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19553148 No.19553148 [Reply] [Original]

im not religious or anything but i want to know what all fuss is about. is it worth the time? is it actually a good read? bible fags enlighten me please

>> No.19553155


>> No.19553158

OT is legit, NT is fanfiction

>> No.19553187

Only the gospels contain genuine spiritual wisdom.

>> No.19553229
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Yes, it's definitely worth your time. Make sure you get the right translation (one that is accurate but also pleasant to read) and use a Bible commentary on the side. It's such a deep and ancient book and it contains so much wisdom that it's honestly overwhelming. Start with the gospels and the psalms.

>> No.19553269

The Bible has this unique property of appearing absolutely nonsensical to a nihlist and at the same time incredibly edifying to someone with the faintest desire to stop being a nihilist, not the desire to become a Christian, that is not necessary.
It's as if it were intentionally made in such a way that you get filtered hard if you do not have any good will in you.

>> No.19553513

t. kike

>> No.19553576

Yes but you have to read it in a certain way to make sense. Don't read it from cover to cover

>> No.19553671

It's excellent even if you are not religious. Some parts are weaker but overall it is exceptional.
Well put

>> No.19555103

>is it worth the time?
I don't know. It's your life

>> No.19555128

Read the first 11 chapters of Genesis and then skip straight to Matthew. If you're still invested, then go back to the rest of Genesis.

>> No.19555175

Remember to read the NT then the OT then the NT again to read the Bible correctly. Oh, and only use the KJV

>> No.19555305
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It's myth but that doesn't mean it's not true.

>> No.19555404

Yes. But some of the books of the Bible are more readable than others. Someone mentioned reading Genesis and the Gospels, which seems like good advice. I am also particularly fond of Proverbs.

>> No.19555412

Actually, that's the definition of myth, and no amount of unexplained quotations from stupid bints will will that away.

>> No.19555425

Maybe you're just a midwit who can't understand the poetry of reality and is stuck in and overly rigid and literal mindset.

>> No.19556706

If you read it, you'll see why it's not a lie. You don't really have to read it if you already belive. It can be pretty hard to read though, I once lost my faith after reading it on my own, but no one can deny Jesus's life and deeds, so even if you find the old testament kinda wierd, Jesus's life reinforces the bible's truth.

>> No.19556719

The reverse however.

>> No.19556840

Probably not cover to cover. You are likely going to end up fixating over iffy things in genesis and exodus and then drop it altogether when you get to leviticus
I recommend starting with the gospels, then genesis+exodus, then prophets, then the rest of the new testament, then whatever you want. This means that you will get later to standout books like psalms, job, rut, but I think it's worth the wait

>> No.19557205
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>is it worth the time?

>> No.19557210
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>> No.19557235
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>is it worth the time?
Yes. The Old Testament by itself is so much worth the time the ancient Hebrews decreed its words should be on your lips always.

>is it actually a good read?
Best literature mankind has produced, and it's not even close. What, were you going to read about some pagan gods having chariot battles in the sky and call that literature?

>bible fags enlighten me please
get a Douay Rheims in English if you want the medieval experience. KJV is poetic, yes, but archaic and its meanings are not the clearest. best for easy contemporary reading is NIV imo. best for casual scholarly reading is NRSV.


>> No.19557322

Yes. Start with the Gospels, then the Pentateuch, then Paul’s letters, then the rest of the Old Testament and after that the rest of the New Testament. First time readers will find most of the Pentateuch and Paul’s letters a slog, but they provide context for everything else

>> No.19557334

It's had a lot of influence on literature so if you want to be more aware of references authors make it wouldn't be a bad idea to be familiar with it. You don't have to read it cover to cover or anything

>> No.19557415
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The most entertaining way to read the Bible is to keep in mind that within the Christan tradition, Jesus is God. So when you read all the old testament stories about God genociding populations, destroying cities, and demanding blood sacrafices, just remember that's Jesus the peace-loving desert hippy doing all those things.

>> No.19557482

>the ancient Hebrews prayed to Jesus
ok retard. the God of the Israelites, of Abraham, in Catholic dogma is the person of God the Father.