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19587119 No.19587119 [Reply] [Original]

How does one continue living after reading Zapffe? Does anyone come close to challenging him? I've lost all motivation to pursue anything. This is a cry for help

>> No.19587132

Begin by telling me where I can find his Essays in english.
I'm not learning norwegian just to read him

>> No.19587138

Does not Zapffe suggest to continue living in a sort of mindless, pre-human way?

>> No.19587141

Just read The Last Messiah, it's translated and contains all his arguments

>> No.19587142

>How does one continue living after reading Zapffe? Does anyone come close to challenging him?
>You are le too smart to be happy bro
it's simple : i had already thought of that when i was 13.

>> No.19587151

I don't see this in his work, no. He doesn't offer a solution. We should just end humanity

>> No.19587152

Zapffe presumes suffering has a negative value whereas it isn't attached to it intrinsically

>> No.19587158

In this regard you might also be interested in the upcoming Krasznahorkai novel, Herscht 07769.
His proposal is, stop thinking, listen to the music of J.S.Bach permanently, and murder some nazis.

>> No.19587160

I found and 8 pages versione. Is this really it?
His Essays in norwegian are almost 250 pages long.

>> No.19587163

Denial and distraction. Yes humans are too conciouss for their own sake but they also get lost easily in menial tasks and purposes.

>> No.19587164


Partially, he lived like a monke /out/doors and rest of the time he spent writing books and fucking women.

Hello Mr. Grown Up™

>> No.19587167

sorry, my fat italian fingers typed that

>> No.19587174

Can you elaborate on that, anon?

Yes, I arrived at the same view subconsciously as a teenager. Reading Zapffe just validated it.

>> No.19587177

>stop thinking, listen to the music of J.S.Bach permanently,
Based, I will read it

>Bach's music is the only argument proving the creation of the Universe cannot be regarded as a complete failure. Without Bach, God would be a complete second-rate figure.

Emil Cioran

>> No.19587200
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I have posted this in the other thread

4th method, Sublimation. Plus some manly outdoor activity like Zapffe was a mountain climber.

Here an introduction that Cioran wrote for his book "A Short History of Decay". it's from the chapter "Rereading..." in Anathemas and Admirations. I would say to read the whole chapter.

>The two students also asked me why I had not stopped writing and publishing. Not everyone has the luck to die young, was my answer. My first book, with its sonorous title — On the Summits of Despair — I wrote in Rumanian at the age of twenty-one, while promising myself never to begin another. Then I committed a second, with the same promise subsequently. The farce has been repeated for over forty years. Why? Because writing, however little, has helped me pass from one year to the next, the expressed obsessions being weakened and — halfway— overcome. To produce is an extraordinary comfort. And to publish, another. To have a book coming out, that is your life, or a part of your life that becomes external to you, that no longer belongs to you, that has ceased to torment you. Expression diminishes you, impoverishes you, lifts weights off you: expression is loss of substance, and liberation. It drains you, hence it saves you, it strips you of an encumbering overflow. When you detest someone to the point of wanting to liquidate him, the best thing is to take a sheet of paper and to write on it any number of times that X is a bastard, a fool, a monster, and you ‘will immediately discover that you hate him less and that you are no longer thinking quite so much about vengeance. This is more or less what I did with regard to myself and the world. The Précis I drew from my lower depths in order to insult life and insult myself. The result? I have endured myself a little better, as I have better endured life. You look after yourself as best you can.

>> No.19587208

By making art. Aesthetic life is all that's left.

>> No.19587223

you absolute retards read a man that promised you to end all copes
and now you want your copes BACK
fuck off just fuck off kys

>> No.19587245

>Can you elaborate on that, anon?
Nothing in life has an immanent value. All things become good and bad only from your own perspective, and most of the time this perspective is axiomatic or just plainly baseless. I don't think suffering as an abstract concept is bad, because suffering is a part of life; and I choose to have life as the sole carrier of goodness, because life is all I have.

>> No.19587416

I don't think that Zapffe can explain why copes are bad or how to stop coping. Cleary he was aware that his writing was just sublimation. A lot of people be intuitively appalled by the meaninglessness of life but I don't think that this feeling is any more valid than someone's positive feelings towards life.

