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19536203 No.19536203 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most cruel and painful physical torture in literature?

>> No.19536214

Synapses being interlinked to a machine that stimulates you with your worst fears at irregular intervals throughout each day.

Who is to say that is not physical?

>> No.19536218

Patrick Bateman's life continuing.

>> No.19536220

When Giorgio puts Diavolvo into the eternal death sequence

>> No.19536221

All of Don Quixote

>> No.19536223

The brain naturally avoids pain and molds itself around defense mechanisms against it. Eventually your brain wont even respond or produce those synapses. They'll be dead.

>> No.19536228

There are some fucked up torture scenes in American Psycho

>> No.19536240


>> No.19536283

I’d argue the girl with the rat got it wprse
Not /lit/. Coincidentally I just finished that part yesterday though

>> No.19536780


>> No.19536867

The opening pages of Discipline and Punish are pretty brutal, especially since they quote accounts of actual events.

>> No.19536873

based and redpilled

>> No.19536993

Why he put the rat up da pussy

>> No.19537001

giving the gay man a big dick and making him fuck the black lady (if memory serves)

>> No.19537005

okay then how will the future cyber chimera torture its apostates?

>> No.19537010

Explain the op pic

>> No.19537046

He can't have sex but can't die either. He will live for all eternity without sex. Also he can't move or eat or do anything, he just exists in this no-sex state.

>> No.19537063

HUGE spoilers for Harlan Ellison’s I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
AM is a misanthropic supercomputer that wiped out humanity except 5 people that it keeps alive to torture for its own amusement. After returning from the cave with no food, Benny manages to kill the other 4, freeing them from their suffering. AM punished him by turning him into an inmortal blob with no mouth. That’s a pic from the video game

>> No.19537087
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>Fetched from his prison cell on the morning of 28 March 1757, Damiens allegedly said "La journée sera rude" ("The day will be hard").[9] He was first subjected to a torture in which his legs were painfully compressed by devices called "boots".[10][11] He was then tortured with red-hot pincers; the hand with which he had held the knife during the attempted assassination was burned using sulphur; molten wax, molten lead, and boiling oil were poured into his wounds.[1] He was then remanded to the royal executioner Charles Henri Sanson who, after emasculating Damiens, harnessed horses to his arms and legs to be dismembered. But Damiens's limbs did not separate easily: the officiants ordered Sanson to cut Damiens's tendons, and once that was done the horses were able to perform the dismemberment.[10][11][12] Once Damiens was dismembered, to the applause of the crowd, his reportedly still-living torso was burnt at the stake.[13] (Some accounts say he died when his last remaining arm was removed.)[10][11]

>> No.19537156

In Worm by Wildbow, there are numerous instances of "permanent" torture forms wherein the brain itself is physically prevented from adaptation to the torture, enforcing a constant level of torment.

One of them is a character known as Gray Boy who can force victims into permanent 1-2 second localized time loops (and by permanent, I mean they are effectively unbreakable by any normal means and last for tens of thousands of years) wherein their mind continues to process in real time with the rest of the world, but their physical form/position is reverted indefinitely to the beginning of the loop. At his discretion, he can add things to the mix, like being burned with cigarettes or stabbed with needles, which will permanently be experienced at "the full immediate pain level", since the physical brain can never adapt beyond the 1-2 second interval and so is incapable of reducing stimulus over time.

There was also a side-character explored in the sequel, Ward, who's body is forcibly controlled and converted into a manufacturing plant and source of information for an extra-dimensional entity. Because the functional brain is "necessary" for continued value, the entity prevents the brain from going insane and shutting down. https://www.reddit.com/r/Parahumans/comments/3dc0wz/lets_say_you_can_choose_the_classification_and/ct3ssij/?context=3

>> No.19537196

Nothing can top the ending of "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream", it literally created an entire trope.

SCP-2718 would be a close second though. Yes, I know it's not /lit/ just shut up okay

>> No.19537234

Paul Duré was shackled with a rather agonizing fate.

>> No.19537270

There are some pain responses that don’t get dulled no matter how much they are activated— no without physical trauma to the region of the brain responsible for hosting those particular neurons.

>> No.19538108

>Nothing can top the ending of "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream"

Agreed and it's sad too. You would think with all these edgy shlock writers someone would have come up with more cruel endings but no.

