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19583788 No.19583788 [Reply] [Original]

>in 1970 the average house cost four times the average salary
>today the average house costs nine times the average salary
>people still expect "great art" to be produced in this kind of environment

How is a marginal, sensitive, socially maladapted artistic type even supposed to survive in the materialistic dog-eat-dog society of today?

The likes of Raymond Carver, John Steinbeck, Philip K. Dick, John Kennedy Toole, Cormac McCarthy all sacrificed a full-time career for their art and still managed for the most part to live a halfway decent life while working part-time and writing. If people followed their lead today they'd be living in a crack house on the wrong side of Bantuville hoping that their novel achieves more than a quickfire rejection from the Judaeo-Feminine publishing industry or brief, viral, financially unprofitable success in the shifting-sands culture of the internet.

How are artists supposed to survive today?

I see so many adopting a kind of jaded, self-aware attitude towards society and culture in general, and while their takes are superficially entertaining this attitude is not nourishing on a deep, authentic level. Everything moves too fast, is more far more likely to achieve attention by means of the criticism aimed towards it (e.g., racial micro-aggressions, the author's flaws), and will be forgotten by that time the following week. It is sick and I am tired of discussing society unseriously, laughing at the "clownworld" aspect of it as though it is actually funny. It really isn't and it depresses me to think there is no coming back from this. There is no innocence left, nothing wholesome, naive or unguarded. I am sick of personas and casual transgression. I don't see beauty anywhere.

>> No.19583823

it depresses me to think there is no coming back from this. There is no innocence left, nothing wholesome, naive or unguarded. I am sick of personas and casual transgression. I don't see beauty anywhere.
That’s the secret. There never was, and there never can be. There is nothing to ‘come back from’ because it was always this way.

>> No.19583827
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>I have no patience, I don't hold with the mute inglorious Miltons. I think if he's demon-driven with something to be said, then he's going to write it. He can blame the fact that he's not turning out work on lots of things. I've heard people say, "Well, if I were not married and had children, I would be a writer." I've heard people say, "If I could just stop doing this, I would be a writer." I don't believe that. I think if you're going to write you're going to write, and nothing will stop you.

>> No.19583857

The modernists were well aware of this. It's been like this since the late 1800s. The thing is if you really care you will accept poverty. Leave America, travel to a pig country in europe and live cheaply there, work part time and write. It is America that fuels this view and it is this reason why all the great modernists became expatriots, because Paris of the 20s was cheap with American dollars and liveable while being poor. Sure Paris isn't like that now, but Portugal is, Greece is, Ireland may be. Trust me anon, there is nothing worse for an artist than to live inside America, it will only poison you and confuse you, like you are now there is no coming back from American disillusionment while living here.

>> No.19583859

I feel like some ages have achieved true beauty, but by default humanity returns to artless societies. It takes continual fine-tuning and continual upkeep to maintain an artistic tradition, and the best artists inherit a long-upkept artistic tradition. There's a quote that Will Durant repeats in a lot of his books, I don't know if it's his, but it goes something like:
Civilization takes hundreds of years to be built up, but it only takes a day to be destroyed. As soon as art standards are thrown out the window, we're back to square one, and we have to slowly, painstakingly work our way back to a high cultural level. I don't see that happening at any point in the future, the way things are going now.

>> No.19583866

the quote (?) ends at 'destroyed', the rest are my words. Sorry, should've used quotation marks

>> No.19583901

Ireland has one of the worst housing crises in Europe, and Portugal is not cheap and there is no work there. Granted, Greece may be cheap but still this isn't like it was when Leonard Cohen just heard about some island villa in Greece from a random security guard and decided to fly out there to write for a few years without worrying about income along with some hippies who also lived there. Also the kind of technological and economic environment (not to mention cultural) is visible everywhere from the US to Europe to Australia.

>> No.19583909

Will check out Will Durant, thank you.

I just can't stand the brutal materialism of society today, where everything (and everyone) has an objective instrumental value and there are plenty of people willing to take advantage of that to their own ends.

