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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.60 MB, 2330x4578, Top 100 Books 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19559477 No.19559477 [Reply] [Original]

Thank you for waiting, here is the list for 2021.
This list 718 responses with 313 books receiving more than 2 votes.
Thank you to all who voted in the original poll and in the tie breaker.

>> No.19559493

>mein kampf
this board is dead

>> No.19559496

what a shit list

>> No.19559501

Like every year its the same books in a different order

>> No.19559504

Not even top 10 for MK, this board is dead..

>> No.19559506

kek that even with hitler in the top 20 this list came out more diverse than reddit's exercise in box checking

>> No.19559509

>Dusty has five books on there, but Big Bill only has two plays
It's over Anglobros, we got too cocky...

>> No.19559515
File: 888 KB, 1241x889, 33BD48F2-F57F-4892-AA24-BEA559AA813A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe next year Carsonbros...

>> No.19559525

Could we get a list without meme books and non fic pls

>> No.19559534
File: 1.39 MB, 1820x4348, TrueLit Top 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here r/TrueLit's list from last year as a comparison.

>> No.19559537

I can brush aside the other memepicks, but Mein Kampf and Uncle Ted being this high is a clear sign that it's time to pack my bags and leave.

>> No.19559538

>Mein kampf
>No white fragility
Chud central

>> No.19559542

>Borges beat (((Hitler))) in the tie breaking round

>> No.19559545
File: 3.26 MB, 2330x4560, 100 Books that Didnt Quite Make It.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the next 100

>> No.19559548

>Maybe next year [WORSE VERSION OF DFW] bros

>> No.19559550

>compulsory black authors
kek reddit is something else

>> No.19559551

Jesus Christ just delete this

>> No.19559558
File: 115 KB, 1079x912, Screenshot_20211212-160330_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, hitler only had around 20-25% of the vote the whole time

>> No.19559559
File: 51 KB, 669x420, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19559567

Good catch, I'll fix it

>> No.19559576 [DELETED] 

can you post at least the text of top 100 non-fiction ones

>> No.19559577

4/5 books I voted for only made the 101-200 list and the final one didn't even chart.

Sad day indeed

>> No.19559579
File: 85 KB, 680x680, 8335C408-2C28-4370-9329-2A04A4B9E751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 people like DeLillo

>> No.19559593

Writers with more than one book:
>Dostoyevksy: 5
>Joyce: 4
>Pynchon: 3
>Homer: 2
>Tolstoy: 2
>Bolaño: 2
>Orwell: 2
>Hemingway: 2
>Steinbeck: 2
>Hesse: 2
>Mishima: 2

>> No.19559599

>6 votes
If we shill harder I feel like we can break 10 votes next year, and then maybe 15 votes by 2023. And Carson should be established /lit/core by 2025.

Not happening.

>> No.19559602

Shakespeare has two as well (Hamlet and Macbeth).

>> No.19559627

Please change the viewing permissions on the spreadsheet Mr. Pollster.
I'm not giving you my email.

>> No.19559628

Worst chart ever

>> No.19559630

You're right, I didn't realize that.

>> No.19559637

>Labyrinths and Ficciones are different works
Anon, I...

>> No.19559640

Wow it's just the same books again. Great stuff

>> No.19559643

Both of these lists are better than this year's top 100. The chart in the OP should be ignored for the Bible alone, but at least Borges is above Mein Kampf

>> No.19559670 [DELETED] 
File: 2.61 MB, 2330x4566, Top 100 Books 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the chart

>> No.19559671

God please be serious I'd love if Mein Kampf got rid of one kike on this board

>> No.19559672

Is there a way to add the image to the sticky on the board? Or is the chart independent from the mods who control it

>> No.19559683

You misspelled "Bhagavad Gita" as well. Rather than just deleting it every time someone catches a mistake, you should probably just wait a while to let all the fixes come in.

>> No.19559688

grow up

>> No.19559693

Oh, you also wrote "Wurthering Heights."

>> No.19559696

sum up votes for Labyrints and Ficciones

>> No.19559697

Get in the oven

>> No.19559711

grow up

>> No.19559713

Where is Herodotus? Is it not at all on the lists?

>> No.19559745


>> No.19559752

>The Holy Bible first
>The Iliad top 5
>Mein Kampf on the second row
Can't complain. Good job lads.

>> No.19559757
File: 32 KB, 600x655, smug soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The Holy Bible first
>>The Iliad top 5
>>Mein Kampf on the second row
>Can't complain. Good job lads.

>> No.19559765
File: 208 KB, 327x316, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the seething

>> No.19559776

What do you mean? I don't dislike Meme Kampf as a book, it's claiming that it deserves to be in the top 100 let alone top 20 that's ridiculous.

>> No.19559778
File: 74 KB, 696x701, IMG_5565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love the seething

>> No.19559790

>image deleted

>> No.19559795

>The Holy Bible first
>The Iliad top 5
>Mein Kampf on the second row
cringe. MK is objectively a bad book.