>> No.19538115 [SPOILER] 
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I've always been partial to tickling
>the Moravian Brothers, a Protestant sect of Anabaptists opposed to bloodlettnig, executed transgressors by tickling them to death. Centuries earlier during the persecution of the Albigenses (heretics) during the French religious wars, Simon de Montfort executed some captives by tickling the soles of their feet with a feather.
>Josef Kohout, a man persecuted in the Flossenbürg concentration camp during World War II, allegedly witnessed Nazi prison guards perform tickle torture on a fellow inmate, followed by various other tortures which resulted in his death.
>An 1887 article entitled "England in Old Times" states "Gone, too, are the parish stocks, in which male offenders against public morality formerly sat imprisoned, with their legs held fast beneath a heavy wooden yoke, while sundry small but fiendish boys improved the occasion by deliberately pulling off the men's shoes and tickling the soles of their defenseless feet."
>During the 20th century, the Chatouilleuses helped Mayotte stay French by using tickle torture on local political leaders.

>> No.19538154

Remember, nothing posted in this thread or conjured up by the most evil mind will ever top the suffering to be exposed in hell

>> No.19538327

Ted killed them you brownoid

>> No.19538372

the disgust at the vindictive cruelty of this execution was one of the popular causes of the French Revolution, and Charles Henri Sanson would ironically go on to be the executioner of the Revolution, killing Louis XVI, Danton, Robespierre, Saint-Just, Hébert and Desmoulins with the guillotine
his son was responsible for the execution of Marie Antoinette

>> No.19538610
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>Testicle crushing as punishments were performed as slowly as possible to worsen the intensity of the victim's agony and lengthen its duration. Standard practice in France from the Middle Ages to the French Revolution was to crush the condemned's testicles in a vise, which burst them as mush from the scrotum, then crunch the spermatic cords with pliers. The condemned was turned upside down in order to maximize the blood flow to his brain, after which he was unable to pass out or enter a state of shock until, perhaps, the last few seconds of his ordeal. The condemned was sure to vomit repeatedly with violent convulsions, even well after he had voided the contents of his stomach, but he rarely screamed except for an initial shriek, which immediately silenced, because the pain overwhelmed his ability to breathe. Most men would hang and thrash wildly during and after the crushing of each testicle, and their thrashing would renew upon the crushing of each spermatic cord. The process would last an entire day. This torture method (accompanied by others) was usually reserved for the crime of regicide or attempted regicide. The event was witnessed by large crowds. It is interesting to note that, whereas most crowds were instructed to jeer, mock, and ridicule the condemned, and did so even during a disemboweling, and drawing and quartering, most crowds remained silent and stared with shocked expressions as a castration was carried out in this manner. Onlookers, male and female, are recorded to have vomited at the sight of the spectacle.

Remembering this has really happened makes me want to cease existing.

>> No.19538621

based apolitical executioners

>> No.19538630

Makes you understand the French Revolution a bit doesn’t it

>> No.19538639

>The lens reached the end of the artery and entered a place of inky blackness. Tiny lights, like a cluster of stars, wobbled slightly in the far distance. As they approached, Jolonah could see that the formless things were somehow alive - they twitched and writhed as if trying to pull themselves apart, wobbling back and forth as if buffeted by constant tides within the fluid that held them. Once they were much closer, Jolonah noticed that the creatures were in the shape of lumpy spheres. Then the motion slowed down almost to a halt, and one could see that they were made up of millions of tiny branching fibers. Even in slow motion, the ends of the micro-thin branches constantly wavered, retracting and extending and retracting and extending over and over again.

>"What are they?" asked Jolonah.

>"Pain," said Marishison. "Pure, distilled, stripped-down pain. They were onces living beings like yourself. But now they are nothing but bundles of nerves, yet multiplied over and over again so that their pain would be unique in all Creation. Their nerve endings have been multiplied many millionfold, their pain receptors many times more. They are unique forms of life with nothing but pain for flesh, and the pain felt by one of them for a second would torment an entire living world for eons. Their suffering is as far beyond the torments of Hell as Hell is beyond the pleasures of the living world. The Primordial Sacrifice dwells among them, his agony so much more exquisite than anything he experienced in that relatively gentle First Embrace. And all the time, the Queen Herself sings to them, for they are her most precious possessions of all.

>> No.19538722

women withholding affection in my twisted world

>> No.19538740

God I wish that were me.

>> No.19538768
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>le nerves

>> No.19538778


>> No.19539152

That book was way too tame.

