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/lit/ - Literature

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19556790 No.19556790 [Reply] [Original]

Write down the last 5 books you read and get a recommendation.
>Tropic of Cancer
>The Iliad
>Crime and Punishment
>Notes from the Underground

>> No.19556907


>> No.19557132

>The Last King of America, Andrew Roberts
>The Nile, Toby Wilkinson
>George F. Kennan, John Lewis Gaddis
>Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov
>Whose Bible is It, Jaroslav Pelikan

>> No.19557224

>Autocrat of the Desert
>The White Guard
>History of the USSR in anecdotes
>Postphilosophy. Three Paradigms in the History of Thought

>> No.19557427

Always with Honor: The Memoirs of General Wrangel

>> No.19557476

>Gravity's Rainbow (current read)
>Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy
>Story of the Eye
>Selected Poetry of Adam Asnyk
>War & Peace

>> No.19557629

>The Eyesight of Wasps - Osip Mandelstam
>Sound of Time - Osip Mandelstam
>We - Yevgeney Zamyatin
>Filibusters in Barbary - Wyndham Lewis
>Mirgorod - Gogl

For some reason Book of the New Sun seems fitting but I can't say why. That or Ovid's Metamorphoses
I am not sure but all those books sound super interesting. Maybe depart from the Russian things and read Poe's Eureka to supplement the philosophy book.
Gargantua and Pantagruel by Rabelais (this is only bc Master and Margarita is on your list and both are very "mennipean"). Is George Kennan bio good? I have been meaning to learn more about him.
Read Andrei Biely's Petersburg after reading GR. There are a lot of neat similarities between the two

>> No.19557657

The Accursed Share - Bataille
Anti-Oedipus - D&G
Fanged Noumena - Land
Atrocity Exhibition - Ballard
Eroticism - Bataille

>> No.19557671

Oh god my dude I was you at one point. Read Gravity's Rainbow (and maybe The ticket that exploded, and Molloy-Malone Dies The Unnameable for reasons I cannot explain) to get out of whatever Land-CCRU-Deleuze rabbit hole you are in. These will convince you that they said nothing new. Ballard and Bataille are cool tho

>> No.19557712

oh read Henri Bergson "Time and Free Will" too

>> No.19557723

the arabian nightmare - robert irwin (loved it)
a shropsire lad - a.e. housman (liked it)
the dreaming jewels - theodore sturgeon (liked it)
starve acre - andrew michael hurley (really liked it)
the divinity student - michael cisco (it was okay)

based on the nile and margarita, you would also enjoy the arabian nightmare.

the sorcerer's apprentice - françois augiéras

>> No.19557736

Thanks for the reccs mate, I've read GR but would try out the others too. To be fair, there's not much of a rabbit hole with these three for me, but I appreciate their creativity. I rate Land's work, aside from everything involving theoccult, which is exactly why I'm not too big on CCRU. Didn't like Ballard too.

>> No.19557757

Good Omens
The priory of an orange tree
Arry Poota 1-7

Fix me

>> No.19557848

>The Illiad
>I Am Legend
>Metamorphosis (Kafka)
>The Prophet
>Atlas Shrugged

>> No.19557909

>India's broken tryst by Tavleen Singh
>Be slightly evil by Venkatesh Rao
>Ecce Homo by Nietzsche
>Models by Mark Manson
>Boyd by Robert Coram

>> No.19558172
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Pic related are from November. This month, I read:
>Steven Pinker - Rationality
>Harper Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.19558233

>The Hobbit
>The Metamorphosis
>Moby Dick

>> No.19558262


The Stranger

>> No.19558351

>The Hobbit
>The priory of an orange tree
>good omens

>> No.19558404

The Tunnel by Ernesto Sabato

>> No.19558431


>> No.19558436

>The Unique and Its Property
>Thus Zarathustra Spoke
>Ride The Tiger by Julius Evola
>The Sovereign Individual
>The Odyssey by Homer

>> No.19558453

A clockwork Orange

>> No.19558471

Sophie's World
The story of philosophy by will Durant

>> No.19558481

This side of paradise

>> No.19558546

Orality and Literacy The Technologizing of the Word by Walter J. Ong, John Hartley
The Art of Memory by Francis Yates
War and Peace by Tolstoy
Billy Bathgate by E.L. Doctorow
The Book of Memory A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture by Mary Carruthers
The Short Stories of George Macdonald
Undine by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué
Epitaph For A Spy Eric Ambler