>> No.19587506

He explains pretty well why they are ineffective and self destructive or otherwise plainly antithetical to the issue. Even happy faggots know their cycle of cope and despair doesn't work, imagine attributing every misery to some mysterious plan and going back for more cope like a beaten wife being the best you can come up with.

>> No.19587510

kek this

>> No.19587584

Well, he doesn't explain how to stop coping.

Also, what about copes like Buddhism or stoicism? How are they destructive?

>> No.19587640

Every cope is malignant

>> No.19587653

>when your deity is so incompetent he needs to rely on his creations to make anything truly sublime and redemptive.
and yet thiests still simp for him because "but who made bach???" what we have is basically a bumbling ceo kept afloat by resourceful middle managers in the form of artistic priests/prophets. embarrassing.

>> No.19587751

I don't understand how philosophical pessimism explains why suffering is bad, or why something being inefficient or pointless is bad.

>> No.19587766

Read The Last Messiah and come back with your argument

>> No.19587772

people need to stop reading zapffe. hes not for the faint of heart.

>> No.19587778

Kek, Cioran would agree

>> No.19587784


>> No.19587797

i agree, which is why i'm more inclined towards acedia than despair. it's sort of like being forced to sit through a movie you're not interested in. suffering doesn't bother me so much (as long as it isn't extreme obviously) and neither does the pointlessness. what bothers me is being unable to find an angle from which to appreciate existence on its own terms.

>> No.19587803

>Life is .... le meaningless

>> No.19587812

So true

I had a psychotic breakdown and went to hospital when I have read this essay because it confirmed what I was denying my whole life. When I was in hospital I became a fucking believer once again and started chanting holy verses even I knew exactly that there was no faith and I was larping to calm my sorry heart. Now I can't look back at that "conversion" without feeling utter disgust.

>> No.19587815


>> No.19587824

no, kys already and stop making zappfe threads here or on my son's board.

>> No.19587859

It's not like reading of this essay was the sole reason for my breakdown but there were tons of other shit in my personal life. I was a broken bloomer already and this essay was the last straw. It actually saved me tons of bullshit. I still consoom art and wonder at the beauty of world whenever I get a chance, just today I had brain orgasm while listening to music and starting the evening moon but at the same time I have very pessimism worldview and I am suicidal. It is fucking contradictory how pushing pessimism far enough stops being brutal within the gap whenever shit doesn't hit the fan.

>> No.19587948

Fuck! I'm the same place, anon.

At least someone else out there understands.

>> No.19587955

I can also empathize with the pendulum between brain orgasm and aesthetic appreciation and suicidal pessimism. I don't know if this is great insight or I'm actually just mentally ill. I'm losing my mind

>> No.19588228

I am here anon. I had this breakdown last year but I can't say that I am coping well and my psychical is another disappointment. I take refuge in the ruins(as Beckett saud to Cioran) of thinkers like Pessoa, Cioran, Chamfort etc. But art(especially music) is magic. If you're in good health go hiking or mountain climbing.

>I'm actually just mentally ill
Nah don't say this. Remember what Zapffe said about this shitty label? Start listening to a song that you like and vomit out whatever the fuck you want to say on the paper just like Cioran said it here >>19587200

>> No.19588320

Godspeed, anon. We'll endure

>> No.19588402

Pessimism is but a stepping stone!
How accessible that which is, versus what's not yet.

>> No.19588420

What do you mean by this?

>> No.19588595

Having just read The Last Messiah, it's pretty much almost Buddhism, but Buddhism is about giving up all anchorings, something Zapffe doesn't do.

I also recommend reading this: https://realization.org/p/ashtavakra-gita/richards.ashtavakra-gita/richards.ashtavakra-gita.html

and watching The Midnight Gospel on Netflix.

I do wonder whether the last messiah will truly counsel mankind to let itself die out. Empedocles' cosmology is kinda like that: we were tricked by Love into becoming incarnate beings and only Strife can end the pointless life Love created, and this goes on in infinite cycles' of creation and destruction.

>> No.19588622

I overcome Zapffe by not reading him.

>> No.19588662

>Disappointment is crucial to understanding the Buddha's words, it's also why I'm unable to follow them.
I don't know how a cartoon where pseuds pseud out is going to help anyone.