>> No.19539273
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Other than the Biblical Hell?

>> No.19539279
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>> No.19539435

He gets freed from that ten years later when everyone’s souls get reset

>> No.19539500

Christ, were the onlookers forced to watch that or something? I don't understand why they wouldn't just turn their eyes away and fucking leave.

>> No.19539710

Manga is literature

>> No.19539765

What a weird fucking kink.

>I want you to tie me up
>but be as gentle as possible

>> No.19539771

A lot of subs prefer impact play to tickling, funnily enough. It's quite intense. Sends you into a panic. It's quite hard to deal with when prolonged

>> No.19539777

>It's quite hard to deal with when prolonged
Honestly I highly doubt that.

>> No.19539780
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Are you ticklish anon? When was the last time you got tickled? If it's been a while you might be surprised.

>> No.19539858

Just don't be ticklish.

>> No.19539898

This was a pre-computer, pre-radio, pre-television, pre-entertainment society. Your day consisted of hanging around on the streets. Of course you wouldn't want to miss out on torture and execution.

>> No.19539961

I've never had so many mixed feelings about a work of fiction before. I dropped it soon after the India chapter, got too messy

>> No.19540096

State enforced cock and ball torture

>> No.19540153
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God I wish that were me

>> No.19540155
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>> No.19540240

Read Crime and Punish.

>> No.19540465

Reddit history. Not saying the rarity of such a sight wouldn't make people stay and watch, but seriously, people didn't just whistle around on the street until something cool happened.

>> No.19540487

No but crowds did always gather whenever some public spectacle broke out, usually involving criminals one way or another

>> No.19540494
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>> No.19540501


>> No.19540508
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>> No.19540514

that didn't work for me, so thanks.

>> No.19540518

Being forced to open several old books and having the smell of old, dry, yellowed pages knock out your senses.

>> No.19540526

No worries anon

>> No.19541122

Dharmic hell is literally the afterlife of the myth of Er, in the final pages of Plato's Republic

>> No.19541155

Don't be sad anon, it's pure fiction. Like scaphism

>> No.19542360

>They used a white chad for the cover image
btfo even after death

>> No.19542398
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>> No.19542499

Hell in Between Two Fires.

>> No.19542501
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reading 1984 and the entirety of Waiting for Godot are probably the only reasons I ever did something with myself.

>> No.19542541

Most likely (the unconfirmed) Melkor's process of turning Elves into Orcs. The fact that they were twisted and tormented for thousands of years before Melkor finally showed himself is terrifying. Add onto that their immortality, and it's truly a wretched existence

>> No.19542551

>Josef Kohout, a man persecuted in the Flossenbürg concentration camp during World War II, allegedly witnessed Nazi prison guards perform tickle torture on a fellow inmate, followed by various other tortures which resulted in his death.
Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.19542920

Pretty much every post in this thead contains a shitty knockoff of hell. I have no mouth ending: shitty knockoff of hell. Muh nerve post: shitty knockoff of hell. That scp post: shitty knockoff of hell. The robot-balls: shitty knockoff of hell. Eternal suffering anime and scifi post: shitty knockoff of hell.

>> No.19545114

my diary desu

>> No.19545289

I've heard Marquis de Sade if pretty decent.
At least, he's the one who started the whole "sadist" thing.

>> No.19545304

Reading infinite jest was most cruel and painful

>> No.19545935

you can get out of Hell though. the reason people are presumed to spend all eternity there is because you were already given the answers you need to not end up there, but didn't want to follow them, so most people are either too stubborn to follow them after getting sent to Hell or realize that they deserve to be there for not following them

>> No.19546109

>nooo not muh king
I hate civilization so much bros

>> No.19546120

The Outside in the Second Apocalypse.

>> No.19547069

Man that scene always makes me hungry

>> No.19547240

lingchi is definitely real, tho

>> No.19547296

That is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.

>> No.19548329

There's nothing normalfags love more than torture. Especially when it's against against an acceptable target. That's why normalfags will tell you their weird sadistic murder fantasies about "pedophiles".

>> No.19549180

A lot more people were probably diagnosable psychopaths/sociopaths back then, mainly due to insane child abuse (I'd recommend Origins of War in Child Abuse).

>> No.19549203

Who wants to watch Shakespeare movies with me?

>> No.19549228
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THIS IS ALL covered in inferno.

