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19541199 No.19541199 [Reply] [Original]

Oh anons! Why, why is life a dark gloomy unsatisfactory book, rather than a beautiful, delightful story.

>> No.19541205
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The jews and overpopulation.

>> No.19541220



>> No.19541225

I was thinking about this earlier. How everyones lives are just based on their genetics and brain chemistry. How they act and view things. Whether they do drugs or drink to get away from things. Everyone who is always depressed or sad just has a fucked up brain and fucked up genetics. Usually including some form of mental illness. I have the perfect genes. I've been sad 6 times in my life. I'm always extremely happy, optimistic, and just enjoy life every day I wake up. Never angry. Everything is beautiful to me and then I talk to people who just hate their life and don't understand what I'm always smiling about because life is so bad. We just all see the world differently. It's all just genetics and our brain.

>> No.19541234

I can't help but feel sometimes it's just my pure retardedness, and ofcourse overpopulation

>> No.19541237

Because you haven’t taken your life into your own hands. I really doubt that you are living the life you want to (despite society). If you think you are then you convinced yourself of something convenient. Sitting around feeling sorry for yourself isn’t going to help at all either. Ultimately you can always blame the culture but like I said, that’s no solution to your problems

>> No.19541242
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To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance...

>> No.19541243

For me it's buying a ranch and poaching wild game.

>> No.19541247

You can’t discount your early experiences either. I highly doubt your parents were depressed losers if you enjoy life.

>> No.19541252

What do you mean? What are you referring to?

>> No.19541255



>> No.19541256

am always pretending happiness, until I close my room's door, I have a nice comfy genetic and a tolerable brain, but terrible shity circumstances. It's not always about genetic and brain anon

>> No.19541274

It's a mix obviously but I still think it's mostly genetics. Sometimes your brain is just wired to be depressed at things in your environment while mine isn't. Onion is reddit but this perfectly describes what I'm saying and how I'm living.


>> No.19541282

It's a different mix for everyone. Some people will always be depressed no matter how good their life is. Some people will always be happy no matter how bad. And some people flip flop depending on they live.

>> No.19541287

I’m referring to your upbringing as a child which has an effect on your brain. If you were abused as a child you obviously would be a different person

>> No.19541288

>He wrote that he could find no monkey who had any defense against it. Even the happiest monkeys came out damaged

Read the wiki article. It's a wild ride.

>> No.19541289

Oh yeah sure like straight people who are raped to be gay but that's usually not the norm

>> No.19541299

Most people have poor upbringings anon. The two most successful people I know had parents who didn't get divorced.

>> No.19541308
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Ding ding ding
Bros, I've been watching conspiratainment videos for the longest time, and one of their favorite themes is the depopulation agenda (see Georgia Guidestones). Thing is, lately I've been seen a lot of before and after pictures (pic related) and thinking, where is this going? Population does grow exponetially and space is limited. How long before all urban settlements become like Asian bug cities? And then how long before all the world? And then a thought, a dark thought, began to itch me: wouldn't the world be better with a smaller population? Worst yet, what if the conspiracies are true, wouldn't the depopulation agenda -- despite being genocidal -- be beneficial in the long run? You would just have to hope to be one of the chosen ones that get to survive (highly unlikely if you're not an elite individual, I know, but what if they allow a finite number of plebs to survive, like a lottery? Someone would still need to wageslave right?) and you would inherit paradise... Just a thought. A dark, dark thought.

>> No.19541311

It doesn’t have to be that extreme though. A lot of your emotional states are things you learned. I’m sure if I had a smoother upbringing I wouldn’t have gotten ADHD. Trying to draw the line between genes and nurture is hard though, because you can always say that “ultimately” your genes are the controller. Genes are imprinted on by your environment though

>> No.19541312

We would need Twin studies or something because I know people with divorced parents who are perfectly happy. Who says those people wouldn't be fucked up either way.

>> No.19541320

Upbringing doesn't give you ADHD. It's genetics when you are born

>> No.19541326

>Genes are imprinted on by your environment though
Barely it's like people who say nutrition is why certain people are dumb when it's only 1-2 IQ points that you lose. Doesn't explain the difference between 90 IQ and 160 IQ.

>> No.19541337
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Yeah I thought about engineering a sterilization virus much before covid and the vaccines as a net positive. You see it in some science fiction like Children of Men or similar like 12 Monkeys. I think the best time to have lived would be 1815 on the American frontier. I am from Arizona where I could fucking drive a couple hours and escape this shit in the national forests but I live on the east coast at the moment and this place is a fucking hellscape. There are people fucking EVERYWHERE. And the worst part is the slightly less populated areas like PA are delusional about it and think they are actually rural on their tiny 3 acre corn fields. I hate being east of the mississippi so fucking much.

>> No.19541340

Google epigenetics.

>> No.19541344

Too lazy to read can you give an example

>> No.19541349


>> No.19541359

Epigenetics are mutable genetic switches that go off based on environmental factors. For example you live in a desert and your beard doesn't grow, you live in a tundra and your beard does grow. Your genes aren't completely finite.

>> No.19541423

Not at all, it’s the same as schizophrenia. It has a genetic component but your early environment determines if you develop it or not. You fell for the meme. There’s a reason mental illness is on the rise

>> No.19541445

It is both.

>> No.19541447

If you are trying to argue that your early environment during the time your brain is most malleable doesn’t affect how you turn out, you wont be able to convince me. This is most obvious in cases of extreme trauma and abuse. That doesn’t mean you are doomed to be unsuccessful, I’m just saying it shapes you.

>> No.19541502

>the elites sent me and my family to a biological recycling facility to get processed into protein paste
>i was pretty bummed about it
>but i think whoever is left in the new world order is probably happier to survive depopulation than i am to die
>so, whatever

utilitarianism 101

>> No.19541581

Isn't that over a long period not current geography

>> No.19541587

Post the source schizo

>> No.19541613

It is also during certain time frames in development. The heat or cold affecting hair growth is just a simplified example but that is more about environmental biome than geography in terms of spacial location.

>> No.19541618

God I hate utilitarians and collectivists.