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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.93 MB, 4032x3024, 20211218_225815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19593933 No.19593933 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit. I never see a thread on this board discussing printmaking, bookmaking, formatting, bookbinding, etc. You'd expect avid readers and writers to be more creative. So let's make one and see what'll turn up. I'm generally interested

Some anons requested that I post a follow-up on my previous thread where I discussed making a "book". I'd like to thank Shitkicker Jason for inspiring me to follow through on my idea.

I'm an exchange student studying Animation in Budapest. I pucked up "Creative Writing" as one of my courses, in order to improve in storytelling and screenwriting. I didn't expect much of it, but suddenly realised how much I enjoyed it. All thanks to my very sweet and supportive teacher. I wrote three short stories starting from September for this class. They aren't necessarily special. After countless re-reads, I even started to hate them somewhat. I don't mind, however. I'll hopefully get better with time and practice. I've only started.

Most importantly, however. My University has a lot of different disciplines, and all of them are allowed to enter, work and follow classes in each other's workshops. I've been working in the print department this entire week in order to create my own little booklet, making some great friends along the way. I simply wanted to share it with you guys. It's not meant for publishing whatsoever. I'm going to give them to my friends and family for Christmas. Each one has a personal note and the stories are sometimes related or addressed to them specifically. Tell me what you think anons.

>> No.19593973

are the books in the op made by you? show me more pics of those please they look good. show me the inside too so i can read a bit.

>> No.19593982
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Also, if you're interested. Feel free to ask me anything about the process.

>> No.19593987

It's because people on here have zero experience and it's a trade-like industry with specialized equipment and training. A commercial press is like 5 grand to start, and something industrial grade starts at like 20 grand. We can only really discuss a sort of quaint Etsy-tier DIY stuff.

>> No.19594000
File: 2.27 MB, 3762x2828, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon. Here you go, take a look. I did the illustrations as well.

>> No.19594003
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>> No.19594008
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>> No.19594013
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>> No.19594017
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>> No.19594021
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>> No.19594022
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I don't have much to add to the thread but if anyone is interested in the history of book making I highly recommend pic related

>> No.19594026
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>> No.19594060

Those are some very nice booklets, anon. It seems like a very good gift; something small, understated, simple, something you can put on your shelf out of the way only to revisit years later and reminiscence about, very sweet

>> No.19594064
File: 3.72 MB, 3762x2828, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I partly agree on a lack of equipment is a problem. Very few places have sophisticated printing shops/departments. If they do, it's usually very expensive to use or maybe even completely inaccessible if you're not a student.

Yet, most of the large industrial equipment is only necessary for large quantities of prints. That's if you're planning on self-publishing and selling your works. The biggest problem you'll run into lacking industrial machines is that of inconvenience as you'll lack most of the tools that'll:
ie. Automate the process

If you're doing small quantities of books, however, it's perfectly doable from home. It's just a lot of work. The tools you'll need are very crude, cheap and simple. A cutting knife, cutting board, some cheap leather, carton, string, sewing material, and a few visits to your local print shop will do the trick. (And these are only suggestions for material, there are a million ways to make books. Find what fits your tastes or interests best.) That's why I don't agree with the trade-like industry and experience argument. I had no experience going into this, it's mostly logical thinking and problem-solving. It doesn't have to be perfect right away. Simply experimenting, reading into the subject, and consulting Google will get you 80% of the way. So go out there and make the book of your dreams! If only one, just have fun doing it. (Cause it is a lot of fun, I tell you.)

>> No.19594079


This dude makes some pretty fuckign nice books

>> No.19594090

Making stuff like this takes too much time. It's not really a DIY thing.
Better to pay an expert for the job, so you will also contribute to keep the tradition alive economically.

>> No.19594098

a high effort post on /lit/ am i dead?

>> No.19594105
File: 507 KB, 1000x1449, CHAPTERVII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon. It's too bad I wrote them all in English. Some of my family members aren't that skilled. Hell, most of my family doesn't read. Not even in their own language.