>> No.19588698

Did Zapffe say that somewhere? That quote sounds as if from someone who kneels in front of disappointment, if I understand it correctly.

And the visuals are rather central to Midnight Gospel. The interviews are not so important, imo.

>> No.19588722

I go running it helps

>> No.19588724
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There is only one Messiah. There is only one God. There is only one purpose. To "live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

>> No.19588805

The answer is in the text itself.

"For as an ever growing fraction of the cognitive faculties retire from the game against the environment, there is a rising spiritual unemployment. "

Spiritually employ yourself. This is the teaching of Zen.

>> No.19588819

Every anti-natalist I’ve read is literally just an incel coping. Zapffe is no exception and possibly one of the most glaring examples.

>> No.19588828

Zapffe was a chad you low t faggot

>> No.19588884


>> No.19588904


>> No.19588997

Tell me more.

>> No.19589023

>me refueling my bro

>> No.19589094

he was married twice. pretty safe to assume he got his dick wet regularly. not sure why he would be a "glaring example" of an incel.

>> No.19589112

Instead of observing the water, one can observe un-water, and what water may become, and the relationships between water.
Could we become water-benders someday?
Despite the incredulity, you cannot resolutely deny water-bending as a possibility.

It is far easier to talk and criticize that which is already obvious - which is why pessimism is a stepping stone - but it is far harder to see what isn't immediately registered or has never been seen before.
It's akin to observing only a phase of the water cycle and declare it as final: vapor turns into water.
But that's not the full picture.
And even within the water cycle may exist more steps we've not yet defined!

Pessimism may see that the current pictures we have aren't complete; but instead of completing them, they instead renounce the whole world.

People mistake the part for the whole. The whole is full of possibility.

>> No.19589179

The more the picture is completed, the bleaker it gets

I'm sorry, anon. But the more we discover about the world we realize that consciousness is just a materialistic phenomenon in the brain, there's no God, no afterlife. Everything is just matter and blind law. The world has been slowly giving up since Darwin

>> No.19589198

Im not a teacher. Zen is simply the state one is in when the mind/soul is quiet and the body takes over.

The fishermen's song lies beneath the water, etc etc.

Take up fishing. Learn to quiet your soul.

>> No.19589238

>I need received meaning or it's all HOOPPELLEESSS
just remove this form your thinking. easy

>> No.19589239

>The more the picture is completed, the bleaker it gets
Is it not, "survival of the fittest?"

If you only see a bleak ending, then you are becoming unfit; your reply admits to you self-selecting out of the cycle of this treacherously beautiful world

You have to dig your nails deep in your forearms and reevaluate everything you know, anon
You have to grip until it bleeds.
Otherwise you will select yourself out

>> No.19589252

why not just have fun

>> No.19589271

Refuted on page 1

>> No.19589279

self-refuted by being miserable

>> No.19589318


>> No.19589331

read Spengler

>> No.19589426

What will this do for me?

>> No.19590070

This anon gets it.
Take the Buddha-pill.

>> No.19590142

Buddhism's not a cope, at least the path to arahantship isn't. It's fully facing reality as an uncontrollable phenomenon and realizing that since it's uncontrollable, it's not yours. Fully realizing this is the end and you are free

>> No.19590313

Pessimism is the consequence of a mental feedback loop that can emerge when one struggles and fails in life to meet their own desires or expectations, then tries to cope by attributing the suffering as evidence of their own virtue - such as depth, sensitivity, perceptiveness, honesty, or intellect. There's also a satisfying feeling of 'justice' felt by tainting the reputation of whoever we blame for our suffering, in the pessimist's case -existence or life itself.

Evidence to the contrary frustrates the pessimist's need for 'meaning' - the word we attach to the nebulous impulse behind our search for validating social status, self-worth, control, understanding, attachment, and the feeling of being 'significant'. Once the poisonous association between 'recognising life as suffering' and the feeling of 'virtue' is established, anything that might have previously affirmed life with joy will subconsciously also be felt as an attack on the pessimist's ego, unsettling the foundation of their belief, and ultimately making whatever pleasure they feel 'hollow', joyless, pointless - lacking 'meaning'. But this invalidation of pleasure is merely the coping mechanism protecting the self-image the pessimist's esteem is built upon.