>> No.19558604

Op here anyone know any good novellas, preferably modern

>> No.19558674

moby dick by melville
journal of samuel pepys
eclogues by virgil
la sainte face by elie faure
chosen texts of la mettrie

>> No.19558712

Da Vinci's biography (currently)
Divine Comedy
Storm of Steel
Dead Souls

>> No.19558745
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hmm I only ever read 2 books...
- Senhor Ventura by Miguel Torga
- Ignition!: An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants by John Clark

Can I still get some recommendations?

>> No.19558765

sweet days of discipline
jakob von gunten
the graveyard - hlasko
the dead lake - ismailov
moss - klaus modick
the sibyl - lagerkvist
holy the firm - dillard
michael kohlhaas - kleist (old but feels very modern)
the tidings of the trees - hilbig
self-portrait abroad - toussaint
indian nocturne - tabucchi
you should have left - kehlmann
parade - kawakami

>> No.19558920

I need a book that will make me inspired and motivated to change my life. I’m at a crossroads in life. Which book can you wholeheartedly say changed your life?

>> No.19558995

>The Thousandfold Thought (Bakker)
>The Double (Dostoevsky)
>Victory (Conrad)
>Howl's Moving Castle (Jones)
>The Memory Police (Ogawa)

>> No.19558997
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You can read books and be inspired all you want, but you need to have the strength to act on your inspiration to actually change your life...

I only read Japanese stuff... I have no recommendations, but I can offer some advice.

>> No.19559079

not the anon you're replying to but I'm interested
share your wisdom

>> No.19559144

My two main problems are procrastination and overthinking. I want to live up to my potential and get shit done. Then again I struggle with the question ‘what’s the point of it all’. There’s things I’ve desired in life; money, sex, drugs, and when I get them I feel the same after a while. I build stuff up in my mind and the reality never matches my expectations. The most pressing issue right now is getting my degree, but that’s down to discipline and forming good habits desu.

>> No.19559148

The Colossus of Maroussi by Henry Miller

>> No.19559238
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>The Gambler (Dostoevsky)
>Armor (Steakley)
>Short Stories (Gorky)
>Nomad Of Time (Moorcock)
>Stasiland (Funder)

>> No.19559288
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I can only offer knowledge I built myself... I would not call it wisdom.

My situation was something along the lines of:
- family is poor and needs my help to survive, but they would never put pressure on me to get a job, they wanted me to follow my dreams.
- I was procrastinating on the surface, but the reality was I was afraid of being no good.
- I used to think that "I don't want to die, but I regret that I will have to live the rest of my life with myself".
Finally, through some friends from uni and college I finally got a job. I just walked in there, no interview required. Just a simple task of getting people from point A to point B in my city's train stations.

People used to thank me for my directions and assistance... I felt happy for the first time. After all, it seems like I am not that useless. I can now support my family almost by myself.
A few years have "flowed" by me and now I work in an IT company. I realised that every time I got a new job, I would feel genuinely happy, but only for a few months, once it becomes normal, the brain looks for something else to be unhappy about.

So, at least for me, happiness seems to be directly related to "constant progress". I always give myself small goals, doesn't even need to be at work or work related. "Today I will do x or Y" and after doing it, all the self guilt I have about procrastinating goes away. Overtime I find myself doing more tasks and of different varieties without having to think useless shit, "oh, here I go wasting times again" or "I don't even enjoy playing games anymore... wtf am I doing here?"

I would like to know something before I attempt to help you, what exactly do you mean by ". I want to live up to my potential and get shit done." ?

In your wildest dreams, what is your goal?

>> No.19559307
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The Blind Owl
Bob Honey Who Just do Stuff
On Being Blue
The Vineland Saga
The Mezzanine
Have a roll. It is a decent chart, especially for this place.

>> No.19559331
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My goal is to be ‘free’. By 50 I’d like to be a rich businessman who doesn’t need to be working 12 hour days any more. I’d like to have a wife and kids, and I’d like to be someone who gives back to his people and his community.

