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/lit/ - Literature

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19550222 No.19550222 [Reply] [Original]

Is there like a raid going on? I just saw a picture of Nikocodo's butthole, some black cock race baiting, something having to do with "femcel" all things. Am I the only one noticing that there is some kind of raid going on by one or multiple people or is the quality of this board going to shit because shit people came here?

I don't know what it is, but something about these threads feels like a bad omen for the future of this board...

>> No.19550226

Raiding a dedicated autism forum on a Friday night, sheesh...

>> No.19550228

You're a newfag. /lit/ doesn't have competent mods, so porn threads can stay up for hours at a time. Just report for nsfw on a blue board and hide the thread

>> No.19550230


Then stop noticing things g*yim

>> No.19550251

Something about this one feels different. I cannot explain it but I feel like an animal before the storm... And the longer I spend here, the more I begin to understand the same fee behaviours bring characteristic of the same few users...

These new users are not "users," they know nothing about our "board culture" but have come here to raid. And this raid does not feel like the raid of someone who understands our board culture, but of some literal who's. I'm overthinking it, but I am sensing something malevelont, or it may be my first time noticing it...

>> No.19550262
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>> No.19550271

What if a janitor, who can't issue bans, has been deleting this guy's threads before anyone really notices them, so he discovered a time period in which the janitor is off duty and is spamming out of a desire for petty revenge? That's what I tend to assume. You're not looking at a demon unless being a massive attention whore is a sign of demonic possession. At ease, schizobro

>> No.19550276

It is just someone who needs a break from lit and looking for a ban. Fairly common.

>> No.19550281

Ive never noticed anything in my life, and if you noticed something, you’re probably fucking retarded too.

>> No.19550289

based retard

>> No.19550309
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Nothing is going on OP, stop worrying, you're agitating yourself. Go read a book or something, nothing is going on.
> Some people are posting the bad threads!
It's the same old shit, stop worrying about it anon.

>> No.19550329


These threads you see are demoralization threads. They are purposely posted by leftypol bunkerchan faggots with 4chan passes using bots. Our mods dont care because a good portion of them are SJWs so they let shitposts and porn stay on our boards because they make 4channers and right wingers mad.

Some /pol/ posters found this out when someone tipped us off to their tranny raid discord. Theyre the same people astroturfing and pretending this is their board.

>> No.19550340

take your meds and have sex chud

>> No.19550346

4chan literally used to be leftist newfag.
We all even supported the occupy wallstreet movement, do you even remember that you fucking zoomer? no, no you don't, and in point of fact NO YOU CAN'T.
And all the nazi shit here was ironic and edgy shit anyway, before those humourless fucking stormfags came in and ruined 4chan forever.

>> No.19550376

Occupy wall street was not a leftist movement then

I've heard about it but I haven't got to read the entire thing. If you have it, can you please show and enlighten me? It's this behaviour I have been noticing, these demoralization threads. I've read parts of it once, then forgot about it, but I want to know more. Also, books about this kind of demoralization?

>> No.19550380

its just an incel conspiracy theory

>> No.19550387

It's cool and all, bit then I notice behaviour like this
And then this
Which makes me interested in this

>> No.19550395

You're not using it to describe it's true meaning, and nobody outside of /r9k/ and are making mean names against my frens to discredit my suspicion which makes me even more suspicious.

You don't belong on this board. Leave me and my frens at peace.

>> No.19550401

Nazi dogwhistle detected. You cant hide any longer you dumbass white

>> No.19550408

>take your meds and have sex chud
Sex with prostitutes, jerking off doesnt count.

>> No.19550411

Nobody outside of /r9k/ uses it unironically*.

This is the kind of behaviour I see in nearly every thread no matter what board I am in. You folks ruined /sci/ then /his/ and I will NOT have you take /lit/. I just want to figure out who you are your robotic responses and political positions support what >>19550329 says.

>> No.19550412

alright janny time to delete this fucking thread

>> No.19550424

Sex and meds, in that order

>> No.19550425

Seriously. Who are you. I hope you are just baiting, if so, 10/10, but bait or not, it is this kind of behaviour I notice in threads everywhere.

And yes I am schizo, I don't have to think conventionally. I'm just tired of this name calling and excessive abuse from people like this in every board.

>> No.19550430

My trips don't lie.
Meds and sex in that order. With Bill Cosby.

>> No.19550436

I love paranoid lefties who think that nazis control the USA. Its so fucking funny and they put their heads in the sand when you remind them Jews run almost everything in the country.

>> No.19550440
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>> No.19550445

One of the "ITS DA JOOS" spammers is unironically, I shit you not, an Israeli who starts spamming pro-Israel/anti-Palestine shit if he really gets going, despite starting out acting like a leftist concern troll who just wants e-nazis to change their ways.

I don't know if they're all the same guy but there is at least one very prolific one across several boards who does this.

>> No.19550459

I am glad I have found you because I am not the only one noticing it. I feel like something has to be done about them. What I am afraid is happening is that these people are trying to take /lit/ the same way they took /pol/, /his/, and /sci/. Those were once the other boards I frequented, but no longer do as much because they are always there in some discussion.

>> No.19550460
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>a billion thread a day about Christianity/Guenon/Evola/far-right "literature"
>we are being raided by leftists and mods are with them

>> No.19550469

it wont be long now, the internet is ours

>> No.19550470

>Ignoring the constant Marx spam

>> No.19550471

Holy fucking samefag kek

>> No.19550473

they are turning this board to /v/

>> No.19550476

Just shut up. This is the only place I get to talk about Guénon, Evola, and Religion with the greatest amount of people outside of whom I already know. They aren't even discussed because you bastards come and ruin the discussion anyway. This isn't your board, so fuck off back to wherever you came from.