Conversely people that succeeded early in life will seek to confirm their initial suspicion that existence is wonderful, the world is filled with pleasure, and suffering just part of the joyous challenges of life to be overcome. Both the optimist and pessimist are guilty of confirmation bias, but I know which one I'd rather be.

>> No.19590334
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>> No.19590350

We are creatures of comparison. Our sense of value need a set point or anchor, that we then use as a measure of other things. You are comparing reality to a metaphysical ideal that can't possibly exist, so in comparison reality comes off as looking like shit.

Yes we have survival instincts, and want to our values to be universal. But the comforting fiction of "an eternal life in complete bliss under the care of the one true ultimate creator that is totally superlative in every conceivable way" naturally makes everything else seem shitty and pointless and unsatisfying.

>> No.19590364

I've noticed since I started on a path of depression I try to pick holes in or undermine anything that might have been enjoyable. Stuff I used to like became wasting time, or too much effort, and if something is 99% good but isn't perfect my mind zooms in on that tiny bad aspect and completely ignores the positives.

>> No.19590371

Pessimists are victims of their own unrealistic expectations

>> No.19590480
File: 65 KB, 600x575, F8A42184-B6BB-4DF9-B8B5-82D0CA625BFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How does one continue living after reading Zapffe?
Unironically meds
People complain about not “being themselves” on SSRIs/adderall, but that’s the point
Neurochemically speaking, I’ve killed myself already so there’s no me to worry about it.

>> No.19590494

The inauthenticity, total lack of affect, and erectile dysfunction dissuades most of us from taking that poison.

>> No.19590621

Spengler himself stayed child free

>> No.19590648

> inauthenticity, total lack of affect
That is the point.
It’s death without dying.

>> No.19590720

Fuck that, there's no dignity in it.

>> No.19590923

The entire base of this thread is that there’s no dignity in anything.

>> No.19590962

There is, in staying lucid 24 hours and not distracting yourself from what's there, yes it is contradictory and impossible but there is dignity in it. I don't care if God exist or not, that monster at least listens to my complaints rather than telling me to shut the fuck up.

>> No.19591509

>can emerge when one struggles and fails in life to meet their own desires or expectations
i have found the exact opposite to be the case. when you are trying to establish yourself and don't have a lot going for you, that is when you are most motivated to address your circumstances and improve your life, this is when you are 100% focused on striving. Once you've "made it" and achieved your goals is when the pessimism hits hardest. schopenhauer understood this well. now that i am at a point in my life where i've got pretty much everything i've ever wanted - family, home, good career, etc is when i have felt most empty. not because i don't love them, I truly do, but because i've realized that no person or life circumstance will change my core philosophical outlook.

>> No.19592188

>because i've realized that no person or life circumstance will change my core philosophical outlook.
Even the people who aren't pessimist deep down feel this vanity which was pointed out by Schopenhauer

>> No.19592229

>How does one continue living after reading Zappfe?
Stop giving entity to mental constructs. Reconcile with the body

>> No.19592236

UG? We can't that's why we're doomed.

>> No.19592394

This is because it's the feeling of progress towards a goal that feels good, resistance being overcome, the acquiring rather than the owning. Tension, uncertainty, and anticipation.

Once you've achieved your goals there is no sense of progress, so it's only the milder feeling of being 'content', and maybe favourable comparison of past achievements to those of others. Always keep improving, find ways to surprise and surpass yourself.

>> No.19592491

Yeah, that comes from ug. Why do you say we? Focus on you

>> No.19592511

Because I can

>> No.19592595

>Life is meaningless guys
>Btw please read my book
Same deal as the French clowns who pose for pics with a smoke

>> No.19592613

You should have read the essay

>> No.19592623

No need he has already refuted himself

>> No.19592630

Kek, yeah

>> No.19592695

>Always keep improving, find ways to surprise and surpass yourself.
i am completely done with the self improvement meme. i still do things like lift, advance my career, learn new things, etc. but it is not out of a sense of improving myself, that's folly. it is just a routine at this point and I need something to pass the time. there are books I studied 10-15 years ago that I can't remember a single thing from. A decade ago I used to be able to squat almost twice as much as I do now. I will return to dust and I am now old enough to understand that there is no reason to pretend otherwise. I am off the striving ride, and I try to focus on aesthetic contemplation as a palliative remedy, especially spending time in nature.

