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/lit/ - Literature

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19580891 No.19580891 [Reply] [Original]

what books does one read to brcome well read if enjoyment is a non factor

specifically which one of picrel would u read next

>> No.19580901

Out of those three, only Pynchon is really good. Houellebecq is a mediocrity (yes, I read him in French), and Land is an internet meme of no value whatever.
Read real writers like Homer, Plato, Shakespeare and Cervantes (Dante only if you know Italian), then proceed to more modern stuff like Flaubert, the Russians, Pound, Kafka, Joyce, Beckett, Borges etc.

>> No.19580910
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>Land is an internet meme of no value whatever.
ngmi. land is 100% right about everything. AI itself confirmed that he's the real deal

>> No.19580911
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>> No.19580930

the land book i am considering giving up on since it looks like not a real book

even its editors introduction borders on pretentious gibberish, and apparently half of the book is fully schizophrenic random text

>> No.19580935

this post is absolutely correct

>> No.19580940

None of that. If I wanted interesting and useful nonfiction I'd go with
>Jacques Barzun for history
>Hobsbawm for Marxian analysis
>Gombrich or Danto on the arts
If I wanted entertaining fiction
>Balzac: Le Père Goriot first
>Lem, Dick and Vogt for sci-fi
>Peake, Vance and Nix for fantasy
If I want conspiracy
>Mitchell Heisman
The selection in picrel is /lit/ meme shit. That's not to say GR isn't enjoyable, but it's no Moby Dick. Don't fall for the infograph bait and meme charts, read widely.

>> No.19580948

>well read
Well read in what, retard? Read about things you want to know about. If you're reading only to achieve some abstract notion of being 'well read' then you are now, and will forever remain, a massive pseud.

>> No.19580996

of picrel, only Pynchon.

In all seriousness, if you don't want to be a /lit/ pseud, just read the classics and you'll be ahead of 95% of people on this board. As far I'm concerned, that means Aristotle's Metaphysics, Plato's Republic and Phaedo, Hegel's Phemonology of Spirit, and Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Once you have these books under your belt, you'll not only have an impressive outline of the history of thought in the West, but also modern innovators like Deleuze will have a context for you.

>> No.19581001

and I mention Deleuze as a modern innovator here because Land, an author you seem interested in, pulls most of his core thought from Deleuze

>> No.19582254

How do I transcend my midwit status when every time I have a chapel perilous moment I have a psychotic break?

>> No.19583123

>half of the book is fully schizophrenic random text
it's an attempt at burroughs by a faggot that read neuromancer too much

>> No.19583141

>not a pseud
You might as well have tossed fight club in there

>> No.19583667

>if enjoyment is a non factor

>> No.19583671

extremely based list

>> No.19583677

holy fucking shit lit is pathetic. you read what interests you op. read widely and voraciously if you're interested in things in general. read nonfiction and fiction. avoid lists.

>> No.19583779

You should read German lit

>> No.19583814


>> No.19584043

From Dawn to Decadence is a /lit/ chart in book form, it's nothing but namedropping.

>> No.19584709



The /lit/wit variation of "cuck." Go get an original thought.

>> No.19584720

For starters, none of those books.
Also /lit/ will seethe, but fiction is trash. All of it. This is one redpill you all need to take. Even the most revered prose writers like Melville and McCarthy. All of it is complete midwit dogshit.

>> No.19584724

Never gonna mate?

>> No.19584737

All non-fiction is just a fictionalised version of the truth.

>> No.19584792

do you believe this? can you explain? i suck at telling when people are jokin g which makes being on here pure self-hatred

>> No.19584819

Yes I believe it. It's just a logical conclusion you come to with the more prose you read. A revelation I had a few years ago. Even prose at its absolute best is aesthetically trying to be poetry (James, Proust, Joyce, McCarthy), they are basically just prose poems and why they are so regarded. I mean, think about it. Blood Meridian, for example, is a western. There are millions of westerns. But it is considered a classic because of the beauty of its prose, which is what sets it apart.
But all of the highly regarded prose writers are just trying to inject the aesthetic of poetic beauty into their prose, when instead they could just cut out the middle man and write poetry.
This is a conclusion I've reached over time and I'm probably not explaining all of the logic involved in the reasoning, so if you still want to call me a troll it's whatever.

>> No.19584864

Imagine being filtered by fiction. Hope you get better, anon.

>> No.19584929


So poetry owns words. Poetry owns beautiful words. Anything that sounds cool is trying to be poetry. Story, narrative, the chronotopes of novels, characters, ideas--irrelevant, childish. Be logical, be a poem. The good books are really just prose poems. Anything good is a poem. Language is either a shitpost or a poem.

>> No.19584951
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just avoid these

>> No.19586261


>> No.19586809

a few of these choices are questionable.
t. Pseud