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/lit/ - Literature

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19559386 No.19559386 [Reply] [Original]

What book will make my brain and wisdom GROW LIKE A FUCKING MADMAN?
What should I read in order to sharpen my thought process razorblade sharp?
What is the smartest, most intelligent book you've read?

>> No.19559398
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Thank me later

>> No.19559400

1. Quran
2. Hadith Al-Bukhari
3. Hadith Ibn-Muslim

>> No.19559403

Share with me something unique, useful and interesting and I'll share with you proven ways to signifcantly increase your intelligence I learned after years of research.

>> No.19559413
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Actual answer here

>> No.19559424

What does it talk about?

>> No.19559434

Nothing useful

>> No.19559448

Schizo-core shit, more advanced version of Prometheus Rising.

>> No.19559453

Why vol III and not I or V?
is it gonna make me rag up my head and use explosive backpacks?
Will check out thank you
Alright let me think what I can share you, would you mind telling me what kind of things interest you to narrow my choices?

>> No.19559474

Parascientific or forgotten ancient knowledge, anything you want as long as it's practical and not theoretical.

>> No.19559499

3 is the most based. The others get hyper schizo
It talks about everything

>> No.19559566

Right out of the bat, the one thing that I remember that is actually practical, parascientific and will have a positive impact in your life is Van Vliet's The Coiled Serpent.
http://libgen DOT rs/book/index.php?md5=10CBDB0611E3106973C6018F58360F9A
Let me know if it fits your request and I hope it suffices for you to share with me your findings on intelligence related research.
checked thanks

>> No.19559735

Not really what I was looking for, but still you made an effort, so I'll share a fraction of what I have.

-Nerve growth factor eyedrops


-Air filters

-Image streaming


This is just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.19559737

I'm going to give you advice that you won't find normally. Intelligence, wisdom, or anything that brings value does not come freely, you have to expend effort to find and work for it. So, there is no one book/selected books that raise your +INT/WIS score. You get a soft increase with every page and book you process. This is a long process and the search is worth it but anything i would recommend, you would not be for you. Learn to understand your weaknesses, whether in knowledge or certain attributes and aim to improve on them, with Literatur or other means.

But if you want to get started read The Odyssey.

>> No.19559804

Wow thank you so much, will check out all of it.
Please elaborate on what you're looking for so I can recommend something more fitting.
>The Odyssey.
Any particular edition or translation? Thank you for your words.

>> No.19559975

Yakub is that you?

>> No.19560082
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>Van Vliet's The Coiled Serpent
I'm into this kind of stuff. Never heard of this book before, so thanks for posting it.

>> No.19560276
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>> No.19560293
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>> No.19560488

I will not deny or confirm but yes I am.
>this kind of stuff
Cool. What else do you like, anon?
why these books, anons?

>> No.19560641

Unironically most of Aristotle's work.

Pretty much every book ever written today is bouncing off from Aristotelianism.
Even Hediegger who wanted to do his own thing and scrap everything that came before him decided he couldn't go beyond his Aristotle.

>> No.19560657

>A novel approach to alchemy using morning dew. "It is really possible to condense unknown energies and to use them to create a new kind of matter with properties unknown to science? Barbault, the new Paracelsus, shows that it is.

wow what the fuck

>> No.19560724
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>> No.19560788

Based. Which Muhammad biography is the most accurate?

>> No.19560811
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Pretty much anything by David Icke.

This book in particular though.

>> No.19560823
File: 2.59 MB, 2330x4566, The Top 100 Books 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read the books from picrel you'll be the smartest man on this board

>> No.19561276

that list is huge and strange

>> No.19561315
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If we assume only the most minimal of education this chart is a good place to start. For massive gains you should put points into the skills that help you gain other skills. So these 4 books will show you the fastest way to acquire knowledge while simultaneously giving you the topic of how to study as a topic of study.

Most any other book is going to be outside the scope as written by OP, not that anything previously listed here is 'bad' per se, but Hegel, books on the jews, classic literature, or anything else of the like will improve you on that topic in particular. Wisdom comes in many different forms, and reading most anything can impart wisdom.

>> No.19561323

unironically the best one yet

>> No.19561343
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You personally? Probably this one.

>> No.19561389
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>> No.19561397

I've read Deep Work maybe four or five times. Great book.