>> No.19559360
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>> No.19559459

Well, that's a complicated goal, even if you achieve half of it, I would consider you a successful person.

Starting with the overthinking.
I believe it might be a trait fundamental to you and it cannot be changed. Most likely, what bothers you is not the "overthinking" part, but the "not taking action" part. I still overthink, but by defeating my ghosts, I can now put stuff into motion, even if my overthinking brain thinks I am missing something important and will fuck it up. That's still an improvement.

After working 12 hours a day, it's hard not to procrastinate... you deserve some good rest, so don't beat yourself too hard.
If you have any days off, that's when some progress can be done.
Step 1- for me it starts with trying to relax. I want a steady mind. I found that getting in touch with Nature helps. I did not realise I missed the sound of the sea so much, once I started listening to it on youtube, I found that my body would relax. Relaxed body. Slightly better mind?
not sure, but it helped me. Even during these periods of Relaxation, I would overthink shit, but I had better control over myself and that's when it starts!
To have a better grip over yourself is useful because you can achieve things. Always remember to start small, after all, it is a pain in the ass to do stuff, even if you want it badly... maybe start with a 5 minute task, you will notice that doing things is faster than bitching about having to do things.
Tomorrow you might do 2 small "things", the day after 3 and the day after that you will do 1 task, but maybe it's a bit more complex. Now you are no longer procrastinating as hard. I would call this progress.
Progress leads to satisfaction with yourself, which gives you confidence to act, even when overthinking about shit.

I have to cut this short, but I hope it helps anyone, even if a tiny bit.

Currently chilling to:

No music required.

>> No.19559485


>> No.19559486


>> No.19559647


>> No.19559691

This might sound banal, but it took a long time for this thought to crystallise for me, so maybe someone will get some utility from it.

Wanting something is not the same thing as wanting to go through the steps it takes to get it. Desire the process and you will get the result

>> No.19559738

>Progress leads to satisfaction with yourself, which gives you confidence to act, even when overthinking about shit.
Thanks anon. Godspeed on this sojourn called life.

>> No.19559760


Godspeed Anons.

>> No.19560477

The stranger

>> No.19560559
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>Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari - A Thousand Plateaus
>Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Phenomenology of Spirit
>Immanuel Kant - Critique of Pure Reason
>Plato - Complete Works
>Carl Gustav Jung - Liber Novus

No, I haven't read these yet because they'd melt my peon brain if I attempted to now, but I'm planning to do it whenever I have the time. Anything close to the five which I mentioned that I should be aware of? The Bible or so?

>> No.19560713


>> No.19560765

Why do you want to read these books?

>> No.19560782

>Seibo There Below
>Don Quixote part two
>Sculpting in Time
>Flame and Shadow

>> No.19561508

>michael cisco
did you read animal money?

>> No.19561517

Definitely Sometimes a Great Notion

>> No.19561533
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>To Live and Think Like Pigs
>Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
>Gorky Park
>The Book of the Holy Hierotheos
>More Old Testament Pseudepigrapha

Sorry Its been so eclectic

>> No.19562267

>The Book of Disquiet
>The Glass Menagerie
>Short stories of Flannery O’ Connor
>Merchant of Venice
>Poetry of John Keats

>> No.19562668

Can't hurt me
Discipline equals freedom

>> No.19562709

It's kind of hard to sidestep this headspace but why fight it if you dig it?
Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation
Thacker - Infinite Resignation
Everything by Byung-Chul Han

>> No.19562713

>you should have left - kehlmann
One of few books I have re-read. Worth checking out.

>> No.19562762

No, just The Divinity Student. It had an amazing synopsis. I liked the first chapter, but eventually the style became very grating for me. I do have Animal Money and will try it at some point, though I get the feeling it will be similarly styled and I won't like it much.

>> No.19563330

Is Augustus by John Williams worth reading?