>> No.19592887

>I became a believer even though I knew there was so such thing as faith
So you didn't become a believer then. You just remained a midwit nihilist and remain so today. Sad

>> No.19592894

If there's a way to stop being a midwit nihilist, tell me

Not that anon, by the way

>> No.19592900

Just because we couldn't find an answer, doesn't mean our descendants won't at some point. I say it's worth continuing the suffering just for that small chance.

>> No.19592911

I am not a nihilist, never was. I just became more and more pessimistic. And regarding faith is that I personally had no faith at that time and I was only pretending. How the fuck I could speak for others' faith which is a very inner subjective matter?

>> No.19592925

You aren't a nihilist? Even after reading Zapffe?

>> No.19592941

The word nihilist doesn't mean anything. Zapffe was Philosophical Pessimist.

>> No.19593004

No, he actually said that he wasn't a pessimist but a nihilist

>> No.19593005

Admittedly midwitism isn't curable, but you can still take on some elements of highwits by for example practicing self discipline and virtue. Nihilism is absolutely curable though. Some things:
>Make a decision to improve your health to feel great (eat foods that improve your thyroid which improves your mood. Read Ray Peat on this)
>Practice sports that you think are fun, make friends
>Nature, hiking, walks, time to self reflect and ponder nature's mysteries
>Read books that make you wiser about dealing with life. Stoicism is great for midwits to tolerate pain and keep a good attitude on darker days. Bible helps many too. Zen Buddhism like some anons mention here help your mind-body connection too
Eventually you will reach a type of agnositicmsm because when your mind, body and soul sre healthy you'll start seeing the world as much more wondrous and incomprehensible, there's possibly some kind of creator or divine order to how nature functions.
Yes what I'm saying is living like a normie. The problem with midwits is their pride and stubbornness to hold on to their world views and values. You need to practice letting go of shitty beliefs that make you feel bad. Chemically you are unbalanced and life is infitiely more enjoyable when you're healthy. If you fix this, things just falls into place

>> No.19593011


>> No.19593023

There's a translated deathbed interview somewhere

I'm sure you can find the PDF

You could probably find a

>> No.19593030

>just take a show we're bro
Suffering is woven into the very fabric of life. No amount of normalfag shutting off your brain will cure it.

>> No.19593035

>Other technical inventions enrich only the life of the inventor himself; they represent a gross and ruthless theft from humankind’s common reserve of experiences and should invoke the harshest punishment if made public against the veto of censorship. One such crime among numerous others is the use of flying machines to explore uncharted land. In a single vandalistic glob, one thus destroys lush opportunities for experience that could benefit many if each, by effort, obtained his fair share.

Can someone explain what he meant to a brainlet?

>> No.19593036

What was his reasoning behind calling himself a nihilist? And what was his definition?

>> No.19593094

Being healthy is the complete antithesis to shutting your brain off retard

>> No.19593119

Meaning doesn't exist in the way human beings require, according to him

>> No.19593148

Bullshit, when one is deep down into normalfag life style we don't exist, we don't contemplate, things just flow by. When gym guys say just lift weights bros, you know what happens? It shuts off their brains and almost no thought enter into their brains for something. But works for sometime till the shit hits the fan and you find some time to contemplate you feel like you're still, that vanity was always. That sort of fated slap hits you way harder. Also nothing can compete with the lucidity of sickness no matter psychical or mental, that's when you hear the whispers of your organs, that when you notice your breathing, time, heartbeat, that's when you feel the intensity of Being and haunting presence of death and vanity, all alone at the center of universe.

"Anyone who does not see the vanity of the world is very vain himself.
And so who does not see it, apart from the young who are preoccupied with bustle, distractions, and plans for the future?
But take away their distractions and you will see them wither from boredom.
Then they feel their hollowness without understanding it, because it is indeed depressing to be in a state of unbearable sadness as soon as you are reduced to contemplating yourself, and without distraction from doing so."


>> No.19593165

He was right. Not even belief God could solve the question of meaning because if you have God what else do you need? Why should that person clings on the petty bullshit of a fallen material world? There is nothing that material world could give him after God. And without God it is also impossible when one contemplates death and birth.

