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19567365 No.19567365 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who thinks there is a very thin line between "Spiritual enlightenment"/metaphisical contemplation and disorders like psychosis and schizophrenia?

When I read people like Guénon, Evola, Jung, etc.. I always think that these guys were definitely not happy and have extremely low self-awareness. No one with a balanced mind would subscribe to this disgusting intoxication that comes from attaching your sense of self to an unrealistic and unhealthy ideal to the point where you see reality devoid of any material perspective, creating a sort of fabricated way of looking at life that lacks any solid basis and makes your borderline psychotic. I respect people like Aristotle 10000x more than these guys

>> No.19567379

What a shame Guenon decided to base everything off of the inconsistent and tiresome Shankara, he got so close to being based.

>> No.19567380

>dude you don’t think like everyone else does… UR A SCHIZO

>> No.19567385

yes it is schizo but all the real spiritual heads know that where we're going, it doesn't matter if you're schizophrenic or not

>> No.19567403

No, Evola and Jung were for the most part very introspective people. Whether or not they were happy? Do you think, happiness makes good writers. I really don't think so. Good writing is usually the result of stoic ascetism, not necessarily absolute ascetism, but the one just hard enough to drive a conflict between you and your instincts.

I never bothered with Guénon. Although, Ssome guy keeps pushing Guénon threads. It's a stale unfunny meme...

>there is a very thin line between "Spiritual enlightenment"/metaphisical contemplation and disorders like psychosis and schizophrenia
Schizophrenia also involves negative symptomes like lack of social awareness, withdrawal etc.
And the concept of psychosis differs from culture to culture. Technically, we're all psychotic.

>> No.19567422

>Technically, we're all psychotic.

you definitely never worked in a hospital lmao

>> No.19567465

No, psychosis is any kind of idea or understanding of something as real whose 'substance' or existence you can't actually prove to other people. Whether or not this psychosis is functional or maladaptive doesn't really enter into the equation here.

E.g. do you have hard proof that others have a mind? No.., yet you still assume that there are other minds and you instinctively conceptualize these other minds as hard fact, as real facts, even if you have no actual proof for them. This is exactly the same with phantoms, ghosts etc.

>> No.19567490

Guenon married and had children so I wouldn't say he was unhappy. I also tend to notice the less sense someone makes the more I realize they're just simply smarter than me.

>> No.19567498

>I also tend to notice the less sense someone makes the more I realize they're just simply smarter than me.

this is the most retarded thing I've read on this board

>> No.19567570

There is a thin line between insanity and genius, yes. A genius is just someone better at adapting to our chosen perspective of the world.

>> No.19567689
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>Am I the only one who thinks there is a very thin line between "Spiritual enlightenment"/metaphisical contemplation and disorders like psychosis and schizophrenia?


The narrow path particularly is bordered by the finest lines, and the sharpest angles, which perpetually get conflated by those who ignore it, and especially by Illuminists/Traditionalists (soft Satanodemiourgists).

That is what happens when you engage in idealism void of realism, which, paradoxically, erases the prospect set forth by idealism.

>> No.19567746

seething hylic

>> No.19567806

Proving my point.

>> No.19568153

it's literally the oposite

>> No.19568278
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>I respect people like Aristotle 10000x more than these guys
Guenon goes beyond Aristotle while incorporating him

>> No.19568283

Very true, Aristotle never worshiped a volcano demon. And I don't mean that in an Empedoclean sense.

>> No.19568289

This. Fuck this thread.

>> No.19568291

this has been refuted and deboonked

>> No.19568295

How does one man actually cause so much seethe. The only opposition against hims is seething.

>> No.19568306

Much like regular thomism, most of the world has no interest in engaging with oriental thomism.

>> No.19568345


The minds of hylics cease to exist upon death.