>> No.19563359

> To the Lighthouse - Wolff
> Portrait of a young artist - Joyce
> Dublineers - Joyce
> Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
> The Sun and the Steel - Mishima

>> No.19563369

>The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
>The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
>Life, the Universe, and Everything
>So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish

>> No.19563378

the savage detectives
between parentheses
the trial
wittgensteins nephew

>> No.19563383

the infinite and the divine

>inb4 i dont care about 40k

still a great sci-fi comedy

>> No.19563808


>> No.19563819

Viktor Frankl man's search for meaning

>> No.19564236

The Game by Neil Strauss

>> No.19564261
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>A Husband under the Bed
>The Anarchy (British East India Company book)
>The Crocodile
>The Alchemist
>Samurai Castles

>> No.19564278

>The Blacktongued Thief
>The Age of Wonder
>Fifth Head of Cerberus
>The Dragon Waiting
>History of the Peloponnesian War

>> No.19564285

The Man Who was Thursday: A Nightmare
By G.K. Chesterton

>> No.19564322

The Plague (current read) - Camus
The Catcher in the Rye - Sallinger
Importance of being Earnest - Wilde
Brave New World - Huxley
Demian - Hesse

>> No.19564347

Siberian one

>> No.19564386


>> No.19564405

read Be Slightly Evil by Venkatesh G Rao

>> No.19564414

really interesting. Thanks anon.

>> No.19564517 [DELETED] 

The first out of two volumes of Plutarch's Lives
The Monk
Paradise Lost
War and Peace

>> No.19564557

>The first out of two volumes of Plutarch's Lives
>The Monk
>Paradise Lost
>War and Peace

>> No.19564878


>> No.19564965

>A Sorrow Beyond Dreams
>Orthodoxy and the Kingdom of Satan
>Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
>In Praise of Older Women
>Prometheus Rising

>> No.19565056

The Little Prince
Faust part 1
The Third Man
The Oresteian Trilogy
The Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.19565327

Hellenica by Xenophon

>> No.19565363

I need a book recommendation. Not really looking for philosophy type books but if that's all there is then that'll do.
I want something that argues against the hippy mentality many seem to have. "I'm okay your okay". Something that argues for Objectivity and against subjectivity when it comes to things like arts. I hate the idea that everything has it's own value and nothing is superior or inferior.
Ex. Preferences over objective aesthetics. "Food is subjective, music is subjective" etc.

>> No.19565444

just read art history, bro

>> No.19565450

Haven’t read it but After Virtue?

>> No.19565457

>bryond good and evil
>genealogy of morals
>the ego and the id
>the story of philosophy by brian mcgee
>mythology by edith hamilton

>> No.19565468

well this is the reason I want like a summary book. I took a wonderful art history class a long time ago and it definitely influenced my believes. One of the best teachers I've ever had and it was in High school too.
i'll look into that, thanks.

>> No.19565469

Pilgrim's Progress
Faust PT1 & 2
Young Stalin
A History of Western Philosophy
Pagan Britain

>> No.19565604

Wittgenstein - On Certainty (Uber Gewissheit)
Dosto - Notes from the Underground
Welsh - Marabou Stork Nightmares
Kundera - Ignorance
Camus - The Plague & The Myth of Sisyphus

Am at an emotional low point in my life, experiencing debilitating loneliness, real and imaginary rejection and insecurity.
Recommend me anything.

>> No.19565659

I'm gonna need a lighthearted novel about whimsical interpersonal relationships between interesting characters please.

>> No.19565686

Tove Jansson

>> No.19566152
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The Idiot
War & Peace
Count of Monte Cristo
Therese Raquin
Day of the Triffids

>> No.19566896

The Kennan bio is a blast
Gaddis, despite being Kennan's friend and acquaintance, doesn't shy away from depicting based young Kennan in his race realist and tomboyclastic tendencies
It becomes much slower after 1950~ as Kennan becomes more of a whiny preacher and occasional diplomat but it's still really fun

>> No.19567265

I want to give my Mum, sister and brother a poetry book each, any recommendations?
For my Mum I got a couple from Sor Juana.
I was thinking Borges or Neruda for my sister.
Not sure what to choose for my brother..

>> No.19567276

I am a brainlet and am only wanting to get into reading recently, any basic starting recommendations, or "must reads"?