>> No.19583939

>great art cannot be made in times of material hardship
Low IQ take. Great artists can thrive in such an environment if they know how to express it

>> No.19583990

there's also a larger than ever wage gap between the haves and have-nots, which is primary boomers vs under-35s now. the average salary is a poor measure because boomers skew it so much. there is hardly a difference in pay between white collar years 1-5 and coffee slaves anymore. a burger place in my city hires for the same starting pay that companies want people with accounting degrees for.
>how are artists supposed to survive
get less sleep and write at night.

>> No.19584004

OP from >>19583795 here’s the sauce
She’s a beautiful tranny nonetheless, enjoy ;)

>> No.19584008
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Computers. With all their speed forward they may have been a step backward in civilization.

>> No.19584025

Faulkner is right. I work a full-time research job, then go home and write. There are published authors that work a day job as lawyers, editors, marketers, you name it. It's the norm. Writers are like rats because if they don't write the fangs grow into their brain and kill them.

>> No.19584087

Faulkner was based because he wrote and read when he was supposed to be working and didn’t give a damn about if his cuck boss liked it or not

>> No.19584105

Are patronages still around?
If so, any writers that have patrons? And if not, why?

>> No.19584115

They’re around in the form of grants but sadly you only get those if you’re a nigger or write re: the plight of them in this cruel cracker’s world

>> No.19584124

Not true. He only worked at the post office or whatever and wrote (apparently) on an upturned wheelbarrow there, and could get away with playing golf on weekdays without being cautioned. He then spent years not working while living with fellow writers in New Orleans, then in Paris (near the Luxembourg Gardens, no less) and then bought a literal mansion in Oxford, MI despite having no stable career to speak of.

>> No.19584127

this is dumb. faulkner didn't live in this world. why would "writing" be any more of a doable activity than anything else? and you know just how it how it goes with those for your peers, your parents, your grandparents, etc. no one has time for anything but work. those taking pride in forcing what little time they can to fill some quota of "i'm doing a personal activity" are ruining it for everyone else by staying complacent. don't be a fucking bitch, if you can manage work, family, and writing, you should know how hard it is. take it from there and demand what's right instead of being a little pussy shunning other downs for something 99% of people cannot - and shouldn't - tolerate.

>> No.19584166

What's the alternative? A revolution so you can write? You'll either write, or you won't.

>> No.19584167
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It's never been easier to become rich. You are lazier than you think, and that's part of that laziness.
t. stopped investing my salary despite making more than my annual income before so I can spend it all on prostitutes and food

>> No.19584180

How do I become rich?

>> No.19584190


>> No.19584192

Invest in [crypto flavor of the week] coin.

For me though? I got a railroad job and used the employee share purchase program. I have $250k in net worth at the age of 31. Not rich, but not bad.

>> No.19584201
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I'm just really nice to everybody and try and make people's lives more fun and enjoyable. I own a nice house in an overpriced, underprotected market. I'm 30 and I haven't had a job since I was 19, and that was maybe for a few weeks. (I served in the military voluntarily but didn't consider it a job, so please factor it in if you're of the cast of mind that it is a job rather than an adventure.) Also, I believe in God explicitly and as such always believed he would take care of me (cross reference Matthew 6:25-34.) I believe my two deceased siblings act as guardian angels of sorts, as well. If you want to be crass and material about it, it's perhaps better explained to such a base sentimentality by my parents and girlfriend/common law partner being wealthy. I'm still in uni, working on my second MA (I have an MA in an unrelated field,) if you're curious how I fill my days. Anybody want to crack a few rare whiskeys (I have a 31-year-old from a ghost distillery waiting, or a 54-yeat-old cognac), wears a size 38/40 regular and wants a blazer and pants (Gucci, possibly, or Margiela, not sure if I gave away my Givenchy with the graphic lining but you're welcome to it if you're a 38 on the lean side) or go on a trip to Nepal when we're able, let me know. Also, I'll be throwing out (recycling, come on guys, *eyeroll,* it's a euphemism!) a couple hundred pounds of books coming up if you want any-lots of philosophy and novels. Let me know if any of this sounds good; I'm happy to share.

