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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.59 MB, 2330x4566, The Top 100 Books 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19560613 No.19560613 [Reply] [Original]

Includes the new 2021 Top 100 Books chart

>> No.19560619
File: 3.26 MB, 2330x4560, 100 Books that Didnt Quite Make It.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Books that didn't quite make the list

>> No.19560636

The fact that Absalom, Absalom! didn't make the list but Infinite Jest is in the top 10 tells you just about everything you need to know about this place.

>> No.19560637
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>Mein Kampf
>Das Kapital
Cringe. You cannot beat perfection.

>> No.19560640
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>> No.19560646
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BAP should be on this list

>> No.19560647

The same chart the last 10 years but... in a different order?

>> No.19560651


>> No.19560659

Yeah, if I had of ended it sooner, the Brothers Karamazov would have finally come in first

>> No.19560667

They'll get around to the other books, eventually. Maybe 10 or 20 more years.

>> No.19560669
File: 3.02 MB, 1319x2132, 1637808503217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working my way through all of these

>> No.19560674

Thanks anon, I've been looking for a chart like this

>> No.19560679

Can we make a list next year but with only literature? Not political pamphlets like Mein Kampf or Das Kapital. They take up space that could've been used by literary works.

>> No.19560686

IJ is a perennial top 5 and AA generally only scrapes top 20.

>> No.19560695

Almost like people still like the same few great books.

>> No.19560718

Agree wholeheartedly. Mein Kampf even being on this list is a fucking joke.

>> No.19560719
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break the yankee conditioning

>> No.19560737

>Sociology for the South missing
Shit list

>> No.19560752

>Odyssey over Ulysses

>> No.19560793

Picked up
Very interested in reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I know there's a nigh infinite amount of versions of it. Same with Song of Roland and Ring Saga/Nibelungenlied.
Also have to say that Book of Mormon makes me laugh awfully hard

>> No.19560831

>Also have to say that Book of Mormon makes me laugh awfully hard
yeah im not sure what the american one would be, tom sawyer maybe

>> No.19560882
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Here for the tranny seething over based Hitler

>> No.19560888
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what next? I'm looking at Kant's CPR but could read some short novels before

>> No.19560897

How about the Bible you illiterate savage?

>> No.19560906


>> No.19560986
File: 965 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211212-192820_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a bingo on the new 100 Books chart?

>> No.19561012

Never mind.

>> No.19561032

Missing one on both column 1 and row 7 so not me

>> No.19561212

Muh states rights

>> No.19561238

>89th, 121st, 152nd
Waldunchads, we won

>> No.19561293

The Song of Hiawatha

>> No.19561540

checked. candide is pretty fun and short.

>> No.19561603


>> No.19562096

It's not bad but I'm shocked Bukowski isn't on there

>> No.19562304


no faulkner? really?

>> No.19562313


>> No.19562324


just one faulkner? really?

>> No.19562342
File: 1.65 MB, 2142x2163, kant-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a chart for understanding Hegel? Ideally something picrelated.

It's not like there are any decent books being published recently.

>> No.19562352

>Bible at #1
Damn is it really that good?

>> No.19562357

Alright bros fine I'll read the bible. What version should I read? KJV?

>> No.19562421

Yes, KJV has the most literary value.

>> No.19562452

The Bible is trash to read, but culturally it is very important

>> No.19562456

actual retard detected

>> No.19562549
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>The Bible is trash to read, but culturally it is very important

>> No.19562559 [DELETED] 


>> No.19562564

American epic would be Song of Myself

>> No.19562578 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19562583
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What should I read next?

>> No.19562589

Nay it doth not. Deceits abound therein. it leads the people astray!

>> No.19562644

Master and Margarita. It has a talking cat in it, it's fucking wild.

>> No.19562727

Don't listen to >>19562644
Master and margarita is fucking dogshit and one of the worst books ever written, I quit halfway through

>> No.19562829

But it has a talking cat!

>> No.19562839

You chose really fucking ugly covers for some of these OP

>> No.19562866

what is with fucking the king lear? what is this? so shit i mean shakespeare is truly shit. dont know why is up there but also very poor work. i shouldnt be surprised because probably nobody read it or were the americans reading it in high school. so pretty based choice but shit book.