>> No.19567553


>> No.19567594

The Hidden Tradition in Europe, Yuri Stoyanov
In the American Grain, William Carlos Williams

The Mathematical Basis of the Arts, Joseph Schillinger

The Age of Huts, Ron Silliman

Hebdomeros, de Chirco

Plainsong, kazushi hosaka
>A nameless, ambitionless office worker finds his small apartment gradually invaded by three other people: all younger than himself, but seemingly no less adrift. The year is 1986, and the strange communal life of this foursome, extending over half a year, from the end of winter to midsummer, makes up the plot, such as it is, of Plainsong, as this ersatz family finds itself growing closer, and life continues—quietly—around them. Part of the generation that grew to prominence following the success of baby boomers like Haruki Murakami, Kazushi Hosaka’s work chronicles the small moments, the moments without conflict, that most novels work to elide. His characters talk, work, exist; their story is one where the tiniest occurrence takes on the proportions of a grand drama.

>> No.19567716

> Either/Or (current read) - Kierkegaard
> The Old Man and the Sea - Hemingway
> Fear and Trembling - Kierkegaard
> Otras Inquisiciones - Borges
> Stoner - John Williams

>> No.19567742

>Fear and Trembling - Kierkegaard
How did you find it? Are you a Christian now?

>> No.19567763

It's not as much about Christianity as it is about Faith.
It is based; I now think in those terms constantly.
Also, the preface is gold. He shits on them pseuds.

>> No.19567767

prometheus unbound
oedipus rex
prometheus bound
plato's apology
the house on the borderland

(i'm starting with the greeks)

>> No.19567969

Is my selection mediocre? I know the whole controversy of one and two (from top to bottom), but they're fascinating from what the little descriptions I've read told me. The remaining three, too. In general, the themes and everything discussed about in said books, and the challenge to even fathom these tomes of written word. Anything eye-opening, dense, in maximalist style with as much detail added in I'd like looking through for sure, less than usual eye candy. Not sure if masochistic or not.

>> No.19569587

>why liberalism failed
>the end of history
>Story of the eye
>The trial

>> No.19569829

>Story of the eye
Isn’t that book really lewd?

>> No.19570019

Henry Miller is underrated. Most people can’t see past the vulgarity.

>> No.19570514

Borges is a not so good poet, so maybe Cesar Vallejo?

>> No.19570635

Last Exit to Brooklyn

>> No.19570948


>> No.19570969

Animorphs 37: The Weakness
Animorphs 36: The Mutation
Animorphs 35: The Proposal
Animorphs 34: The Prophecy
Animorphs 33: The Illusion

>> No.19570989

Did you like Therese Raquin? I thought it was pretty comfy, albeit kinda sleazy. Some funny moments too.

>> No.19571230


>> No.19571477

Read Scott Adams - How to fail at almost everything and still win big

Talk to a therapist.

>> No.19571553

For procrastination, first think about the goal you need to achieve on a piece of paper. Next, use as many numbers as possible to think about it. Suppose it's an exam you have to study for.

Write all this down:-
What is the grade you want to achieve?
How many marks do you need for that?
How many chapters do you need to study for that?
How many hours in total will that take?
How many hours a day will that take?
and so on.

While answering these try to keep some constraints in mind. Goals are supposed to be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound.

Also, goals are the actual task to be done, not the number of hours you will study a day.

For example, you could set a goal of solving 5 math problems before you go to sleep.

After you're done with all this, set up your work environment. Take a piss. Get a bottle of water and try to eliminate all distractions as much as you can. The trick is you gotta keep starting again and again.

To do that you can use a few tricks.
You can use affirmations/self talk: Keep subvocalizing something like, "I, <name>, am solving x problems before sleeping. I will not sleep before solving x problems. I am a man of Steel will", etc.

Finally, don't be too hard on yourself. Treat yourself like a friend you're helping instead of an employee being manner by a bad boss.

Relax yourself if you feel to stressed, listen to inspiring music playlists on YouTube(music is a kind of affirmation too).