>> No.19593193

in addition, suffering is telling you something- it's not the end of the road, it's a road sign.

>> No.19593209
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>implying married people get laid
>he doesn't know the oldest of stereotypes
>the ring goes on, the pussy goes off.

>> No.19593216

From what I can gather he's essentially saying by inventing planes you receive all the benefits of the experience/personal growth of creating such an invention, the fame of such a creation, the income of such a creation, etc. but at the cost of all the lost opportunity of people being able to elevate their life by dedicating a portion of their existence to say, exploring some uncharted unknown land that is now trivial to get to because planes exist.
Essentially if planes had existed in Christopher Columbus' era he'd never had a chance to experience sailing to the Americas and the experience personal developments in achieving something like that because someone would've just trivially flown to there instead. In this way he's basically saying you can think of their being some set of human experiences, and each invention filtering out those potential experiences like a Venn diagram until there are no "spiritually" cultivating activities left.

>> No.19593474


>> No.19593564

not the anon hare, but i guess this obviously opposite to anon's assumpion, put into rhyme, must be the ultimate true to most cases aND this one in particular too, no? The opposite ultimate?
it might be true to this case, but to support upon village wisdom, without digging into case..

>> No.19593576

Ehy faggot I didn't read Zapffe, spoil me some content that crushed your little pussy-ass so badly

>> No.19593587

Read The Last Messiah

It's short

>> No.19593618


Or spare yourself and don't

>> No.19593725

let's assume i can't read books
what are the core ideas? I'm curious about core ideas and not the authors ego

>> No.19593731

just read the wiki on tlm

>> No.19593745

i trust your live honesty more than wiki's dead statements

>> No.19593758

okay fuck you


>> No.19593841

I said healthy in mind body and soul not exclusively body. You're projecting so hard I'm having a laugh. That gym bro shit is not at all what I advocated for, physical fitness is just a smart part for a healthy life. You're projecting your ill health and laziness to my post

>> No.19593854

>zoomer basing his worldview on 0 life experience and cliche quotes
Not all men are fat slobs that can't get hard after they get married. Women are incredibly horny species and all you need to do is be somewhat fit to have a great sex life

>> No.19593859

The statistics for marital success are not exactly encouraging

>> No.19595130

live, laugh, love (unironically)

>> No.19595319

And you're projecting your wishful "shut you brain of and distract yourself with walls upon walls of cope", failed normalfag life style.

>> No.19595344

Last messiah is literally 20 pages. It takes less than half an hour to read.

>> No.19595553

I just read The Last Messiah. It was nice. I agree with him although I'm not personally convinced of his premises i.e. "muh materialism"
An idiotic argument. One's hypothetical marriage is not a random sample of society's average. It is predicated on all you know about yourself and your (again, purely hypothetical) partner.

>> No.19595937

alright I'm going to read this then come back and tell you why you are all faggots.

>> No.19595946

>schizophrenic thinking he knows who is behind a post.
you could not be more wrong about me however, you are right, and you absolute took my bait, well done. I would make you an award for being king of the idiots but ... you are an idiot so never mind.

>> No.19595957

I am much too vital and healthy to let such rubbish influence me. I read Schopenhauer and chuckle at how much of a curmudgeon he is. I read Ligotti for a while and put down the book because he is insufferably boring. I read Zappfe with nothing but the most abstract of intellectual interest, like a hobby pathologist.

I am Herr Peeperkorn, not Ferdinand Wehsal. Your weakness is of constitution. How to overcome this? Deadlift and eat hearty meals.

>> No.19595975
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>Gymbro doesn't like to think much
Shocking, I can bet you have absorbed this garbage from Sun and Steel, fucking Mishima man....

>I am much too vital and healthy to let such rubbish influence me.
Pic related is Zapffe, he was a life long mountain climber

>> No.19595991

>Shocking, I can bet you have absorbed this garbage from Sun and Steel, fucking Mishima man....
I resent both. Your stereotypes are very crude.

>Pic related is Zapffe, he was a life long mountain climber
Indeed, and yet you fail to perceive the answer despite giving it yourself.
The question:
>How does one continue living after reading Zapffe?

