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19543141 No.19543141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anarchists, how does it feel that the number one selling Anarchist book is by an anarcho-capitalist dweeb?

>> No.19543149

Shilling your books here again, twitter fag?

>> No.19543167

No way Michael malice posts here. Would be Kino though.

>> No.19543177

Anarchists are blm onlyfans lumpenproles who think reading books is for white people and whoring themselves out to obese trump supporters that look like their dads is actually liberating . At least the libertarians are fortright about their economic governmentality.

>> No.19543184

Anarcho-capitalists, post-left and individualist anarchists are the best types of anarchists. They're against idpol and the self-flagellation wokeness that infects "left anarchists." They also are more than willing to kill communists which is a BIG PLUS versus just tailing and submitting to them.

>> No.19543217

ok mike

>> No.19543219

It's just a sampler compilation though.

>> No.19543223

Yeah reposting the exact same image of your last book as an OP once a week for a year wasn't you, just a superfan of smarmy podcasting kikes

>> No.19543224

Based common ground fascist

>> No.19543225

lolbertarians are nerds who cry about people not following their gay little rules

>> No.19543249

>Bestsellers in Anarchism

>> No.19543255

Anarchocapitalism supports this though

>> No.19543299
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>eVerYone I doNt LiKe iS a fasCisT!!!

>> No.19543308

Anarchism is anything goes. I'm not sure what's the problem here? Making money and exploiting people is one the most anarchistic things you can do

>> No.19543416
File: 101 KB, 750x1000, 0CD42107-50F5-4F5B-A972-B170DD2BC66E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re right, you’re far worse than a fascist
your father is disappointed in you

>> No.19543440
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My ancestors literally killed communists in the Korean War and fraught the Cold Wars. They even participated in the revolutions of 1989. They are would be proud of me knowing I'm following their foot steps.

>> No.19543464
File: 7 KB, 241x209, 4BB4345F-2907-4D4C-9B26-B947BCCCB8D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pathetic Amerimutt pig you would shit your pants if you walked outside

>> No.19543481
File: 77 KB, 534x372, 3FCFD30B-F7F8-4F3D-B1CF-59C58025AB88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being proud of larping defending a Walmart from being burned down by weak college students, the absolute state
>M-my daddy served for HW Bush!!
The taliban is laughing at you

>> No.19543483
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If we met - it would be the last day you'd exist on Earth. You being outside the United States is for your own protection.

>> No.19543484

The Taliban would treat the rioters a lot more harshly than KR did lmao

>> No.19543488

When the deadweight whites are no longer a majority dragging this country down, we will teach you what fascism really is.

>> No.19543496

No cap? On god? Frfr tho?

>> No.19543508

screenshotted for the Internet tough guy collection
you’re not white and the NWO troops would immediately fry you like Waco.

>> No.19543510
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Imagine being a communist, and coming to Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota just to get your brains blown out by libertarian militias and the police on the streets because your friends on twitter made you believe people would tolerate your non-sense instead of just shooting you.

>> No.19543516

those guys are really scary do you think they would do cool knife tricks in front of me

>> No.19543521

Yeah because my post was definitely defending larper antifa revolutionaries and not also laughing at Amerimutts defending their local Cheesecake Factory with AR-15s as a bastion of whiteness. You’re a fucking nerd

>> No.19543528

There is nothing wrong with defending your cheesecake factory tbqh

>> No.19543540

no it’s garbage food
also you’re too historically illiterate to know the Midwest was the most aggressive center for labor militarism. Hoppe is a 5’3 pussy who would cry if a manufacturers Union threatened to beat him up

>> No.19543544


Michael Malice is a lolcow freak. And he does post on 4chan, he loves talking about 4chan in public and on all those shitty YT talkshows he goes on

He's an alt lite grifter whose fans are entirely teenagers and autistic adults

>> No.19543547

Maybe it is but he can still like it

>> No.19543548
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x627, Sahil-Khindri-with-Rittenhouse-Posse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't even defending Walmart, they were defending small businesses and car dealerships from niggers and rioters. The Boogaloo boys backed up Kyle, and put out arsons and the lights out of a few communists. Expect the same to happen to you and your commie friends. Nobody here is afraid of you.
KR was the trial run of what's going to happen to these fucking commies in the next couple of years. They're tough on twitter, but they choke blood on the streets. These trannies really think they can take on ex-military militia members - try that "communist revolution" shit outside of Chicago and watch your brains fly out of your head.