Self Talk something(forgot the name) by Shad Helmsletter
Awaken the giant within
Atomic habits

>> No.19571636

Thanks anon

>> No.19571819

>Based on a True Story, Norm Macdonald
>The Book of Job, God
>The Sayings of the Desert Fathers: Alphabetical Collection, Benedicta Ward
>Music in Renaissance Magic: Toward a Historiography of Others, Gary Tomlinson
>Li Po and Tu Fu: Poems, Arthur Cooper

>> No.19571844

>The Mahabharata
>Dream of the red chambers, Cao Xueqin
>Kim, Rudyard Kiplig
>Demons, Dostoevsky
>Cain , Lord Byron

>> No.19571853

>edward limonov - fuck off, america
>david kilcullen - the dragons and the snakes
>haruki murakami - 1q84
>alain de benoist - beyond growth
>tolkien - lord of the rings the two towers

>> No.19572105

>Once Upon a Time in Hollywood novel
>Starship Troopers
>Dune: Messiah

>> No.19572122

The Victims - Isidore Opewho
Rabbit, Run - John Updike
Augustus - John Williams
His Name was Death - Rafael Bernal
The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen

>> No.19572132

I finished Augustus recently by John Williams and it was great

I would suggest that if you liked Stoner

He won the National Book Award for it

>> No.19572156

>Lord Dunsany - The King of Elflands Daughter
>Günter Grass - Die Blechtrommel
>Ian M. Banks - Use of Weapons
>Ursula K. LeGuin - The Word for World is Forest
>Ursula K. LeGuin - The Lathe of Heaven

>> No.19573209

>I finished Augustus recently by John Williams and it was great
It’s on my tbr

>> No.19573403

The Stealer of Souls
The Metamorphosis
The Communist Manifesto

>> No.19573655

The Secret Agent by Conrad

>> No.19573677

I find it the opposite for myself. If I set very specific goals then I never follow through. It's like once I've written down a plan everything seems set in stone and empty.

>> No.19573759

The Book of the New Sun
By Gene Wolfe

>> No.19573764

Tales of the Dying Earth
By Jack Vance

>> No.19573768

>An American Dream - Norman Mailer
>In the Skin of a Lion - Michael Ondaatje
>Barometer Rising - Hugh MacLennan
>Bear - Marian Engel
>The Trial - Franz Kafka

>> No.19573902

Read Grass' Dog Years, I thought it was at least on par with The Tin Drum. Heinrich Böll's works would work as well.

Infinite Jest - DFW
The Gulag Archipelago - Solzhenitsyn
And Quiet Flows The Don - Sholokhov
Absalom, Absalom! - Faulkner
Charterhouse of Parma - Stendhal

>> No.19574448

>Ursula K. LeGuin - The Lathe of Heaven
how was this? I was thinking about buying it

>> No.19574548
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tunnels of chu chi_tom mangold(redpill)
bobby fischer teaches chess_bobbyfisch/margulies(beginnerstoadvance)
The Hunter Gracchus_franz kafka(fking awesome!)
The lottery and other short stories_ Shirley Jackson(impressive)
The black echo_michael connelly

>> No.19574554

the black echo is book one of the famous detective series Bosch.

>> No.19574610

try Ayn Rand
Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.19574709


>> No.19574732

>No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai
>Death in Midsummer - Yukio Mishima
>The Box Man- Kobo Abe
>A Private Matter - Kenzaburo Oe
>Serotonin - Michel Houellebecq (current)

I like fiction that is melodramatic and personal.

>> No.19574749

Then perhaps your problem is not the goal but desire. You don't really want your goal, you want to want it.

Start here : https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/desire/
Read Wanting - The Power of mimetic desire by Luke Burgis.

Make it a habit of asking yourself - do I really want this? Then wait for the answer to announce itself. Then demonstrate the courage to accept the answer - whatever it is.

You can tell if you really want something if you're thinking about it all the time. Take sex, you don't have to think if you really want it. You just think about it all the time.

The same way, pursue what you think about all the time. Reason with yourself about what is best for you. You will find that once you gain enough clarity, you will keep thinking about whatever conclusion it is that you have reached. Then try the method I recommended to the other anon.

It might also be that you're too hard on yourself. you're not trying to help a friend, you're trying to manage an employee. perhaps you get afraid thinking about the magnitude of the task, when all you're supposed to think about, is what you're supposed to do today, or even better, now. You're probably thinking about what you'll be(goal wise), than what you'll do. Just think about what you want to do and not what you''ll be. Your goal cannot be "I wanna be a billionaire" it has to be, "I want to be doing x everyday".

