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19544710 No.19544710 [Reply] [Original]

What writers or philosophers are anti-trans/queer/gender ideology? Not all of them could fall for that meme

>> No.19544713 [DELETED] 
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I'm 19 years old

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.19544719

Derrick Jensen

>> No.19544724

Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molyneux, and Ben Shapiro all wrote books and count as philosophers as much as anyone else

>> No.19544729
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>> No.19544735

Simple, bone fide logic is enough to deal with this fag nonsense. Read Aristotle.

>> No.19544742
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>> No.19544836

humina humina AWOO *train noises* *eyeballs popping out of skull* who is this fine-- *takes out handkerchief and wipes forehead* --female specimen?

>> No.19544840

her name is right there

>> No.19544875
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Pic rel is written by an actual philosophy professor and got her kicked out of university. I think she still defends trans people but also biological sex. No clue if it's worth reading though.

>> No.19544879

Leftist want authoritarian control and child abuse to be inflicted by public schools managerial bureaucrats and a snivelling priesthood of paedophilic lgbtsjwtfnpc apparatchiks

>> No.19545227

last year, or 2 years ago (just after the second lockdown), just as things were opening up again i was asked to sit in as an alumni and an adviser on a comity dealing with the distribution of both a post covid relief grant and LARGE donation from a local citizen.

Out of about 15 people, both outside and inside the uni we were instructed to come up with a rough draft of how the money should be spent, before it was sent upstairs to the bean counters to actually figure out.

most of the suggestions were reasonable but by far the largest non infrastructure assignment was to be given to a new diversity and inclusion type program, lead by a woman (well 2 woman, but was mostly quiet) who came in every morning ready for combat.

Even as she was given vast sums of money she was, well not exactly rude, but angry and forceful and when she didn't get her way she would immediately reach for the ad hominem lecture on race and blood, spattered with pronouncements and accusations: sometimes against 'the system', sometimes against 'society' and sometimes against history, but in truth everyone in that office knew who the real targets were. it was all spoken in , legally speaking, allowable terms, but i was left with no doubt as to who the targets of her euphemism and innuendo relay were. By the end her amendments were passed almost without fail. And the overall impression was of a faculty wholly under the spell of a new dialect, against which, they have no real deference.
Speak to them personalty, and they will mostly disagree , but in truth, their worldview (philosophy if you like) is such that opposition is in itself an offense .

i asked not to included in any further discussions, with the principle looking actively disappointed. Either he hoped i would 'stand up' to the bullshit or he was sad i wasn't 'one of them' IDK.

>> No.19545250

Why didn’t you stand up to the bullshit?

>> No.19545254

i did. i was outranked.
I would have had to rally everyone, and im not the type.

>> No.19545266


>> No.19545277
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>> No.19545282

He looks stoned

>> No.19545286

he looks like he can see for miles. he's been to the top of the mountain.

>> No.19545688

This. Only unironically.

>> No.19545702

That's a hot expression. Imagine the immense number of supreme orgasms people have in their lives lmao.

>> No.19545760
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>count as philosophers as much as anyone else

>> No.19545856

I'm a philosopher. Prove me wrong.

>> No.19545930

The end of the Roman empire must have felt something like this as the bible thumpers increasingly outlawed everything pre-Christian

>> No.19545985

if contrapoints can be a philosopher so can ben shapiro

>> No.19545988

shit bait son. Actually try next time.

>> No.19546001
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Sure they are buddy…

>> No.19546014

>sigma female gets pet project funded
You need to upgrade your grindset anon
You’re competing for funding not arguing the merits of D&I. She successfully turned it into the latter.
Should have turned the conversation into funding for research or whatever your pet project is to increase the rankings of the college.
Get better at playing the game.

>> No.19546039

I love this gender shit. Feminists finally realize their worth. Good. Fuck them.

>> No.19546045

All of them. Philosophy is logic and logic is inherently anti-transsexual

>> No.19546066

Anyone who thinks gender is just a social construct is anti-trans. I know it might seem paradoxical to a TERF and to a right-winger, but the emergence of trans ideology is literally the most reactionary shit ever because it means that certain attitudes, stereotypes and expressions simply are female or male, and that in order to act a certain way you have to change your sex, you can't simply act a specific way regardless of your sex.

In other words, trans ideology is saying that if a girl gets into a fight in the classroom, she's actually secretly a boy and have to change her sex, because getting into fights "is what boys do".

>> No.19546148

>OP: pic related

>> No.19546202

gender abolition to trans people means that they are allowed to express themselves in terms of the role they choose to play in society, without regard for whether that role is "masculine" or "feminine"

>> No.19546223

gender abolition is anti trans

>> No.19546224

strawman: the comic

>> No.19546235

Wrong. The entire philosophical grounding for transsexualism is that there are sexes(and thus specific roles) you can transition between. If you abolish gender then transsexualism literally stops existing and the entire concept of wanting to match what you "feel on the inside" with what eixsts on the outside loses any and all grounding.

>> No.19546247

yeah but nobody calls themselves transexuals nowadays, the term is transgender
you are retarded

>> No.19546262

Who gives a shit what they are called, the logic of trans ideology is fundamentally flawed; the truly progressive thing is to allow people to express themselves in whatever way they want *regardless of their sex*, and not say that certain behavior is restricted to a certain sex and therefore you have to transition.

>> No.19546273

Really, if contrapoints can be a philosopher so can ben shapiro

>> No.19546585


There’s a reason why extremely patriarchical societies like Iran force queers, homos and gender nonconformists into sex transition

>> No.19546900

Smart way of looking at it.

>> No.19546923

>count as philosophers as much as anyone else
Which means they don't count as philosophers.
Most people with PhDs in phil ain't even philosophers.

>> No.19546980

We bear the same relatiobship to 80s queer theory as the denizens of the late soviet union did to the official marxist leninist ideology. Reading butler ane foucault and baudrillard one cant help but to conclude the bronze age pervert and sundress tradwife people are more transgender than the so called trannies.

>> No.19547008
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This.the LGBT identity is fully based on science and evidence, not even heterosexuality is backed by as much Hard data. instead of relying on sexual repression and christian religious superstition you should catch up to the 21s century and embrace an identity based on objective scientific and psychiatric criteria.

