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/lit/ - Literature

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19574567 No.19574567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Could you give a good 30min lecture on a /lit/ topic right now?

>> No.19574573
File: 421 KB, 1276x1600, Detail-Roman-copy-portrait-bust-Aristotle-Greek (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The books of Aristotle's the Organon.

>> No.19574574

Everything I need to say can be said in less than twenty words

>> No.19574578

The Dictionary. I'd define each word after I say it.

>> No.19574579

The Bible and MapleStory

>> No.19574607

The best close-to-lit I could do is 17-century dutch art, where I could easily do a one hour lecture with no prep, maybe more.

More specifically lit, i could definitely do 30 mins on Plato

>> No.19574608

How I love women so much, it's unreal.

>> No.19574621

Moby Dick or Usury.

>> No.19574625


I only need 14

>> No.19574626

This. I learned a lot about usury from writing a private defence of it. I wonder if I should publish it though...

>> No.19574627

Historical homosexuality

>> No.19574631


>> No.19574635


>> No.19574726
File: 2.55 MB, 2000x1000, Sloterdijk-Home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can talk about Sloterdijk and his works quite extensively.

>> No.19574755



>> No.19574775

How Freud's work is far weightier than anything Lacan ever wrote. And how Lacan is just a bunch of repackaged fluff.

>> No.19574780

language learning
greek mythology/history/philosophy
certain sf classics like dune or pkd
video game design of the late 90s/early 00s
nabokov, gombrowicz, pynchon
why social media is a catastrophe for the human spirit
the tv show "lost"
certain types of pornography
the life and times of david bowie and hitler

>a /lit/ topic
everything is /lit/ when i'm speaking

>> No.19574862

>Segs in literature throughout the ages
It's a lecture series in which I explain why humans have always been degenerate and what words they use to hide it. I'll need a minimum of fourteen class hours.

>> No.19574889

Thucydides, the man and the book
The spread of Christianity in the Roman empire
What paradise lost is actually trying to convey
Why Averroes is the greatest retard in the history of philosophy
The big three of American revivalism and why they're the most important intellectuals in American history

>> No.19574900

Me too man

>> No.19574901

Easily. The Stranger and its overrated stature as a philospical and literary piece.

>> No.19574953
File: 125 KB, 480x455, 1516602922536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 1: Why achievement capes were the worst thing to ever happen to the game
Part 2: Why the grand exchange was the worst thing to ever happen to the game
Part 3: Why removing free trade was the worst thing to ever happen to the game
Part 4: What players think the want
Part 5: What they actually want
Part 6: Why Underground Pass is the best quest in any game ever (annoying is good)
Part 7: Why Mournings End Part II is the worst quest in any game ever made (but never be too annoying)
Part 8: How to sell your girlfriend

>> No.19574963

Look at those soulless eyes. No wonder he named his soul something as alien as "entelechy." That's the sort of soul a spider would have.

>> No.19574977

The Thirty Years War

>> No.19574991


>> No.19575435

I can talk about books

>> No.19575446

I could probably talk about numerical methods for evaluating ODEs, linear and non-linear systems of equations, and integrals.


>> No.19575458

Probably WW2

>> No.19575459

I’m undergrad, my linguistics professor had me teach the class about 4chan linguistics because one day I made an offhand comment — “how about green text”—when she asked the class if they knew of any interesting linguistic phenomena on the internet. This was on a Thursday, so when we came back on Tuesday she told me she spent the entire weekend researching and learning about 4chan’s greentexting and was absolutely captivated by it. She got so autistic about it that I briefly thought my professor was a fellow anon

>> No.19575462

American Modernist poetry. Especially Sandburg.

>> No.19575473
File: 8 KB, 249x243, 1637317841938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Existential terror of a woman having an anus that shits.

>> No.19575474

In undergrad* this was around 2012-13 when you could still get away with associating 4chanz with anonymous and hacktivists and didn’t have the connotation that it does today among normies

>> No.19575475

I guess I'd talk about Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

>> No.19575479

What the hell is this normie thread? Looks like something taken out from Facebook post made for boomers

>> No.19575483

I can't even hold a 30 minutes conversation when I'm not in the right mood

>> No.19575484

Is Cosmology /lit/?

>> No.19575488

Michelstaedter of course.
Really curious about your point on averroes. Would love to hear what you have to say concerning that.

>> No.19575491

The myth of heterosexuality. Actually, I could probably ramble on about it for a lot longer than 30 minutes.

>> No.19575494

I really wished that if Narcos didn’t get cancelled that this would be the direction that they go, since they were building up to a possible exploration of 2666 with Victor’s storyline in the last season. An HBO series on 2666 would be kino

>> No.19575504
File: 371 KB, 1800x1350, 33169470_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could probably get up on a stage and talk about early British history for thirty uninterrupted minutes with no preparation. Autism has its perks.

