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1952729 No.1952729 [Reply] [Original]

So Anders Behring Breivik wrote a 1500 page "manifesto". http://www.2shared.com/file/M-s-2fBD/2083-AEuropeanDeclarationofInd.html
Here some poetry he wrote;

Always living on the line of what you think is right or wrong,
There was a time when even I could not bear to be alone,
Needing someone or something that is not mine to Call my own,
To have and hold,
Severing the only line of trust that you once thought you had,
Now that I can see past you I can start to be a man,
Death to me seems no mistake for I have yet to hate,
So can you see my pain, can you feel my pain, can You see my...
This, is my world,
And I see, what you don't,
Forever, wanting more,
Life breathes, from our soul,
Looking into bloodshot eyes mesmerized they can't look back,
Slowly turning in my mind is the visions of your death,
Finding truth amongst my lies but not accepting now I grow,
And gain control,
Opening to inner sanctums that you do not understand,
Having no respect for life and taking it with my bare hands,
Always searching with contempt for ways to rid my Pounding head,
From this place,
This is my world,
And I see, what you don't,
Forever, wanting more,
Life breathes, from our souls.

does /lit/ like?

>> No.1952741

It probably lost something in translation.

I mean, it takes a reasonable amount of brain power to put together a >80 kill rampage, of which no echo is demonstrated here.

>> No.1952755

OP, you're an idiot.


>> No.1952756

>it takes a reasonable amount of brain power to put together a >80 kill rampage

No, it just takes determination and moral blindness.

>> No.1952769

copy and pastes random shit of the interwebz, including black-metal lyrics, and compiles it into a 1500 'manifesto'.

>> No.1952794
File: 23 KB, 306x512, Breivik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a limited time period he make million of euros to fund his goal, open a farm to have what is needed to make the explosives, keep a perfect cover for all those years and perfect his plan. It probably needed a certain amount of brain.

>> No.1952796


>> No.1952798


>probably needed a certain amount of brain.

have you actually read any of the shit he wrote?

>> No.1952799

I know where you're coming from, but if you compare this to other "single shooter rampages" you have to go back decades to find one that made it past the 20s.

>> No.1952800

There are four problems with that statement:

1. Not black metal.
2. I posted the lyrics on a /fit/ thread because they seemed appropriate.
3. Dumbass OP copypasta'd.
4. This wasn't in the manifesto.

>> No.1952807

If you kids are so smart, let's see you bomb a government office, single-handedly kill 90+ political opponents, break a world record and realign the course of history all in a matter of hours.

Anders was also a fan of William James, the greatest philosopher to ever live.

>> No.1952814

But his book is stupid.

And this happens to be /lit/.

>> No.1952819

he likes same books as me... he are genius

>> No.1952828

>kill 90+ political opponents

way to dehumanize a bunch of kids/young adults at a summer camp.

you're not a very nice person

>> No.1952833

I just love the fact that he is a far right win Christian fundamentalist. The fundamentalist is the best part

I'll begin speed reading through his manifesto and report back later with choice selections

>> No.1952837

You mean "executing category A and B cultural Marxists/multiculturalist traitors"

>> No.1952839

This reminds me of Mitchell L. Heisman. He typed and then published online a 1,905-page document entitled “Suicide Note". He then committed suicide on the steps of Memorial Church of Harvard University in September 2010.

>> No.1952840

oh hey, it's you again

gonna hide this thread now i know you're posting in it

>> No.1952843

who? i was just quoting his manifesto anon.

>> No.1952850

I bet if he was British he would be part of the BNP and still do the same.

>> No.1952852

oh sorry, there's some guy who kept posting on /lit/ using that exact language and making those exact same points about liberals being evil, cultural Marxists, multiculturalist traitors, etc. and i thought you were him and i hate that guy

>> No.1952856


and this is the reason that you will fail. people will understand that you're emotionally distant bullies with no visions or ideals. good luck

>> No.1952857


"Q: Are you a religious man, and should science take priority over the teachings of the Bible?

A: My parents, being rather secular wanted to give me the choice in regards to religion. At the age of 15 I chose to be baptised and confirmed in the Norwegian State Church. I consider myself to be 100% Christian. However, I strongly object to the current suicidal path of the Catholic Church but especially the Protestant Church. I support a Church that believes in self defence and who are willing to fight for its principles and values, at least resist the efforts put forth to exterminate it gradually. The Catholic and Protestant Church are both cheering their own annihilation considering the fact that they embrace the ongoing inter-faith dialogue and the appeasement of Islam. The current Church elite has shown its suicidal face, as vividly demonstrated last year by the archbishop of Canterbury's speech contemplating the legitimacy of Shariah in parts of Britain.

