>> No.19603285

I found linear algebra especially easy. But I didn't find calculus difficult. >>19601120
is right though they don't really matter much to each other.
t. double bachelor's physics and philosophy, unemployed.

>> No.19603314
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I pirated this like a decade ago and it seemed legit. The author was a physics professor so it's not as "wooo" as some of the "quantum theory -> Atlantis is real" crowd. From what I remember, each chapter would start with describing as aspect of quantum physics in depth and then linking it to some concept in Doaism.

>> No.19603401

Taoism is anti-rationalist. Quantum physics is completely rationalist, you just don't understand it.

>> No.19603909

Not sure if this is bait but Daoism is trans-rationalist in a way not incompatible with most recent rationalistic worldviews. Dialethism is still rational even if some of the ideas might challenge the kind of default cartesian rationalism most people have who haven't read any philosophy.

>> No.19603929

No, it doesn't.

>> No.19604309
File: 133 KB, 875x667, 1633996597118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this made up term "trans-rational"? Has anyone else ever used it before? Have you even? Taoism is explicitly anti-rational. It's also skeptical on the level of Descartes deceiving demon. There is no trans about it. It is not above, beyond, or a modification of human reason; it just straight up denies it. Humans are stupid little beings who've fallen out with nature, should stop thinking so much, and get back with the irrational progress of time.

Pic, location of taoism: 5-8i+4k

>> No.19604681

>Non-determinism is the main one.
I would pick non-realism instead, unless you want to break locality and special realitivity but no one in their right mind wants that.

>> No.19605339
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>> No.19605671


>> No.19605708

Learn science retard, lots of things seem random when you lack deeper theories. Guessing you study astrophysics?

>> No.19607270
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>> No.19607276

>Scientists haven't been philosophers for nearly two hundred years now and it shows. Honestly, no one who isn't a philosopher deserves to be called a "scientist".

>> No.19607469


>> No.19607606

Good post

>> No.19607617

>what are wave functions
>what are hidden variables

>> No.19607643
File: 18 KB, 575x512, Punching Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can prove my hand exists, just look-

>> No.19607646


>> No.19607649

It makes the idea harder to hold, that the side effects of measurements (say momentum) on other quantiable properties (say the position of a "thing", when afterwards measured) can be predicted with vanishingly small accuracy.
That's almost not a philosophical result, except it rules out past naive ontologies

>> No.19607821

allow me to apologize for referencing my own replies, but
doesnt the fact that gamma ray(massless particle) when bumping into electron, literally shits out two particles with mass(e- and e+) out of nothingness as in picrel, make your mind blown?
I guess this quantum physics related fact has consequences on philosophy. Consider creating rigid objects(which your material world consists of) out of nothing and annihilating them in reverse process. What is your material world then if just some kind of weird matrix where things can be flipped on or out of existence.
t. physics dropout

>> No.19607988

Physical and philosophical notions of "nothingness" are vastly different, and everything physicists say and imagine is pretty much somethingness.
You have "gamma ray", you have electron, those are something. The very space is something.
You seem to thing that no-mass=no-thing, but they you say of things like gamma rays and electons "bumping", so interacting spatially. All of this are things.

"Ex Nihilo" means total absence of space-time and mind, hence unimaginable and paradoxical. I recall Anselm of Canterbury interpreting the Biblical "ex nihilo" as actualizing something hidden and potential by God, and then you have the mystics who speak of "Ungrund" or "Godhead" preceding and being a necessary condition of personal God and Creation (pretty heretical). Might as well be whatever the Universe was zipped unto a singularity.

>> No.19608112


>> No.19608407

So many elementary particles to pick from, and people on /lit/ choose to be bottoms.

>> No.19608476

Completely feasible if you don’t try to rush it and make sure to do the problems in the textbooks and ask any questions you have online. The biggest difference I found between self study and university with physics was that being forced to discuss problems from the textbook with people before seeing the answer led to a way deeper understanding of the mathematics and physics.

>> No.19608526
File: 31 KB, 318x499, phil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great picture, thanks. I am uniroincally reading pic rel and just starting my journey. I have copies of Kuhn and Feyerbend and SEP articles printed out too.. we'll see how far I get

>> No.19608539

I anyone interested in learning physics and science in their spare time I recommend this guy's videos as a supplement to your learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQ25E9gu4qI

>> No.19609676

>Physical and philosophical notions of "nothingness" are vastly different
they are basically the same, meaning negative quality , or rather an absence of a quality.
Also i cant put to use your "Ex Nihilo" , except for in some theoretical religious argument. Also it cannot be used regarding hidden stuff.

>> No.19609887

Both desu

>> No.19609896


>> No.19610611


based, this man's videos got me through my EM course