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/lit/ - Literature

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19554542 No.19554542 [Reply] [Original]


I have deleted cringe before.I have also posted as multiple people in the same thread to promote my own threads. The worst thing is: it used to work.

>Prayer/Cry for Absolution
Forgive me, Lord, and please help me forgive myself, with both humility and dignity.

>> No.19554547
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I watch vtubers.

>> No.19554550

I have not completed a single book this year.

>> No.19554560

I haven't read enough to intelligently post in any of the good threads.

>> No.19554568
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I misread a girls signs and ended up groping her tits. She slapped me and never talked to me again, she was like my best friend too.
Oh /lit/ sins? Uhhhhh I guess I used cliff notes in for a uni class once.

>> No.19554580

I don't read the books I have I read Wikipedia and pirate audiobooks.

>> No.19554593

find some pulpy fiction you can hardly stop yourself from binging

Terry Pratchett got me back in the habit of reading. The Dresden Files is good for that too, if you're vapid, which is valid. Eventually you'll run out or get sick of it but having already formed the habit it'll be easier to substitute in other books then stop cold turkey.

>> No.19554616

I'm almost 30. I finished writing my first novel this year and while i'm glad I finished it. I don't think think it is very good.

>My greatest /lit. sin
I hardly read anymore. I'll listen to audiobooks occasionally, but this year I probably actually read like only 5 or 6 books.

>> No.19554623

Non /lit/ I can’t stop cooming and it’s driving me mad.
/lit/ sin, I almost always consider just keeping some of the rarer books my library has when I borrow them.

>> No.19554635

Have you read easy peasy method? Helped some folks out

>> No.19554639

Describe the sign you thought allowed you to grope.

>> No.19554650

Looked me in the eyes

>> No.19554665

Sat next to me in class once (it was the only available seat).

>> No.19554693

She blinked twice

>> No.19554774
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I don't read books to completion, I read until it no longer makes me curious and then immediately drop it. I've wasted thousands of dollars of doing this. It's truly gluttonous, but hopefully it hasn't been all that wasteful: I've donated all the books that I immediately trash. As much as I would rather throw such books into the trash for wasting my time and saving others time from picking up the book, I like to think that someone else would find it useful.

I read books the same way I read blogs: speed read, skip through pages, browse the table of contents and go straight to the fascinating bits, skipping through more pages along the book. I haven't read any fiction books in years—I only ever read nonfiction.

Lord, If I must pray, then let me be sincere:
Do not forgive me.
I bare to you my frailties.
And I ask for nothing in return.

>> No.19554782
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So? Nobody on this board reads, they just read spark notes and wikipedia. Here's a tip sunshine, nobody and i mean NOBODY cares if you actually read a book or not. It's about your ability to talk about the book, nothing more.

>> No.19554787

I think that hope is a fucking poison for the soul.

>> No.19554792
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I'm 400 pages deep

>> No.19554861

I haven’t, but probably will.

>> No.19554909

That which was and therefore is now, is the absolute Brahman – contemplation of this bestows peace, for that Brahman is peace. One should not contemplate anything else at any time and in any manner anywhere. One should uproot the very hope of enjoyment with one’s utmost strength, and using one’s utmost intelligence. Hopes and attachments seem to ramify on account of mental conditioning, which is ignorance. In this empty physical body, where is it that is called ‘I’? In truth, O Rama, ‘I’, ‘mine’, etc. have no existence at all; the one self alone is the truth at all times.

>> No.19554913

I think some people actually do read, but they don't really analyze what they read and they either don't take notes when they should or they don't take enough notes. People think being well read means superficially reading everything instead of deeply reading what interests them most. I'm one of these people but gradually getting up to some standard of study I can be confident in.
I do care that anons actually read books. Intelligent posts at least gives posters and lurkers something to think about.

>> No.19554965

No time like the present, anon. It's free so best not to put it off.

>> No.19554969

free you say??? nyan nyan.