>> No.19584213

You’re such a fucking whiner just write dipshit. How narcissistic are you to think now is magically the only time when writing good art is impossible? Charles Dickens was a child laborer I think you can manage waging if you have to
>not finding writing material in the lived experiences of your work
Thoroughly pleb

>> No.19584224

PKD was really poor. I heard a radio interview he did where he explains how the bag boy at the local grocery loved one of his books and made more money bagging groceries than PKD off his book.

>> No.19584237

>y'd be living in a crack house on the wrong side of Bantuville hoping that their novel achieves more than a quickfire rejection from the Judaeo-Feminine publishing industry
Perhaps you're being punished for thinking this way.

>> No.19584264

Herein lies the answer. People used to accept that following a career path in art was volatile and destitute. Now people equate what is succesful with what makes money, even in art (especially evident in music.) Now everybody expects corporate endorsements, the material life of one who went to engineering school, and celebrity. Fuck even mailmen think they deserve to make 100k a year.

Hey, OP, accept the sacrifices inherent in daydreaming about 'expressing yourself' or go to law school, asshole.

>> No.19584272

>wanting to be rich
>not having a mediocre but easy to procure middle class job and living in poverty so you can take months-long breaks from working in order to write a novel draft in 3 months then edit slowly over the next 9 months
You're ngmi. "Rich" people who come from nothing only get there by working obsessively for 12+ hours a day in stressful time-intensive careers. Meanwhile, getting a 60k white collar job is easy enough, you can quit and get a new one whenever you want, and you can save more than half your income to cover whatever breaks you want to take, all with a minimum of effort and education above the average 100 IQ mud-goblin. You also get a lower tax bracket.

>> No.19584273

I did a similar thing, sort of. I got a nice business job and have kept at it for about 5 years, spending basically zero money, living with parents (for now, will move into single room somewhere soon). I'm going to do it for about 5 more years, by which time I'll have acquired about $2m thanks to frugal living and a few good investments, assuming moderate (5% stock, 5% yearly raise) returns.

Then I will retire and probably become a teacher and hopefully have about 5 nice white children.

>> No.19584285
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>Living with your parents
Disgusting. I could never stand to do something like that. I also have never embraced the truly "frugal" life. I spend my money on things I enjoy and share it with people and causes I love and care about. At the same time, I do live a simple life and try to reject wasting my money foolishly. It cannot bring happiness, but it can make your life easy.

It's also saved my ugly cat's life.

>> No.19584292

In 5 years 2 million won't seem like enough to retire on. It's not even now unless you're 65. Rinse and repeat with every 5 year plan.

>> No.19584300

Not ugly! Even if it took stealing to save him you did a great thing.

>> No.19584301

This. With nearly ten-fucking-percent inflation in the last year, it's going to be impossible to retire in your 30s with $2 million.

>> No.19584309
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He's quite ugly, you don't have to lie. He does have personality, though.

>> No.19584315

you know that no woman will want to marry some 40 year old 4chan lurking retard and crap out 5 kids for him, right? you realize sperm, like eggs, degrade with time?
heed my warning, find a wife now instead of coming to your inevitable destruction by waiting years more for no purpose. getting married takes time.

>> No.19584329

Swindle libertarians with shitcoins. This is what every /biz/ millionaire did.

>> No.19584330
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I'm a cat medium, I'm judge them by their auras. He's may be a bit retarded, but he exudes an aura of cuteness. I have an ugly cat.

>> No.19584336

*however, for every person who tried this and succeeded, thousands ended up losing everything

>> No.19584391
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> laughing at the "clownworld" aspect of it as though it is actually funny.
But it is. The sheer absurdity of our shared existence and the collective, repetitive, drunken stumbling of mankind as it fails to ever lean is a joke. Taking it seriously is senseless; it's very much like taking the act of a clown seriously. It doesn't deserve it.
All you're doing is causing yourself emotional harm by placing such weight on this clownshow and allowing yourself to be driven by those misguided feelings of ego-centric delusion.