>> No.19562880

that is the hegel chart. Schelling on the Nature of Philosophy as Science and then youre ready for Hegel.

>> No.19562949

filtered westernoid

>> No.19562964

I hate sharing polls with Americans voting in The Bible and Mein Kampf.

Read a book once ok?

>> No.19563001

cope more twitter tranny

>> No.19563090


>> No.19563098

Just replace those picks with fiction entries from the second list faggot, what more do you want

>> No.19563102

>perennial top 5
It had fallen out of the top 10 for a couple of years. Glad to see it back. It is a great book and unfairly maligned by people who I am willing to bet for the most part have not read it and just join the pile up

>> No.19563104
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A question of great importance: would it be possible to somehow pull off separate polls for europeans and americans? So that we can get rid off picrel?

>> No.19563112

>Sophocles and Ovid not in the top 100
It's over for this board I swear

>> No.19563117

Ferdydurke and atomized fucked it up for me. Always interesting to see new entries in the bottom half of the lost

>> No.19563121

Did you miss the part with the talking cat?

>> No.19563128
File: 207 KB, 519x248, Meme_trilogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the meme trilogy

>> No.19563136

He's already read the meme trilogy numbnuts

>> No.19563137

He's already done you idiot

>> No.19563143

moby dick is second place, the amerifats are hopeless

>> No.19563144

>replied at the same second

>> No.19563162

Everyone who complains itt sounds like a pseud

>> No.19563165

including you

>> No.19563187

Very few votes for any playwrights other than Bill. Looked through the spreadsheet, 1 for Euripides, 1 for Marlowe, 0 for Ibsen, 0 for Schiller, 0 for Shaw. Seems people don't read plays. Or they're like me, and hadn't thought that a play would count as a book.

>> No.19563188

>tells you just about everything you need to know about this place
no it ain't

>> No.19563199

hitler would kill you either

>> No.19563202

You know hitler was European right?

>> No.19563210

touch sex

>> No.19563238

Aeschylus had votes too I think. Personally I didn't vote for plays because the votes are too diffused among too many works.

>> No.19563256

second guessing whether i should even save these charts now, how embarrasing for /lit/

>> No.19563289

Best chart so far.

>> No.19563314

One of the better charts in a while.

>> No.19563331

austria is encumbered by snow, so i wrote a poem about it at work. dont hold back poetryfags, my second ever attempt at lyrical writing:

Der Schnee verhüllt, der Schnee vereinfacht
ein Sand aus Eis, der alles gleichmacht
Mooß aus Kristall, erobre sacht
du Sturm aus Weiß, Vasall der Eintracht

Man sieht in seiner Zeit nur Formen
die alles viele an sich ziehen
zum Schweigen bringen alle Normen
und sich im Traum vom Ganz verlieren

Würdest du innehalten, dann
würd er auch dich nicht übergehen
deswegen bleibe dann und wann

>> No.19563336

fuck wrong thread

>> No.19563352 [DELETED] 

I'll stop voting Hitler when you stop voting Jews into power. Solve the JQ and the MK question will solve by itself.

>> No.19563456
File: 1.73 MB, 3200x1400, 1632364431905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one you need.

>> No.19563483

I'll stop voting Mein Kampf when it stops being funny

>> No.19563616

before german classes at school we used to draw swastikas and the funny mustache guy on the blackboard to trigger the teacher. it was very funny. we were 13.

>> No.19563627

Honestly post your face. I'm genuinely interested in seeing the sort of person that finds that stuff funny.

>> No.19563636

You first. I'm interested in seeing the person who gets triggered by this.

>> No.19563639

>1 for Euripides
Hey, that's me :)

>> No.19563646
File: 108 KB, 363x312, 20211213_141048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go mate

>> No.19563666

Hey, Sophocles got my vote! And Aeschylus was close to top100. Too bad reddit is ahead of us;*(

>> No.19563667

Thats the thing though I'm not triggered. It's just someone making a bad joke that irl you would ignore or fake laugh at.