>> No.19559801

What is wrong with this nigger?

>> No.19559817

Spelling mistakes I think.

>> No.19559829

>not Faulkner
This board is doomed

>> No.19559833

It's a very important book and it's there not because of its literary value but because of its importance to contemporary events. Literature and art gets political when things get unruly. Things are unruly in the West and /lit/ rankings reflect contemporary events. If you don't get it, that's on you.

>> No.19559836

The art of the deal?

>> No.19559841

I'm late to the party. Can someone repost please?

>> No.19559842

Mein Kampf was not even relevant in its day. Hitler's ideas are important now, with or without MK.

>> No.19559846

I see I was only one of 5 voters for The Name of the Rose and one of 3 voters for Either/Or. Didn't realize I was sharing the board with such pseuds! Get reading lads

>> No.19559851

The votes for Labyrinths here and Ficciones in the official chart should be combined.

>> No.19559855

>Hitler's ideas are important now
And in a /lit/ ranking that's reflected through votes for MK.

>> No.19559861

Since there's no pic for right now, can someone tell me if Ferdydurke at least made it on there?

>> No.19559864
File: 2.61 MB, 2330x4566, 1639347520401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until OP gets spellcheck installed.

>> No.19559869


>> No.19559872

Yea, it's there. I think in the 40s or 50s.

>> No.19559878

I think he deleted to avoid spreading the wrong one so you should just delete it and everyone can wait.

>> No.19559882

Thanks anon.

>> No.19559883

CAM ON. Ferdydurke/Polski boys finally out here reppin the pupcia

>> No.19559884

No. OP can suffer for his mistakes like every other artist.

>> No.19559886

esl's need to be shamed

>> No.19559888

>Mein Kampf
>Das Kapital
>Industrial Society and its future
Not literature. We should have Absalom, Absalom, Franny & Zooey, Jane Eyre, Storm of Steel, or Golden Bowl, etc from >>19559545

>> No.19559890
File: 2.61 MB, 2330x4566, Top 100 Books 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link fixed
I will
That is exactly why I deleted it

It is there
Here it is, I'm combining labyrinths and fictions now

>> No.19559904

It's top books moron they're books

>> No.19559909

Pamphlets at best.

>> No.19559913

If the Odyssey has 35 votes, why is it above the ones with 37 or 36?

>> No.19559918

Because OP's brain is fried.

>> No.19559922

>t. doesn't know what's a pamphlet

>> No.19559925

Haha you're right lol. This has turned into a bit of a train wreck for OP.

>> No.19559937

Homer gives extra points by default

>> No.19559940

OP is absolute tatters.
Thread OP is imageless.
Revision is still error-filled.
Suicide is imminent.

>> No.19559942

It’s alright, that was just a first draft

>> No.19559944

It's not literature.

>> No.19559958

Oh, and yet another correction: The author of 100 Years of Solitude should be referred to as García Márquez or, less commonly, as García; Márquez is his maternal surname.

>> No.19559961

It had 38 votes

>> No.19559970


>> No.19559974

op in shambles

>> No.19560037

Stop bullying OP he's a good man

>> No.19560039

with summed up votes Ficciones should outdo Stoner

>> No.19560061

Op should kill himself out of shame, what a joke of a man.

>> No.19560100

People who voted for MK generally voted for good books as it can be seen in the spreadsheet. It was a political statement.

>> No.19560131

>TBK in the top 3 again
glad to see /lit/ is still based
>the stranger making it lower and lower every year
and getting more and more based
>mein kampf that high
>on the list at all

>> No.19560169

Ulysses used to be in top 5 yearly, wasn't it? Quite a downslide. I would've preferred IJ taking the slide instead, but it's good that we get some heh diversity.
>Ferdydurke, 11 votes
I didn't think that this many people on this board have even read it, let alone that it would make it this high (perhaps even too high, but the same can be said about many other titles). Well done Ferdydurkebros.
Overall I think it's the best list we've had in years, thanks for pulling it off OP.

>> No.19560176
File: 2.61 MB, 2330x4566, The Top 100 Books 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to those who made this a better list!
I've incorporated the feedback, this one should address the previous comments

>> No.19560178

>Metamorphosis but no Trial
>Dostoevsky is 1/20th of the list
>Le political meme books
>Hegel makes surprise return
>Dune really fucking high up

What a year.

>> No.19560195

OP if you have any sense you'd remove the non lit shitpost submissions and include the next runner ups for ACTUAL AUTHORS not half baked political theory (kampf, industrial society) and just the first edition of capital. CPR can stay though.

>> No.19560198

Thank you for dealing with the anonymous masses kind pollster. I love these end of year lists

>> No.19560207

I'm glad Faust is getting the recognition it deserves, eventually it will reach top 10, where it belongs.

>> No.19560210

Based. Thank *you* for your service.

>> No.19560240
File: 82 KB, 800x450, obiwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why I made The 101-200 list to accompany the 100 list

>> No.19560248

someone should post it on reddit

>> No.19560260

What's this ferdydurke novel?