>> No.19547018

I've always thought this. It explains why transsexualism is common in places like Brazil and Thailand, not exactly the most progressive countries. It's because they firmly believe that gays ought to be women if they can't be real men.

Vaginoplasty makes no sense if that’s something MtFs believe in. They’re exchanging a functioning sex organ for a medical experiment that is on the verge of healing shut. God only knows what happens to their nerve endings.

>> No.19547079

Huh I’m not alone in noticing this irony.

>> No.19547122

>is backed by as much Hard data.
Scientific research is the last refuge of the midwit. Do you need a "peer reviewed journal article" to tell you how much milk is left in the carton?
>embrace an identity based on objective scientific and psychiatric criteria.
When interpreting human life, the last thing we should do is defer to technocrats as if they're of the Brahmin caste. The human brain did not evolve to understand itself, nor did it evolve to understand social reality. Human reason is limited. As such, a complete and comprehensive interpretation of these things is beyond the capacity of human reason to ascertain. There is no way to determine how humans best can live based on the limited human faculty of reason.
Instead we should look to what has been vetted by history as a guide for how to live. The new should be met with skepticism and any "improvers" of mankind who think that human life can be "optimized" my means of technology and human reason should be treated with caution.

>> No.19547337

Are you a science denier? A bigot? Dont you thinkThe most marginalized and vulnerable members of our society must be protected from prejudice?

>> No.19547343


>> No.19547346

even you do not believe that deep down

>> No.19547347

>trannies are le real sexists
oh boy

>> No.19547542
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Please explain how letting men who called themselves women enter spaces designed to keep them safe from men is not an erosion of women's rights, thus sexist

>> No.19547670

Implying sexism is bad.
Implying wen dont deserve and desire to be raped by men
Implying the total debasement of feminism were its now about trannies and normalizing prostitution isnt completely based

>> No.19547688

Marx and every feminist writer

>> No.19547694

kys tranny coomer women hate you more than any man ever will
trannies entire identity is based on delusional phallic brain thinking they’re better at being women than women

>> No.19547722

Women have been completely ruined by feminism so the queers are actually more femenine than these so called women now. Or rather the tranny is not like a woman at all but more like an autistic males idea of a woman.

>> No.19547737

Start here and then read Foucalt's History of Sexuality:


That's for general QT tho, not sure what to look at in regards to "gender ideology", I'd be interested to know that as well.

There's Gender Nihilism available from Little Black Cart and Xenofeminism by Cuboniks which you can find on the Anarchist Library but gender abolitionism, which those books are, seems to be a pretty minority position within gender politics.

>> No.19547738

They are not “more feminine” you pornsick pig. Just go fuck a trap. Imagine thinking a generation of women are ruined when every white man age 25 right now is a jobless, autistic tranny NEET who masturbates to Onlyfans and anime. Chris Chan tier manchildren

>> No.19547748

>Vaginoplasty makes no sense if that’s something MtFs believe in. They’re exchanging a functioning sex organ for a medical experiment that is on the verge of healing shut. God only knows what happens to their nerve endings.
The vast majority of trans people never get bottom surgery.

>> No.19547762

Shit, meant to link this one too


>> No.19547779

Do you know or care that TERF organizations are allied with the Catholic Church in Italy rn to try to block anti-hate crime bills? TERFs, SWERFs and sex negative feminists always end up throwing in with the right, it was the same with Dworkin in the 90s. I know she wasn't a TERF btw but she was the other two and she aligned herself with the evangelical right.

>> No.19547796

Oi! You fink blokes 'ar women now, innit?

>> No.19547799

I'm the only real philosopher.

>> No.19547809

Juan Rolling

>> No.19547831

>Implying the total debasement of feminism were its now about trannies and normalizing prostitution isnt completely based
Horshoe theory is real, and it explains why this reactionary website is obsessed with jacking off to blacks and trannies.

>> No.19547837

stop being a faggot. sexism is good, as a man it's your duty to ensure it never stops existing

>> No.19547873

Argument not found. Become a statistic

>> No.19547931
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Chuds can't think or create art

>> No.19547939
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>Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molyneux, and Ben Shapiro

O-oh no

>> No.19547968

I'm a cis bi guy I'm just not retarded enough to think that the right won't turn on us LGBT people and women after they're done with trans people.

>> No.19547976


>> No.19548002
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>> No.19548062

Is this 'right' in the room with us now?

>> No.19548087


>> No.19548122
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The arch nemesis of "contrapoints" aka nykytyne aka nykytyne2 aka Nick whatever the fuck his real name is, Terroja Kincaid of course. You may not like it, but this is what the yang to controon's yin looks like.

>> No.19548123

If you can choose to code your conduct male or female, based solely on your (likely lacking) knowledge of tropes given unto those archetypes, then the opposite should hold true for me. You are tacitly admitting these tropes exist while attempting to stand above them. It is like a free jazz musician who has a favorite key, or a ballet dancer who prefers one foot over the other. You have no standing other than the reactionary one in and of itself. You are chaotic and yet you want to be firm in your belief. Then I will be firm, I will code you how I wish to code you.

>> No.19548125

Its trans Sex workers not reactionary SWERFs and TERFs who are at the vanguard of the feminist movement
taking the means of production into their own hands by refusing to perform unpaid sexual and emotional labor for white men. The real class struggle is not in factories but in womens bodies. Sex work is a threat to patriarchy the capitalist system itself it is radically queer because it goes against the idea that sex is for the reproduction of the nuclear family and the patriarchal ideology of romantic love. Its a means for workers to take the means of production into their own hands here and now to abolish the distinction between the private sphere and the public, between work and pleasure and self expression. To break down the walls of lily white christian suburbia into a brave new world of pleasure rebellion and freedom. Yes it is true what they say about us queer postmodern neomarxists We are gonna groom all your daughters to be whores and your sons to be nympho trans sex workers.

>> No.19548142

not really, i saw some actual self-proclaimed transexuals on twitter, who prefer this label to 'transgender'

>> No.19548165
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>> No.19548184

It's in Rome and the Bible belt, look up the things I mentioned.