Nah jk

The minds of niggers and retards have their own ground in logical possibility, thus given the chance, they endlessly reproduce. It's time for idea-chads like me to put a lid on you, permanently (I can only hope)

>> No.19568512
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Makes you think. Makes you think about the people in your life. And when I think, I think of Guénon(pbuh). If he were here now what would he say? He would say "Anon what's it about? What's life about... if you don't go through Kali Yuga as a Traditional man?". He'd say "Suck it up, do the time in this dark age. That made you what you are. That makes you what you are. How long have we been around this cycle of ours? This Manvantara? 306,720,000 years. What's it about? It's about the spiritual transmission, tradition. You take the beating for your tradition, you don't run, you don't lay down, you don't betray who you are. What you are.

>> No.19568542
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>You take the beating for your tradition, you don't run, you don't lay down, you don't betray who you are. What you are
>moves to egypt and converts to islam anyway

>> No.19568911

you are a hylic, your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.19569471

Ok pasu.
>I respect people like Aristotle 10000x more than these guys
Aristotle was initiated in the mysteries of Eleusis

>> No.19569520

yes. for that reason it's dangerous

it's not low self awareness as much as a psychological phenomena, probably to do with self-categorization and a split in the psyche

and no I don't think all of them were fabricating it.
it's easy to lose frame of reality if you arent mentally healthy to begin with

>> No.19569527

and also that isnt to say i disagree with all of it
i just dont think its healthy to take any interest in the unconscious

>> No.19569558

Before responding to any of your claims I have to put into question your motives, if this is in bad faith, if you are simply trying to discredit these thinkers without the responsibility of understanding them on their own terms first. It is almost impossible to convince you that these thinkers weren't psychotic caricatures as long as you hold on to the desire to make them such. I could try to contradict your claims individually, for example, by claiming that Jung had great self-awareness and even better awareness of others, but this would be useless you could entertain his ideas without projecting a "psychotic" label onto them. These thinkers all saw the same physical world as you, and were perfectly able to discuss it. On the other hand, are you able to see their "world"? If you cannot understand what their view meant to them, why should anyone value your opinion on those views?

>> No.19569568

>you can't actually prove to other people
Prove with professional-level medical analysis that these thinkers were psychotic without amateur speculation.
You can't? Guess that makes you psychotic too, shame.

>> No.19569594

i never said they were psychotic

i meant fucking around with your unconscious mind and probing at it is a bad idea

but that doesn't really matter anyway, everybody in this thread is probably just trying to self-affirm their pre-existing beliefs

>> No.19569606

>Jung, Evola, Guenon
>Why are spiritual people fucked up man?
Oh boy. Maybe if you stopped looking at cringe artists, and took a look at the real greats of 20th century spirituality like Aldous Huxley, Tolkien, and CS Lewis, then you would stop looking down on spiritual people as being paint-huffing morons.

>> No.19570548


>> No.19570555

Guenon and Evola seemed happy guys, Jung was the only one who was butthurt because he didn't get daddy's freud's approval

>> No.19570560

>guenon was a frenchmen banging mena baddies
>evola was an italian living with his mom and not working
sounds to me like both were living their national dream OP

>> No.19570564

That’s actually a pretty intelligent observation. Dumb people just attack what they don’t understand.

>> No.19570738

Most Schizophrenics 2000 years ago would have been the village Shaman, all this thread does is reveal how modern society has managed to regress in social nuance.

>> No.19571522

You haven't read Guenon if that is the conclusion you drew.
He is not a gnostic, there is no denial of material, you are a pseud, ngmi

>> No.19571568

Magicians, occultists and the like no longer have a social function outside read tarot or astrology on Twitter. They used to be the king's, advisors of kings, and many other roles in previous ages.

>> No.19571852

According to the Reign of Quantity, we have entered the phase where Quantity rules. The role of the shaman is now replaced with the AI. Not a meme. The AI functions as an oracle now. Guénon predicted more things in that work than we think.

>> No.19572752

Not entirely true, advertising could be interpreted as form of magic. Governments also utilize perception management and PsyOps.

>> No.19572805

Very good point