>> No.19554987


>> No.19555030
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>I only read sci-fi, fantasy, superhero prose novels and romance. I also spend a significant portion of my time reading shipping fanfiction.
>I used cliffnotes in many of my high school and uni classes, still got As in almost all of them. Did the same thing for my philosophy classes, with the same results
>pic related is almost everything I've read this year
>I love the lotr movies but didn't care for the books
>I wrote a novel about an idealized version of myself hooking up with a cute, spunky, tsundere warrior girl

>> No.19555098

English and especially Philosophy are easy as fuck to get As in. it's 80% presentation and like maybe 20% understanding of the text. Anyway they don't want novel, personal, or informed takes on the material they want opinions that are obviously right and easy to read quickly.

>> No.19555231

I used a lot of sparknotes in high school classes because I was always graded on an essay where you could just bullshit about what it meant. I did actually read and get super into some of the good books I was forced to read like 1984. Great Expectations though I cheated on completely.

>> No.19555284

You dare make me look like a faggot, i wish infinite hell fire upon thee.

>> No.19555840

I'm so sorry. My church group will pray for you.

Everyone else is the thread is actually irredeemable, you should all be ashamed and seek mercy in the LORD God, so that He might lessen your sentences in Hell. Until then, immediately cease operation of the Holy Vessel, this sacred board of /lit/.

>> No.19555898
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I serve only one master and his name is SHAITAN

>> No.19555958

I read manga and comics a lot more than I read literature.
I own lots of books, and have read maybe 10% of them.

>> No.19555962


>>>/co/ is probably more your place, no?

>> No.19556364


>> No.19556408

I suffer from lustful reading. I enjoy making vivid images of myself when reading more than I enjoy understanding what I read

>> No.19556427

.>...for juggalos and juggalettes, do NOT try this at home and I hope you like it!

>> No.19556451
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/lit/ related
>I actually read quite rarely, but when I find an interesting book I blast through it quickly
>I hold 3 or 4 contradictory philosophical worldviews simultaenously and can't decide between them
>I have my books on my pc desk so people see my big and difficult books more easily when they visit my 1 room apartment

additional life confessions
>I've been eating like shit for the last 3 months on the basis that I'm building muscle at the gym and need to eat a lot
>My sleep schedule is out of whack and I snooze even on work days too late (I have flexible hours but still not good to start 1-2 hours late)
>I fell madly in love with a girl that I later learned was in a long distance relationship, tried to see if it would have broken up but now her finally bf came to visit her and I feel like shit

I've prepared a good meal plan for next year to lose some fat so I hope that will be fixed.. I also have a few good books that I might actually be able to read over Christmas

>> No.19556471

I listed books of which I only listened to the audiobook as read on goodreads. I doubt that reading a story is superior to listening to a story. I doubt that books that aren't meant to be read out loud are on par with the ones that are.

>> No.19556476

is she hot?

>> No.19556499


>> No.19556501


I would describe her more as beautiful. Completely my type, we got along great and really felt like she enjoyed spending time with me.

>> No.19556914

That bond has got to have the potential to be deeper and more meaningful than what she has already with her current BF. You'll instinctually know whether this is the right woman for you or not, deep down in your guts. If she isn't, then spend your energy elsewhere (easier said than done, I know, just speaking from personal experience).

>> No.19557007

I have only finished one book this year, but I have bought about 5 or 6.
One of them was a nicer version of a book I already own.

>> No.19557008

I only read philosophy and literature so I can understand Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

My interpretation of the anime is deeper than anything else I've ever read, and I read the canon. There's nothing else like it. It's like the characters are actually alive and every time I re watch it they all talk about what I'm currently reading.

I guess it's because it is Faust. You have to read the entire history of western philosophy up to Hegel to understand it.

>> No.19557020


Thanks man. It's not really easy to let go because we hang around the same group so I will inevitably be in contact with her, but also just staying around as a friend seems pretty pathetic. But I still think we would have been something great together, and if we had met just a year prior I think it would have been almost certain that we would have ended up together.

I would have hoped she had chosen to pursue something better with me but in the end it is up to her. I can't just wait and hope forever.

>> No.19557079

I feel like this is one and the same person and he is the OP of /sffg/. He should also kill himself.

>> No.19557087
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>>I've been eating like shit for the last 3 months on the basis that I'm building muscle at the gym and need to eat a lot
It's called a dirty bulk anon. Don't sweat it.

>> No.19557535


>> No.19557592
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I really, REALLY like the Hunger games series. I think the first book is basically perfect and I've read it probably more that 5 times. God save my soul bros.