>> No.19561539
File: 141 KB, 1200x1620, uncle ted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, the combo of The True Believer by Eric Hoffer and Industrial Society and It's Future by Uncle Ted drastically changed the way I view society and political interactions.

>> No.19561569

Seconding what the other anon said. Reading through Deep Work right now its excellent, I already had decent study habits but its made them even stronger

>> No.19561570

Every time I think it's a good idea to read Uncle Ted I get to the point where he sounds like a Fox News Boomer and I put it down.

>> No.19561577

Parts can be a little boomerish, yes. But at least read the part about surrogate activities. That really paints the whole picture for me.

>> No.19561584

I've always sort of imagined the first three books as linkedin tier grift. Am I wrong about this? I've never found any sort of self help book to be very helpful. Maybe I'm an idiot.

>> No.19561604

yeah, he actually produced potable gold following the plates from the mutus liber

>> No.19561608

I believe an anon brought that bit up in the old blind pill threads and I did enjoy parts of it. Surrogate activates are covered in other works in much greater detail. Simulacra. Game theory. Hauntology. Late stage capitalism. All of those converge on the idea of consumption being the focal point within societal communication. I'm not sure its worth reading ted when there are other avenues of obtaining the interesting radical ideas without having to slog through his boomer-tier rhetoric.

>> No.19561619

Have you read Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher? I think he sort of hits at a lot of what Uncle Ted is talking about but in less boomerish terms and it's more amiable to those left of the dial.

>> No.19561630

All three have a sheet worth of major points that everyone should know. Reading the book itself helps reinforce those ideas into long term memory and help process the data. Out of the four, atomic habits is the closest to trash, but I still think the fundamental ideas within the book are worth keeping it on the list, even if the writing isn't as good as the other three. I've read quite a bit of self help trash and these were the only ones that really stuck.

>> No.19561652

I have, and he does. Though my problems with Fisher are that his books generally have a wonderful and intriguing thesis while the meat of the books are generally blog posts about Jungle Music. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed them, I feel like it's definitely a Lucy with the football situation.

>> No.19561846

Thank you very much for this.

>> No.19561856

ayy lmao

>> No.19562131

OP here. Holy shit, image streaming is some really deep stuff. Thank you for sharing, anon.

>> No.19562148
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Learn a language. I'd recommend Latin. It will make you smarter. Here's what Poopenhauer had to say about it.

>In learning a language, the chief difficulty consists in making acquaintance with every idea which it expresses, even though it should use words for which there in no exact equivalent in the mother tongue; and this often happens. In learning a new language a man has, as it were, to mark out in his mind the boundaries of quite new spheres of ideas, with the result that spheres of ideas arise where none were before. Thus he not only learns words, he gains ideas too.
>This is nowhere so much the case as in learning ancient languages, for the differences they present in their mode of expression as compared with modern languages is greater than can be found amongst modern languages as compared with one another. This is shown by the fact that in translating into Latin, recourse must be had to quite other turns of phrase than are used in the original. The thought that is to be translated has to be melted down and recast; in other words, it must be analyzed and then recomposed. It is just this process which makes the study of the ancient languages contribute so much to the education of the mind.
>It follows from this that a man's thought varies according to the language in which he speaks. His ideas undergo a fresh modification, a different shading, as it were, in the study of every new language. Hence an acquaintance with many languages is not only of much indirect advantage, but it is also a direct means of mental culture, in that it corrects and matures ideas by giving prominence to their many-sided nature and their different varieties of meaning, as also that it increases dexterity of thought; for in the process of learning many languages, ideas become more and more independent of words. The ancient languages effect this to a greater degree than the modern, in virtue of the difference to which I have alluded.

>> No.19562154

Transman of Gor.

>> No.19562631

Seconding the odessey recommendation, I highly encourage reading up on Odysseus myths and tales, he has very consistent thought process and has a way of breaking things down. Also recommend looking up his involvement in the Trojan war, there is a podcast series called Trojan war podcast and I think Jeff Wright did an amazing job breaking down the way he saw things, it’s great way to think about things and will help you make smarter decisions, that and opportunity cost and it’s implications in economics are profound life skills

>> No.19562856

Nerve growth factor eyedrops seems really cool but I can't seem to find a place that sells it.

>> No.19562946


>> No.19562969

Imagine reading the shite brought forth by an illiterate madman and his incel followers which leads to nothing but ashes while pretending it leads wisdom.
Muslim COPE is truly fascinating to watch. Sometimes even leads to fireworks lol