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19564225 No.19564225 [Reply] [Original]

any tips on writing essays for college? Has anyone done this course? Is it good?

>> No.19564237

It makes me depressed undergrads like him are trying to already capitalise on their education. Has he even graduated? What happened to humility?

>> No.19564253

Him being an undergrad doesn’t upset me, it’s that he truly and knowingly does not understand this field/industry/art and the whole thing is just ego stroking and pretending

>> No.19564257

Dialectical structure. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis: here's what so and so believes is that case --- but that isn't satisfactory because it leaves us with these problems/ implies a contradiction --- which we can resolve if we change this and that/say this instead.

Majored in philosophy, every one of my essays had this structure. May not apply to other areas.

>> No.19564291

Man I have seen the thumbnail of his last video in which he was trying to pose same as Picasso and in another video about James Joyce he wore an eye patch like him.

He has zero self awareness.

>> No.19564307
File: 25 KB, 420x599, garner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a TA for my department's writing course in undergrad. We used pic related. Stephen King's On Writing is a good book at a macroscopic level, but Garner gets into the minutiae and remains one of the best reference books I own.

Most students are garbage at writing. You don't need that course. It's universally understood by writers that you improve at it by reading and writing a lot. Make a Goodreads, Letterboxd, RYM, etc. and write essays about whatever you're reading/watching/listening to, even if nobody reads them.

>> No.19564321

>write about what you read on goodreads
I do this but I feel like I'm not improving all too much. What length would you suggest?

>> No.19564352

I think we should punch this little queer right in the nutsack.

>> No.19564356

It depends. I'm just speaking from personal experience. I write 500 words a few times a week on top of whatever I'm writing for school, and that helps keep me sharp. I wrote around 1600 in the past week across a few different reviews. How much are you reading? I find that if I go a while without reading a book my writing gets noticeably dumber.

>> No.19564367

>he truly and knowingly does not understand this field/industry/art and the whole thing is just ego stroking and pretending
This should have been obvious from the start given his association with "dark academia," AKA the appropriation of literature and the humanities as a commodified fashion aesthetic to be sold and profited off of by vapid influencers.

>> No.19564380 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.19564387

Fuck off.

>> No.19564487
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Well done on the writing consistency. Sounds like a good idea.
>How much are you reading?
Almost 1 book per week, I tend to try break down poetry on a syntactic level utilising close reading, which I find very rewarding. I sometimes struggle with themes in novels, often because I think you need to know a lot about the work and the author to come to those conclusions.

>> No.19564502

where did this guy go to college anyways? does he have an mfa?

>> No.19564513
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Guys... I'm struggling with the themes in this novel. Any advice?

>> No.19564533

The only people who think this is soi or whatever usually haven't humbled themselves or written a thesis on novels.

>> No.19564542

>waldun has a skillshare

damn they really do just hand courses out to anybody, stop shilling me this gay shit, youtubers.

>> No.19564556

of all the shills the only guy i respect is jb because he engages and admits he's the one posting his own stuff. these pussies like that accelerationist guy or that abc failson guy with the rich lasik dad pathetically start threads about themselves but then are too pussy to actually say "yeah., this is my thread about myself, ask me anything" instead they try to pass it off as some organic shit instead of the obvious self-shill it is.

>> No.19564561

He is a sophomore undergrad at Melbourne university

>> No.19564606
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Psst... ignore him, he probably hasn't written a thesis on novels.

>> No.19564624

>file name
Begone, newfag.

>> No.19564625

Nice, anon. You're reading more than me. If you want to link your Goodreads or post writing samples I can tell you what I see.

>> No.19564637
File: 103 KB, 1024x1024, funnymeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19564676

Thanks for the reference book, seems like just what I'm looking for.
>write essays about whatever you're reading/watching/listening to, even if nobody reads them.
I read Tolstoy's biography and this is exactly what he did when he was a teenager

>> No.19564680

>writing samples
I have this poem I started for a friend.
>Canto One
>When Alfdan walks across the plains, with broken heart and dewy eyes, he thinks himself alone under the lunar light. But something stirs within the darkness; a set of wily eyes flicker, these belong to that arch trickster, the Coyote. Alfdan, quick to fear this omen, runs off until he reaches an open mouth in Earth’s mantle. From the outer darkness, Jim Morrison stumbles towards Alfdan and offers guidance. With honeyed words, the noble singer-poet tells him he must go down into the maw of hell!
The cold stillness of that dark night froze bones,
Ne’erless Alfdan soldiered on through the thick
Voidness, as he strokes that gun that he owns,
It is an SKS, loaded so quick
And fully that he might make it go click,
To’ve destroyed, killed, and eviscerated foes,
Tho’ walking on he finds he’s got a nick,
From a bramble comes those bleeding ol’ toes,
Alfdan resumes and strides, his heart’s a wilting rose.

>> No.19564702

Sorry anon, I thought you meant prose. I really don't know shit about poetry.

>> No.19565399

if an undergrad is top of their class, verifiably getting very high marks, then i think it's perfectly fine for them to give advice to other students. i really do wonder whether waldun is that smart though (highly doubt). waldun needs to publicly state what his grades are so we know if his advice is valid or if he's just some middle of the road faggot with a gigantic stick up his own arse selling bullshit to gullible freaks, and himself.

>> No.19565482


>> No.19565629

This is English too. Here are other critics views on the text, here is mine, usually falling somewhere between two or more with modified implications.

>> No.19566595

This. Universities have paid undergrads to tutor other undergrads since time immemorial. It's perfectly fine for them to do it on their own if they're actually adding value in some way.

>> No.19566641

>any tips on writing essays for college?
Literally just write whatever you want using your own logic to come to proper conclusions and just fill in a bunch of sources that already corroborate with what you're saying rather than trying to actually be correct or do good research. You're only graded on following the "formula" of essay writing, not if you're actually proving or persuading anything. I realized this after years of just filling my essays with logic proving my positions but kept getting bad to mediocre remarks because I didn't cite enough people. Which, by the way, still pisses me off because it literally doesn't matter if someone in the past agrees with me if my logic is correct, but that's besides the point. So once I did realize the formula I never got less than a 95% on any essay.

>> No.19567754

>recommending Steven King

>> No.19567952

Adjunct professor teaching 4 undergraduate classes this semester.

The best way to get a good grade is to have a clearly stated thesis statement in the first two or three sentences and to proof read your shit. Don’t be too repetitive.

>> No.19568409

Milton's rolling in his grave...

>> No.19568440

His general beginner level advice is good, and his career is living proof that dedication and focus beat out unactualized skill and talent.

>> No.19569283

wtf do you pay tuition for? You're not supposed to rely on some bumfuck youtuber to explain that to you. If you're in college and you have no idea how to write an essay then what the absolute fuck are you even doing? For god's sake don't even give these faggots any attention whatsoever.
>t. philosophy undergrad who learned it within the first weeks

>> No.19569344

>glorified tutoring for kids barely out of highschool to feed off his (ill-received) clout