I trust that the future leadership of a European cultural conservative hegemony in Europe will ensure that the current Church leadership are replaced and the systems somewhat reformed. We must have a Church leadership who supports a future Crusade with the intention of liberating the Balkans, Anatolia and creating three Christian states in the Middle East. Efforts should be made to facilitate the de-construction of the Protestant Church whose members should convert back to Catholicism. The Protestant Church had an important role once but its original goals have been accomplished and have contributed to reform the Catholic Church as well. Europe should have a united Church lead by a just and non-suicidal Pope who is willing to fight for the security of his subjects, especially in regards to Islamic atrocities.

>> No.1952860


I fully support that the Church gains more or less monopoly on religion in Europe (government policies, school curriculum etc at least) in addition to granting the Church several concessions which have been taken from them the last decades.

As for the Church and science, it is essential that science takes an undisputed precedence over biblical teachings. Europe has always been the cradle of science and it must always continue to be that way.

Regarding my personal relationship with God, I guess I’m not an excessively religious man. I am first and foremost a man of logic. However, I am a supporter of a monocultural Christian Europe."

>> No.1952861

Little do you know, but Anders Behring Breivik was that guy and now you will never see that poster again.

>> No.1952862


oh, posted my reply too late. well, just imagine it was directed at those pesky fundamentalists

>> No.1952863

> The only bonus I guess is that by eliminating the silencer aspect allows me to order and equip a bayonet instead. So I guess; “Marxist on a stick” will soon become an exclusive Knights Templar Europe trademark :D.

>> No.1952866

well, thank god for that, i guess. clouds, silver linings, etc

>> No.1952898

why is it that only far right extremists and americans believe in marxists? Marxists don't even believe in marxism anymore

>> No.1952909

I think he has a small penis.
He will suffer 21 years in this prison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4beUC3-ckw

>> No.1952915


He basically admits that traditional marxism is dead. What he is concerned with is "cultural marxism" aka "politicial correctness" aka "multi-culturalism":

"Just what is “Political Correctness?” Political Correctness is in fact cultural Marxism (Cultural Communism) – Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. The effort to translate Marxism from economics into culture did not begin with the student rebellion of the 1960s. It goes back at least to the 1920s and the writings of the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci. In 1923, in Germany, a group of Marxists founded an institute devoted to making the transition, the Institute of Social Research (later known as the Frankfurt School). One of its founders, George Lukacs, stated its purpose as answering the question, “Who shall save us from Western Civilisation?” The Frankfurt School gained profound influence in European and American universities after many of its leading lights fled and spread all over Europe and even to the United States in the 1930s to escape National Socialism in Germany. In Western Europe it gained influence in universities from 1945."

>> No.1952916


"The Frankfurt School blended Marx with Freud, and later influences (some Fascist as well as Marxist) added linguistics to create “Critical Theory” and “deconstruction.” These in turn greatly influenced education theory, and through institutions of higher education gave birth to what we now call “Political Correctness.” The lineage is clear, and it is traceable right back to Karl Marx.

The parallels between the old, economic Marxism and cultural Marxism are evident. Cultural Marxism, or Political Correctness, shares with classical Marxism the vision of a “classless society,” i.e., a society not merely of equal opportunity, but equal condition. Since that vision contradicts human nature – because people are different, they end up unequal, regardless of the starting point – society will not accord with it unless forced. So, under both variants of Marxism, it is forced. This is the first major parallel between classical and cultural Marxism: both are totalitarian ideologies. The totalitarian nature of Political Correctness can be seen on campuses where “PC” has taken over the college: freedom of speech, of the press, and even of thought are all eliminated."

>> No.1952938

you, or whoever you're quoting, are stretching definitions of marxism pretty thin, to the extent that it becomes a virtually meaningless ideological label.

People on the far-right tend to be conflict orientated, they define themeselves in relation to 'the bad guys'. They have a need for a bogeyman. If this person doesn't exist or exists in a limited sense they will fabricate and/or blow out of proportion its significance.

>> No.1952941


I'm quoting Anders Behring Breivik from his 1500 page manifesto.

>> No.1952943

political correctness multi-culturalism, etc is a product of liberal ideologies..... not marxist

>> No.1953002

>I’ve spent a total of 9 years of my life working on this project. The first five years were spent studying and creating a financial base, and the last three years was spent working full time with research, compilation and writing. Creating this compendium has personally cost me a total of 317 000 Euros (130 000 Euros spent from my own pocket and 187 500 Euros for loss of income during three years). All that, however, is barely noticeable compared to the sacrifices made in relation to the distribution of this book, the actual marketing operation;)
>All that, however, is barely noticeable compared to the sacrifices made in relation to the distribution of this book, the actual marketing operation;)
>the actual marketing operation;)

Am I reading this right? Did he actually kill all those people to get this abomination of a document out?