I've added an Explanatory at the end and marked some words that were too difficult with an asterisk. I just hope they'll like it for what it is. A nice little object, made with care, from which you can tell I spent a lot of time and effort on.

>> No.19594128


goes over techniques and stuff

>> No.19594164

this thread will get 300 enthusiastic replies and perhaps several debates along the way

>> No.19594235
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Thank you anon, I'm flattered.
I hope so. I'm mostly curious as to what other anons have made. I'd also really like to help anyone with questions. But, sadly. It'll be for tomorrow. I hope the discussion continues a bit. I'm heading off to sleep. I'm tired as hell. Pulled some all-nighters this week. Good night anons.

>> No.19594299

why is the name filtered in one part but not the other?

>> No.19594317

I agree that a small personal production can be made, and it certainly can be fun, but I see it as a distraction from the craft personally, unless you wanted to make promotional material or gifts.

>> No.19594475


>> No.19594548
File: 336 KB, 897x872, binding machines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to get a perfect binding machine if the precise came down: https://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Binding-Machine-functions-Machine/dp/B07D375MXS

Would allow me to print and bind rare public domain books where a pdf is available, but the few hard copies for sale are exorbitantly priced. Many such cases, alas.

Does anyone have experience with thermal binding machines? Are they any good?

>> No.19594563

Why not go smythe sewn and do it by hand while also making a better book?

>> No.19594582

Yeah, that is a thought. I'm going to look into that. Thanks.

>> No.19594593

there should be a bookmaking general desu,
I think it's neat anon

>> No.19595102

What kind of paper and printer did you use?

>> No.19595114

i wonder how hard it would be to make one of those machines? i feel like this can't be an especially complex thing

>> No.19595310

This should be a general. We don't know much because it's so rarely discussed but if it became a regular thing with resources and pastebins in every OP then a lot more people would pick it up and be able to share their experiences.

Personally I have no interest in making my own books from scratch but I've always wanted to learn how to turn my paperback books into hardcovers (properly binding it, not just attaching some boards to the covers). I much prefer hardcovers but some books aren't sold in hardcovers, or are so rare/expensive in that format they might as well not exist.

>> No.19596365


>> No.19596402

>I've always wanted to learn how to turn my paperback books into hardcovers
This. There's a ton of books which I could only find are paperbacks, but I worry they won't last long-term.

>> No.19596405

*which I could only find as paperbacks

>> No.19596499
File: 90 KB, 572x505, 1579717174588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came in here to ask for something like this. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.19596510

Which font is that may I ask? My researches lead me to one Dutch font called "Fleischman", perhaps Bitstream, or DTL digitizations? Am I right?

>> No.19597258
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Shit. Well. This isn't /b or 2010's 4chan. But I don't like sharing my name in general, let alone online.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that anons shouldn't be put off by a lack of equipment, money or experience. They shouldn't go into it thinking it's an esoteric craft. More something everyone can partake in, any way they like.
Depends on what you're planning on using it for.
I used standard - 80 grams - uncoated - cream coloured - paper that has gone through an air heating process that creates minuscule pockets in the paper. Making it a slightly grainy and textured and having a nice bend to it.

As for the printer. I have no idea. I simply did it at my school's printing service. It's a hulk of a machine. Looks like 5 of those cube office printers stuck together in a line.
I'll look into it. I'll try to gather some resources and maybe run a thread every once in a while. I'm not, however, the right kind of person for such things. My schedule is kinda random and I'm not particularly knowledgeable on the subject, merely interested. I know more about printmaking than bookmaking. But, yeah. It would be very nice to have some more creative threads on /lit beside the /Writing General's which I also love.
Yes, I'm Dutch. I found the font through a friend and loved it instantly. It's a classic. Also fits one of my stories very well.

>> No.19597380

are there any books which explain how to bind/sew books?
i dislike online guides

i like your art OP!

