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19585217 No.19585217[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Buddhism is the correct religion and there is nothing we can do about it bros

>> No.19585233

True. And the cultural chasm between the west and Buddhism is too great which means most of us unfortunately was born on the wrong side of the world, and therefore can merely hope to be born asian in our next life.

>all we got is Christianity which more likely than not will cause us to have a worse next life no matter how good of a Christian we are since the religion is so thoroughly Wrong-View
we're stuck...

>> No.19585234

yes 200 years ago an indian man hallucinated a magical force called kamma, hallucinated endless past lives, ghost, hell, deva, and heaven realms and we should therefore sit still and focus on our nose and breathe so we arne't ever born again because we are suicidal faggots who see all conscious existence as irritating or suffering to some degree and also like donate all your cash to monks temples and make metta for your next life!! ;)

fuck off. no idea why this chinkshit fagligion gets a pass. is it like some reverse racism shit where 'le ancient gook wisdom' applies, even though if some cumskin was saying this shit crosslegged he'd be laughed out the room?

fuck off

>> No.19585242
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>> No.19585248

My biggest concern with Buddhism is that it seems to insist on a weird coexistence between good and evil. This is too different from Aristotle's recognition of good being a privation of (and therefore subordinate to) evil.

>> No.19585250

>Not embracing the mystics.
Your loss. There is a lot to be learned from the orients, although none of it is doctrinal.

>> No.19585253
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>undermining catholicism
wtf I love Protestantism and Buddhism now

>> No.19585271

>the god of Israel but with spooky and mystical sounding language
no thanks

>> No.19585275

The point is that not everything can be defined in language. The exact opposite of what you just said, silly goose.

>> No.19585280
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>> No.19585320

>the god of Israel but without language
no thanks

>> No.19585379

Maybe if you're a fascist.

>> No.19585501


>> No.19585507

>correct religion

i want u to spend a little time thinking about this phrase and how stupid a concept it is

>> No.19585510

>the cultural chasm between the west and Buddhism is too great
Buddhism has only been transmitted to the West with regularity for the last 100 years or so, and the results are meh. Probably, and with few exceptions, only the last thirty years has seen high quality translation efforts by westerners of Buddhist literature into modern western languages, and this is often done—not by Anglo-German philologists who never leave Europe as it used to be—by people who actually study Buddhism as a curriculum in Buddhist monasteries. When Buddhism had been mapped on to Christianity it took poorly, and that was theoretically a 'closer' presentation to western culture. In my opinion the less modernized and more traditionally conveyed Buddhism will do much better because it no longer has to assume the audience it preaches to are Christian. A less christened West is going to be more receptive to Buddhism in its Asian rather than theosophistic forms
>le good and ebil
Grow up. Read Spinoza at least.
Ábe briefly compares Kūkai and Derrida in his book on Shingon (Japanese Esoteric Buddhism). But this deconstruction is done for totally different reasons in Buddhism and franco pomo

>> No.19585526

How do I find these modern western yet traditionally conveyed texts?

>> No.19585537

As a Buddhist I’m disgusted that we’re correct which means that we’re incorrect.

>> No.19585547

If you are reading something where Nirvana is translated as "heaven," light it on fire.

>> No.19585561

I don't think I have ever come across that

>> No.19585564

CCCP plant
Free tibet

>> No.19585572
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Good, fuck Abrahamic poison

>> No.19585589

Buddhists believe in negative or positive karma. Cherry picking and misinterpreting some monks' thoughts on emptiness doesn't deconstruct the reality of rebirth which continues even after cessation of bodily functions.

>> No.19585638

time to log off, beavis

>> No.19585678

You can try Vipassana meditation which is basically a crash course in Buddhism. You can go to any center across the world. Register on dhamma.org .

>> No.19585920

Buddhism > Catholicism

May you find the true path, friend, if not in this life, than in some future.

>> No.19585934
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We'll come to your lands and we'll win converts. We always do.

To stop us you'll have to ban us. Ban us like the Muslims did. You know the Muslims are terrified of our missionaries, which is why we're banned from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the rest of the Middle East. They fear us, because they know they can't withstand us in a fair competition. If our missionaries were allowed into Muslim lands we'd convert millions. It's the same with Buddhist lands.

Your religions are weak. Christ conquers all. The Cross triumphs in its weakness, because the weakness of man is the strength of God.

>> No.19585940

Anon, is it not true that Christ says the meek shall inherit the Earth? You honor us by your description.

>> No.19585950
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>the goal of Buddhism is to break the cycle of reincarnation by finding nirvana
>finding nirvana and heaven are the same thing but through different paths
>hell is simply failing to reach heaven/nirvana
>hell is other people after all

>> No.19585956

Cumgenivs back at it again with the schizo takes.

>> No.19585967

>WE are weak...... but our YAHWEH is STRONG...... therefore WE STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!
holy lmfao neetzch got you bitches through and through

>> No.19585975

Its not even a religion

>> No.19585984


>> No.19586009

Any organized religion influential to the point of being state-recognized is exploitative and intellectually dishonest. Buddhists are probably just as bad as abrahamics when you get to the core of things. Stay away from lowest common denominator beliefs, as they're tailored for the slave caste.

>> No.19586015

I'm remembering all the brainless weed smokers in high school who thought the same thing, and deciding that your take cannot be anything but wrong.

>> No.19586018

It transcends even religion, it is truly the way

>> No.19586021

All the dirtiest, sluttiest girls I've ever known have invariably been Christian. Christianity must be pretty shitty then, huh?