I just have to add my favorite quote here as it's ever so relevant. As Horace Walpole put it centuries ago:
>The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feel.

>> No.19584428

That's not really the point. PKD worked part-time as a store assistant (retail wagie) while writing his first books, but could still afford to rent a decent house and support his gf. That isn't really possible today. He'd be lucky to afford a single room in most places, and that's if the work is even to be found in such places.

>> No.19584448

I am 25, retard. Banking internship -> banking job -> senior analyst, hence 5 years of working experience, haven't spent a single dime since I started working because mommy buys the food and pays the electric bill, invested every single penny.

Parents (and therefore I) live in Brooklyn in a multi-unit building, which they own outright, and which I will inherit (though longevity runs in my family so I assume that is 30+ years away)..

Seethe as thou wilt, but I'm going to live my life in the countryside in 5 years, will never have problems with money, and will live out my life in quiet contemplation, homeschooling my beautiful children with my wife, whom I will have no problem finding. I'm whitepilled and there's nothing you can do about it. There is hope for you too - don't despair. Join me, brother.

>> No.19584460

Are you jewish? This all sounds highly Jewish. Good for you though I hope you enjoy the country

>> No.19584756

>a will-be mid-30s jew hopes to tempt a fertile white woman by design of monetary appeal before his balls shrivel up from the curse of Judas Iscariot and his blighted afro-haired autistic yarmulke ridden children lose their father to heart disease in their junior year of college
>calls me a retard
What women are you hoping to land in your 30s, retard? Use your money to lure and entrap college students? Take in a single mother? An obeast? If you aren't dating seriously by the time you're 25 you fucked up and missed the boat. And you won't be dating anyone seriously while living in your mommy's basement.
projection. I'm in a successful long term relationship and will likely get married within 2 years. I also don't carry the blood of those who betrayed the Lord.

>> No.19584960

>I don't see beauty anywhere.
hmm, i wonder wh--

>waahh niggers
>waahhh jews
>waahhhh wammin
>waaaahhhhh frickin clownworld u guys


>> No.19584977

Could have spared all the effort of these posts and just posted "I'm Jewish."

>> No.19585001

niggers and jews are fucking hideous

>> No.19585009

it's the attitude

>> No.19585016

I think I'm on a good path, OP.

Graduated, now working on a farm. Save for the winter, then, when season's over, hunker down and write more. Perfect arrangement.

Find a job that enriches you physically and emotionally, and that you can't take home with you. Doesn't have to be farming. Imo does have to be physical and put you in contact with interesting people.

Obviously, this is only acceptable when relatively young (am 24, this is gonna look much sketchier when I'm 30), but also 1) writing has never been acceptable, and 2) more fuel to your fire.

>> No.19585154

Nobody is going to give out their contact info on 4Chan.

>> No.19585184


You are just one step removed from realizing the truth of fascism (if you haven't yet). All you need is one instructive, life-changing trauma.

>> No.19585244

Good thing this is 4channel. :^)

>> No.19585407


It is literally the easiest thing to ever to live poor as fuck. You guys all sound like privledged larpers.
>Find rent for under 350$ a month in a cheap ass area of america, I did this exact thing in smaller cities even.
>10 dollars an hour, 15 hours a week. 600 bones a month. Assuming you are completely untrained in any skill(you shouldnt be) and work a low amount of hours.
>You are easily left with 250 dollars after rent.
>buy rice, beans, egg, yogurt, nuts, oats, carrots, other cheap shit for food. Make nearly every meal.
>100 dollars left over
What else do you need dude? Just go do it.
This isnt even an ideal scenario.