>> No.1953015


at least the other guy who wrote a 1500 page suicide note only killed himself...

you know, the dork who shot himself on harvard campus or something

>> No.1953019
File: 21 KB, 200x273, theodoradorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frankfurt school invented political correctness
the fuck

>> No.1953027
File: 52 KB, 526x300, 1309037761344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was that crazy man in America that did some bombings and wrote a manifesto?
It least his was out of this universe crazy to the border of genius
This guy is the fucking definition of psuedo-intellectual

>> No.1953030


>> No.1953032

"Above all, those who would defy Political Correctness must behave according to the old
rules of our culture, not the new rules the cultural Marxists lay down. Ladies should be
wives and homemakers, not cops or soldiers, and men should still hold doors open for
ladies. Children should not be born out of wedlock. Glorification of homosexuality should
be shunned. Jurors should not accept Islam as an excuse for murder."

Yeah, he lost me there.

>> No.1953034


>Jurors should not accept Islam as an excuse for murder


>> No.1953037
File: 129 KB, 560x790, MrDestructo.com+INFOGRAPHIC+-+The+Sharia+Threat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1953042

no one accepts it as an excuse for murder, these so called honour killings are always convicted

>> No.1953046


going to need some source on that

>> No.1953052

The man is a hero.

>> No.1953055
File: 37 KB, 200x200, darrenbent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's two examples
stop believing in this alarmist bullshit

>> No.1953057

blame wikipedia. mitchell heissman knew his nietzsche, marx and certain american thinkers. this is yet another pretentious unabomber autist

>> No.1953064


>simply reading the very last sentence and disregarding the rest of the paragraph.

Although I do agree with the last sentence, his appeal to tradition is complete bullshit.

Stop cherry picking.

>> No.1953069

but the unabomber was actually (reasonably) intelligent, just totally batshit insane; this guy is a retard
HOW he drew the connection between the Frankfurt school and political correctness i beyond me, hell in the 1960s their own studenst rebelled against them; and their legacy is critical theory- nought to do with political correctness

>> No.1953078

I doubt he's using cultural Marxist in it's actual sense. That term has become a blanket negative term for anything related to so-called "political correctness."

>> No.1953079

that one anon cheery picked it and we were pointing out it's total bullshit, although you could pick any number of bullshitisms in his inane ramblings

>> No.1953083
File: 115 KB, 620x429, 1311451623445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do imagine he is one of those 'anything left of far-right is a marxist-communist-fascist' types and i highly doubt he has engaged any of the frankfurt school's literature outside of wikipedia; especially considering he hasn't been to an actual university and have access to such resources.
Even then i am stunned he has made this leap in logic and, pathetically, tried to justified a cowardly act

>> No.1953124

As for girlfriends; I do get the occasional lead, or the occasional girl making a move, especially now a day as I’m fit like hell and feel great. But I’m trying to avoid relationships as it would only complicate my plans and it may jeopardize my operation. And I don’t feel comfortable manipulating girls any more into one night stands. I am not that person any more. I did screw two girls in Prague though, but that was mainly because it was a realistic chance that I would end up dead during the process of establishing a weapons connection. I won’t make any effort to try to completely justify it though. Human males are imperfect by default as they are plagued by their biological needs. Nevertheless, screwing around outside of marriage is after all a relatively small sin compared to the huge amounts of grace I am about to generate with my martyrdom operation.

>> No.1953122
File: 14 KB, 605x400, 1310923423575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1953131


Anything that long I just scroll to the bottom and click "Agree"

>> No.1953137

>cowardly act
Yeah, you're brave for NOT going on a murderous rampage. Noice.

>> No.1953140

>killing kids

also when did i say i was brave? you seem to have this same black/white world view as this moron

>> No.1953144

I also didn't read anything in the main part except i just went to the end and i'm curently ready his "journal" on how it went since i found those type of thing interesting.
I'm curently at the part where he is watching eurovision.

>> No.1953145
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>> No.1953155

>Communism is often used when describing a complete ideology (economical principles included) while “cultural Marxism” does not describe economical principles.

>> No.1953156

Who won?