>> No.19586032
File: 391 KB, 506x552, upgraded_neo-spiritual_christianism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only objectively correct religion

>> No.19586173

Buddhism and Christianity are both defeatist (Christianity moreso than Buddhism) and therefore masks worn by the monster that is nihilism.

>> No.19586187

Slutty girls are wonderful. What's your point?

>> No.19586229


>> No.19586234

Why are you obsessed with a foreign beauty? Do you think your iberian nation fails to provide it in the same degree?

>> No.19586246

What's demonistic about it, compared to, say, mass child graves?

>> No.19586287

I get the womb and ovaries, but what's the horseshoe thing?

>> No.19586299

Represents your 180-turn after you get to see those "womb and ovaries"

>> No.19586465


>Modern philosophical schools of Buddhism are all more or less influenced by a spirit of sophistic nihilism. They deal with Nirvāṇa as they deal with every other dogma, with heaven and hell: they deny its objective reality, placing it altogether in the abstract. They dissolve every proposition into a thesis and its anti-thesis and deny both. Thus they say Nirvāṇa is no annihilation, but they also deny its positive objective reality.

>According to them the soul enjoys in Nirvāṇa neither existence nor non-existence, it is neither eternal nor non-eternal, neither annihilated nor non-annihilated. Nirvāṇa is to them a state of which nothing can be said, to which no attributes can be given; it is altogether an abstract, devoid alike of all positive and negative qualities.

>What shall we say of such empty useless speculations, such sickly, dead words, whose fruitless sophistry offers to that natural yearning of the human heart after an eternal rest nothing better than a philosophical myth? It is but natural that a religion which started with moral and intellectual bankruptcy should end in moral and intellectual suicide.

- Ernst Johann Eitel

>> No.19586476

>we have to wait to be born Asian to be Buddhist
No we don’t, coward. What, are you afraid someone’s gonna think you’re “one of those” western converts and not a sincere one? If a religion is true it’s true for all mankind. Stop being a baby.
>well I guess we have to be Christians on this side of the world, and wait till we’re reincarnated as buddhists
Dude it’s not Hinduism, you don’t have to be born into it. You literally just have to start taking Buddhist beliefs to heart. You don’t even have to formally convert to any sect of Buddhism to start accruing supramundane merit, I mean you could literally stay a Christian and start on the Buddhist path.

>> No.19586493

lmao 2deep4u, Johann?

>> No.19586513
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Based Uberman actualizer and abyss-staring happy Sisyphus being Chad.

>> No.19586546

>Buddhists believe in negative or positive karma.
The cessation of karma is a goal of Buddhism, and karma itself is just the ripening of effect from a cause, has no innate goodness or badness. This is 101 stuff. There is a notion in some schools of accumulation of merit, but even then the ultimate goal is no more karma at all
>Cherry picking and misinterpreting some monks' thoughts on emptiness doesn't deconstruct the reality of rebirth which continues even after cessation of bodily functions.
I don't see how emptiness and rebirth are incompatible

>> No.19586551

I question how effective African missionaries will be at debating Buddhists in say, Sri Lanka or Japan

>> No.19586563

>According to them the soul enjoys in Nirvāṇa neither existence nor non-existence, it is neither eternal nor non-eternal, neither annihilated nor non-annihilated. Nirvāṇa is to them a state of which nothing can be said, to which no attributes can be given; it is altogether an abstract, devoid alike of all positive and negative qualities
This isn’t a “modern school of Buddhism” this is straight out of the pali canon. This commentator is clearly not very well versed in actual Buddhist writings or he would feel some reservation in using the term “soul” so much

>> No.19586587

>If our missionaries were allowed into Muslim lands we'd convert millions
Catholics have been trying to convert Islamdom for its entire history, and haven’t been able to do it. You have to face facts; islam, as a tradition grown into, is remarkably self sufficient and all encompassing. It has continued to win undying devotion from Muslims for generations. Islam wins more converts today than any other religion, and they probably have an easier time proselytizing in Christian countries because of the logical coherence of Islamic theology. But to your statement that Catholics are not allowed in the Middle East... you’re kidding me, right? Catholics live all across the Middle East. They’re already there, in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, North Africa. They’ve literally been there all along. Well, there you go, you have your Catholics in Muslim lands; all they have to do is open their mouths with the supremacy of Christian doctrine and Muslims will have no choice but to accept it, right? So where are the mass conversions? You have your Catholics in Muslim lands, where are the mass conversions that you believe attends on that? Dumbass. You can send all the catholic missionaries you want to middle eastern and North African countries; Catholicism is not a powerful enough force to overcome Islamic tradition.

>> No.19586604

>has no innate goodness or badness
The Pali canon wouldn’t agree with you on than; there still is good and bad karma. That’s why there is an emphasis on moral precepts. That’s why good actions climb to better and better rebirths, in higher and higher planes. But yeah, the goal is to be karma-less; I suppose supra-mundane karma is “good” for bringing one better in line with the dhamma, but ‘good’ karma is only ‘good’ in rebirths.

>> No.19586609

Complete hoax. No exhumations, literally bumps in the ground that the the ludenpresse decided were dead children. One of the "mass grave" sites was a known burial ground. The chief that owns it is on record saying, "I dont know why people are so suprised to find graves in a cemetery."

>> No.19586621

>"I dont know why people are so suprised to find graves in a cemetery."
Source for this? That’s hilarious