>> No.19548215

>In other words, trans ideology is saying that if a girl gets into a fight in the classroom, she's actually secretly a boy and have to change her sex, because getting into fights "is what boys do".
Exactly this. What trannie defenders are describing is personality not gender. Its the same with people who call other guys gay because they look a certain way

>> No.19548218

That's right anon, Julie Bindel, Jimmy Swaggert and the Pope are all in cahoots, and any minute now they may come for you. It's just like a Handmaid Tale!

>> No.19548230


It's already happened. If you're LGB then TERFs are not your friend.

>> No.19548249

>Italian politics
Most terfs I'm aware of, Bindel, Stock etc, are LGB, are they self hating LGBs?

>> No.19548254

Except to gay people living in Italy.

>> No.19548269

Dude you'll have another government in two months. No Italian government has managed to push policy through for decades. Five Star grabbing some easy southern votes changes nothing. Nobody is coming for you.

>> No.19548271

i mean, yeah based dworkin for wanting to ban porn u fucking coomer

>> No.19548272
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Would ballard have been one to support trans rights or to cast his lots with the hosts of TERFdom?

>> No.19548279

Those are certainly all words, but none of what you say is true. Faggots who aren't aware that they're abominations singled out by nature to prevent their faulty genes from being carried downstream trying their hardest to go against said nature to leave their legacy in the most twisted, unnatural ways possible. It's pure cope, a product of resignation and failure to deal with personal existential questions which will do harm to everyone.

>> No.19548288

i hope you eventually realize how clueless you are and feel embarrassed for this phase of your life

>> No.19548292

Maybe we shouldn't be too hard on the trannies, come on we practically grew up together on this horrible website, i mean that could have been you if you, fell for the wrong psyops or had really gotten into anime, if dad had been around less or the gym teacher diddled you a bid more, after all its an autistic person just like you, they just wanna be your friend! the lgbt crowd are pretty tolerant of neurodiversity, it is even said they will fuck anything that moves, some of them are self aware and more well read than the straights, its not like you have any chances with stacy, wouldnt it be nice if someone could touch you and make you feel loved? maybe your obsessive and neurotic hatred is just a defense mechanism against the powerful erotic allure of the forbidden. dont you wonder what it would be like to stick your dick into one of those things?

>Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”

>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

sees something like this, retches in disgust and goes hard no

>> No.19548299
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>> No.19548300

>Maybe we shouldn't be too hard on the trannies, come on we practically grew up together on this horrible website, i mean that could have been you
Literally true

>> No.19548301

Mussolini looking ass bitch

>> No.19548310

Most philosophers never really talked about this stuff because its only really become popular recently.

>> No.19548313

Uncle Ted

>> No.19548321

good thing neither of those e-celeb qualify

>> No.19548322

He was literally a repressed trans girl lol. Made an appointment to get estrogen and then freaked out and left.

>> No.19548336

Im being neurotic but theres at least a faint sense of affection and belonging that gets through the horror of mass biopolitics and various forms of paedo mkultra mind control

>> No.19548341

>Maybe we shouldn't be too hard on the trannies, come on we practically grew up together on this horrible website, i mean that could have been you if you

Some people need a harder slap from reality than others. A lot of people on here do try and steer people away from going down that road, but there's only so much that can be done for them.

>maybe your obsessive and neurotic hatred is just a defense mechanism against the powerful erotic allure of the forbidden. dont you wonder what it would be like to stick your dick into one of those things?


>> No.19548343

That's what you tranny fags believe.
What I know to be true is you all get railroaded by globomo kike golems into becoming trannies and Mr. Ted got away from it by channeling those implanted urges into something productive instead. He turned it into a legacy, legit folk hero shit.

>> No.19548349

tranny ideology, which includes all the "non binary and queer gender" bullshit basically states that men and women are interchangeable category that only matter in so far as somebody cares about being labeled a certain way. please explain to me how this isn't the most radical form of equality possible

>> No.19548351
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It's what he said himself.

>> No.19548363

What's written there supports what I wrote here.

>> No.19548381

Just wait, it'll happen in the US too. It did before and it will again. TERFs, SWERFs and sex negative feminists aren't you're friends, they're just psychos who hate men. If you spend long enough on ovarit or TERF twitter you'll see them saying homophobic shit all the same. Some have even said that gay sex is inherently misogynistic. They're crazy cunts who need to be forcefed tranquilizers.

>> No.19548383

This is the correct interpretation, he knew that it is was a disgusting impulse and instead redirected his energy to destroy it

>> No.19548392

To continue further, the whole tranny thing looks like an ops to me to turn the potentially volatile energy of dissatisfied youth (read about any revolution anywhere) into an impotent version where instead of changing the present power structure you're goaded into changing yourself into something useless and dependent on the power structures products such as hormones, antidepressants but still liable to contribute to the workforce.
You're literally neutering yourself because your capitalist masters ordered you to so you don't make a mess or break something someplace else.

>> No.19548394

Contrapoints, I imagine

>> No.19548399
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There are two kinds of people in the world...Mr turings famous test. Turns out "computer science" is a actually a massive subversive conspiracy devised by the queers. This is a good chunk of you faggots the rest of us who presumably still have some decency were lucky enough to grow up with healthy masculine role models such as Ted K, sam hyde, travis bickle and dostoevskys underground man

>> No.19548415

post nose

>> No.19548437

The right seeks to define, instead of the cringe “it’s all relative bro xd” that the left does, classical music is inherently right wing. Keep in mind your tweet is from fucking Anthony fantano, a completely unbearable faggot that basically just does zoomer rap reviews for a living

>> No.19548449

>masculine role models such as Ted K
who is gonna tell him

>> No.19548460

>The entire philosophical grounding for transsexualism is that there are sexes(and thus specific roles) you can transition between. If you abolish gender then transsexualism literally stops existing
There's a difference between sex and gender. Sexual dimorphism is currently inherent once you're born, gender is most definitely not. As soon as/if we reach the technological level where sexually dimorphic traits can be changed on a whime by a layman, this discussion will gradually lose meaning.

>> No.19548479

yeah, trans and feminism don't mix together

>> No.19548503

I'm bi, you can suck my dick and I'll fuck your girlfriend right after. Not sure what it has to do with any existential questions.