>b-b-b-but I want a nice beautiful comfy romantic place with high ceilings
stfu, you want to fail
>b-b-b-but I dont want to make my own meals! I need my basedbucks frappe!
stfu, you want to fail
>b-b-b-but I saw a rat!
stfu, and hunt them for their flesh you bitch
>b-b-b-but my car!
stfu, and steal a bike from your local playground. Buy a bus ticket.
>b-b-b-but I want health insurance!
stfu, you eat nothing but whole grains and bike a marathon every day, youll be aight.
>b-b-b-but my precious iDroid payment! And my lifelong contract with verizon!
stfu, use a free texting service on whatever old ass phone you hear someone is throwing away.

Its really not as unobtainable as this thread wants to pretend. Just go do what you want. Stop crying about being born in le wrong generation, losers.
Get a roof over your head, food in your belly, and make your art.

>> No.19585413

where you located m8?

>> No.19585714

>posting the smiley with a carat nose

>> No.19586700
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>mfw already had experience with the vain bullshit of the artistique milieu and can't be arsed
>mfw comfily NEETing it out until either my moment of truth or death comes

>> No.19586701

Do you have a problem with that, pal? :^)

>> No.19586709

>>people still expect "great art" to be produced in this kind of environment
Great art is the product of excess time, i.e. the superefficiency of divided labor. Not the product of excess capital.

>> No.19586722

t. typing from a comfy room in his parents house while mom makes tendies

>> No.19586759

Thomas Young experimentally proved light was a wave, and he had a fulltime job as a physician. Art and Science is really just leisure. Chopin died as a broke music teacher. Einstein was a bank clerk.

>> No.19588130


>> No.19588358

>How are artists supposed to survive today?
This is how I have dealt with it: art is an illusion. Yes, all the great art you are thinking about in order to refute my statement, it amounts to nothing. Shakespeare, Dante, your favorite thing. It's all bullshit. It will be lost like sand in the wind. It enriches nothing. It only draws from enriching things and uses those things to provide an illusion of that edifying essence, like a painting of a flower is only a painting of a flower and not the flower itself. It is the flower that you need to look for. That is the real source of life and enrichment. The painting is a delusion, no matter how well executed, how much "soul" the artist put into it. So don't paint flowers, but grow them from the land. Make real flowers, make real shit. Don't make art. You seek art because you seek a substitute for life, and the modern world wants to sell you that, because it can sell you that, but it cannot sell you your own life. To hell with art, anon. Art has never given me anything in years and years. It has only drained me and drained me while offering unfulfilled promises.

>> No.19588384

Imagine all the writing you could do if you'd get off 4chan

>> No.19588392

>it's easy to make money
>just sell drugs / be a psychopath / have zero morality
you should probably kill yourself instead of speaking, disgusting cumbrain faggot animal nigger

>> No.19588770

Yes. Would you like some...?

>> No.19588900

nice bait but there isn't anybody that's this obscenely hateable

>> No.19588925

rough around the edges (literally lmao) but I agree with the cat medium, it's a very cute cat

>> No.19588947

I really worry about people like you. Have some humility and note just how many scientists have been moved, from their minute love and observation of reality, to create.

>> No.19588961

i wonder why faggots like that even come here in the first place. to huff his own farts i presume, when he really should be out smelling the pwecious flowers

>> No.19588982

you mean the people torturing millions of animals creatively to see if they can make new chemicals to sell to a megacorp for money so that our governments can stretch our miserable lives of slavery another day further?

>> No.19589005

Um. No.

Do you understand science? And sort of like how big it is? And that people have been doing it for a long time?

>> No.19589019

I bet you think you're very down to earth and clever, but you just sound like an angsty reddit teenager

>> No.19589029

I also want to just note that anecdote about Bunin and Turgenev (I think it was them, some two Russians).

Bunin travels to Turgenev's house, breathless to ask a writer he admires how to become a good writer.

Turgenev looks at him and says, "What is the tree standing outside?"

Bunin has no fucking clue, and Turgenev tells him that's fundamental knowledge for writing, end of discussion.

It's kind of sappy, but every great writer has looked with more love and more attention at reality than the average joe.

It's not a zero-sum game. Literature is a beautiful way to share and see others' perceptions of the world. It's a beautiful, amazing gift to see through the eyes and think with the thoughts of beautiful minds.

