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/lit/ - Literature

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19573669 No.19573669 [Reply] [Original]

What’s /lit’s opinion on YA (young adult) novels? They kinda seem like mindless escapism to me. Also, totally unrelated, how do I get my GF to read stuff that isn’t YA garbage

>> No.19573702

I like that they don't have obligatory tacked on romance for the most part. I read them when I'm really drunk and can't follow anything more difficult.

>> No.19573718

Masturbation material for womanchildren, in the same way garbage like Persona or Re:Zero is masturbation material for manchildren.

>> No.19573731

if you read YA novels as an adult then I assume you didn't fully mentally develop

>> No.19573735

Fun light reading when you are in the mood for such. Sometimes have a neat idea or two.
Not really something worth generating an excessive emotional response over.

>> No.19573738

I bet you’re the life of the crowd with that attitude.

>> No.19573748

Lmao the GF reads them for the romances

>> No.19573763

The ones for boys barely even have token pussy representation, it's just bros and maybe some dyke doing bro shit.

>> No.19573774

Explain how im wrong

>> No.19573780
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They’re probably at the same level as a lot of the Forgotten Realms stuff I read for fun desu but something about them rubs me the wrong way. I read Six of Crows for my family’s book club and really disliked it.
>I like that they don't have obligatory tacked on romance
Pic, obviously, not related then kek.

>> No.19573846

isn't this the one with the shoehorned gay romance.

>> No.19573979

You take too cynical of an outlook. Sometimes reading something that doesn’t require anything above surface level thoughts is pleasant. Hell, it’s a large step above bullshit like daytime television. I could argue the same thing against any other form literature. It’s banal shitposting.
>You just read XYZ to masturbate to your own superiority/inferiority.

>> No.19573994

>anon asks for an explanation
>other anon delivers
thats not how its supposed to go lad...

>> No.19574001


YA is fantastic for younger kids. If you can show then that reading can be incredibly interesting and fun then it will allow them to branch out with more advanced reading as they grow. Anything we can do to get the younger generation breading instead of shitting out tick tock videos is a plus.

>> No.19574006

I worked in a bookstore around 2015 and I hated stocking hundreds of copies of Divergent and The Fault in our Stars so I fucking hate them

>> No.19574014

Thanks for the (you) anyways then.

>> No.19574057

Maybe instead you should have considered the perks of being a wallflower, my dude :^)

>> No.19574063

The literary equivalent of video games

>> No.19574070

In my masters program (for fucking Library science, don't do it guys, learn from my mistake) I read a lot of YA books.
Generally speaking, fantasy YA is garbage.
Here are some of the favorites I read, maybe your GF will like some, though if she likes YA primarily for its romance she may be disappointed.
Weetzie Bat by Francesa Lia Block
A Heart in a Body in the World by Deb Caletti
Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins
The Pigman by Paul Zindel
and lastly,
Slasher Girls and Monster Boys by April Genevieve Tucholke

I should add that I have zero intention of ever revisiting any of these, and I highly doubt I will ever go out of my way to read YA ever again, but I didn't hate the experience of reading these.

>> No.19574072

oh wait fuck I forgot the best one.
Emergency Contact by Mary H.K Choi

>> No.19574098
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My guilty pleasure is YA fantasy romance novels. Moreso real world with fantasy elements (i.e. magic and witchcraft etc.) than actual fantasy worlds with elves and goblins
I need more to read though

>> No.19574224

YA is alright. I've actually read the op picture and recommend that no one ever read it again cause it sucks. YA can be nice in between real books but don't read that one

>> No.19574238

When did they start using young adult as a classification? Does it line up with the release of Spiderman/ ironman and the ubiquity of superhero movies starting in the early 2000s?