>> No.19548517

Arent we all attracted to poorly groomed androgynous people who are like a walking bingo board of traits associated with aspergers syndrome?

>> No.19548525

It's more like you're bi because your dad was a degen who molested you and now you cope with it by being a degen yourself

>> No.19548541

do you have a Pavlovian response to the smell of shit? i've always been curious

>> No.19548546

It's called an enema, you don't smell the shit.

>> No.19548559

thank you friend

>> No.19549339

I mean have you tried bringing up nietszche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.19549415
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You look like this

>> No.19549482
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that doesn't make sense, since you can be, for example, anti-gender but pro-queer.
Anti-trans/anti-queer stuff is kind of lame. The only people I can remember are like these ones >>19544724, so I can't help you with that.
Now "anti-gender" is interesting because you might think it's a right-wing ideology; but I always had the impression that was more of an anarchist idea (a very punk idea even) because the only way (that I think of) to erase the social constructs of gender is to erase social hierarchies/society. OR slowly change society to point that gender roles become obsolete.
Now, I can only think of two schools of thought, where theorists tried to render gender roles obsolete but desired to maintain society.
One is transhumanism: to transform the human body to the point that notions such as "vagina = girl" and "penis = boy" are absurd.
Two is well, egalitarianism. An extreme social version of it. You know "All [mankind is] created equal.", that stuff. But no one likes that stuff anymore, not even 99.99% of feminists who advocate for "gender equality". I guess it kinda worked in the Soviet Union?

>> No.19550045

Not put on a pedestal like untouchable GODS
now go Get (YOU)r shine box JUSSIE

>> No.19550052


>> No.19550073

woefully underrated

>> No.19550083

anyone with common sense

>> No.19550092

Yup, troons are embracing female or male stereotypes.

>> No.19550101

did feminists notice that by focusing on trans people, they were ironically moving all the attention towards (mostly) men?
Nobody talks about feminism anymore apart from wine-aunt boomers. It was a vogue thing. When they spoke about sex as an empowering thing all they were doing was opening the trojan horse of the male libido under the guise of the female essence.
Feminists trying to dress like men, and thus, tranny-esque to failingly return the attention back to themselves now.

>> No.19550119

the latinx joke went over their heads so at this point it's all game

>> No.19550318
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>> No.19551148

doesn't calling themselves "trans-women" undermine their supposed womanhood?

>> No.19551172
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Except I don’t, what a fucking retarded argument, I dare you to post body faggot

>> No.19551173

cute + based. thanks for that tid bit anon!

>> No.19551177


>> No.19551181


>> No.19551267

Based Chad hominem

>> No.19551320

>just wait kids, the overwhelming pro-queer consensus shared by the government, all corporations, the educational establishment and the entire global media will come crumbling down because Suzanne Moore has a SubStack now and Twitter still haven't banned She Who Must Not Be Named

>> No.19551376

so do muslim women

>> No.19551565
File: 33 KB, 493x386, 1560976789409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19551570

I recommend Sara Ahmed's Queer Phenomenology.

>> No.19551589


>> No.19551614

Probably some Catholic bioethicist. Catholic anthropology is the only system sturdy enough to resist this stuff because it’s the only system reactionary enough to hold on to a metaphysics which includes actual natural teleology. Once that goes, it’s all up in the air. Make whoopee for fun and pretend to be what you’re not, cause things don’t even really exist!

Such is the blindness of our time

>> No.19551624

until vatican 3. the church is a waste of time,

>> No.19551625

google gender dysphoria, you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.19551633

hes right though. Really goes to show you how meaningless the term is and how shit a field philosophy is.

>> No.19551697

I agree that the Church is still struggling to come to grips with modernity. But we should all try to help her along. And there is good work being done, and the truth remains true, even if many have difficulty understanding or expressing it in an emphatic way

>> No.19551799

why do people on this site hate queer people so much? inexpression is suicide you autists should know that more than anyone. you arent glad the world is becoming more accepting of unconventional people? ironic considering how many of you are retarded

>> No.19551807

big talk

>> No.19551822

>find irresistibly funny
Don't get confused big guy. Cross dressing and self delusion have been staples of comedy for centuries

>> No.19552045

A literal diversity consultant proof these people are nothing but nigger cattle biopolitical clientele for pharmaceuticals the managerial state, hardly even human but subhuman vessels for a putrid totalitarian ideology

>> No.19552056

'Unconventional' ie a monoculture of warm body NPCs purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for NGOs pharmaceuticals the managerial state psychiatrists and the paedo normalization lobby. Why shouldnt we hate them? The queer ideology is uncompatible with everything we hold dear?

>> No.19552070
File: 35 KB, 523x586, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: this is cultural marxism. This is the future they want for our children if you support gay rights or trans rights this is what you are supporting.

>> No.19552097

Express yourself by accepting this ready made 'gender identity' and replacimg any semblance of independent thought with paedophile DNC corporate agitprop!

Seriously go kill yourself you faggot

>> No.19552129

Trannies= buckbroken autistic people

>> No.19552189

Many 4chan users are neurodivergent but they suffer from internalized ableism and queerophobia remdering liable to be radicalized by russian bots and white supremacists. Part of the problem is a culture that values the written word over the emboddied experience of marginalized identity.Science has proven the existance of mental conditions as products of chemical imbalances in the brain that are most effectively treated by medication. Psychoanalysis isnt radical but a cover for systems of domination based on institutionalized ableism it would be far more radical to adopt an intersectional equity perspective that places evidence based treatment and the lived experience of mental health consumers first and foremost in its intersections with gender race sex worker status stigma over use of hard drugs. As progressives we believe that inside every racist 4channer autist there is a fierce fetanyl affirming trans sex worker struggling to break free. Besides it plays into the arguments of reactionaries to imply queer peoples identities are based on trauma and not on objective psychiatric and scientific authority.