>> No.19563679

This says a lot about our society as a whole

>> No.19563685
File: 1.39 MB, 1820x4348, TrueLit Top 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too bad reddit is ahead of us;*(
Actually, Aeschylus made Reddit's top 100.

>> No.19563706

You must be 18 or over to post here

>> No.19563713
File: 184 KB, 960x720, equally soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, we should really have a seperate site for shitskins and other turd worlders. Back to r*ddit fag.

>> No.19563718

I didn’t vote so I’m not complaining, but I can see how it would be hard to vote for a more obscure book when it won’t really move the needle.

>> No.19563737

No shitkickers? TRASH!!!

>> No.19563739

That’s not Hart Crane

>> No.19563743

>Almost all of Dosto's oeuvre
>Lord of The Rings and Dune
>Moby Dick never below top 10
>Ame*ican writers in top 20
>Brave New World and 1984 AND Animal Farm
>fucking Camus


>> No.19563751

Why is this list so fucking american, most of the books didn't read any european

>> No.19563762


>> No.19563765
File: 44 KB, 800x450, download (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the pic mutant boy

>> No.19563771

As a Waldunchad, seeing 3 of his books in an all time top 200 makes me happy ;)

>> No.19563781

Wow, there's no Hawthorne anywhere in the top 200. That's surprising.

>> No.19563787
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>philosophy faggotry
most of /lit/ don't read, let alone value literary excellence

>> No.19563795

yea seems like it

>> No.19563797
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>> No.19563798

why don't you felch him too you fucking faggot

>> No.19563813

its funny because you redditors get so worked up about it lmao

>> No.19563815

Looking at the spreadsheet, it seems that I was the only vote for Nathaniel Hawthorne, and The Scarlet Letter got 0. This amazes me.

>> No.19563816

>all that dostoevsky and genreshit

>> No.19563824

Take your meds. I don't know what you think you are seeing but it's not there.

>> No.19563838

Believe me I would.

>> No.19563841

Meditations is a masterpiece https://youtu.be/UY16Ykmyj08

>> No.19563842

Fuck you you fucking poltard piece of shit it's not fucking funny muh hitler muh joooooooz grow the fuck up and read a damn book and stop being an edgy fuck. Nazism is not funny it's fucking sick. Hitler was an evil man. There is no joooz conspiracy. Your brain is fried from pol memes. There is no vaccine conspiracy, trump lost, and races don't exist. You lost so grow up and be a normal person in society instead of an incel chud.

>> No.19563850

No one wants to read difficult puritanist books from the 18th? century on lit. I prefered Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Hardy to Hawthorne. What makes you prefer the other?

>> No.19563862

That is the staggering majority, realising that just helps you to never take this place seriously

>> No.19563863
File: 984 KB, 1280x1551, EfUOMjbXYAMrmOx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that dostoevsky and genreshit
I think the crème de la crème of "genreshit" definitely ranks up there, but almost all of Dostoevsky's oeuvre I don't think so.

No I beleive you.

Same I used to draw swastikas at high school too and I thought it was hilarious, brilliant.

okay you sounding like bait now anon, wouldn't surprise me if you're samefaggin'

>> No.19563877

every year countless redditors get mad that mein kampf is on the list

>> No.19563888

>reading Shakespeare
You're doing it wrong

>> No.19563891

Everyone hates The Scarlet Letter in HS and they never read Hawthorne again. His short stories have a real distinctive folklore type vibe for NE USA which is cool if you’re in the mood. Most aren’t

>> No.19563903

Anon you're not interesting enough to mass reply

>> No.19563904

Yeah I was thinking like that too. I also wouldn't have thought OP would combine multiple works.
I like you

>> No.19563936

Are these redditors in the room with us now?

>> No.19563954

Ok you convinced me. Next year I'll vote for Mein Kampf too kek.

>> No.19563964

sure seems like it the amount of reddit tier snark im reading...

>> No.19563972

dude, i'm not him but having The Bad Book in top 100 is logical seeing as we're the "edgy" part of internet, having both Marx and Hitler is the "schizo" part
What you should be against is other political pamphlets, religious books, genre and "philosophical" novels

>> No.19563974

Ok I'll stop wi try the snark when it stops triggering you

>> No.19563981

To be fair I haven't read the Scarlet Letter since high school and House of the Seven Gables didn't impress me. Most of my surprise is due to reputation; I mean, it's not like any Hawthorne is much harder to get through than Moby Dick or Faust or Ulysses.