>> No.19589034

"Science" in the industrial world is entirely anti-human. It substitutes itself to everything that makes human beings human as opposed to beasts. It has superseded things that were never of its competence. Scientists are as worthless as artists but while artists are merely wasting the time and lives of people alone, scientists are actively harming and denying life to the entire world. Rotten people through and through. Scientists who are moved by "curiosity" do not exist, and haven't existed since the dawn of the industrial era, which is exactly when science rose to such prominence. Before then, "science" was merely the product of human intellect and curiosity.

>> No.19589041

I don't care how I sound, tell me where I am wrong.

>> No.19589060


Cope for not knowing batshit about science.

I hope you don't believe this and/or educate yourself.

>> No.19589061

Science is a meme outside of a handful of hard sciences and even they are often a meme

>> No.19589069

What does that mean? I am just floored. I have never met people operating with these thoughts.

Read any peer-reviewed scientific journal. Pick one, in any field of the life or hard sciences (but not the social).

>> No.19589078

The only sciences of any value are those that prove themselves through application. You can simply ignore the rest of them. Peer review is completely irrelevant compared to proving worth through application

>> No.19589086

He looks even uglier right now. I had a tumor removed from next to his tail nub. It's all sutured up, shaved, and he's wearing a cone and drooling since he has no teeth except his canines.

>> No.19589101


Peer-review is just a distinction of the rigor and methodical conventions of the research.

You realize applied sciences also have peer-reviewed journals documenting their research?

This is also just a brainlet take. Applied Sciences and theoretical ones (say engineering and physics) are mutually supporting.

>> No.19589106

Applied sciences don't need to use peer review to justify themselves because their value is self evident. Peer review is only as good as the peers

>> No.19589108

>How is a marginal, sensitive, socially maladapted artistic type even supposed to survive in the materialistic dog-eat-dog society of today?
Two words, man: rich girlfriend. But seriously, you have to find someone who's willing to support you a bit while you do your work. My most successful artist friend worked as the groundskeeper at a mansion for several years. He lived in the old stables, which had been converted into an apartment, and didn't have to pay rent. On top of that he got paid a pretty good amount of money and the work was physical but relatively easy, with undemanding hours. It was a position that he lucked into, more or less. I get where you're coming from though. When I read about the lives of American artists in the middle of the 20th century, it makes me quite jealous. They were spending the equivalent of like 100 a month on rent and getting paid much better than we are today. Even in the 90s, I've read about musicians living in rent-controlled apartments in NYC, putting in like 10 hours a week as hot dog vendors and spending the rest of their time working on their craft. Though some of the writers you mention didn't have "halfway decent" lives. PKD was divorced four times, and at one point was surviving on tinned cat food and bread. Later he was an addict living in a shitty house with strung-out teenagers, and thought he was being watched by aliens or the fbi or something. John Kennedy Toole lived with his mom and killed himself.

>> No.19589115

Okay, I think you're fucking around now or a lost cause. Go on my wayward son

>> No.19589120

Based researcher, I've always looked up to them and (hopefully) on track to becoming one. Disregarding finances how accomished do you feel with the work you're doing?

>> No.19589121

I knew you wouldn't have a reply to that lol

>> No.19589122
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Sell to create until you can sell by creating, not create to sell until you have sold off your creativity.

Noone of actual, qualitative worth cares for how skiflful an other is in sorting the mercantile trash of the world, or in optimizing his/her uneventful life, for that matter.

>> No.19589131
File: 1.21 MB, 720x405, fetch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, and he'll occasionally play fetch.

>> No.19589180

You're a lucky man

>> No.19589607

treat him well anon, he's a good boy

>> No.19589690
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He's not in timeout, he's just eating.

>> No.19589789

true actually. i recommend purposely breaking the rules to get a 2 week vacation now and then.
t. wrote like a possessed man during a 2 week. this place is hell

>> No.19589798
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Just be homeless

>> No.19589980

Falkner came from a rich family and never worked a job in his life. He lied about serving in WWI.