>> No.19549241
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Scaphism is a pretty brutal one
>[The king] decreed that Mithridates should be put to death in boats; which execution is after the following manner: Taking two boats framed exactly to fit and answer each other, they lay down in one of them the malefactor that suffers, upon his back; then, covering it with the other, and so setting them together that the head, hands, and feet of him are left outside, and the rest of his body lies shut up within, they offer him food, and if he refuse to eat it, they force him to do it by pricking his eyes; then, after he has eaten, they drench him with a mixture of milk and honey, pouring it not only into his mouth, but all over his face. They then keep his face continually turned towards the sun; and it becomes completely covered up and hidden by the multitude of flies that settle on it. And as within the boats he does what those that eat and drink must needs do, creeping things and vermin spring out of the corruption and rottenness of the excrement, and these entering into the bowels of him, his body is consumed. When the man is manifestly dead, the uppermost boat being taken off, they find his flesh devoured, and swarms of such noisome creatures preying upon and, as it were, growing to his inwards. In this way Mithridates, after suffering for seventeen days, at last expired.
—Plutarch, Life of Artaxerxes

>> No.19549274

Beat me to it

>> No.19549319

American Psycho rat torture scene
If you know you know

>> No.19549895

Elaborate please.

>> No.19549968


>> No.19550018

And all for giving Le Roy a tiny scratch with a pen knife.

>> No.19550054

behold the glory of western civilization.
eur*poids are brutal, vicious, disgusting savages.

>> No.19550057

>refuse to watch torture
>gov now thinks you sympathize with the condemned
Why risk it?

>> No.19550089

The Tree of Thorns in the Hyperion cantos. AI wants to force God's hand to prove his existence so they use a monster to abduct people and hook them into a torture simulation of being skewered on a vast tree, only able to hear the agony of countless others from across space and time.

>> No.19550197

We literally came up with the Enlightenment while you niggers, chinks and spics were still eating people when we found you.
Ungrateful subhumans, we brought you the Enlightenment and technology and you repay us by fucking up our countries, should have left you to your superstition and savagery but Europeans are just that empathetic.

>> No.19550223

You know as bad as this is, I still think AM's torture of making you live eternally is worse. Being able to feel emotions but unable to move, unable to eat, unable to do anything and just be in that one spot as a blob, being taunted by an evil Godlike supercomputer is just the worst possible ending. I just can't fathom the suffering of being stuck to one place and never having a release

>> No.19550486

what did you expect? hell is the worse possible thing, of course it is going to align with the WORST possible torture.

>> No.19550498

Manga is Cinema.

>> No.19550616

this but just the french

>> No.19550638

getting raped on benadryl idk

>> No.19551466

Your people are going extinct

>> No.19551578

And the world will be much worse for it. Enjoy digging your own grave.

>> No.19552230

So the people aren't really feeling the torture in their real bodies, it's all in their minds?

>> No.19552298
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Experience shredded into a thousand strings, each clawed and burned and burned, sucked like bottomless bones. Agony. Anguish. Horror. Lament. Shame… Shrieking-thrashing-screaming through the throat of his every memory, innumerable and one, groaning-choking-vomiting, his every particle a unique agony, a bereavement, a weeping-howling-scratching out eyes that grew and grew to witness anew, while burning-blistering-breaking–

It defeated the tongue, the intellect, what he had seen. Nevertheless it was in him, every moment in him, if not at the centre of his care then beneath, a hole that endlessly gnawed at his gut…

A terror, so profound, so abiding–and, yes, pure–that all other fears guttered into nothingness for lack of air. A terror that was a gift… such was the peace and certainty that followed upon it.

>> No.19552302

DFW's prose

>> No.19552303

>pro-enlightenment viking larpers
kek, god needed to create a universe to make something this fucking funny and retarded. nice bait though

>> No.19552351

The first law is full of torture scenes.

>> No.19552390

Most people are mindless automatons that will willingly bend down to whatever societal system they find themselves in.

>> No.19552408


Normies love sadism

>> No.19553217

So...just the feeling when you eat too much Taco Bell

>> No.19553261

I have no mouth and i must scream

>> No.19553514
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dia volvo

>> No.19554471

Vogon poetry

>> No.19555721

You want to look at some Chinese or African tortures there bud?

>> No.19555736

He does worse to keep his axe wound open every day

>> No.19556081

why don't u qoute the foucault book where u originally got this from cuck

>> No.19556334
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