As for me, The Blithedale Romance just completely blew me away. Some of the best characters I've ever read. A bit overwritten, yes, but it's in the first person and even that's a perfect little bit of characterization. And the prose is often beautiful. It's aged incredibly well, feels extremely contemporary. The narrator and Zenobia in particular are very alive, modern types of people. It's also extremely based. I adore it.

>> No.19564007

Found the redditors

>> No.19564026

this >>19563972 is me: read it before responding, faggot, unless you voted for Mein Kampf because you actually think it's good, in which case fucking kill yourslef

>> No.19564027
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>Found the redditors

>> No.19564038
File: 186 KB, 1239x795, +_51a26f26a9246d422bf22c704b825232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use 4chan and reddit (to lurk), go fuck yourself you discharge-moist cunt. 4chan isn't a real community, you don't really belong anywheew. you should kill yourself bro, you won't be missed before long.

>> No.19564052

>angry they can't downvote

>> No.19564084

Anglo board

>> No.19564093
File: 14 KB, 430x408, E7Uy6OXXEAASZRz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that you have the ego to keep mass responding displays your ego and arrogance. people around you find you annoying, and you might find a partner but never true affection (she needs you more than she loves you)
seriously anon, kill yourself. it would make you the bigger man and in time be a blessing to those you hold close

>> No.19564099


>> No.19564115

This has to be bait

>> No.19564122
File: 219 KB, 837x768, 1558022118666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you keep responding to his obvious bait makes you the most retarded r*dditnigger around here. Which kinda proves his point.

>> No.19564144

Read 97 of these, did not expect to have read that many

>> No.19564161
File: 853 KB, 1920x1080, 1579768945751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not bait it's a fucking /pol/tard or political-brain rotted nigger who thinks Mein Kampf is "funny", when it's just another book. Maybe significant in political history and history in general but not the best literature which is what the chart was for...
don't expect me to reply to you again faggot cunt

>imaged related.

>> No.19564169


>> No.19564178

the basedest post in the thread

>> No.19564192

Nothing wrong with Moby Dick in top 10 and thus also Americans in top 20. The rest of the criticism is good.

>> No.19564212

>the best literature which is what the chart was for.
It's a favorite list. As a redditor you should know better than most that there is no such thing as best literature

>> No.19564230

You must be 18 or over to post here

>> No.19564233

>book of mormon

>> No.19564273

You look Nordic as fuck.

>> No.19564279
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>there is no such thing as best literature

>> No.19564282

Thanks. Prussian-German ancestry.

>> No.19564295

I'm thoroughly convinced that no one here has actually read The Bible. It's only in the number one spot because it's counterculture.

>> No.19564301

No Longer Human, it's short and easy to digest.

>> No.19564306

It's influence on culture is immense, it's understandable.

>> No.19564310


>> No.19564313

I can safely estimate that I've read 80-90% of the bible thus far in my life. (I haven't voted for it though)(I think it deserves a high spot though)(not necessarily this high though)(you may be right with the counterculture part though)(funny how it became counterculture in a few decades btw)

>> No.19564359
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Apparently, I read 44/100 of the /lit/ list. I'll never complete it because there are some that I don't plant to read in any near future.

I'm currently reading The Bible (not /lit/ version) and Ulysses

>> No.19564418
File: 206 KB, 1145x1264, 1638397346157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read 94/100 of the books in OP's list and I don't feel any different compared to before my "journey". This place lied to me. Well, guess it's time to finally dedicate my time to something more practical.

>> No.19564446
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What is next for me

>> No.19564472

From the list I'd say The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea, it's meme'd here a lot but Mishima is very good, he's like Dostoevsky but not as long-winded.

>> No.19564482
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>> No.19564495

Why didn't you just black it out?

>> No.19564499

The Recognitions, Gaddis doesn't get enough love here. I'm halfway through and it's beautiful and hilarious, I can get a better sense of the music of his prose than with Ulysses.

