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19599925 No.19599925 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so few young male authors (in fiction) being championed today?

>> No.19599933

You need to be of a certain tribe for that to happen. It's over.

>> No.19599953


>> No.19599962


>> No.19599994 [DELETED] 

The Pale King was the death-knell of the American novel.

>> No.19599999

Increasing homosexuality

>> No.19600000

The Pale King was the death knell of the American novel.

>> No.19600004


>> No.19600005


>> No.19600009


>> No.19600010
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>> No.19600111 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19600150

Nuclear proliferation fucked us and the natural cycle of war is dead

>> No.19600204

Name some you like.

>> No.19600248

because no one wants to read about playing bing bing wahoos and smoking weed

>> No.19600353

There are still wars going on!!

>> No.19601173

Sad but true.

>> No.19601180


>> No.19601186
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>> No.19601187

Modern wars aren't the same. It's mostly just drone strikes and suicide bombings. More people died during random battles in WW1 or 2 than died in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars put together. I'm a veteran, for the record.

>> No.19601189


>> No.19601193

The Second Congo War killed 8 million people. The Syrian Civil War killed 500,000. Tens of thousands have been killed in the Mexican Drug War. War is very much alive, unfortunately.

>> No.19601194
File: 182 KB, 1920x514, Screenshot 2021-12-20 at 05-20-05 4chan - Warned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannys aren't all bad.

>> No.19601208


>> No.19601232 [DELETED] 

Fuck Jannies. I know I'm suicidal and no, I'm not wasting some suicide holiness time.
Only a couple hundred thousand of the deaths in the 2nd Congo War were from actual combat. The vast majority were from disease and starvation because Africans still don't know how to farm.

>> No.19601238

Fuck Jannies. I know I'm suicidal and no, I'm not wasting some suicide hotline's time.
Only a couple hundred thousand of the deaths in the 2nd Congo War were from actual combat. The vast majority were from disease and starvation because Africans still don't know how to farm or boil water.

>> No.19602515


>> No.19602574

people seem to like edouard louis

>> No.19602702

The Congo is a shithole regardless of whether you can boil water, you'll need modern medicine to avoid catching one of the infinite number of undiscovered viruses that you now get to name. There was a pretty good write up of the entire fiasco that I'll take a look for but no guarantees, it's been a decade since I've last read it

>> No.19602726


>> No.19602746

Good question. Anything of the quality or masculine nature of Hemingway would be considered toxic today by publishing houses.

>> No.19602885

have you even read hemingway? it’s hardly macho

>> No.19602951

>masculine nature of Hemingway
The Sun Also Rises - main character is a eunuch
The Garden of Eden - main character is treated as a woman in bed

>> No.19602960

Twitter & Instagram is not good

>> No.19603249

young men are too problematic and risky to publish now. it is only a matter of time until they are me tooed and then the publisher would have to answer for their crimes against humanity. your only angles in are being gay or black or preferably gay and black. or alternatively you could look like such a fucking dork that no one would conceivably find you threatening, like ben lerner.

>> No.19603301

>Why are there so few young male authors (in fiction) being championed today?

Low levels in testosterone in the male populace.

>> No.19603368

Champion me, /lit/. I love you.


>> No.19603584

You are a talentless faggot

>> No.19603632

>you could look like such a fucking dork that no one would conceivably find you threatening, like ben lerner.
wouldn't that be incel potential?

>> No.19603639

You are a talentfull faggot

>> No.19603650

Holy checked

>> No.19603671

While there's a very visible push to read non white male authors, I also think the writer pool leans heavily towards women regardless. The tumblr/YA/fanfic craze was dominated almost entirely by women, and that group makes up most of the writers today.

>> No.19603684

yes, but if you want to get somebody like that you can't go the direct rape/assault/abuse route. you have to go the al franken route, which is to take relatively innocent situations out of context and accuse them of being the pervert that everyone suspects they are. so a photo of him taken in a public setting pretending to touch a woman's breasts while on a comedy tour many years ago can easily do the trick. or the nail in the coffin that got gillibrand to demand he no longer can be allowed in the senate - an anonymous woman claiming he put his arm around here a little too low when she asked to get her picture taken with him.

so you are right, there are still dangers involved in publishing a man like that, but it is mitigated somewhat because the worst offenses are obviously off the table, no one can picture al franken violently raping someone.

>> No.19604283
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REALLY makes you think.

>> No.19604371

Think about a young male author releasing his book in 2021. You hate him automatically don’t you? Same with everyone else. People have demonized each other in order to keep their egos intact, instead of building each other up.

I think there’s a lot of “I wouldn’t want to be that guy”ism going on. This happens across the board for all genders and races, where an individual is picked apart mercilessly for the benefit of the observers. Young men are more cautious not to be placed in this limelight than women. The same lack of this group exists with modern musicians, actors, artists, etc.