>> No.19596006

I am not OP but Zapffe was from a bourgeois family. I guess you can spend a less shitty life when you have no financial worries. But I am from 3rd world and here only God is money so I don't know how going to gym will help me when all is crumbling around me. I can't even afford a high calories meal.

>> No.19596012
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alright this is me >>19595937 I'm reading last messiah now. will tell you why you are faggots as I read.
Read the first paragraph... or chapter, it's tiny. Zapffe already framing everything in a pessimistic light. or darkness. Is this foreboding? We shall see.

>> No.19596036
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chapter 2
a hunter goes out to hunt and dies somehow.
>But man became fearful of life itself – in-
deed, of his very being.
seems to be his whole stance, he's a pussy afraid of everything. implies man is over powered ... that's somehow a bad thing?
>He is no longer obvious to himself – he
touches his body in utter horror.
that's just like ... your opinion, man.
>He carries a meal within him, yesterday it
was a beast that could itself dash around, now I suck it up and make it part of me.
>The tragedy of a species becoming unfit for life by overe-volving one ability is not confined to humankind
now I see what he's saying ... except most of what he's saying is just mediocre pessimistic poetry at best. literally just his opinion and interpretation.
>Verification not required.
fuck yeah

>> No.19596041

(fucked up the quotes a bit sorry not sorry)

>> No.19596049
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>> No.19596153 [DELETED] 
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chapter 3
"I'm just too smart and that's why I'm miserable, simple as!"
>Most people learn to save themselves by artificially limiting the content of consciousness.
false and incorrect assumption
>depression is actually healthy because my vast intellect is such a burden
literal cope.
literal vain cope in every word.
>"I'm just TOO SMART, that's MY problem"
>Anchoring might be characterised as a fixation of points within, or construction of walls around, the liquid fray of consciousness.
correct, people do this. ignore a problem or blatant falsehood of idea they have, either out of narcissism or to avoid the negative emotions which may be associated with that. it does not intrinsically have to be a negative experience but try telling that to someone like Zapffe.
>Any culture is a great, rounded system of anchorings, built on foundational firmaments, the basic cultural ideas
yes most people are wrong idiots holding on to their wrong ideas.
>The dread of be-
ing stares us in the eye, and in a deadly gush we perceive how the minds are dangling in threads of their own spinning, and that a hell is lurking underneath.
only with Zapffe's pessimistic outlook. you could veiw it as liberation, emancipation and a great freedom! certainly many people have build thier lives around falsehoods so it's difficult to admit them and change, but when you are as smart as Zapffe, surely this is a simple task.
>Despair may dwell right un-derneath and break through in gushes, in a sudden sobbing.
OR, it may not.
>The modern barbarity of ‘saving’ the suicidal is based on a hairraising misapprehension of the nature of existence.
because Zappfe is just TOO SMART to have made a misapprehension himself.
>Any grounds of ‘progressive optimism’ are removed by this major psychological law.
or maybe they're not, because maybe it's about the journey and not the destination.

chapter 4 is basically; people have egos and are wrong and they don't want to admit that, but with more pessimism.

>> No.19596160
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>>19596036 (You)
chapter 3
"I'm just too smart and that's why I'm miserable, simple as!"
>Most people learn to save themselves by artificially limiting the content of consciousness.
false and incorrect assumption
>depression is actually healthy because my vast intellect is such a burden
literal cope.
literal vain cope in every word.
>"I'm just TOO SMART, that's MY problem"
>Anchoring might be characterised as a fixation of points within, or construction of walls around, the liquid fray of consciousness.
correct, people do this. ignore a problem or blatant falsehood of idea they have, either out of narcissism or to avoid the negative emotions which may be associated with that. it does not intrinsically have to be a negative experience but try telling that to someone like Zapffe.
>Any culture is a great, rounded system of anchorings, built on foundational firmaments, the basic cultural ideas
yes most people are wrong idiots holding on to their wrong ideas.
>The dread of be-ing stares us in the eye, and in a deadly gush we perceive how the minds are dangling in threads of their own spinning, and that a hell is lurking underneath.
only with Zapffe's pessimistic outlook. you could veiw it as liberation, emancipation and a great freedom! certainly many people have build thier lives around falsehoods so it's difficult to admit them and change, but when you are as smart as Zapffe, surely this is a simple task.
>Despair may dwell right un-derneath and break through in gushes, in a sudden sobbing.
OR, it may not.
>The modern barbarity of ‘saving’ the suicidal is based on a hairraising misapprehension of the nature of existence.
because Zappfe is just TOO SMART to have made a misapprehension himself.
>Any grounds of ‘progressive optimism’ are removed by this major psychological law.
or maybe they're not, because maybe it's about the journey and not the destination.

chapter 3 is basically; people have egos and are wrong and they don't want to admit that, but with more pessimism.