>> No.19552283
File: 1.74 MB, 1180x1108, 1631483457647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we should definitely trust these people definitely nothing sinister goimg on in here

>> No.19552300

Nice post, anon, but i need to ask you about a couple things.
>internalized ableism
Does it have anything to do with trannies? Also, i have never seen on 4chan someone hating on retards, except you calling 4chan users "neurodivergents".
You mean the transhomophobia?
>radicalized by russian bots
Which russian bots? Any source on that claim?
>white supremacists
If white supremacists convince other people to become white supremacists, doesnt that make the neurodivergents just circlejerking white supremacists?
>a culture that values the written word over the emboddied experience of marginalized identity
How can we make "the emboddied experience of marginalized identity" accessible to the wide audience if not throughout written word? How can exceptions (aka marginalized identities) become an important matter to the wide audience?
>Science has proven the existance of mental conditions as products of chemical imbalances in the brain that are most effectively treated by medication
Arent those just hypothesis? The only thing ive heard regarding chemical imbalances in the brain were related to schizos... Honestly, ive never heard about chemical imbalances causing gender dysphoria or fetishes like agp.
... Is not a science, right?
>it would be far more radical to adopt an intersectional equity perspective that places evidence based treatment and the lived experience of mental health consumers first and foremost in its intersections with gender race sex worker status stigma over use of hard drugs
You are asking for a lot of data about very few people that are not in a life threatening situation.
>not on objective psychiatric and scientific authority
Isnt that because making those studies is very expensive and the big pharma would gain much more "fighting" against the symptoms (like giving hormones to trannies or fixing butts for gays)?

>> No.19552309

That's not an lgbt person. That's a drag queen.
There is a big difference.
The tranny will go bonkers if someone will even remotely consider that the tranny is actually male (or female).
The drag queen wants to be recognised as a male dressed as a caricature of a female.

>> No.19552328

That comic doesnt make any sense

>> No.19552329

Yeah gender dysphoria is a mental illness, to which the cure used to be therapy and medication, but today the cure is to cut off your dick, wear dresses and say you're a woman.

>> No.19552346

The current idea is that you don’t need gender dysphoria to be trans. If you disagree, you are labeled as “truscum” or something like that.

>> No.19552359

>you arent glad the world is becoming more accepting of unconventional people?

I would except that's actually not what's happening. Having a bunch of purple-haired people standing around you in a ring screaming in your face that you're a privileged white guy who should die in a fire isn't "inclusion" and "diversity", it's simply politically motivated revenge and class hatred.

>> No.19552363
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, bbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More funny then anger inducing
Mid-teir bait

>> No.19552393

As a straight man who is coming to terms with his privilege and prejudices towards the queer community i am looking forwards to reading some science or theory which can help me better appreciate the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these ̶w̶a̶r̶m̶ ̶b̶o̶d̶y̶ ̶p̶o̶l̶i̶t̶i̶c̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶c̶o̶r̶r̶e̶c̶t̶ ̶v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶h̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶u̶n̶i̶t̶ ̶N̶P̶C̶s̶,̶ ̶p̶u̶r̶p̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶e̶n̶g̶i̶n̶e̶e̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶i̶o̶p̶o̶l̶i̶t̶i̶c̶a̶l̶ ̶c̶l̶i̶e̶n̶t̶e̶l̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶a̶g̶e̶r̶i̶a̶l̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶p̶h̶a̶r̶m̶a̶c̶e̶u̶t̶i̶c̶a̶l̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶d̶e̶m̶o̶c̶r̶a̶t̶i̶c̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶t̶y̶,̶, I mean these most noble and progressive these most pitiful and wretched of creatures. Any recs? my deepseated heteronormative prejudices cant help but flare up at the beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress all over this thread related.d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶H̶A̶T̶E̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶,̶a̶r̶e̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶t̶i̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶e̶a̶s̶e̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶s̶c̶r̶e̶e̶c̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶n̶i̶v̶e̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶s̶h̶r̶i̶l̶l̶,̶ ̶e̶v̶i̶l̶,̶ ̶'̶m̶a̶r̶g̶i̶n̶a̶l̶i̶z̶e̶d̶ ̶v̶o̶i̶c̶e̶s̶'̶ g̶e̶e̶,̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶n̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶'̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶g̶o̶ ̶a̶w̶a̶y̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶h̶o̶w̶'̶,̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶l̶o̶a̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶u̶p̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶c̶k̶s̶ ̶d̶r̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶n̶t̶r̶y̶s̶i̶d̶e̶,̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶d̶i̶g̶ ̶a̶ ̶n̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶b̶i̶g̶ ̶t̶r̶e̶n̶c̶h̶?̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶a̶i̶r̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶b̶r̶e̶a̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶ ̶m̶u̶c̶h̶ ̶c̶l̶e̶a̶n̶e̶r̶?̶

>> No.19552420

Theres no such thing as gender dysphoria its just social engineers taking asvantage of mentally ill people to advance subversive agendas>>19551633

>> No.19552538
File: 40 KB, 300x470, 1627124338773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, feminists focusing on themselves became annoying and boring too
'member Lena Dunham?

>> No.19552582

autists are the ideal test subjects for new forms of social control. see for example how things like kiwifarms and encyclopedia dramatica were created with the involvement of intelligence agencies, or tumblr and vice magazine for that matter, how you can reshape identity through social pressure and media, a flow of images which is more real than the physical body.

John oliver's wife was a combat psychiatrist in iraq, this politically correct ''safe'' corporate culture is pretty close to literal psyops. the same actors who captured the agenda on transgender issues are pushing for the normalization or ''destigmatization'' of prostitution, of course its justified in economic terms, but on the other hand you have the reality of sex trafficking and PTSD rates on par with those of combat veterans.see also the synanon method and how they ended up exploiting the female cult members as prostitutes. of these things are techniques designed to maximize the control that can be wielded over people and how much they can be exploited. you start by dividing people into groups and controlling the contact groups have amongst each other. If authority can be grounded on what agamben calls bare life, then its reach becomes practically unlimited.

Its not that i hate trannies or gays but the unbearable horror of mass biopolitics and psychiatric power and propaganda. contrast the old notion'queer' identities as countercultural, exposing the 20th century nuclear family as an artificial biopolitical norm. To now where 'queer' identities, are used to re-legitimize those supposedly discredited notions about the 'authentic self', as the pre-ideological truth of the subject that must be discovered through 'objective', 'scientific' authority and made public. How these really are coercitiva and brutal means of controlling vulnerable people.