>> No.19550483

How's the Weather at the North Pole you Elf?

>> No.19550487

Not a samefag. The reply, >>19550445
was me and I am OP. And I will defend the Honour of my Frens.

>> No.19550491

Was not me*.

My fingers are a bit wet, sorry.

>> No.19550519

you aint defending shit schizo, this thread will be removed soon and you will continue to see the decline of all your love. We will replace you racists

>> No.19550524

sounds like typical /lit/ to me

>> No.19550532

That's not the purpose of the thread, Laura.

>> No.19550538

But I am a schizo boohoo. And I'm tired of pretending I am not. Whatcha gonna do? Dilate? Smell your crotch maybe? Pwn another Nazi? Kek I ain't even white.

>> No.19550539


4chan was not leftist. It had always been a libertarian cesspit till everyone realized how far gone liberals are and how much sense conservatism makes. The only person who ever said 4chan was leftist back then was Bill O Reilly and he said it to make leftists look bad by association. OWS wasnt an exclusively liberal movement, quite literally everyone agreed with it at the time.

Obama era happened and cranked up all the globohomo shit to 11. We went from saying "we dont care what gays do behind closed doors just dont fuck our kids" to "fuck off our kids and stop trying to indoctrinate them".

Also you overplay the stormshit, it was always a scapegoat. Nobody took that shit seriously. We were all equal opportunists laughing at race jokes at everyones expense until liberals got overzealous with identity politics shit. Turning everything into some trigger warning or micro agression. You really gotta take a step back and look at yourselves when even black latino and asian parents are crucifying teachers at school board meetings for teaching CRT. That plus white people are running empty on white guilt.

>> No.19550540

And you don't hurt my white frens either you big balding meanie.

>> No.19550546

They didn't ruin 4chan though, it was phoneposters, they're just a subset of phoneposters.

>> No.19550548



>> No.19550554

Nice try chud, I can sense your melanin-less skin through my monitor, you WILL be replaced, and you WILL have a son who grows up to be a transgender icon.

>> No.19550563
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>> No.19550565
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Everything you said was literally wrong.

>> No.19550567

The Age of Oldfags is over. The Age of the Reddit Tourist has begun.

>> No.19550574

It's not that. I advise you investigate more thoroughly what
Have written.

>> No.19551848

you're probably just extra sensitive for some unknown reason, the board has been an utter shitheap of /pol/bait and assorted off-topic garbage for at least 5 years now

>> No.19552041

You already own it retard. I've seen the mods and jannies first hand in their IRC, they're even worse than you. Good job, enjoy being a slave to Moloch.

>> No.19552061

Idiot newfag. You weren't here before Obama was elected. The whole site's posts were autocorrected to ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER and music from the TTGL soundtrack was put on autoplay. That's literally why the stormfront wiggers spazzed out and started actively trying to take over the website. Prior to that they were able to delusionally believe that 4chan was "for them", like all the delusional psychos, but after that they got serious.

When moot sold the website he removed all spamming protection and captchas from /pol/ and set a dominatrix's cuckold humiliation mp3 on autoplay as a final "fuck you" to the most cancerous board on the site.

4chan doesn't "belong to" any of the demented special interest groups trying to take it over, it belongs to Anonymous. Fuck every single one of you who thinks Anonymous is "on your side"

Anonymous is against the very idea of forming teams in the first place


>> No.19552233


>> No.19552252

>triple dubs

>> No.19552273

I am noticing it's full of people with beliefs that usually belong to fringe left wing groups(eg: democrats are not left wingers)

Yeah, must be the pathetic trannies

>> No.19552282

What's so almost paranormal, is that the dubbs and trippps have been on our side lately lmao.

I want to find out who these trannies are. They are sonessy to bait.

>> No.19552295

This is the 500th time I've seen this dumb copypasta

>> No.19553097

The purpose of this thread was to reveal exactly who I wanted to reveal. Pay special attention.

>> No.19554301
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Just gonna put this here.

>> No.19554348

this is site-wide, its also happening on fit and tv i think. more worrying than random spammers imo is culture shifts

like degrading tastes and younger board culture. this board feels less mature, more shallow and more limited in scope than it did like 5 years ago

>> No.19554753

yep, /lit/ was the last good board on 4chan and now it's going to become unusable. it's AI as well as bunker trannies, who are incapable of creation, only desecration and destruction. vile and filthy self fetishists

>> No.19555760


>> No.19555789

Did this really happen?

>> No.19555990

It's the ignorance that makes it obvious that nearly everyone in the thread is "new". Butterfly herself is a member of an irritating wave of post-2006 newfags with insufferable attitudes, attempting to impose order on chaos and wearing their rotten little "identities" with pride, and generally treating the website as though it's a cute and quirky setting for them to have a story arc in the sitcom of their lives, as though it exists to validate their identities

This website is meant to be like a mandala that is constantly erased. Once a thread drops off the board it's "gone forever". Identities that last beyond a single thread are like tumors growing in the hivemind. If they're using a tripcode at all for any purpose, assume the worst about them and you'll be correct 95% of the time. You have to really love yourself to a pathological degree to insist on being a "character" on 4chan, and to continue doing it when the only purpose it serves is to destroy the universal anonymity for everyone by forcing everyone to acknowledge you. It's repulsive and unsightly.

As an oldfag, that's my only advice.