>> No.19564503

I thought I did, fuck that shit

>> No.19564507

Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.19564528

Learn to edit images lol

>> No.19564530

Despite existing for only 250 years nothing comes close to the American canon.

>> No.19564532


>> No.19564572
File: 49 KB, 450x400, 1617499666995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 23 yo
>tfw only read 11 of these books
It's fucking over

>> No.19564573


>> No.19564590


>> No.19564678

Whoa, mean

>> No.19564770

Moby Dick
To the lighthouse

>> No.19564793


>> No.19564806

Nobody here has read anything

>> No.19564815

Infinite Jest is top 10


>> No.19565038

Lol, i only read 13 books.

>> No.19565065

I'm an euro and had the poll allowed for ten picks I would have like it voted for it too

>> No.19565089

>Camus has more votes than Heidegger
>39 people voted Anna Karenina, Tolstoys cuck fetish novel
Only cringe parts desu

>> No.19565098

Bland and boring, it's just "top 100 classics everyone should read!"

>> No.19565124
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>> No.19565201

no one thinks you’re smart because you don’t like a popular book

>> No.19565300

>This place lied to me. Well, guess it's time to finally dedicate my time to something more practical.
>What is next for me

>> No.19565394


>> No.19565475

>Schelling on the Nature of Philosophy as Science
Do you know what book this is in? I'm not finding much reference to it.

>> No.19565587

how's college?

>> No.19565591

it really gets worse every year huh

>> No.19565611

This is the better list
(Still disappointed Shandy is on neither one of them)

>> No.19565676

Dropped off

>> No.19565708

>reading for practical purposes
your were a soulless bug from the start I'm afraid

>> No.19565712
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>mfw European always voting IJ

>> No.19565852

Don't worry, when I was first on /lit/ I didn't know almost ANY of the writers that were being discussed at the time, but if you read exclusively classics + most important works of philosophy, it will take about 2-3 years to fix your illiteracy.

>> No.19565968

Almost like /lit/ is an echo chamber that doesn’t read

>> No.19565983

Or maybe you get called names when you deviate from standard /lit/core...

>> No.19565995

It would be Moby-Dick since the chart isn’t including exclusively poems.

>> No.19566037

Hitler has been dead for almost 80 years, who gives a shit tranny

>> No.19566054

No it’s not

>> No.19566065

For some reason I find it funny that you’ve read Demons but not the other three most famous Dosto novels.

>> No.19566075

I'll read them. They were already on my radar.

>> No.19566081

The so called turd worlders you mock love hitler and are the majority of /pol/‘s users

>> No.19566106

wtf bros I thought we were going vote the Quran to number 1 just for fun

>> No.19566124

According to… americans

>> No.19566460

I heard it bashed commies so I thought it would be good

>> No.19566492

not who you're responding to but I am the anon that made that kant-fichte chart you posted above. For Hegel, read Hegel's Difference essay after you're finished with Fichte and then jump right into the Phenomenology. Use Harris's Hegel's Ladder to make it through. Schelling is good in his own ways but he isn't required reading for Hegel (Fichte is though)

>> No.19567025
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>Thanks. Prussian-German ancestry.

>> No.19567034


>> No.19567048

lmao at how its LITERALLY the same white boy classics of the past 10 charts

>> No.19567110

it’s just great literature and has been objectively influential in our culture. is the Bible not deserving of first?

>> No.19567130
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>> No.19567135

>is the Bible not deserving of first?
Maybe certain books of it could be, but the Bible as a whole? I don't think so.

>> No.19567150

What books would you say aren’t deserving? Are there any that bring down the Bible as a whole?

>> No.19567170

Maybe other races should stop being so useless and contribute something to culture one day

>> No.19567171

>Mein Kampf
Jesus fucking Christ. Can we get the old pollster anon back that would actually remove the troll shit?

>> No.19567189

>Maybe other races should stop being so useless and contribute something to culture one day

>> No.19567236

Try r*ddit

>> No.19567287

Nice, next year we can get IJ back into the top 5.

>> No.19567749
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Fucking the eternal christcuckery

>> No.19567979

I don't know why I find Hitler and nazi jokes so fucking funny, I'm not a nazi. Maybe it makes people seethe or something idk

>> No.19567986


>> No.19568186

Oh, I thought he removed the ones that were read.
In that case, Whalebook.