>> No.19590052

>His family literally owned the GM&O
He was rich as shit, damn.

>> No.19590092

Nobody is stopping you from pulling a forestanon
and just squatting in a hut somewhere.

>> No.19590503

based and willful-poverty-pilled.
t. anon who lives on 18k a year but earns 50k. if a boss pisses me off i quit on the spot with no qualm. i don't bow and scrape. boomers were diseased materialistic whores who sold their own dignity for a mcmansion and chain diner food.

>> No.19590505


>> No.19590538

Hello I am poor and slightly below midwit how do I get rich?

>> No.19590990
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>I am tired of discussing society unseriously, laughing at the "clownworld" aspect of it as though it is actually funny. It really isn't and it depresses me to think there is no coming back from this. There is no innocence left, nothing wholesome, naive or unguarded. I am sick of personas and casual transgression. I don't see beauty anywhere.

>> No.19591181

Except Diogenes was wrong here, in absolute terms. You will still have to be subservient to the system in modern day society no matter yoyr lifestyle. He was also obviously kept around as an entertainer.

>> No.19591336
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This anon gets it.
This is a perspectival illusion resulting from the fact that you are not living in those ages. Most of the things you know and read about it are about what was interesting, and relevant, and what moved history forward towards your current point of observation. You read less about failed attempts and irrelevant people, and this gives a constant impression of living in a time that was not as good as the previous ones. But previous times were not better: they are just finished and complete, because most people in them are dead, and most situations in them have been crystallized by time, so that we can now select what was relevant about them to get where we are now.
The more you study a specific historical period - any period - the more you'll see that it was actually very similar to ours. Overwhelming spiritual misery was always there for the majority of the people in any historical period. Overwhelming material misery mostly went along with it for basically every historical period except for after world war 2.
War and Peace is a great novel if you want to deconstruct idealistic notions of history, or the general feeling that some ages are better than others. Sure, ours is not a fantastic age, but life is not a fantastic experience in general for the most part, for all humans, in all ages.

>> No.19591340

ok but my problem is how tf am i supposed to write without a wife? and what tf do i have to write about? i have no wife. every man needs a wife.

>> No.19591707

>it's always been like this bro, never strive for anything better
>le nostalgia is a le retroactive le illusion
you are not living in those ages either you rat cunt. touch fucking rope

>> No.19591731
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in the time it took you to write this post 1 million land animals had their throats slit to feed this "weightless" clown world. there is real suffering happening right now that your cringe joker larp actively enables. the le don't take anything seriously bro gen x slacker culture "i'm afraid to stand up for truth and beauty" cope complex is the most insidious poison this "clown world" has ever produced. you are not counter-culture because you're laughing at something you should actively be struggling to destroy, in your self if not in the world.

>> No.19591902

>You will still have to be subservient to the system in modern day society no matter yoyr lifestyle
How so?

>> No.19591947


>> No.19592182


>> No.19592225
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Threadly reminder than Laurie Penny is making $45k purely from her patreon

>> No.19593048


>How is a marginal, sensitive, socially maladapted artistic type even supposed to survive in the materialistic dog-eat-dog society of today?

OP, have you ever read about authors from latinoamerica? Most of them come from a shit world.

>> No.19593083

>waaah I don't have time to write
That's fixable. It's nothing compared to being terrible at writing despite having the passion to become a writer. The midwit hack curse is not curable u less you write about trite things that require 0 verbal iq or creativity

>> No.19593115

Have a wank

>> No.19593134

You need many mediocre ones to make a great one. You may think the good ones don't need any of it but those that inspire them while young are often mediocre. It's one thing to look for excellence but you shouldn't expect this from everyone.