>> No.19597676

The problem with the lasting of a paperback isn't the covers, anon, it's the spine and the paper quality. You're right to worry, but there's little that can be done with most paperbacks. Perfect binding is loose leaves stuck into glue, and eventually the glue just dries out, cracks, and the pages fall out. This is effectively inevitable. You have to build the book right from the beginning for it to be salvageable.

>> No.19597765

Hi Nicholas

>> No.19598187
File: 390 KB, 1000x1449, CHAPTERXIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, It's actually pretty simple to make. I made this template with which you can make one too.
>Template File: https://pastebin.com/4D0jdVrX
>Draw something on the layer I provided
>Merge all the layers into one
>Change image size to 1000 x 1499
>Be sure to select: "nearest neighbour" for clean pixel expansion
>Convert to "Smart Object"
>Than apply: Filter Gallery> Effect: Cutout
>Change the settings to: No. of Levels: 8, Edge Simplicity: 5, and Edge Fidelity 1
>Paste the "Scratch.png" ontop

Optional (adding noise to black):
>Select black with the Magic Wand Tool, make sure "contiguous" is turned off.
>Cut to a new layer
>Apply "Add Noise" (Settings: Gaussian, Ammount 10%)

And you should have the same style image as me. I like the effect, It gives the feeling of being a linocut. Please give it a try.
It's Nicolas, I'm not german. Fun fact! (Even though NOBODY asked): Saint Nicholas was a Christian Saint from Greece that gave children presents and bought prostitutes their freedom. The Dutch adopted the saint into a children's holiday called Sinterklaas. On this day a white and red, mitred, bearded, old man walks on rooftops with his white horse, Amerigo to deliver presents. He comes on a steamboat from Spain and is helped by Black Pete's, his helpers. When the Americans gained independence from England, they were searching for a new identity, no longer wanting to culturally associate with England. They found out New York and a lot of other American places and names had their roots in the Netherlands. The Quakers were even sheltered from the English in the Netherlands — who experienced an enormous amount of religious freedom at the time — taking with them a large Dutch group of Quakers as well. Places like Brooklyn (Breukelen), Harlem (Haarlem), and Coney Island (Konijnen Island, meaning Bunny Island) all have their Dutch roots. Having discovered this, Americans decided to adopt Sinterklaas into Santa Claus. Bringing a den into your home is an ancient Nordic tradition. Early civilizations that had to survive the cold, respected the dens, that withstood the treacherous Winters and brought them into their home in veneration. The Germans later reignited this tradition, and the British royal family made it even more popular. So Christmas, as we know it today, is an American, Dutch, Turkish, Nordic, Germanic, British tradition. And I bring this up whenever someone says something as stupid as "Cultural Appropriation". (Cuisine is also an example of how stupid this notion is.)

>> No.19598219

I just realized I can draw, but I also know how to bind books, so I could combine these two things to make a comic book that I can physically hold in my hands when I am finished
That's a lot of work though so I won't do it

>> No.19598288

Why not Anon. The feeling of accomplishment is definitely worth it. And besides. Apart from the logical thinking parts, it's mostly just repetitive motions. You can watch a movie, put on a podcast, listen to some music or your favourite cabaret. It's a good exercise, and for me personally, very relaxing. (Also share drawings.)

>> No.19598430

I'm mostly interested in typography, though I've used some online printing services for some stuff that I've written, but I've always wanted to have more control over the process. Your posts make me feel that it's possible so I'll look into it

>> No.19600225

/lit/ is an e-book board

>> No.19600246

Looks like shit idiot maybe you should read a book on being less of a woman

>> No.19600655

>tfw no home press to make custom covers for my massive pdf archive and give books as presents to people
Really cool though OP, thought about this earlier

>> No.19602246


>> No.19602259

bro just fold a paper in half and staple it. wtf is all this bs.