>> No.19560274

>latest edition has an introduction by Sontag
Yikes and dropped

>> No.19560275

Please see

>> No.19560282

Based wholesome lurker

>> No.19560285

Nice! Glad you fixed all the little errors.

>> No.19560298


>> No.19560359

>The Bible
>Mein Kampf
>Das Kapital
>Industrial Society and its Future
I've read each of these (well I skimmed Uncle Ted's) and besides the Bible, which should be nowhere near number 1, they're all just bad books that are boring to read and have mediocre observations and ideas. It's sad to see that /lit/ is continually getting politicized; it seems like every year more and more meme political picks get more votes, although with the exception of Christians it seems like they're still a vocal minority.

>> No.19560377

How the fuck did we end up this bad ?

>> No.19560421

rope yourself

>> No.19560427

>seething this hard

>> No.19560434


>> No.19560553

Yes, I like being able to discuss books without the discussion being monopolized by hyper political morons. Any sort of discussion about Hobbes, Aristotle, and the like is already fucked by people only concerned with how 'based' they are, and that's beginning to seep into any thread even tangentially related to politics.

>> No.19560587

What's wrong with being based?

>> No.19560639

Nothing, but quantifying the value of a person's ideas based on their being based is retarded.

>> No.19560753

/pol/ really did kill the smaller 4chan boards, jesus christ.

>> No.19560756

Blah blah fuck off to plebbit retard

>> No.19560959

Gaddis fell off real bad.

>> No.19560990

We've done it bros. Today, eleven of us have read Ferdydurke, tomorrow it might be twelve

>> No.19561040

I've been shilling the novel on and off for quite a while. I don't know if I was able to convince anyone or if this was organic growth.
Great marginal Modernist novel. An investigation into immaturity and form written in an absurdist and humorous style.
Nevermind you're NGMI. Sontag had better taste than you will ever have.

>> No.19561074

Sontag sucks dick but Ferdydurke is a good book.

>> No.19561177

How did anything beat the Divine Comedy? I thought it was the supreme work of all literature?

>> No.19561208

>trusting the taste of redditors

>> No.19561297

Thank you pollster anon for organising this. To another year of /lit/!

>> No.19561719

Fucking Nigger mods, I tell ya.

>> No.19561759


Overall, the top 100 list is slightly worse than in previous years. Even mentally editing out all of the retard meme responses, this continues to be true.

>> No.19562083

Every year this is a disaster.

>> No.19562111

Note: the OP of this thread is different, so enjoy have different versions floating around before people intentionally sabotage them as well.

>> No.19562289

spreadsheet link:

>> No.19562295


>> No.19562316
File: 261 KB, 551x491, 1507297962058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme shit and shill shit left on
newfags should not be allowed to conduct these polls

>> No.19562319

Jesus christ, i come here for recommendations since I got a new kindle, and half the top 50 is shit they make you read in high school because they're "classics". There's no fucking way 0 good books have come out within the last 10 years that could break into that list.

>> No.19562326

The voting was posted on /pol/

>> No.19562337

It's a popularity contest, not a contest of quality. They aren't going to vote for stuff they haven't personally read, meme voting aside.
If you wanted something like that, you'd need a panel of professional critics, or at least a panel of non-random judges rather than anons.

>> No.19562350

It wouldn't surprise if there was a group of discord christcucks who purposely voted for le Bible

>> No.19562445
File: 2.59 MB, 2330x4566, The Top 100 Books 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about, I'm the same person who made the chart and posted all the threads

>> No.19562465

718 votes=718 voters?

>> No.19562488

>Anna Karenina finally broke the top 10
fucking finally

>> No.19562496

I'll admit I voted for Mean Kampf 5 times

>> No.19562511

Up to 5 votes for each response, only the first vote was mandatory, so you didn't have to say 5 books, which explains why it's not 3590.

>> No.19562650

The bible has made the top ten for 6 years now, and the top two for the last three. On top of that we've been getting bible threads and religious threads on a daily basis for years.
Even if this christcuck discord bogeyman was a thing, they are part of the board now as much as philosophy fags

>> No.19562721

And they only managed to push hitler into the top 20? That's weaksauce

>> No.19562920

>no Musil
>only Death of Virgil from Broch
>no Döblin
Lol, trash again. sage

>> No.19563097 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 1806x42, eternal_murican_vooter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A question of great importance: would it be possible to somehow pull off separate polls for europeans and americans? So that we can get rid off picrel?

>> No.19563168

Shoutout to the other guy who voted for The Anatomy of Melancholy.

>> No.19563628

So which one is the final one? There are 5 versions floating around.

Thanks, OP.

also you're a fucking faggot for ruining this shit like this. You had one fucking job. But also thanks anyway.

>> No.19564344

See this thread
Op has the correct on
Also saged as that is the correct one.

>> No.19564413

Where is the spreadsheet with all the votes?

>> No.19564421
