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/lit/ - Literature

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19563010 No.19563010 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ video games?

>> No.19563015 [DELETED] 
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lit Vidya?????? more like lit SNEEDya (LOLE)!!!



>> No.19563146
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Ton of reading, vaguely eastern european, talk you yourself

>> No.19563350
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>> No.19563353


>> No.19563356

Also based.

>> No.19563411

Majora's Mask

The mailman is literally a Kafka character, inspired by his aphorism "The king's messengers".

>> No.19563420

It isn't me, I felt out of touch with everything the game tried to force down my throat.
It is an ideological pity wank, I guess that is very /lit/.

>> No.19563860


>> No.19564106
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will filter non-boat fans

>> No.19564158

Myst? Riven?

>> No.19564181

Max Payne.

>> No.19564184

Alan Wake

>> No.19564200
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>> No.19564207

Mafia ll will make you cry.

>> No.19564242

did a good job at weaving theology and philosophy into a single theo-philosophical metaphysic.

>> No.19564255
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, Shenmue-Dreamcast-Gameplay-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19564256

Combat mechanics were terrible. Would like to play an update.

>> No.19564267
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Would like a to see a TBC version of the game like with the Pathfinder WOTR engine.
In terms of story, the game had 800,000 words in it /ourlit/...

>> No.19564492
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>> No.19564501

First half of the game legit isn't like that desu, but the "great reveal" at the end does feel very ideologically pretentious.

>> No.19564518

especially with a kino dale cooper inland empire-empath build

>> No.19564578

Does anyone have the picture of the Divine Comedy cover that uses marketing materials from the Dante's Inferno video game?

>> No.19564727
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Dear Esther

>> No.19564737
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The best post apocalyptic world in any medium

>> No.19564739
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The Stanley Parable

>> No.19564752
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Unironically No Man's Sky in the way you played it in the early editions. The vastness and loneliness of it all really hit me.

>> No.19564766

can you elaborate? been thinking about buying it

>> No.19564774

Roaming through a large empty universe devoid of interesting dialog is not /lit/

>> No.19564837
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This has proper writers behind it and a lot of very good dialogue/plot. People just get ass mad it sold DLC that should have been in the base game, but Paradox are grifters so what can you do?

>> No.19564867
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A lot of reading and deduction. Maybe /lit/.

>> No.19564908

Sounds like irl desu

>> No.19564917

>only interesting "dialog" is /lit/

>> No.19565004

Anons of culture right there. Respect.

>> No.19565167


>> No.19565262


Pathologic is based, I always imagine raskolnikov having the appearance of the bachelor

>> No.19565272


Isn't that the game that won some award and the creators name dropped Marx and engel in their acceptance speech? Turned me off playing it

>> No.19565275


absolute dogshit and unironically the type of shit the typical readlet gamer dork would think is profound, only the first game (and first version of that) was good due to its early 2000s aesthetic and soulful (shit) translation.

>> No.19565296

You seem like the kind of guy who would would disparage colour TV cause cause its not as soulful as black and white. Lmao the original translation was completely nonsensical in parts

>> No.19565361

If you play it like I did,it's a walking simulator with 2^64 planets (around 18.4 quintillion). It's the utter loneliness in these endless landscapes that really got to me. The game had more stuff added in recent years, so it may have changed to some extent, but I think it still is the same if you play it like that.

>> No.19565474

Oh, and if you want something with a target you may want to go for Astroneer. Just a single solar system with around 7 Planets but each time randomly generated. Plus you can tunnel through everything.

>> No.19565477


>> No.19565529
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>> No.19565569

well i mean the whole IP is shit, the whacky translation plus le liminal space feeling of the first game is its only saving grace. once you actually know what the fuck they're saying in the updated translation, it's shit. even gibberish is better. and the aesthetic of the first game > this AA looking shit they've done with 2.

>> No.19565639

You can play a racist and/or fascist if that's your kind of bag, baby.

>> No.19565872

Thanks Benny. Thanks for shooting me in the head also.

>> No.19565877

maybe outer wilds? it's pretty reddit (then again, which video games aren't), but still fairly well written. i found disco elysium extremely boring, why not read a book at that point. cases could also be made for deus ex games, bioshock 1+2 and the gta series. maybe nier aswell. in general it's hard because as videogames approach higher levels of /lit/eracy, they're hard to justify as opposed to books. i have yet to find really distinguishing qualities that would establish their value beyond something to do when you're too tired/lazy to read.

>> No.19565878

The Void is better than both Pathologic games

>> No.19565900

>why not read a book at that point.
I’d argue DE’s soundtrack, atmosphere and choices make it validated as a game.
>the gta series

>> No.19566479

The only GTA game that could come close to something considered /lit/ is GTA4, but even then that series is not really /lit/.

>> No.19566730
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>> No.19566783

>why not read a book

>> No.19566800

My respect right here

>> No.19566865

the correct choice, midwits and /v/ contrarians will call it overhyped, the only valid complaints are that it can be really fucking buggy, and there shoud've been more legion quests, both of which would've not been problems if obsidian had more time

>> No.19566871
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simple game, but kino setting

>> No.19566910
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