>> No.19602275

The only thing you can't do at home is print such quantities – unless you have a really, good printer. For the rest, everything else should be doable from home. The leather you can just buy raw. With a good knife, cutting board, leather soap bar (for drawing lines) and an iron ruler you can cut them to your prefered size. With paper, the easiest solution is to print them on two-spread. Be sure to let them be cut at your local print shop, cutting them by hand is sloppy. Using two-spread, you can stitch everything together, without any glue involved. (Glue would require you to have a whole extra array of tools). You'll have to fold them all by hand, but it's a menial, repetitive task you can do whilst watching something. One folded you'll need to cut off the overshoot, be sure to ask your local print shop to add compensation for this overshoot, that way you won't fuck up your margins. Now with the leather ready, and the paper ready, all you need to do is stitch them together. And you're done. You've got your own "leather-bound" book. You can also make one with a hardcover by simple using a piece of cardboard for the leather. I'll share some links for you guys to look into.

Stitching Techniques:

Simple Leather Binding:

Tool List:
-Cutting Board
-Cutting Knife or Exacto knife (Olfa is the shit)
-Iron ruler, preferable longer than the height of an A3 paper
-Bone Folder/Creaser for folding
-Leather Soap for drawing
-Thread of your choosing and sewing needle
-Pin to punch holes with

>> No.19602416

Finally, somebodys making some sense in this thread

>> No.19602444
File: 366 KB, 1280x800, 20171217_030204~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat. was just wondering earlier today if the "Saint Nick" from Jingle Bells was an actual saint. thanks for the info.

I'll try replicating your art style sometime soon. I really like the results.

this looks about like how I did it several years ago when making a Christmas present, minus all the cutting. quite happy with the result.

>> No.19602493

I'm going to second the second paragraph. Learning how to remind paperbacks would be an excellent skill to have. I fucking hate paperbacks.

>> No.19602670

>This book is sold subject to the conditions that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published.
You're all going to jail.

>> No.19603949
File: 36 KB, 594x304, 1637538923755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if you write it yourself dumdum
The spine can be further enforced by turning it into a hardback. Thus solving that problem. The paper quality remains this, but it will be better protected if you have a hardback cover. I think with some cheap fabric (the course rough kind you usually find on hardbacks), a bit of paper, string, glue, and cardboard paper — all of this can be accomplished. If you're interested, I'd like to try it one time. If it works I'll share how I did it.
Haven't tried that technique yet, anon. Seems fun. I'm working on three new short stories, but it might take half a year to finish them. Once I have enough I'll make a new book and I will definitely try to make it as different as possible from the first one in order to learn some new things.

>> No.19604596
File: 284 KB, 1200x1200, 1640034178373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, man. Fucking try it out.

>> No.19604725
File: 3.84 MB, 2880x1406, Screenshot 2021-12-20 at 22.35.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is that image. A research image search brought up nothing. Only more creepy images of old guys...

>> No.19605058

Pic rel in my comment is Robert Paul Champagne. He made a famous video where he is looking for a roommate who will fuck him a lot. He is looking for anyone: men from jail, homeless. They beat him, piss on them, whatever they like, but RPC must get fucked a lot.
An insufferable podcast by a Gen X'er comedy couple promoted this video, among others, in an attempt to be "edgy". Really, don't watch them. They just scream wannabe. They even went out to the guy, interviewed him, and made a big show of giving him some money. He's definitely in the retarded IQ range.

>> No.19605064

I almost forgot. Here's the original video. He has other funny ones, but this is the original.

>> No.19605252

I ordered this



>> No.19605265

Piss on me beat me, yeah, I need to be fucked a lot man. If you're a hot black guy latino gangbanger come on over I'm home here now. Try it out.

>> No.19605268

He's not retarded, he's washed out from doing too much coke and speed.

>> No.19605769

all the basics baby! Just need to get some type of glue. Could always use wheat paste

>> No.19607376

>Just need to get some type of glue
In the lower left there seems to be some kind of it