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19538815 No.19538815 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone hear listen to audiobooks? I've finished Moby Dick and Crime and Punishment in six days simply by listening while I play videogames. I had no idea it was so effective.

>> No.19538851

i used to a lot and still do on roadtrips. big fan of the LOTR audiobooks, it improves some of the more boring dialogue tolkein gets in there

>> No.19539004

Yes I listen to them pretty much nonstop at work. I got through a couple books each week, plus a handful of podcasts.

>> No.19539023

It's not the same as reading. You don't experience the work in the same way.

Better than watching the movie adaptation, though. I guess it's a passable activity for brainlets.

>> No.19539030

Audiobooks are only acceptable if you are either very busy, very tired or retarded.

>> No.19539105

>It's not the same as reading. You don't experience the work in the same way.

I disagree. Moby Dick and Crime and Punishment aren't exactly light reads but I never found myself confused or felt like I was missing anything.

>> No.19539185

lmfao stop coping, reading is a means to and end not an end in and of itself

>> No.19539195

Of course it is an end. And audiobooks are fine but they are a different and limited experience

>> No.19539224

I listen to audiobooks while reading sheet music

>> No.19539245

if you're not a loser they are great for when you can't give time to actual reading

>> No.19539344
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>simply by listening while I play videogames
I just don’t see how you could fully concentrate and absorb everything you’re “reading”.

>> No.19539396

I'm an audio-learmer, not a visual-learner.

>> No.19539484

More like a fecal-learner. Inhaling the fumes of your poo-stained chair, omnipresent gamer residue and carbon monoxide saturated stale air improves your consumption rate and cognitive abilities.

>> No.19539723

You're a retard is what you are

>> No.19540010


>> No.19540049

This distinction is utterly nonsensical, stop trying to think it means anything.
Also, you don't read to learn, you read to read.

>> No.19540129

>I've finished Moby Dick and Crime and Punishment

You haven’t though.

>> No.19540196

???? It's not like this is a hot take. Listening to a book is not reading. Listening is passive, you don't have to engage with it, it just washes over you.

In fact, I think listening to audiobooks is actually detrimental to your reading ability in the long-term.

>> No.19540205

and by that I mean it will slow you down as a reader

>> No.19540207

Sometimes I have to take a break and walk away from a book. I feel like an audiobook would allow me to do that so easily that I'd mentally check out all the time. Things would slip by, and I wouldn't even know it.

>> No.19540217

That happens to me both while reading and listening to audiobooks. For both, I go back a re-read/re-listen to the part I missed. I mostly listen to history and other non-fiction audiobooks though. All the cry babies in this thread are literally just that: cry babies.

>> No.19540223

I find audiobooks are good for light reading or passing time. You will not fully connect to deep books and will often get lost as you do other tasks. I would suggest listening to them multiple times to get a deeper understanding of the book.
Overall, it is still better than most forms of modern media.

>> No.19540970

I just finished listening to Frankenstein. It was such a good book that I feel guilty for not owning it. Sadly I can't find it in English in my country and I feel like a translation would ruin it. There's something mesmerizing about the poshness of bong English.

>> No.19540980

My auditory memory is actually quite good so I should try it, but I've never made an effort.

>> No.19541055

You are so fucking stupid. Have you never read poetry?

>> No.19541062

>not an end in and of itself
actually i have fun reading and that’s why i do it

>> No.19541078

It was good for working repetitive tasks for me. I listened to 3 hours of harry potter in german a day then 5 of a pulpy book like monte cristo or hyperion

>> No.19541082
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I do, quite frequently.

>> No.19541087

No, I'm not gay or retarded so deliberately opaque ideas rhymed at me like i'm a fucking toddler doesn't appeal to me

>> No.19541091
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>> No.19541128

These niggas are based..?

>> No.19541140


>> No.19541166

t. mad he ain't rich enough to join the cunny club and wile out on an island full of virgin bitches

>> No.19541374

I read some audiobooks but some books just don't work for me. Especially when they don't change their voices for characters. Reading Don Quixote I have the characters voices so clearly thought out in my head, the text gives them personality and I can think up a voice, if I just hear someone saying the dialogue it's much more boring, I'd rather do it myself.
But that's for a book with a lot of dialogue.

>> No.19541414

Harry Potter in German eh? I wish I was bilingual, is it too late to start?

>> No.19541425

That's why the harry potter in german. The reading level is simple enough to follow after a couple semesters of german. If you put in 3 hours a day of passive listening you get better at it. After the 3rd book I have difficulty following though so I just relisten to the first 3 over and over.

>> No.19541442

Sounds like a great exercise to do.
Any good resources for learning German? Workbook style potentially?

>> No.19541471

Yes. The Stormlight Archive audiobooks are amazing.

>> No.19541510

I took it in college so no, I just do the audiobooks and watch some netflix in German to keep it. I'll never go there or to Austria now with the vaccine shit so I don't know why anymore.

>> No.19541551

Did you just take some intro and intermediate classes?
Agreed on that nightmare over there, looks like we will all be staying put in our homelands for the foreseeable future.

>> No.19541572

Yeah, the only thing that is difficult about German from English really is the articles and nouns genders which can actually change based on verb conjugation and plurals. Basic nouns are all pretty similar to English to the point where you start to hear it almost like a strong accent. As a bonus you can read Dutch if you know English and German because it is so similar to both. Otherwise the modal verbs and past tense are pretty easy. With grammar just keep it simple or they won't understand you, from what I can tell German doesn't do well with run on sentences.

>> No.19541659

Sounds like a fun language the learn in all honesty. I never knew that Dutch was so similar to the two.

>> No.19541664

>I've finished Moby Dick and Crime and Punishment in six days simply by listening while I play videogames
You’re not actually reading the books if you’re playing video games at the same time.

>> No.19541673

Dutch is extremely similar, Danish is where shit gets totally different.

>> No.19543361

ok bro