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File: 118 KB, 1260x639, Forest_Anon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19597666 No.19597666 [Reply] [Original]

I hope Forest Anon is doing okay and will have a good Christmas this year. It's a shame he has no PO Box because I'd like to send him a Christmas card.

>> No.19597671

If it's cosy in there then he has a perfect life.


>> No.19597673

Fuck, haunted digits.

>> No.19597675

Satan pls be gone

>> No.19597678

i hope hes alright bros

>> No.19597715

How do those walls stand up? They look so haphazard and not structurally sound. Does he have any construction experience?

>> No.19597724

I think he said it was initially build in the form of a temporary hunter's cabin or something, but then he added to it over time. It's strange to think he is one of only a handful of people living that way, yet remains intelligent, empathetic, good-humoured etc.

>> No.19597732

It's a hut made out of sticks. Humans have been building them for as long as we've existed, you don't need a fucking engineering degree lmao

>> No.19597755

>no u can't just build shelter out of sticks!! do you have a degree in that?!
the absolute sickness of credentialism.

>> No.19597817

There are many ways to put sticks together, and the vast majority of them will collapse either under their own weight or from natural events like wind or rain. I was simply asking if he knew what he was doing, not from a position of pessimistic skepticism but of curiosity.

>> No.19598031

>from natural events like wind or rain
>he doesn't know forestanon's sticks repell even wildfires
His neighbor's a packrat; if anything is going to get the sticks, it's that.

>> No.19598111

How has he not been discovered yet? He is squatting on someone else's land and you'd imagine that eventually someone is gonna walk by his shed and then report him.

Is it really that deep in the mountains that literally no one goes there(which seems improbable in the modern world) or has he gotten approval from the land owner? And even if he got approval I doubt it's even legal seeing how it's California.

>> No.19598229

He mentions in one Youtube post that a lady from the FBI visited because of some of the books he was reading or something, but said no problem and soon left. Apparently it's a three day hike (iirc) to the nearest town.

>> No.19598389
File: 1.35 MB, 1772x1067, 1638765999227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not on private property he's on federal land. It's illegal but I doubt he's a pussy about that kind of thing. America has a fuck ton of wilderness. You do realise people disappear in it all the time don't you
He said she didn't visit, he just had to call them because they had been hunting down his old family members asking for a way to get ahold of him

>> No.19598532
File: 263 KB, 1080x1262, forest anon fan art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he just posted some fan art that a girl made for him 7 days ago

>> No.19598628

what's the fucking point of living like a filthy animal

>> No.19598660

i dunno anon why don't you enlighten us

>> No.19598708


>> No.19598710
File: 322 KB, 1080x870, 1639148418041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me

>> No.19598726

i wonder how londonfrog is doing. whether he's still addicted to binging snacks.

>> No.19598733

It seems its been like that for a couple years so I guess its fine. It does look easy to break.

He didnt say anything about degrees. He asked if he had experience, you dont need school to have experience building things you fuckin' tard.

>> No.19598740

>yeah wow i'm so cool and radical living off the grid
>don't forget to like my youtube video btw
and you gullible retards lap it up

>> No.19598748

Anon, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.19598756

the land of the free btw
dude legit goes into the forest not bothering anyone and the feds start searching for you, how the fuck did they know to look for him in the first place his videos have like couple hundred or thousand views

>> No.19598765

He doesn't ask for likes though, or anything for that matter.

>> No.19598766

>he thinks the feds found him through YouTube
Oh you sweet summer child...

>> No.19598767

stop giving him yous this is a potentially comfy thread

>> No.19598793

why the videos then?

>> No.19598796
File: 626 KB, 754x606, 1639158950299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's keep it comfy

>> No.19598813

I feel like the only sane man itt to be honest
he's just the flavor of the month self advertising epic outdoor man like varg or whatever

>> No.19598824

no i dont think that was why they found him its one of the options i dont know what the feds do

>> No.19598857

Think, man, think. Where could the feds have found this person that used to post on 4chan?

>> No.19598896
File: 461 KB, 1059x1039, 1639423015848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/cels reported him anonymously. It backfired though because the authorities fell in love with him

>> No.19598905

>flavor of the month
new fag

>> No.19598961

sorry I don't keep up with this trifling bullshit
I was probably here before you even left kindergarten though

>> No.19598975

Why does this guy attract so many wojack posters?

>> No.19599110

thats insane that just posting on lit is enough to get investigated by the feds since hes basicaly just a fucking hobo and clearly not a threat