>> No.1953179

he's quoting Ayn Rand

>> No.1953194

>The raised fist salute consists of raising the right arm with a clenched fist (preferably with a white glove). The clenched fist symbolizes strength, honour and defiance against the Marxist tyrants of Europe while the white glove symbolizes purity, duty, kinship and martyrdom. Using the right arm symbolizes the tradition of the “Right Opposition”. The salutation is in line with traditional usage, as we regard the present ruling multiculturalist elites in Western Europe as left wing fascists. Our military salutation has nothing to do with the so called “white power” salutation or the “Roman Salute” (Saluto Romano), where the palm is faced down with fingers touching, often known as the Hitler Salute used by National Socialists.

>> No.1953199

The Unabomber wrote a short story, if I remember. It's about a ship steering toward an iceberg, while its crew of blacks, homosexuals, women, etc complain to the captain about their "petty grievances". Meanwhile the captain's hand self-insert tries to point out their short-sightedness and mounts a failed mutiny.

It's some pretty sophomoric, xenophobic bullshit.

>> No.1953203

>A former classmate has recalled that he was an intelligent student who due to his large physical frame of 1.93 m (6' 4") often took care of people who were bullied.[35]

>> No.1953210

Another piece of media that outlines in detail how to make a bomb.

Man, I'm gonna make one someday. I'd blow it up in some marshland or something in case I kill a squirrel.

>> No.1953275

Wetlands are very delicate and species-rich ecosystems.

>> No.1953322
File: 37 KB, 153x153, hans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy proposes that sociology should be gotten rid of from academia (because its entirley communist, totally overlooking the legacy of non-marxist schools); or 'fixed' by people being taught, wait for it:
the bible,
Ayn Rand,
Orwell (and some other shit)
does this guy know who Orwell is or what he did with his life? Why do these far-right nutjobs always qoute him mindlessly

>> No.1953403

Orwell was a "cultural Marxist" if there ever was one but, alas, he chose it publish his model using Soviet type administrative terms, and so he accidently idolized himself amongst the wildest tinfoil hatters of the enemy camp. It's fun to watch them going bipolar between orwell and brecht on goodreads.
As to what concerns this murderer, "marxist" just means "evil" to him. In fact, he does adore stalin for having deported the crimean tatars and chechens to central asia.

>> No.1953414
File: 52 KB, 810x457, 23NYHut_ya_1229376c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally knew one of his victims. We weren't close, but we have met irl. She was 17. I also know one other person whose twin sister was shot in the foot. She was 19, and she barely got away.

I can't even begin to describe how horrible reading this was to me. It's almost 6am norwegian time and I can't get any fucking sleep. To learn that this is not something he did out of desperation or anything that I could sympathize with - this is something he was and is *proud* of having done.

The primary reason why this work will never be applauded in any groups (excluding maybe within the most extremist groups within the most extremist groups of the most extreme groups), is the simple fact that he specifically targeted young, naïve people. They were completely, 100% defenceless and innocent.

No matter how persuasive his book might have been (and it isn't), no matter how much I myself personally dislike the norwegian labour party and therefore its youth organization - it all falls flat, even within the targeted group - because he went after youth who were largely way too young to have ever being confronted with or ever seriously reflected upon the issues he hoped to raise for the general public with the book.

He should have gone after government officials. If he had, then there might have been some hope for his ideas getting support, and there might even have been some truth in his self-declared notion of being a hero who fights for justice.

I fucking hate this guy.

>> No.1953417

who is he?

>> No.1953425


Nevertheless, the brain power to kill 90 some children doesn't always equate to being good at poetry or prose.

>> No.1953442

>hates 'Islamic atrocities'
>'the huge amounts of grace I am about to generate with my martyrdom operation'

Pot, meet kettle. I give him five years in prison before he converts to violent Islamic extremism.

>> No.1953447 [DELETED] 

perhaps he should have killed anyone, anon? there a fascist in russia, quite popular in the bohemian circles, named limonov. wites novels, supports every halfway enoblable cause; he even got himself jailed for a plan so outageous it just makes you grin. other national bolsheviks used their fascism as an excuse for vaguely liberal yet banned oppositionary actions. it got them jailed as well; jailed and lauded. if we have potential heroes of that sort, they'd better win favour with decent ideas and a decent style.

>> No.1953455

maybe he even shouldn't have killed anyone. there's a fascist in russia, quite popular in the bohemian circles, named limonov. wites novels, supports every halfway enoblable cause; he even got himself jailed for a plan so outageous it just makes you grin. other national bolsheviks used their fascism as an excuse for vaguely liberal, noble yet banned oppositionary actions. it got them jailed as well; jailed and lauded.