>> No.19568437

The Brás Cubas book is called "Epitaph of a small winner" in English I think

>> No.19568483

Such a bad chart man, so bad it really makes me want to make a better one

>> No.19568493

He removed the ones he hasn't read, not the ones he has.
The state of the average /lit/izen . . .

>> No.19568526

Has anyone uploaded these to the Wiki yet? I'm the guy who updated the table and added author names last year, I'd be happy to do it again this year if the images are there. Thanks again for putting the list together, anon. I look forward to this every year!
P.S. if anyone knows how that last column was calculated, let me know. I was having trouble deriving it and gave up, marked it "Pre-2020."

>> No.19568551
File: 3.62 MB, 1701x3334, 1639355509642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I read next? I keep putting the Bible off. I really should read it.

>> No.19568811

This but unironically

>> No.19568859

I'm confused. Are you removing the ones you've read or the ones you've not read?

>> No.19569048
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You should

>> No.19569253

Is Libra worth checking out if I found white noise quite underwhelming and underworld just marginally better, even if occasionally brilliant?

>> No.19569366

Don't try to binge the Bible, and feel free to start with the good stuff first. Like you, I have not read Grapes of Wrath or East of Eden, but I have read Of Mice and Men. I really want to read the former two, so maybe, you should start there.

>> No.19569399


>> No.19569559

>Animal Farm
>American Psycho
>Meme pick
these ones alone make the value of the list falls down a lot, but
make it redeemable

>> No.19569564

Kek someone who likes Calvino has the gall to criticise actual classics and call other books memes

>> No.19569571

>Mein Kampf not being a meme pick
also, Calvino is peak comfy

>> No.19569586

be the change you want to see in the world

>> No.19569613
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>Animal farm
Why? Because it makes commie faggots like you seethe real hard? Both Mein kampf and Animal farm has more value than anything written by Karl marx and Kant and thats a fact.

>> No.19569640

I will never understand why every year the Divine Comedy is behind a bunch of burger modernist shits.

>> No.19569651

you're gonna need a bigger bait

>> No.19569693
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>> No.19569714

Because burgers are the plurality on this board

>> No.19569747

We got Iliad in top 5, the Bible in top 1, let's get Dante in top 10 next year boys. Revolt against the plebe and bring back patriciandom.

>> No.19569753


>> No.19569756

But Orwell was a brainlet socialist who even fought for the Spanish republicans lol

>> No.19569788

If you added the bible and mein Kampf and got rid of all but one of the female authors you could easily pass it off as /lit/'s.

>> No.19569813

It's crazy how similar the lists are yet how different the communities are. I find that r*ddit board incredibly dull. I will never understand the stark contrast between 4chan and r*ddit it feels like different worlds altogether.

>> No.19569833

LOTR is way, way too high, it's a book that would be mostly ignored today, it just had first mover advantage in a new market. American Psycho was good, doesn't belong on the list though. Infinite Jest does not belong on the list either or should at least be much farther down. Book of the New Sun isn't even the best genre fiction, but it's quite good genre fiction, so I can see it somewhere on the list, however I'd put Dune or The Darkness That Comes Before before it.

It's funny to see Atlas Shrugged disappear. Old school Boomer conservatism truly is dead, huh? How long until BAP takes Rand's place? That's an improvement though because the book is incredibly hackneyed budget Nietzsche.

I highly doubt a tiny fraction of this board has read A Critique of Pure Reason or the Phenomenology, and mixing philosophy with literature seems sort of silly, as does the inclusion of religious texts.

Overall though, the list isn't bad, although I would switch some things around. Antony and Cleopatra ranks with Hamlet as my favorite Shakespeare. I'd definetly have Antigone and Prometheus Bound near the top if drama is being included. War and Peace > Anna Karenina, although I can see a case for either. The exclusion of Borges, is criminal.

However, the exclusion of any Toni Morrison, but inclusion of American Psycho, IJ, and the Unibomber near the top does definitely give this a 4chan feel, so it's good for what it is. Combine that with the inclusion of esoteric texts few have actually read but which must be added for prestige and it's kind of perfect.