And how 'sexual liberation' is an imperative. Onlybecause all sexual impulses must be exploited and commodified and used to win elections. You have to have children in pride parades and drag queen story hour because we gotta be provocative (as with all 'culture war' issues none of this is organic it is an arms race between think tanks and propaganda operatives) . and there is no room for ambiguity and you cant talk about how identity is always socially constructed performative and at least in part always based on trauma(even amongst 'normal' heterosexual people, let alone the trads which are really just another perversion created by the system).

>> No.19552611

her and Caitlin Moran's whole deal is beyond stupid but women still buy into it.
"We are mediocre looking drugged up spinsters who masturbate to hardcore porn! This is empowering! Buy my book / show to be a better woman"

>> No.19552666

Are there any books about why/how all those conservative WASPs got into this shit?

>> No.19552673

>The tranny will go bonkers if someone will even remotely consider that the tranny is actually male (or female).
>The drag queen wants to be recognised as a male dressed as a caricature of a female.
It’s obvious trans people derive their whole conception of gender roles from anime and pornography. At least drag queens are aware of being caricatures

>> No.19552674

Can’t wait till this fag ends up in multiple dumpsters one day

>> No.19552740

They have no ideology beyond furthering their own power.

>> No.19552747

>It’s obvious trans people derive their whole conception of gender roles from anime and pornography
While cis women derive it from medieval prostitution.
>At least drag queens are aware of being caricatures
I think you just saw too much of the /pol/ propaganda of ugly trannies, that on /lgbt/ are called hons. Just go to /lgbt/ and see what you can find. Id suggest you to search for the "timelapse" threads.

>> No.19552765

>Goes to /lgbt/ once

These people are deranged

>> No.19552785

>These people are deranged
Literally everything on 4chan is somewhat deranged.
I'd say that in order to criticize trannies you first need to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, for yourself of course. Unless, you fear to become one of them.

>> No.19552821

Post body dicklet

>> No.19552871

Yes but three are certain deviations, I literally talked to a troon and mentioned rising rates of gay people relative to popualtion,I expressed concern over whether people are being socialized and pay op’d into becoming gay, he said yes it’s inevitable “but that’s a good thing incel!” Nothing would change for the bad if that entire board was gassed. Ironically the incel to tranny pipeline is a real thing

>> No.19552874

>ugly trannies, that on /lgbt/ are called hons
That's all of them fren. There are no passing trannies. Not even in Thailand
>inb4 a shopped pic with perfect lighting and just the right angles to disguise the bone structure

>> No.19552880
File: 381 KB, 670x750, BB5BAB5D-C5C5-416F-9C67-439C9819C119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek even contra points has this pic

>> No.19552927

>Bernie Bros, male feminists and ‘good guy’ liberals all support sex work, but for some reason they aren’t paying girls like me for sex

>Four months before Violet, a 25-year-old transsexual with dollish cheekbones and a primary color wardrobe, moved to Brooklyn, she toyed with the idea of holding “a farewell tour” in her lifelong home of Portland, Oregon. Her approach to putting a bow on her 20-plus years in a city mocked for its liberal leanings was to collide her two disparate worlds: her friend circle of Juul-puffing mulleted Bernie Bros with her recent professional foray into sucking cock for cash.
“What if I put it out there that I’m available as a sex worker for people I know for highly discounted rates?” Violet, now a good friend of mine, recently tells me over FaceTime, recalling the logic behind her “maniac idea.” She admits it was both a stab at giving her friends a “last chance to fuck” while also raking in as much money as she could before she hit the Big Apple.
>Violet took to Instagram Stories to vibe-check these guys: “If you’re someone who supports sex work at an intellectual level, would you ever hire a SWer yourself?” she wrote.

I mean the only difference between you trannies and incels is the incels aren’t delusional enough to expect to be paid for it.

>> No.19553053


I feel like the process of institutionalizing harm reduction really took the faggotry and sluttiness out of it, which makes me so sad,” they said, “especially because we know that so much of harm reduction practices and theories came out of sex working communities, people who are chemically dependent, sick and disabled people, and communities of care made up of gay men of color and trans women of color.”

It seems that the desire for a beautiful, democratic harm reduction practice is shared by many. Stickers that Soprano designed in collaboration with NYC-based herbalist Jade Marks—printed with text like “Suck Dick Carry Narcan,” “Sissies for Safe Injection Sites” and “Dependent”—seem to have tapped into a bubbling desire. Three batches of the Instagram-ready “Suck Dick Carry Narcan” stickers sold out back to back, the designers said.

>> No.19553064

I mean have you tried bringing up nietszche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been debunked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.19553090

It’s internalized ableism because they don’t wanna make being a retard into an identity politics victim identity (which is just an excuse for these people to control you) is the trannies who are outsiders coming in with their mkultra DNC agitprop

>> No.19553191

Gender dysmorphia and being a tomboy or whatever are two very different things. Nobody is equating them retard.

>> No.19553218

Boobs coming in nicely I see, how long you been on estrogen??

>> No.19553227

>le motte and bailey

>> No.19553324

Cultural Marxism is a New Left CIA psy-op. It's not real.

>> No.19553358

Have you ever seen something that shouldn't exist, but yet does? Something that by all methods of nature could not be brought about but still somehow manages to go on living?

>> No.19553360

>There are no passing trannies.
puberty blockers solved this, it's over for chuds now

>> No.19553384

>you arent glad the world is becoming more accepting of unconventional people?
It's not. It's merely creating new conventions of acceptable behavior. This is very different from what you said.

>> No.19553405

This is why all trannies are inherently paedophilic they know they will never pass and are obsessed with grooming kids. Much like christianity or the straights the thing pretty much functions as a lobby of adults dedicated to inflictng their sexual neuroses on children

>> No.19553423
File: 39 KB, 636x651, fuel scoop active.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>troon has more muscle mass than me

>> No.19553424

duck my sick faggot behavior are4 the gays

>> No.19553429

This these people only go against 20th century gender and family norms as a means to double down on 20th century norms of psychiatric and social authority. Its the worst of both worlds were you get neither bourgeoisie autonomy and self ownership nor the equality and fraternity and the ruthless critique of stagnant institutions promoted by the revolutionaries.

the left just want to replace the family with a managerial state which is more intrusive than 'traditional values' ever were. you need a massive effectively totalitarian bureaucracy of experts, psychiatrists, media elites to ensure people are properly 'liberated' ie. ground down into a monoculture. the real reason leftists oppose traditional values because they are npcs who have been programmed to go against anything that gets in the way of the goals of their corporate masters total centralized control and exploitation. in a way its like going back to a pre-modern form of paternalism, before the autonomous bourgeoisie subject, but without any of the benefits of noblese oblige. leftists are like crabs in a bucket, trying to pull down anyone who tries to rise out of nigger status.