You have to let yourself get frustrated with how you are, which is the symptom for any change which is afoot. You have to make a contract to be unhappy until you have whatever it is that you want.

read navalmanack.com . Some platitude there, but largely helpful.

Hope this helps.

>> No.19574768

A General Introduction To Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud
On the Genealogy of Morality - Friedrich Nietzsche
Hamlet - William Shakespeare
The Gervais Principle - Venkatesh Rao
The Logic Of Scientific Discovery - Karl Popper

>> No.19574809

>Venkatesh Rao
Who is this guy?

>> No.19575153

Thanks anon, you’re a good dude

>> No.19575155

the females - wolfgang hilbig

>> No.19575163

Harry Potter and the methods of rationality.

>> No.19575180

Can you recommend something that has a same vibe as the great gatsby and stoner?

>> No.19575333

noted. thank you very much.

>> No.19575696

Catcher in the rye

>> No.19576960

already read that. solid suggestion, though
liked it quite a lot. not too long, hard to put down. aged really well.

>> No.19577329
File: 197 KB, 740x1000, FFz6OUkWYAMbHgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mount Analogue, Daumal

Kolyma Tales, Shalamov
Sketches from a Hunter's Album, Turgenev

Tomb for 500,000 Soldiers, Guyotat

The Robber, Robert Walser
nice dubs

ooo I think I've got two, maybe these will do it for you, both very old Christian books
The Laughable Stories, Bar Hebraeus - Hebraeus recorded a bunch of jokes in 13th century Levant
Symbolic Sayings of Wise Men, Theodosios (translated by M. H. Zotenberg, should make it easier to find)

The Dionysiaca, only because its really good and rarely gets recommended for antique greek literature

>> No.19578292

Beyond Good and Evil
Linked - Barabasi
The rum diaries
Aristotle - David Ross
Guante Restless - James T Patterson

>> No.19578369

Inferno - Dante
Eros and Civilization - Marcuse
Infinite Jest - DFW
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Bradbury
Based on a True Story - Norm

>> No.19578411


>> No.19578453 [DELETED] 

>The Death of Invan Ilyich
>Technological Slavery
>The Sayings of the Desert Fathers

>> No.19578464


>> No.19578488

The divine comedy
The Bible
Black Bullet LN
Haganai LN

>> No.19578556

>Tropic Of Cancer by Henry Miller
>Mrs Dalloway by Woolf
>Discipline and Punish by Foucault
>The Plague by Camus
>Villette by Charlotte Bronte

>> No.19578778
File: 112 KB, 1200x968, Club Night by George Bellows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light: Mythology, Sexuality and the Origins of Culture
I appeared before the Madonna, Carmelo Bene

The Ingenious Gentleman and Poet Federico García Lorca Ascends to Hell, Rojas

Heliogabalus, Artaud

Hopefully these are good for you guys, trying my best

>> No.19578880
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Talk about Vulgar guy , still reading pretty twisted, Now I know were Garth Ennis got his ideas for his popular underground comic book series.

>> No.19578949
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>The Terror
>The City and the City
>No Longer Human
>Confessions of a Mask

>> No.19578979
File: 5 KB, 443x442, perusall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco
>The Silence in the Garden, William Trevor
>Slouching towards Bethlehem, Didion
>A Swim in a Pond in the Rain, George Saunders
>The Loser, Thomas Bernhard

>> No.19578991

Have you heard of Silence by Shusaku Endo?

>> No.19579000


>> No.19579019

but you like the book right?

>> No.19579259

it has a medieval,visceral ,heavy ,shameless bestial, approach towards colonization that I knew about but never read much into on the details of war torn slaves and masters...not a bad read.

>> No.19579377

I've seen the film but haven't read the book. I'll check it out

>> No.19579401

only film that comes to mind with this type of stuff is 120 days of sodom maybe a serbia film, definitely inspired by this author...imo

>> No.19579455

>K. Simonov The Living and the Dead
>C. McCarthyBlood Meridian
>P. Heather The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the Barbarians
>D. Prinet Flying to Extremes: Memories of a Northern Bush Pilot
>L. Cixin The Three Body Problem (didn't like at all)

Continue with Karenina. Tolstoy is the antithesis of Dostoyevsky, imo, in terms of style and subject.

Babel, Konarmiya

Asimov's Foundation.