>> No.19543552

why would you buy a book about anarchist theory


>> No.19543559

no amount of dinky little ARs and itchy trigger finger would save you against actual communists

>> No.19543567

Actual communists dont have exactly the best k/d ratios in the wars they've fought

>> No.19543570

>small businesses
You’re an impressionable retard and you don’t know how the economy works
>nobody here is afraid of you
I’m not a Twitter tranny attacking Kyle rittenhouse you absolute dork faggot. You will never kill someone in your life. You will freeze and cry on the spot like a little fat piglet then tell your mommy you were based

>> No.19543579
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The mid-west is aggressively anti-communist. You don't live here. You would be shot promoting that communist non-sense here. Pro-labor isn't pro-communist, retard, one can be a worker and hate communist degenerates like you. None of them like you woke, CRT loving, tranny dick sucking faggots either way. Most workers I know would beat the fuck out of you for pushing your degenerate views. Don't pretend you represent the working class, you nigger. You don't and you never will.

>> No.19543580

>you’re not white
And thank Heaven for that
>and the NWO troops would immediately fry you like Waco.
As for Waco, what makes you think we will be getting in the way of the government? They are our allies.

>> No.19543582

What are small businesses not real now lmao

>> No.19543586

>The Boogaloo Boys
Do you not realize how so y you sound right now? Like a little kid playing dress up. You are literally the same thing as the people going to Kenosha dressed a Stalinists or whatever they did

>> No.19543604

>Pro-labor isn’t pro-communist, communism is liberalism
kill yourself
>You don’t live here
kill yourself
You are an actual genetic waste. How are you on a literature board and this illiterate?
Small businesses don’t make profit or take up anything more than a fraction of the GDP and anyone owning a small business is a boomer money laundering. I’m sorry you were dumb enough to fall for shit about the American dream but your ass is owned by 3 megacorporations

>> No.19543615
File: 137 KB, 600x371, meme-rittenhouse-find-out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a communist tranny and a degenerate. All you commies talk shit on the internet until something happens to you.
"Actual communists" got dropped by a 17 year old with AR-15. Kid, its literally your funeral in the making. You niggers do not exist outside of twitter. You're weak, and Kenosha proved it. Its going to be a slaughter, and it'll all be your fault. You reap what you sow.

>> No.19543617
File: 167 KB, 1023x585, 7337CE7C-1388-44B7-B87D-C080D1A39AFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the people in that picture are middle class suburbanites playing dress up and have never spoken to a working class person in their life. Any working class person doesn’t have the luxury to know what “CRT” is. Nice larp you soft faggot

>> No.19543626

>small business is impossible or money laundering
Commies come up with the most comical shit. I frequent several small businesss all the time

>> No.19543628
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 51BA0217-8740-45F3-9F3B-AB8C6665C3D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all you commies talk shit on the internet until something happens to you
That’s literally what you’re doing right now you pussy keyboard warrior

>> No.19543633

As do I and they’re all money laundering or franchised. You’re an actual small child who believes what mommy and daddy say and get mad when people tell you it’s not how the world works. Look up any statistic on small business owners and they have been gutted in the last 30 years to the point where capital funds them at a loss. It’s impressive how stupid you are.

>> No.19543634

im talking about an actual organized communist movement lmao, if kenosha was "real" to you then uh alright

>> No.19543643
File: 174 KB, 1023x575, 42e86411-4954-42a7-b190-f1b6be103e87_w1023_r1_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalinists never show up anywhere. They're pussies like you confined to twitter. Boogs, Republicans, Libertarians aren't larping - they're defending small businesses, stopping mandates, ending CRT being taught in schools while "Stalinists" are on twitter dilating over being called the wrong pronouns. Big difference - we have guns, money and influence. You have no job, no success and no future. We are not the same. We can actually shoot, and kill, people like you. You don't even stand a chance against us.