>> No.19569836

Never mind, I see Borges by the top now, somehow missed him.

>> No.19569872

>thinks Antigone should be near the top
>finds it unlikely that the 8 people who voted Kant read Critique of Pure Reason
>he thinks there are esoteric books included that people haven't read
Yup we got a pseud

>> No.19569921
File: 2.15 MB, 480x852, 1638560468934.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pain is the reason Mein Kampf needs to be in the list every year along with The Capital and the 98 best books

>> No.19569927


>> No.19569949

>It's funny to see Atlas Shrugged disappear
It never made the list in the first place redditor

>> No.19569980

I've posted on /lit/ enough to know that philosophy threads are 95% people skimming Wikipedia to claim that X philosopher was totally retarded because Y philosopher said Z, so yes I don't think the average amount of study is particularly deep.

If it's just 8 votes, maybe I'm wrong though.

>> No.19569988

The Capital is a great book and by no means a retarded rambling pamphlet

>> No.19570053


>> No.19570111

Most of this board only reads books that have been praised in the Anglosphere for 100 years. 90% American, British and Dolstoi

>> No.19570166

Gogol made it to the honorable mentions at least. Pelevin is underrated as a contemporary author in the Anglosphere for sure though. Murakami is absent too it seems.

This isn't /lit/ specific though. The NYT just did a list of the best books in the past 125 years and it is almost all English, with Harry Potter near the top. I almost thought it was only English, but Marquez is there.

This is true of other languages too though. French books fill out a lot of Le Monde's list, 7 of the top 10. I do credit the list for including Umberto Eco though, which English lists often don't, same for Kundera.

>> No.19570175

Kek are you lost?

>> No.19570581


>> No.19570587

How did Dante fell so much?

>> No.19570686

People still read here?

>> No.19570725

Who are the biggest risers and fallers?

>> No.19570746

Good question

>> No.19570752


>> No.19570843
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>The Bible is first

>> No.19570851

What a surprise! it's the exact same basic shit as last year and the year before.

>> No.19570857

What did you vote for anon?

>> No.19570859

how many books from the 2021 chart have you guys read? for me it's 37, am I a proper /lit/izen now?

>> No.19570888

I'm so happy that Ferdydurke made it. Poland stronk (ironically thanks to an anti-Polish author)

>> No.19570898
File: 149 KB, 730x1160, signal-2021-12-14-16-53-28-665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest growers

>> No.19570905
File: 155 KB, 876x1142, signal-2021-12-14-16-53-28-665 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest shrinkers

>> No.19570909

^ only considering books that made it on both lists

>> No.19570911

De Rerum Natura, The Obscene Bird of Night, Tristram Shandy, The Museum of Eterna's Novel, La Celestina, That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana

>> No.19570916

Kek these are the best books ever?

>> No.19570917

I doubt I'll ever update this.
Note: It doesn't use the average for ranking placement

>> No.19570918

Did I claim that?

>> No.19570924

That's what people vote in these polls anon

>> No.19570928


None of those are on the spreadsheet you liar. And anyway, you have terrible taste in books. No one is impressed you gay faggot.

>> No.19570931


>> No.19570933

Then as I said it is just surprising it is always the exact same basic reads

>> No.19570943

Those are not basic reads you idiot, they are popular for a reason. But you are too insecure to admit you like the same books as everyone else, so you have to dig out these obscure books to like to boost your ego. Peak pseud.

>> No.19570946

Well shit. Guess I fucked up somehow. Still since I doubt you have read any of them you should give them a go.

>> No.19570955


>> No.19570958
File: 3.78 MB, 2330x4566, 1632006263236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green = read, yellow = reading, red = dropped. (The Bible, in book of Samuel. I read it once in a while in between other books. W&P, dropped 15 years ago at the point when Moscow burned. I don't feel like restarting or continuing from where I dropped it. I was younger then, but I did like it. I remember liking Pierre's sections in particular and especially the part where one of the characters wakes up amid all the snow after the battle.)
What is Ferdydurke? I've never heard it discussed here before.