>> No.19579543

>Mrs Dalloway by Woolf
How’s the prose on this one?

>> No.19579571

I’ll put it on the list. I’ve read 3 dosto books recently, and I want to read different stuff now. I’m reading the Stranger, Augustus (Williams), and zorba the Greek next.

>> No.19579590

I think Woolf is one of the best modernists. Her writing is clear and effective which isn’t always the case with some like Joyce or Faulkner.

>> No.19579683

It’s an epistolary novel surrounding the first emperor Augustus’ lifep0dgb

>> No.19579811

>Tropic Of Cancer by Henry Miller
Underrated. The bit where he steals his money back from a whore with a sick mom was hilarious. The book is very polarising though. People like Beckett and Orwell praise it highly, and some people can’t get past the misogyny.

>> No.19580349


>> No.19581178

Autobiography of Malcolm X
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Marquez
Varieties of Religious Experiences by William James
Hunger by Knut Hamsun
Austerlitz by W. G. Sebald

>> No.19581426
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Can anyone suggest a book I could get my dad for Xmas which he probably won't have already read? In other words, a hidden gem of some sort.

Nothing filled with American debauchery and/or gore please. I don't know much about his taste in books, but I know at least that he doesn't like these sorts of things.

>> No.19581488

harry potter

>> No.19581491

He's read it. In fact, he read it to me as a kid.

>> No.19581544

>>19581426 again.
To add to this, something with a British setting would be ideal.

>> No.19581754

Great expectations

>> No.19581760

Buddenbrooks? Not British though.
The Forsyte Saga.

>> No.19581887

Miller is great. He never gets any shine here

>> No.19581893

War and Peace
Portrait of Dorian Gray
The Bell Jar

>> No.19582090

Top 10 underrated writers of the last century

>> No.19582673

are there any good biographies about da vinci?

>> No.19583186


>> No.19584263

Damn most of you guys read pretty boring and basic stuff desu
Read Garcilaso. His eclogues remind me of Cervantes in multiple ways.
Sergio Pitol's The love parade

>> No.19584267

please recommend me something!

>> No.19584281

What were the last five books you read, anon?

>> No.19584333

I can't lie to you, this is me >>19561533
forgive me, padre

>> No.19584440


>> No.19584567

I'd recommend Saint John of the Cross' poems but I suspect you might have read them already. I haven't read Gorky park but from what I see it reminds me of Muñoz Molina's A manuscript of ashes, maybe you'd like it. The book is pretty comfy and I know that other Hispanic authors wrote similar novels (complex and spiraling literary-detective fiction) but I've only read that one so far.
Is Tom Wolfe any good?

>> No.19584800

>Is Tom Wolfe any good?
suprisingly good! really good! Shocked by how enjoyable the book was sentence by sentence. I will admit it has a slow start, but that lasts maybe a chapter and a half. One of the most obviously seductive books Ive read in a while. Gorky Park was fine enough. Not really my normal thing, but the real enjoyable parts was learning the simulated ins and outs of the soviet underworld and justice system. Manuscript of Ashes sound like it will do something real similar. Thank you!

>> No.19584821

Starting with the most recent:
>The Prince
>The Communist Manifesto
>Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
>The Three Musketeers
Currently reading Plato's Republic and have The Count of Monte Cristo on deck, but still looking for recommendations. First time here, first post here, coming from /fit/ mainly these days. Thx guys.

>> No.19584842

>The Trial, Franz Kafka
>Mother Night, Kurt Vonnegut
>I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, Harlan Ellison
>A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens
>Breath, Tim Winton

>> No.19584898

Angels and Demons
Dan Brown

>> No.19584991

All About H. Hatterr
The Galllic War (Caesar)
Rome and Italy (Livy)
Selections from the Canzoniere

>> No.19585032

>Elegy for Kosovo by Ismail Kadare
>Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor
>The Late Mattia Pascal by Luigi Pirandello
>The Land Across by Gene Wolfe
>The Beetle by Richard Marsh

>> No.19585081

>Mysteries by Hamsun
>Tropic of Cancer by Miller
>Mrs Dalloway by Woolf
>Gogol Collected Stories
>The Trial by Kafka

>> No.19585150


>> No.19586370

The Iliad