I also reread the same books over and over if I like them instead of moving on to new books.

>> No.19557598

My shelf isn’t organized by genre it’s organized by what books I think look good together (except for the top shelf which is all civil war history books).

>> No.19557608

Same. But I don't really have enough books to need to "organize" them

>> No.19557789

Sometimes a popular book is good.

>> No.19557949

I'm never gonna end up writting my novel at this rate, and if i do it's probably gonna be shit

>> No.19558109

>I hold 3 or 4 contradictory philosophical worldviews simultaenously and can't decide between them

Same lmfao

>> No.19558114

The only book I read this year was Treasure Island.

>> No.19558240

One of the greatest books of all time

>> No.19558446
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I was good friends with Waldun for a while and leaked his discord, leading several teens and some young adults to see the Christchurch shooting spammed with various n-words. I lost many friends that weren't Waldun, and I regret it.

>pic rel

>> No.19558924

smiled at her phone

>> No.19559043

Appreciate your confession, anon. We've all done similar things.

>> No.19559355

I read books written by women.

>> No.19559369
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>> No.19559420


>> No.19559520
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>I wrote a novel about an idealized version of myself hooking up with a cute, spunky, tsundere warrior girl

>> No.19559552

My diet gives me extreme diarrhea, kidna /lit/ if you read bukowski
also I pretty much only post here for attention

>> No.19559572
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>I only read philosophy and literature so I can understand Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
I read Little Women because of GuP.
I read Hard Boiled Wonderland because of Haibane Renmei
I read War and Peace because someone here posted a penguin cover of it with Utena
I read Les Miserables because of the Seinfeld episode where George gets a song from the musical stuck in his head.
For a fraction of a second I thought that Anne of Green Gables ended with an Evengelion reference

>> No.19559580

I have so many conflicting ideas in my mind about religion, politics, and philosophy that I honestly could not tell you what I believe. I fluctuate between atheism, Christianity, Buddhism, Nietzcheian prometheanism, and Jungian spirituality on a near weekly basis. I need to just sit down one day and read everything I can so I can finally plant my flag in a single, cohesive world view.

>> No.19559598

>Anne of Green Gables ended with an Evengelion reference
But it did.

>> No.19559793
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>> No.19559894


Are you me?

>> No.19559933

Sounds like most people, including many smart ones.
Writing really does help to get one's ideas codified.

>> No.19560247

nta but how do I organize my thoughts in a handwritten notebook, and not just squirrel from page to page

>> No.19560638

Have an object you consider sacred in some way and would not want to do obscene things around, then keep it with you to ward off lust.
I'm not really a Christian, or at least not yet as far as I can tell, but I have great reverence for the cross and for icons. I got a small icon that I've kept on my person or at my desk and it keeps me from cooming because I feel it would be reprehensible to do such a thing.
A small Buddha statue could work for you to, if that's your kind of thing.

>> No.19560790
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Do the one page every morning challenge: first thing you do before we even checking your phone, you pull out a pen and write a page; no more no less.

>> No.19560799

okay but is it okay to change from topic to topic? I’m interested in organizing my thoughts in a coherent way, but not so much journaling if that makes sense

>> No.19560844

i just started reading again
im starting with the greeks but have no intention of reading the pre-socratics, socrates, plato, or aristotle because my ass is scared. i know i probably should though especially Plato's "The Apology" at the least. i just want to read literature of ancient greece, literature of ancient rome, and anything else to be the foundation for appreciating better the divine comedy and the early works in english

>> No.19560862

Oftentimes I find myself tempted, when i'm near the end of the chapter, to skip to the end and read the last paragraph. instead of just reading through to the end like a normal person.
Also I dogear my books

>> No.19560866

Of course, no censorship, the only rules are to write words.

>> No.19560889

I might just go full autist and have a journal for every different topic

>> No.19561811
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>the Christmas eva doujin

>> No.19562029

I used to read a lot of self-help books.
Adding to that some unironically made me a better/more socially apt person, especially the books on autism and social skills.

I’ve also schizoposted on this board to promote my own threads.

Saved the best for last: I’m a 20 year old guy and I love reading shitty erotica stories online to jerk off too.