>> No.19596195
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chapter 4
>Other technical inventions enrich only the life of the inventor himself; they represent a gross and ruthless theft from human-kind’s common reserve of experiences and should invoke the harsh-est punishment if made public against the veto of censorship.
Zapffe is pro-populist-censorship and anti-technology... Guess the printing press didn't do us any good after all!
>One such crime among numerous others is the use of flying machines to explore uncharted land
noooo stop having fun going to unknown places outside your conscious boundaries! leave some for the rest of us to explore!!!! it's not fun now that someone else knows more about this area than me!!! I must be the smartest in the land!!!
chapter 4 is basically:
>we cant find peace or ever be happy, ESPECIALLY with all this technology! anyone who is happy is a sub-human as only sub-humans are capable of happiness in the face of my supreme and infallible wisdom.

>> No.19596225
File: 48 KB, 300x100, 4chan explained 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chapter 5
thank god it's nearly fucking over.
>– But there is one conquest and one crown, one redemption and one solution. – Know yourselves – be infertile and let the earth be silent after ye.
literally laughed out loud. pic related.
I AM the last messiah and I bring you not doom and despair, but HOPE.

This is my analysis of "the last messiah" by Peter Wessel Zapffe.
He's a pessimistic git who's smart enough to see some real problems resulting from ego and delusions that people hold, but incorrectly attributes a negative conclusion to confronting every one, a negative and miserable outcome to realizing the truth, a pessimistic approach to "the red pill".
The truth will first piss you off, but then it will set you free. It's only a matter of perspective, will and mindset.
and that's why you're a faggot, OP.
>Verification not required.

>> No.19596240

He struck a nerve, huh?

I'm afraid you aren't very well read if you think like this

>> No.19596260
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>He struck a nerve, huh?
no, literally not at all. I'm just flabbergasted anyone could read this and then not be able to carry on. i don't need to repeat myself. and I'm not taking the bait, I know what this place is like. either you agree with me or you don't, I don't care.
>I'm afraid you aren't very well read if you have any optimism or wider perspective
maybe you've read too much bullshit?

>> No.19596641

realize that only reddit basedjack faggots put an intrinsitically negative value on pain and move on with your life

>> No.19596649
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>> No.19596678

art is gay

>> No.19596686

>he posts on a literature board

>> No.19596714

security blanket/10

>> No.19596718

try and refrain from using buzzwords if you're trying to make your opponent look more pathetic than you are

>> No.19596751

ah the old 'I was only pretending to be a retard'

>> No.19596762
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>literacy is art
what's next?

>> No.19596766
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>literature isn't art

>> No.19596943

Zapffe wrote a biography of Christ and play about his life

Also declared him to be a psychopath

>> No.19597138

literature is gay

>> No.19597173
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literature is art
we went full circle.

>> No.19597551


>> No.19597834

show you that his philosophy is only a symptom of a civilization in decline

>> No.19597872
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Pessimism is a Perennial Truth.

The Man who was Tired of Life(Ancient Egyptian Wisdom)
The Wisdom of Silenus(Ancient Greek Wisdom)
The Dialogue of Pessimism(Mesopotemian Wisdom)
Ecclesiastes(Biblical Wisdom)
Dukkha(Buddhist Wisdom)

>> No.19597908

Why is not intrinsically negative, anon?unless there is an afterlife and you’re somehow rewarded for suffering in the here and now it’s just some of your life wasted on being miserable

>> No.19597926

Why is it*

>> No.19597968

Holy Baste

>> No.19598158

This *


>> No.19598316

Didnt peeperkorn kill himself?

>> No.19598326

>I am Peeperkorn
Based Dutchman

>> No.19600191

Where do I start?