>> No.19593447
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The trick is to get out of the cities OP.
There is less competition in the country, rents are generally lower and if you don't give a shit what you do you can find some sort of menial job that pays enough to live on and write in your spare time.
I went bush for five years and wrote my first book (pic related) which got published and got shortlisted for an award.
While i was writing it i was working at a roadhouse in the middle of nowhere and living in a little cabin behind the roadhouse.
My second book is coming out soon. I currently live in a little fishing town and work in a seafood processing factory. It's completely mindless work but i think up stories while i'm on the production line.
Go bush young man.

>> No.19593791

It’s hard to predict the future, but we are seeing the end of things. People who were born in Europe in the last 30 years don’t know the Europe we know. It’s dying from the inside. The younger generations don’t know it, they don’t know the real Europe, the Europe our ancestors passed on to us and the traditions that we inherited. They don’t know the Europe free of globalism. They don't know the Europe of the people.

>> No.19593833

>How is a marginal, sensitive, socially maladapted artistic type even supposed to survive in the materialistic dog-eat-dog society of today?
Have you considered joining a group of genuine communists to build a revolutionary party (post-Leninist, operaismo)?


>> No.19594699

>work part time as waiter, 3 days a week
>this is enough to pay for food and a £400/month room
>just write in my spare time
It's not that bad desu. Just recognise that writing is your mission and you'll feel a lot less conflicted.

>> No.19594710
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>> No.19594749

Can confirm, stopped writing, died of fangbrain.

>> No.19594810

>live in atheist society
>wants to produce great art


>> No.19595416

>Never strive for anything better
You know it’s cope when you shoehorn in an argument nobody was making.

>> No.19595703
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>Not true. He only worked at the post office or whatever and wrote (apparently) on an upturned wheelbarrow there, and could get away with playing golf on weekdays without being cautioned. He then spent years not working while living with fellow writers in New Orleans, then in Paris (near the Luxembourg Gardens, no less) and then bought a literal mansion in Oxford, MI despite having no stable career to speak of.
Faulkner’s grandfather owned a fucking railroad.
Faulkner’s grandfather also owned multiple other businesses.

>> No.19595755

Seeing a lot of misunderstandings ITT about what it means to have a job, as a writer or really any man of leisure. The key to establishing a writer's lifestyle is to come at life with about 40%, and periodically kick up to 60% for mundane things like marriage and employment, and then to find ways of throwing it up to 125% for your writing. Now the really crucial part is that you be born with a capacity for achievement which far, far dwarves the average man. Either raw intelligence, extreme charisma, or inhuman amounts drive and physical stamina. So your 60 looks like someone else's 125. For instance, with my prodigious memory and talent for poetry, I can perform stunts of insane recall and furnish a sonnet about my wife whenever she gets bitchy because we can't afford something.

Now obviously neither I or nor even Faulkner could ever pull this shit in a place where people cared about what they were doing and can't tolerate dead weight. You cannot convert a position as a fireman or fast food employee into a non-working job, for instance. If anyone is relying on you to finish their work before they can leave, they will expect you to work diligently the entire time you are on the clock. Hence why you should look for "clerk" jobs, which usually means tracking inventory and filling out spreadsheets. These jobs attract idiots and are usually used as rewards for entry level production workers who show a gullible amount of loyalty to the company. So a smart person can enter this position and then shift their workload around and cut their actual working time down to a fraction of what would be required of an idiot.

>> No.19595782

Wtf? Source? I gotta confirm cuz that is some fucked shit.

>> No.19595791


>The likes of Raymond Carver, John Steinbeck, Philip K. Dick, John Kennedy Toole, Cormac McCarthy all sacrificed a full-time career for their art and still managed for the most part to live a halfway decent life

Phillip K Dick lived with a bunch of meth addicts

>> No.19595795

The shit Diogenes says.

>> No.19595804
File: 39 KB, 350x441, 1a52995015218660a2a72cb50ab66869--reese-witherspoon-movies-anderson-movies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>make 1200 a month
>renting a bunkbed in san fran for 900.
Thank fuck for piracy.

>> No.19595887

>thinks it’s easier to start an impossible revolution that will change absolutely nothing instead of just writing on his free time
You will never be a writer if writing is such a hard thing for you.