>> No.19543650

Very bad, if you must know

>> No.19543652

lmao the jap commies were literally btfo forever in one fell swoop by a single 17 year old (same age as kyle)

>> No.19543653

I have never seen anyone claim something this blatantly untrue lmao. I literally know and have known several small business owners and they are not money laundering fronts. You just want to pretend it's impossible so you can justify whatever commie tyranny you want to engage in

>> No.19543658
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 0A497251-10C6-425A-AA18-532326EE57F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalinists never show up anywhere. They're pussies like you confined to twitter. Boogs, Republicans, Libertarians aren't larping - they're defending small businesses, stopping mandates, ending CRT being taught in schools while "Stalinists" are on twitter dilating over being called the wrong pronouns. Big difference - we have guns, money and influence. You have no job, no success and no future. We are not the same. We can actually shoot, and kill, people like you. You don't even stand a chance against us.

you’re on 4chan doing the exact same thing

>> No.19543676

Anarcho-capitalism is the only true form of anarchism. Anarcho-communism are communists who can't stomach the fact that any attempt to apply their ideology is dependent on a state to enforce it.

>> No.19543680
File: 537 KB, 2000x1333, GettyImages-1297054649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking retarded are you criticizing the middle class, and then defending unions - which are primarily a luxury for middle class workers who live in the suburbs and are overwhelmingly white and conservative? Most the Kellogg strikers voted for Trump you dumbfuck. You don't even know your demographic, do you? They're racist as fuck, and hate woketards like you. You literally are delusional if you believe those people are communists or that unions are pro-communist when AFL-CIO has historically been pro-NATO and globalist you retard. The average "STALINIST"/"ML" in the US is a Biden voting, Biden supporter cuckhold from the East Coast that is perfectly integrated into the neoliberal establishment. They're weak like you.

>> No.19543681

>my 56% white ancestors murdered third worlders in the name of neoliberal international finance

thank you for your service.

>> No.19543689

lol none of your friends businesses make money and they probably had a soft upper/middle class background to supply the capital with. They probably break even in a good year on their craft beer business or whatever you think is le manly small business owner. delusion

>> No.19543701

>Anarchists, how does it feel that the number one selling Anarchist book is by an Anarchist
And how exactly is this surprising? I imagine the top selling communist book is written by a communist, the top-selling Christian book is written by a Christian, etc etc

>> No.19543702

They make a bit of money, ranging from basically poor to upper middle class. That's what a small business is. I am genuinely loling at your attempt to simply deny this category exists at all because its inconvenient for you

>> No.19543703

You’re trying to describe what Lumpenproletariat are but you accidentally revealed you’re a middle class larper who thinks Trump vs Biden matters. Hilarious. Again, you have never spoken to a worker in your life if you think unionists are middle class. The MLs who live rent free in your head certainly are middle class though! You are EVERYTHING you hate :)

>> No.19543704

If they are white they are members of the labor aristocracy and thus are upper class pigs.

>> No.19543713

it’s nice you admit it’s a sham
>most Kellogg strikers voted for trump
found the Zion Don petit bourg child of a business owner pretending to be working class

>> No.19543715

I dont care about your commie delusions, I am simply pointing out the uncontroversial fact that small businesses exist.

>> No.19543725

How is it a sham? They provide a service and they are paid for it, and they employ a few people for a wage. I realize commies are horrified by this concept but it's not magic

>> No.19543728
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>they probably had a soft upper/middle class background to supply the capital with
Marxism literally is the resentment of the underclasses against the most productive and most successful people in life. No wonder you would find it be so horrible that people had strong families to support them instead of you. Only the jealous would have this type of envy towards entrepreneurship. Don't blame small businesses, and the rich, for your problems - blame yourself for being incapable of doing better.
They murdered people like you - who deserved it. And we're here to finish the job.

>> No.19543738
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>small business owners are either productive or successful

>> No.19543742
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Politics do matter. You just want to cope because you're losing and we're winning :). You have no power, and no amount of claiming neo-liberal thalls as your own will change that when they own you. And will continue to own losers like you.

>> No.19543751
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t. degenerate NEET commie gender studies major

>> No.19543753

LOL spouting social Darwinist Reagan boomer propaganda about hard work doesn’t work when the state of capital accumulation has gotten to the point where you can’t even larp the way you could’ve in the 80’s.
>don’t blame the rich - blame yourself
Like how you whine about the Jews taking away your god given opportunities, faggot? You’re a loser on your own defined terms and your class is rapidly losing their wealth and becoming proletarianized. Why are you on a literature board? What books could you possible have read? Some BAP grifter?

>> No.19543755

Ron Paul lost you’re disproving your own point. Again, politics is theater for middle class children like yourself. You ARE the Twitter Biden tranny in your head.