>> No.19570960

They're not obscure lmao. Regardless, I didn't say they're bad. As I said, I am just surprised it is always the same books.

>> No.19570971

It's a kind of modernist weird fiction concerning the problem of immaturity. Very eerie and funny at times.

>> No.19570974
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>4 votes for harry potter

>> No.19571403


>> No.19571500

The American one should be Leaves of Grass or more specifically Song of Myself by Whitman. There's really no question.

>> No.19571679
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>> No.19571741
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>Posting r*ddits censored version
You have to go back nigger.

>> No.19571794

Pedro paramo is good but there was definitely ballot stuffing last year

>> No.19571815

You're clearly a newfag if you still think there is novelty in saying nigger.

>> No.19571830
File: 44 KB, 329x399, 1451402938624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, whatever nigger you still have to go back.

>> No.19572035
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>> No.19572221
File: 961 KB, 1592x4096, 1609264127401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the last time that's not a censored version but a fiction only version for babies. Here's the censors version you dumb sperg

>> No.19572302

Nordic as fuck
could i see your left arm by any chance?

>> No.19572313

>not realizing this was a completely different poll and chart and getting angry

>> No.19572315

>popular good hurr
Are you genuinely retarded? Let’s put Harry Potter and Ready Player One since they are popular too, right? There are some books in the chart that no one should be reading past high school and do not deserve a spot on the “greatest” books ever.

>> No.19572325

Are you ok? I don't think Harry Potter or Ready Player One made the top 100.

>> No.19572329

>Harry Potter
>Ready Player One
Those books aren't popular here.

>> No.19573067

Idk mate, looks like bait

>> No.19573090

>it has to be new shit
haha basic

>> No.19573115

Catch-22 is hilarious

>> No.19573120

Nah but it does highlight a lack of worldliness

>> No.19573176

DostoChads literally cannot stop winning

>> No.19573264
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>> No.19573960

reading comprehension, learn it

>> No.19574017

I think most of these types of lists are very similar in the top 20 or so. It’s just hard for an underrated gem to unseat one of the titans of literature

>> No.19574056

Harry Potter and Ready Player One are not popular.

>> No.19574076
File: 20 KB, 476x269, 11609020-16x9-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More votes for Art of the Deal than Middlemarch.

>> No.19574440

Yeah you're right. Guess I was just bitter no one here seems to care for Macedonio Fernandez despite the board's love for Borges.

>> No.19574487
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Expanded version

>> No.19574499
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>> No.19574520

Why the fuck is dune on the list? Is this Reddit?

>> No.19574540

fyi I'm this guy but not the person that updated the page (thanks!) but removed the chart image gallery (thanks?)

>> No.19574669

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.19575002

People are doing both. It makes more sense just to cross out the ones you have read.

>> No.19575104

Pseud list.

>> No.19575118

How? Did you read it? I think it was a good book, national socialism as an ideology aside. It contains some lessons and life stories of a decorated WW1 vet, read it through those lens instead of your biased ones and perhaps you'd enjoy it more.

>> No.19575130

What is your critique of Mein Kampf? Any arguments against it's literary quality or are you only going to regurgitate discord buzzwords? If you want to see Karl Marx at #1 why don't you simply hold the poll back on leftypol? And don't even try and say you aren't a leftygoylem, I'm willing to bet 10, no 20 bucks you have a discord account.

>> No.19575143

>Fuck you you fucking poltard piece of shit it's not fucking funny muh hitler muh joooooooz grow the fuck up and read a damn book and stop being an edgy fuck. Nazism is not funny it's fucking sick. Hitler was an evil man. There is no joooz conspiracy. Your brain is fried from pol memes. There is no vaccine conspiracy, trump lost, and races don't exist. You lost so grow up and be a normal person in society instead of an incel chud.
>there is no joos conspiracy
Jacob R was right. Why even try to defend yourself when you have slaves to do it for you. Perhaps the Talmud was accurate in calling you cattle.

>> No.19575658

anons (not only you, but any anon), try and remember

>> No.19575773


>> No.19575992
File: 8 KB, 234x195, WhatsApp Image 2021-12-04 at 18.46.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people seething so much that Hitler made the list when Marxs garbage is also there