>> No.19562209

I have actual books on my to-read shelf but I've spent the last week reading a Harry Potter fanfiction series.
The worst part is that I'm genuinely enjoying it

>> No.19562229

>For a fraction of a second I thought that Anne of Green Gables ended with an Evengelion reference
You think Anno isn't powerful enough that his work has retroactive influence?

>> No.19562973
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I believe that Anime/manga will replace literature in due time. We are already seeing video games replacing book in telling stories. I believe that literature will die in the next few generations.

>> No.19563592

Social parasites.

>> No.19563720

I don't believe I'm a good writer, but If I can't see my life having any worth if I can't finish one novel I'm proud of. It's childish and I should spend my time with something I could actually be good doing but I'm too spoilt for that. I even think I should livestream an hero after finishing it so I can get people interested in the story.

Forgive me, Lord, and let your light guide me to a healthier path.

>> No.19564067

she had fallen asleep in the most enticing position

>> No.19565125

That’s a fact though.

>> No.19565822
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The novel I'm writing is just Kingdom Hearts fanfiction but with the names changed.
Children's fantasy literature like Alice in Wonderland and Watership Down is my favorite genre.
I was disgusted my Lolita but kept reading it because the prose is so nice.
I use audiobooks for anything over 400 pages or so.

>> No.19566387
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>> No.19566466

I cum on library books

>> No.19566846

Dammn you sound like me, listen dude just admit that something you put so much of your identity on could be not what you're best at. It seems to me you're plague with the realization you don't meet your standards, try to do something else that you're good at but you don't feel the need to be the best at. For example I'm a physics major but I'm considering doing highschool education because it's good for the world, I think I have a passion for it and it would be easier than being "a great scientist" which with so many genius out there it's impossible for me.

>> No.19566857

she farted alluringly

>> No.19566863

I no longer want A waifu now I just want a /lit/ incubi's who follows me around and either reaffirms every thought I have in the most mastabatory manor or refutes everything I say in the equally mastabatory spirit of contrarianism

>> No.19566921

snapped her fingers between my buttcheeks

>> No.19567013

I think that DFW was a pseud and a fraud, and I suspect that near the end of his life he was forced to confront that fact because he was surrounded by pretentious pseuds who mirrored those qualities back to him.

>> No.19568190

Good Old Neon seems to corroborate your theory

>> No.19568199

If she breathes…

>> No.19568329

You were BTFO'd hard in the other thread.

>> No.19568334

And if other threads are to go by, so does /lit/? What makes you special?

>> No.19568568

she explicitly said no

>> No.19568778
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I don't really care about ancient, espexially greek, philosophy. I understand why one might, and understand everything put in front of me for my degree, but have always prefered more modern treatments.
I don't consider it a sin, but I'm sure some anons do.

>> No.19568980

I hated books until i was 16ish, now i'm almost 30,
the regret and shame is stronger than ever

>> No.19569016

Woop woop! Errrrrggggggggghhh

>> No.19569032

>used to work?
Did you get sloppy or are you saying you stopped? I refuse to believe the board has changed.

>> No.19569064
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I've read Dubliners, I've read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and I've read Ulysses. I'm actually reading Ulysses again right now for a paper in graduate school.

Joyce is not the greatest genius of the 20th Century. History will not look kindly on Ulysses. I don't see it surviving. The thing of Joyce's that will survive is Dubliners, because it speaks more deeply to the heart of a normal person. Samuel Johnson was absolutely right when he said that what survives over time is something that normal people over a long period of time find meaning in. I don't think that will be the case with Ulysses. It's too technical, too academic. But I think Dubliners will survive, because everyone can find something of themselves in its characters.

Basically: Joyce had it, then he lost it. He wrote pure brilliance in Dubliners but he got caught up in his own cleverness and his desire to answer a challenge about the novel. Probably related to meeting Virginia Woolfe. I don't know. All I know is that Dubliners is a grander work than Ulysses, despite it being written with supposedly lesser ambitions. The more I reread Ulysses, the less impressed I am with it. It's like someone doing tricks in the street for money.

>> No.19569974

Have you ever been to /co/? No-one there reads comics.

>> No.19570090

I cried yesterday while reading Rythm of War

>> No.19570128

I have the same feeling regarding Wallace .The short story collection in Oblivion is his greatest work.
Also, I think Deleuze went downhill after Difference and Repetition and Logic of Sense, although every edgy postmodernist is rubbing their tits at Anti-Oedipus.

