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/lit/ - Literature

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19567012 No.19567012[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Butterfly, I see you posted this book in one of the Jeezus threads. I was just wondering, however, if you thought the fringe conspiracy of it being a Jewish psyop held some weight.

>> No.19567036

If Butters believes this shit, then she's even more retarded than I believed she was.

>> No.19567060

Which one, the Roman psyop conspiracy theory or the Jewish psyop conspiracy theory?

>> No.19567065

Butterfly is just the left-wing version of a /pol/tard, most of her posts and book choices are about affirming her preconceived prejudices at all cost. Rest assured she is incredibly vapid and dumb.

>> No.19567066

Roman psyops. It’s very intriguing. Really we only have documents written and rewritten by Catholics to go on.

>> No.19567076

I always thought it was a shitbug

>> No.19567082

I have come from a christian conservative upbringing and found a slow methodical road “leftwards” to be most rewarding.

>> No.19567093

It sounds like a synonym for "i hate my dad and the society, so instead of adapting I try to change the world to fit my delusions"

>> No.19567094

But isn’t that just an excuse?
If truth is about universals, logic and considering the perspectives of others, any personal justification for opinions held strongly doesn’t address what I’m saying. The only reason to believe and promote something should be because it is true, not because it would be really nice if it were

>> No.19567097

I just want to understand what xtianity is, I am not so sure if I can believe the mainstream narrative. I am not so sure if I can believe the most recent fringe conspiracy theories either.

What are your thoughts on Christ and Christianity?

>> No.19567117

reminder to lurkers that this is the average /lit/ poster and you can surely do better than this

>> No.19568114

reminder to tripfags that literally everybody here wishes you would stop posting

>> No.19568125

Anonymous never matters.

Anonymous is the cancer that kills the chan board

>> No.19568141




>> No.19568171

Delusional. Just go to Reddit or Twitter if that's what you want, persistent freak.

>> No.19568215

Your anonymous heaven awaits >>>/b/

It was Flavian

>> No.19568226

Having an identity on Reddit doesn't make you stand out because everyone on Reddit has an identity. Having an identity on 4chan makes you stand out because most people are anonymous. Butters doesn't want everyone to be identifiable, she wants to stand out.

>> No.19568245
File: 15 KB, 150x387, B557C33D-62E8-41E1-8493-E891D073958A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Butters doesn't want everyone to be identifiable, she wants to stand out.
Not so

>> No.19568272

Come on, will you really say that you'd prefer if trips were mandatory on /lit/ and nobody knew who you were? You don't get a tingle when people literally make threads about you unprovoked, every reply you make gets 6 guaranteed replies, people say they want to fuck you or kill you? I'm not even saying it's a bad or abnormal desire, especially for a woman, but I simply won't believe that you don't enjoy this state of affairs.

>> No.19568297
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, 5FB578B9-3977-4E5C-B119-16B6CF04C0A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah. If I could snap my fingers for that right now I would.

>> No.19568320

Then why don't you just stop tripping? It would be a huge step closer to that reality

>> No.19568347

You missed it. I said I would snap my fingers to get you all to take on an identity here.

>> No.19568382

I know. But I'm saying that a board where everyone has an identity is effectively the same as a board where nobody does, because nobody would stand out either way. You wouldn't be a famous personality on this board if there were hundreds of other women (or people pretending to be women) posting here. Nobody would notice you at all. You can stimulate that experience now if you just become anonymous like everyone else.

>> No.19568391


>> No.19568396

Not the motives I’m considering.

>> No.19568429

Well, I'll believe that you really believe that's what you want, but I don't think you know yourself very well if that's the case. It's evident from your behavior that you enjoy the attention.

>> No.19568996

i finished the book.
its pretty good.
some parts seem reachy, some other parts seem "wait that really makes sense".

but beyond all the parallels, theres that one bit which really gets my gears going, its that one strange story in josephus' writing, the one about the roman guy pretending to be a god and fucking that one female worshipper, the seemingly out of place placement of that story in the text really makes one think (it turns to be not out of place when u take it as allegorical hint for historical truth)

>> No.19569712

alright now read the critiques

>> No.19569765

Actually we have first and second century sources in Suetonious, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, Josephus

It is a commonly stated point of fact that there are roughly the same amount of contemporary historical biographical references to Jesus as there are for the emperor Tiberius.

There is an obvious later addition to Josephus but it is pretty easy to spot and isolate from the authentic text.

Have you read any Crossan? I don't know why I am asking, you always have this idiotic minimalist position that represents a profoundly minority opinion among historians of early Christianity and indicates no familiarity with the subject at all.

And no, I am not a Christian.

>> No.19569782

Excellent post. When will the bizarre obsession with Jesus somehow, anyhow being a mythological figures end? There is a almost 100% consensus among historians that Jesus did, in fact, live.
I can only assume it's motivated by a desperate desire to invalidate the possibility of the truth of Christianity at its source

>> No.19569789

>most rewarding
sounds like you use nihilist philosophy as an excuse for your hedonism, to convince yourself your soul isn't rotting.

>> No.19569797

tits or gtfo

>> No.19569818

Ignore tripfags, do not reply to tripfags.