>> No.19553440

Werent the old left paedos as well see lavrentiy beria?

>> No.19553445

What are chest muscles

>> No.19553485



Here's the extended segment. Crazy thing is, he was doing a talk on environmentalism. He's an environmentalist philosopher, doesn't give a fuck about Queer Theory, and yet during the Q&A it's all the kids wanted to talk about. Very telling that people show up to a lecture concerning economic sustainability with the world's resources and immediately start calling him an eco-fascist because he points out the top Queer Theory writers were all pedophiles.

>> No.19553512

Why are these people are weaponized to derail any dissident movement? Notice how they all act the same and how they all parrot the same ideological line coming from the same NGOs. See if these were happy liberated human beings i would be ok with them but they are hollow husks who have been turned into mere instruments of a corporate social engineering agenda

>> No.19553558
File: 81 KB, 700x532, S01E02-q7TGJC78-subtitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no passing trannies

>> No.19553588

Hahahaha! Gee wiz

>> No.19553666

>thinking me a man typing on a computer in 2021 cares about whats natural
whats natural would be you dying in whatever shithole you live in from the elements when your 2. Thats natural. Me raping you because I'm taller and stronger than you is natural. You don't want natural you want to be on top but you don't have the jaw line for it

>> No.19553691

I'm from Balkans and half of my family was in prison at some point in life and I grew up like a stray dog, don't talk to me about aggression you disgusting tranny shit

>> No.19553710

i wish your subhuman family died in those prisons so i wouldn't have to deal with another retard on the internet that thinks their esl is good enough to even speak to me. I can't belive i wasted my time even speaking to someone from eastern europe. Please go back to squating and dying or whatever you scum do when your not bending over to let russia fuck your toothless incestous mouths and asses. metaphorically of course i know your too homophobic for that. also too smelly.

>> No.19553741

Kek rekt so perfectly

>> No.19553745

Cope, seethe and dilate. You will never be a woman.

>> No.19553747


>> No.19553753

>its 4am in the balkans right now
lmao go to sleep euronigger or to your factory job making knock off track suits

>> No.19553755
File: 8 KB, 199x254, jbyh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dont you thinkThe most marginalized and vulnerable members of our society must be protected from prejudice?

>> No.19553762

Learn to read a clock hands tranny, no wonder you have problems recognizing man/woman signs from one another.

>> No.19553767
File: 11 KB, 225x225, dilate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contra after absolutely reading this entire thread twelve times

>> No.19553779

please for the love of god just speak in your native dog language instead butchering mine you fucking faggot. also
>clock hands
i know your country probably got internet in the past few weeks and you're having a blast but please tell me you have a digital watch or clock on something you own. its to funny to think you don't know what one is.

>> No.19553795

To me it's funny that you consider yourself a proud nationalist representative of your country when in reality you're a disgusting golem and your countrymen who are worth their salt consider you a disgusting abomination and want nothing to do with you.

>> No.19553832

sorry sweaty but no I'm what you would call based. You unfortunatly thought it would make you cool on the internet to pretend like you had a """"""""""""""""""""""""""""hard"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" life because you're from a family of retards and criminals (we know you're a retard from your post) and that you can't tell time and that you have been posting on your phone to talk to people from real countries that makes things other than copyright violations and the worst vodka on the market. You're a morning poster so you don't have an gf (sad btw) and your put as much energy as you can muster in that little ALMOST white brain of yours to think something up to really cut me. but you have nothing just like the rest of toothless men and hairy women that come from those gay little moutains. Now I'm gonna do you a favor and give you some advice. Kill yourself. It doesn't get better, your not getting smarter, everyone hates you and its all your fault. the best thing you could do for those you care about (not care about you because lets be honest who would give a shit about slavs. even slavs hate slavs) and kill yourself.

>> No.19553845

tl;dr, kys fagotron lolz

>> No.19553864
File: 16 KB, 267x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original post asking for books, here's one

>> No.19553870

its lulz secondary

>> No.19553876

just say the words are to big for you esl lmao

>> No.19553881

I don't read novels written by mentally ill fags, sorry

>> No.19553968
File: 37 KB, 586x578, djw8lztokti01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your purpose is to have children and nothing else

>> No.19554050
File: 203 KB, 879x1024, America the RPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The purpose of any species is to die out as swiftly as possible and leave nothing to posterity

>> No.19554100

How is a pic of a landwhale with a kid supposed to represent the view you are mocking

>> No.19554108

you'll notice they're all women

>> No.19554162

Japan still has higher suicide rates weeb :)

>> No.19554208

the purpose is to leave a legacy, ie kids/inventions. Without that your time on Earth is wasted.

>> No.19554249

purpose relative to what or who

>> No.19554466

>says the unabomber suffered from gender dysphoria
>posts evidence that he was clearly just an autogynephile
The distinction between people with between the people who actually need treatment and those who just do this shit for clout and sexual elation is an important one.

>> No.19554483

Don't forget to scrub metadata from your photo anon

>> No.19554522

How exactly will they turn on you?

>> No.19554544

>Im a poor sickly waif who just cant help it. I swear im not a pervert its those other people who are perverts. Im crossdressing and ingesting female hormones for entirely non sexual reasons.

Becoming perverted from watching way too much anime pornography isnt comparable to being on a wheelchair you crazy faggot.

>> No.19555199
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Contrapoints is a philosopher and mogs your favorite hack pseudo-philosopher into oblivion.

>> No.19555265

Have you ever talked with an actual tranny?
Hell, just browse /LGBT/ for 2 days. They fucking despise cis women.

>> No.19555279

But Japan has something to show for that suicide rate. Tranoids just do nothing then die.