>> No.19570139

I'm a Christian but still have occasional furfag lapses. It's not a sexual thing; I like them on a deeper level, which is probably even worse.

>> No.19570159

I actually dont read enough to be in this board. Ive been stuck on the first 20 pages of gilgamesh since last month.

>> No.19570789


I masturbate to tranny porn daily and primarily read anti-degenrate literature

>> No.19571324

I do not masturbate to that shit. But I have under the last day abandoned jesus. I ask for forgiveness for my sin.

>> No.19572104

Based and unawarepilled.

>> No.19572108

I fuck fat chicks often

>> No.19572141

last time I checked, /co/ was basically a glorified redirect to /aco/

>> No.19572146

What's your trick?

>> No.19572171

free snacks

>> No.19572180

Why not use a library instead and save the money?

>> No.19573203
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Is it a sin to read this?

>> No.19573216

Why do you care what /lit/ thinks?

>> No.19573233


>> No.19573239

theres a chubby girl from one of my /lit/ classes I want to set up a casual sex thing with but I don't know how to go about it. She's pretty awful but I imagine she's good in bed.

>> No.19574047


>> No.19574052

I sometimes pick up a book purely because it promises to satisfy my horny urges

>> No.19574059
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The Shitkickers

>> No.19574242

library books have germs
Nothing to say about the Wake?

>> No.19574465

she was out in public and didnt cover her face

>> No.19575282

When I took my first serious crack at writing a novel I wrote a terrible sex scene 19 pages in. The phrase "sensual suplex" was used unironically. I showed my early drafts to my bros who promptly tore it apart (along with some actually helpful criticism that helped me grow as a writer.)
Since then I have had the goal of including a decent sex scene in one of my books. Even if it isn't included in the final draft of the text, I want to know that I have the capacity to illustrate the act of love making with my words.

No, I have never had sex in case you were wondering.

>> No.19577291

I’m almost 30. Have been telling myself I will write a novel by 30 since I was 25. Have not wrote a word.

>> No.19577366

I steal threads from lit, translate them into romanian and publish them as my own work

>> No.19577517

Sounds like what a romanian would do.

>> No.19577520

I listened to the "Secret History" audiobook and enjoyed about half of it.

>> No.19577793

I would probably let a publisher edit and change my work if it meant getting published or not

>> No.19577799

Better than stealing bicycles to feed my family

>> No.19578518
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>I unironically write fanfiction and put effort into it because its the only way I can cope with the fact that the best days of my life are gone.

I refuse to repent. As awful as fanfiction is, my story is literally all I have left.

>> No.19579126

Is it at least something you could file the serial numbers off of and try to get published to make some nice retirement cash for yourself?

>> No.19579772
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>I have 50 books on Goodreads marked as "to-read", have actually read like 15 books
>I use dogears with the majority of my books, excluding some of the fancier hardcover ones
>I start to learn a new language every month, drop it in a few weeks
>I'm a furfag
>I have philosophical opinions that 100% contradict my affection for furfaggotry

>> No.19579794
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i mishpill people

>> No.19579830

No way did you read that same article about the shitty restaurant in Italy or wherever it was

>> No.19580421

One of the major considerations that goes into what book I read next is how it'll look on my Goodreads yearly challenge list. It's comfy to see a wall of complementary covers.

>> No.19580449

I spend way too much time thinking about how I would moderate this website. How I would delete so many threads and ban images, other stupid stuff. Also that guy who made those wojak animations proves others also want to punish posters, makes me fantasize about the creation of roko's basilisk which would transport the consciousness of all my enemies into a pseudo hell which is another cope.

>> No.19580660

Anon, fanfics that Twilight and 50 Shades came from are cases of the writers having connections to literally force their abortions into existence

>> No.19580720

Warhammer 40k books got me back into reading this year after not having the mental energy to pick up a book for almost a year

>> No.19580736

I read both this and Sandworms of Dune because I was so thirsty to find out what happened after Chapterhouse. I now greatly regret this, and wish I had stopped after Chapterhouse, accepting the series as forever unfinished. There is still time for you to repent and stop now before you reach the same point.