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/lit/ - Literature

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1957952 No.1957952 [Reply] [Original]

I have compiled a list of books I am going to look for today from my own searching and recommendations of friends and coworkers. This is the list as it stands, I have read none of these

Slaughter House 5
Breakfast of Champions
Cats Cradle
Catch 22
Picture of Dorian Gray
The Caves of Steel
The Complete Robot
Anansi Boys
House of Leaves
Catcher in the Rye
Infinite Jest
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
A Scanner Darkly
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
The Man in the High Tower
A Brave New World
A Salty Piece of Land

Anything you all would like to add? I have Game of Thrones, but have not yet read it. I absolutely love the Ender series, Dune and Fahrenheit 451

I am also going to look for a few comics/graphic novels, I have Cowboys and Aliens, Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader (really hoping to find the volume of this) and Asterios Polyp

>> No.1957967

Just realized I forgot to put Heinlein on the list

+The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
+Stranger in a Strange Land

And yes, I already poured over /lit/s wikia at the top

>> No.1957985

I'll just assume you all are crafting very long lists for me

>> No.1957987

This is all either entry-level or pretentous-hipster-level. You need to be looking at pre-Victorian stuff. That'll whack some morality into you. I suggest that you begin with The Canterbury Tales (in translation if you like) and work forwards.

>> No.1957992

Picture of Dorian Gray is boring.
House of Leaves is fuckawesome.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (and everything else Hunter S. Thompson wrote) is wonderful.

You should read the Dune series as well. And add Starship Troopers to Heinlein.
And the 2001 series.

>> No.1957993

You should mix in at least one novel from some of the *greatest* writers. If you've never read Vonnegut before you probably have too much of him on there. Choose one book from Hemingway,Faulkner,Fitzgerald,Steinbeck, or Joyce if you are into him.

>> No.1958003

>naming a few examples of the 'greatest' writers without leaving the 20th century or even naming the best 20c writers

>> No.1958009

I've read some Fitzgerald but none of the others. What specifically would you recommend, a work that truly defines the author?

>> No.1958012

>Implying a majority of the greatest novelist in history didn't write between 1900-1950
Suck it

>> No.1958016

I was talking about writers, not novelists. Novels suck.

>> No.1958029

>Novels Suck
Watch yur' tone boy.

>> No.1958036
File: 11 KB, 175x289, letters of insurgents..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want your mind blown, read "Letters of Insurgents" written by Fredy Perlman, but under the fictious pen-names of "Sophia Nachalo & Yarostan Vochek".
830 pages that make you re-evaluate everything.

>> No.1958037

Literature includes a lot more than just those paperweights. Poetry and plays (or, even better, both at once) are lightyears ahead.

>> No.1958050

Hemingway:The Sun Also Rises,Old man and the Sea, A farewell to arms (also a lot of great short stories

Faulkner:Sound and the Fury,As i Lay dying

Fitzgerald:Gatsby,This Side of Paradise

Steinbeck:Grapes of Wrath,East of Eden,Of Mice and Men

Joyce:Portrait of an Artist as a Young man, Dubliners, Ulysses

Pick em'

>> No.1958759

Why not just buy e-reader and pirate it all.

>> No.1958768

I liked As I Lay Dying. also A Prayer for Owen Meany.

>> No.1958771

Crime and Punishment or The Brothers Karamazov: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Ulysses or Finnegans Wake: James Joyce
Les Miserables: Victor Hugo
Don Quixote: Miguel de Cervantes
A Song of Ice and Fire Series: George RR Martin