>> No.1953487

ah anon, I'm so sorry - my friend's parents ended up calling her to talk her little sister to sleep after she saw one of those photos from the camp where one of the kids was begging for their life and there was absolutely no personal connection there; I can't imagine how haunting it must be for you

>> No.1954302


>> No.1954311
File: 7 KB, 200x149, nigel-lindsay-four-lions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1954326

Marcuse headed a backlash against free speech

>> No.1954331


Ashame this work is not more like Mr. Heismann, for that was some of the best i've read. Ever.

Anders, has some valid points, but he is far too narrow, and his values are somewhat Christian...

>> No.1954411


Always been meaning to read that. Just gotta get through my Camus first. Now I certainly will. I trust you anon.

>> No.1954419


>Kill, Bomb, Hate, Templars


pick one

>> No.1954428

heismann was retarded. ! its pretty awesome! if you like! ideas! jumping around and talking nonesense! full of exclamation marks! but you can overlook how retarded it is! if it fits easily into your "nihilistic" viewpoint! which functionally is just egoistical narcissism in action!

>> No.1954476

This is what cultural Marxists actually believe:

>Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left. As to the scope of this tolerance and intolerance: ... it would extend to the stage of action as well as of discussion and propaganda, of deed as well as of word. The traditional criterion of clear and present danger seems no longer adequate to a stage where the whole society is in the situation of the theater audience when somebody cries: 'fire'. It is a situation in which the total catastrophe could be triggered off any moment, not only by a technical error, but also by a rational miscalculation of risks, or by a rash speech of one of the leaders.

>The whole post-fascist period is one of clear and present danger. Consequently, true pacification requires the withdrawal of tolerance before the deed, at the stage of communication in word, print, and picture. Such extreme suspension of the right of free speech and free assembly is indeed justified only if the whole of society is in extreme danger. I maintain that our society is in such an emergency situation, and that it has become the normal state of affairs. Different opinions and 'philosophies' can no longer compete peacefully for adherence and persuasion on rational grounds: the 'marketplace of ideas' is organized and delimited by those who determine the national and the individual interest.

>> No.1954499
File: 3 KB, 203x212, 1266010778915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is multiculturalism, so a discussion of the psychology of multiculturalists can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of Western Europe in general."
- Breivik

"One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general."
- Unabomber

I mean c'mon, he could've atleast taken the time and effort to write his own damn manifesto.
It's hard but then again, it's like he managed the hard bit already.

>> No.1954501


also inb4 it's a coincidence

>> No.1954508


Or maybe you should read more than a few pages, kiddo.

>> No.1954578
File: 49 KB, 428x410, hah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ordering Marxist literature will from here on get you on a goverment watchlist
Marxism was always just poorfags complaining.

>> No.1954580

The gunman was right wing, dumbass. If anything, ordering shit by Ron Paul will get you on a watch list.

>> No.1954583

>he only reads what he agrees with

>> No.1954600


>In other words, now that we know the alleged perpetrator is not Muslim, we know -- by definition -- that Terrorists are not responsible; conversely, when we thought Muslims were responsible, that meant -- also by definition -- that it was an act of Terrorism.

Eurasia, Oceania etc

>> No.1954607

I dunno how he found the time, what with raiding with his WoW guild and all.

>> No.1954671

Whatever his ideas, how did he expect to gather support for his cause killing defenseless kids?

I mean, from which perspective could you describe that action as heroic?

More than anything he is going to make anyone criticizing multi-culturalism to be considered a potential nutjob.

>> No.1954678

>plays WoW

how could anyone not see this coming

>> No.1954687 [DELETED] 

Just started, he writes like the typical 16 year old conspiracy theorist you find on the internet.

>It covers most topics related to historical events and aspects of past and current Islamic Imperialism, which is now removed or falsified by our academia by instruction of Western Europe’s
cultural relativist elites (cultural relativism=cultural Marxism).

He killed 90 kids so people could read this?

>> No.1954700

Just started, he writes like the typical 16 year old conspiracy theorist you find on the internet.

>It covers most topics related to historical events and aspects of past and current Islamic Imperialism, which is now removed or falsified by our academia by instruction of Western Europe’s cultural relativist elites (cultural relativism=cultural Marxism).

He killed 90 kids so people could read this? He even uses "=" instead of articulating a proper sentence.

>> No.1954735




>> No.1954739

>The manifesto plagiarizes substantial parts of the Unabomber manifesto with slightly altered passages. The alterations consists mainly of exchanging the words "leftists" for "cultural Marxists", and "black people" for "muslims".

oh wow

>> No.1954780

Are we sure this is his real manifesto and not some disinformation campaign? I prefer to think that the guy actually wrote a right wing political philosophy master piece than that he killed dozens of kids to promote this piece of shit. The whole thing is pretty sad.