>> No.19575517

This looks like my ex’s bitmoji. In which case I could talk for 30 minutes about how much I hate her

>> No.19575520

I was thinking about doing a 30 min talk on Christian Holidays and aspects of the christian cult that appear embedded in contemporary arts and cutlure. For example, the Beastie Boys:

>I said, "Where'd you get your information from" huh?
>You think that you can front when revelation comes?
>(Yeah, you can't front on that)

When apocalyptic religion mixes with everyday life in modern culture there is a distinct result: a loss of reason and concurrently, morality, as we all are dragged toward the apocalypse described in the Bible. In the talk, I explore postmodern forms of religious dogma and how it connects us through time to the pre-literate cultures of the Mediterranean, and how this focus distracts us from seeing the Holidays for what they really are which is to perpetuate deep cult narratives, and transport them into the future, and unceasingly toward that final armageddon.

>> No.19575526

capeshit comics

>> No.19575527

That’s cool, just remember to pay at the end of that talk and hand the label to the pharmacist

>> No.19575531

Unfortunately, I really do think the only thing I could talk about in an illuminating and focused way for thirty minutes is how much I hate modern young women

>> No.19575533

I was thinking I would be able to double my revenue from the event apart from my usual speaking fee by passing a hat for donations a the 0:15 mark.

>> No.19575540

What is Paradise Lost actually about?

>> No.19575543

You have only 30 minutes, remember. You'd have to be efficient to cram all that in there, including the criticism of modernity. Good plan, love to read the outline

>> No.19575546

>Look at those soulless eyes.
It's a statue, anon.

>> No.19575547

So you're going to make normalfags suicidal by bombing their coping mechanism and opening them up to the dark abyss which they never acknowledged? Based

>> No.19575560

Yeah we reintroduced an irreal grammatical mood

>> No.19575564

Analytic metaphysics is my bread and butter

>> No.19575565

Hmm. I guess I could offer something on those topics, not sure about 30 minutes (probably less, pr maybe even more):
>Thoreau and Emerson
>History of satyrical literature AKA "- Is it clown world? - Always has been"
>Why Mommsen's work on the history of Rome is better than Gibbon's
>Russian chronicles (Igor's Campaign, of Bygone Years etc.)
>Seneca was a hypocrite
>foundations of mutual seething between Hindu and Zoroastrian communities

>> No.19575567

The one sentence summary of my tedtalk would be
>Averroes thought Aristotle was infallible, lmao
For an actual thirty minute talk
I'd start by talking about the experimental phase of early Arabic philosophy when just about anything would fly and contrast it with similar patterns in early Christian thought (Origen, Clemens and what have you)
Then, I'd talk about how Aristotle came to be the dominant force in Muslim thought
Primarily because of how neatly he answers everything and can be used
From here we go to discuss the closing of the Arab mind not by people like Ghazali but by proto academic circle jerkers
Their crown prince being Averroes who expressed these retarded ideas most eloquently
They aren't just nifty, they are beautiful
I will discuss he propaganda war against Ghazali and his ilk who turn out to be a lot more rational and just timid about their use of philosophy, recognising the consequences such metaphysics can have
I conclude by examining the blasting consequences of Averroism north and east
Lastly, I end by adhoming Averroes on the unoriginality of his medicinal works

>> No.19575571

The Late Roman Empire

>> No.19575573

Yeah no shit, it’s so fucking broad that you can spend 30 minutes just doing a brief Wikipedia-tier intro to each sub field of metaphysics. Just say metaphysics too, retard. Continentals don’t practice philosophy — just charlatanism.

>> No.19575580

At least you got the easy to disguise British history autism. If you can talk about Aethelred for an hour, at worst people will assume you're a racist inbred, but I got the kind where I can talk about the civil service and the navy or railway magnates who were bankrupts, and everyone can tell five sentences in that's at least another hour of anorak.

>> No.19575581

Several topics for at least one hour.

>> No.19575605

Probably on or if playwrighting is an art. The limitations of poetry and it's bad aspects of using it as reason. Why to read books and learn languages and national language programmes and it's resulting effects.

>> No.19575606

ngl Aristotle looks like an annoying nerd. fucking idiots at the time couldn't figure out drawing or painting, when ancient humans had painted in caves for thousands of years wtf.

>> No.19575612

Fair enough anon lol

>> No.19575661

I mean I coud bu it would be extremely bad

>> No.19575667
File: 46 KB, 372x480, 1629368110597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but only mildly /lit/
>Diaghilev's Ballets Russes
>Russian Silver Age
>Modernism and avant-garde in Russia
>Iconography in Vajrayana

>> No.19575674

I could give a 30 minute talk on the history of physics

>> No.19575678

Adventure time, a small list of Oscar winning movies, magic realism

>> No.19575689
File: 39 KB, 480x640, kabuki-vintage-actor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too bro...

>> No.19575692

No idea, but probably nothing. I'm really bad at talking and explaining things. While I do know certain things, I don't think I would be able to give any lecture about it.

>> No.19575715

Is she going to give us a magic show?

>> No.19575728

Free will

>that’s it
Yikes. At least everything I say would be correct

>> No.19575746


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race