>> No.19555296

>unzips pants
ugh oh well... here we go again

>> No.19555518

>no family
>grew up like a street dog
>pretends to have philosophical reasons for hating someone but is just bitter at life
Yeah checks out

>> No.19555525

Wow, you're so hard.

>> No.19555614

You fucking nigger I know where you post why does r*rama invade more of my life? Is nothing free from the taint of it's smelly b*say?

>> No.19555758

Anyone that thinks is a philosopher, it really doesn’t take much to get there, Socrates called a dog a philosopher. You are a philosopher and so am I

>> No.19555771
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The fact this thread has 200+ replies attests to the absolute state of this board.

>> No.19556299

"Real toughness is chopping off your cock and balls when life gets hard" lmfao

That's your opinion, I'm not uncomfortable with who I am.

>> No.19556376

We see through those lies.

>implying the counter-current intellectual will ever be embraced by society.

>> No.19556432

Behind my philosophy is millions of years of emergence and entirety of nature, behind yours is 100 years of jew propaganda and glownigger demoralization to make a better, more controllable slave.

>> No.19556436

It’s amazing how fucked up some humans can get since we overcame natural selection.

>> No.19556705

Contra is a hack youtube grifter. Anyone who actually reads philosophy can see how superficial and clumsy his takes are.

>> No.19556917

Isn't this a Jordan Peterson argument?

>> No.19557248

Celine, Mishima, Dali, Paul Morand or Italian futurists were right wing

>> No.19557276

>overcame natural selection.
We didn't overcome natural selection. Trannyism is natural selection on a mass scale.

>> No.19557929


>> No.19558081

your pasta is shit but people fall for it every time, bravo.

>> No.19558102

This wigger wouldn't know good art if it shit down his throat. Fantano thinks niggers going ooga booga over 4 bars of looped boom bap sounds is the epitome of music, that should be enough to never listen to anything he says.

>> No.19558120

The post that saved trannies

>> No.19558143

literal actual seething suicide-teetering tranny. i wonder if your parents can even afford your burial, or would even want to

>> No.19558162

there is gender abolitionism/vandalism/accelerationism (lefitst) and gender and gender essentialism (non-leftist).
my biased interpretation is that gender abolitionism wants to diminish gender stereotyping to the point where gender is not recognized and there is no sex stereotyping (no men, no women. only dickhavers and pussyhavers).
gender essentialism being the uphold of traditional sex determinism and traditional gender sociology (men and women are different. born with penis = man, born with vagina = woman and nothing can change that).
then theres the neoliberal mix of both that is just a flaccid (masculine = man, feminine = woman but also gender is voluntary).
funnily enough, the 'end goal' of gender abolitionism is no more trans people when gender dysphoria becomes 'destroyed'.

>> No.19558281

nice iphone faggot

>> No.19558394

Trannies need to realize transitioning wont cure their illness. Since when has validating a mental illness cured someone? On top of the hormones destroying their mental well being as their naturally opposite sex body reacts to the imbalance negatively validating their illness just makes them more prone to suicide.

Since when have we helped schizophrenics by validating their delusions? Since when have we helped suicidal people by telling them its ok to be suicidal? This transgender madness needs to die.

>> No.19558423
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>> No.19558452
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Not an argument.

>> No.19558468

That anon is perfectly right. You don't have to be a Nazi polster to see that validating the delusions of the mentally ill is bad both for them and society.

>> No.19558477
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You have to be fucked up on polposting to equate schizophrenia with gender dysphoria just like that. This isn't a place of high learning, piss off with that pathetic armchair bullshit if you want to be taken seriously

>> No.19558495

Why does psychiatry exist, anon?

If a depressed person thinks they're worthless and that life isn't worth living, then you don't agree with them and arrange a Swiss suicide booth. If a schizophrenic thinks they're Jesus, you don't arrange for them to be crucified. If a maniac thinks they're the king of the world, you don't kneel before them. If Vincent Van Gogh wants to cut his ear off, you don't book him an appointment with a plastic surgeon.

>> No.19558510

excellent bait, kekmao

>> No.19558511
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if somebody wants to pierce their ears we don't get an army of polposters whinging about the collapse of western civilization

oh wait

>> No.19558518
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>> No.19558531

"My soul is in the wrong body" is on a level with believing you're possessed by a demon, anon. If you don't believe that, you don't believe in the existence of mental health.

Wow, you made a really good point. Now go cut your dick off because you watched too much porn.

>> No.19558552
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>> No.19558563

>If a depressed person thinks they're worthless and that life isn't worth living, then you don't agree with them and arrange a Swiss suicide booth.

yes you do. psychiatry is eugenicism.

>> No.19558589
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Why would you want anti trans?

>> No.19558741

intelligent people don't concern themselves with gender and sex. it's at best the a small attraction within the main event. true modern philosophy is found in mathematics and the scientific disciplines.

>> No.19558756

Then it's not a medical profession, not in any Hippocratic sense.


>> No.19558849
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Hey I thought this was a board about reading not idpol shitflinging

>> No.19558889

if they kept the lgbtqwerty on their containment board, sure. If they did it with bronies why are fagotrons an exception?

>> No.19558913

The whole thread started with “what books can I read to own the ebbin lib troons!” God I wish the Reddit-tarded right-wingers were allowed to go back. At least to fucking /pol/.

>> No.19558929

I don't know what you're talking about but you sound homosexual

>> No.19558947

This isn't /LGBT/, you mentally ill faggot. All normal people find trannies repulsive.

>> No.19558981

“Those heckin pol chuds” kill yourself bunker tranny

>> No.19558989

Oh boy it doesn't use analog clocks.

>> No.19559054

Post body

>> No.19559166

Why? So you can jack off? lol

>> No.19559185

japan's suicide rate is measured in per 100,000
the suicide rate of trannies is measured in per 100

>> No.19559391

You all type like Reddit. We were here before you

>> No.19559773
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>> No.19559797

>anything I don't like is a meme
Remember when /lit/ could actually articulate a point, even on a basic level? Yeah, me neither.

>> No.19559803
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>count as philosophers as much as anyone else

>> No.19559812

Imagine being this impressionable and easy to manipulate.

>> No.19559816

No wonder it's so retarded then.