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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.10 MB, 1185x784, 11DB5296-340C-483B-AC27-766F7933EBF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19532110 No.19532110 [Reply] [Original]

Will you be preordering Dakota's poetry collection called "On Sun Swallowing"? She says it will be available for preorder soon and released early January. I'm thinking of buying it. From what she's said about poetry and Rupi Kaur it seems like she won't be writing instagram schlock or Tinder bio poetry. It might actually be good.

>> No.19532119

skip to about 9:30 for the details

>> No.19532122

Kill yourself retard

>> No.19532130

>you can't read books by contemporary authors
>you can't discuss upcoming works by authors
No, retard, kill yourself.

>> No.19532150 [DELETED] 

Choke on my fat cock nigger

>> No.19532156

My cock is fatter than yours. I know that for a fact. Fully erect, my girth is six inches, which is 15.24 centimeters.

>> No.19532168

stop shilling whore or i will post the pics

>> No.19532175

??? what pics? I am intrigued.

>> No.19532236

you dont have them

>> No.19532243


>> No.19532322

You can't say this and not post the pics. For God's sake, make a thread on >>>/s/

>> No.19532351

>>you can't discuss upcoming works by authors
Unironically yes. How can you discuss a book nobody's read? Just admit you're coomerposting and move on with your life.

>> No.19532789
File: 7 KB, 263x191, alex1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19532817

No one who looks like that is capable of writing anything worth reading

>> No.19532819

>I love him. I trust in him
Poetry shouldn't be this direct. Good poetry, anyway.

>> No.19532837

Why does she larp as "Lolita"? She looks like she's 5'9" and 170 pounds. Fat bitch.

>> No.19532871

There was a picture of her trying a ballet pose without her makeup, looking like a 40yr old wine mom. Can an anon please post it.

>> No.19532894
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>> No.19532942
File: 1.14 MB, 1125x1718, 3BC67DE3-A431-450F-B929-6E73BA4A6F50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this picture of her pussy.

>> No.19533032

God her face is fucked. you can really tell she has approximately One good angel

>> No.19533044

>on sun swallowing
reference to fellatio of the luminous golden mast of a certain chinese-melbournian man of letters…?

>> No.19533124
File: 172 KB, 1068x2126, Screenshot_20211208-043226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19533262

What are you talking about?

>> No.19533382

All you need is one good angel looking over you.

>> No.19533408
File: 72 KB, 603x608, 1576025989095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my biggest fear is being ordinary, not being remembered, being unremarkable
Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear

>> No.19533425
File: 24 KB, 720x470, ACA33D4D-ED54-48E9-986B-1C831B2BE2B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic completely unrelated to anything on the board right now.

>> No.19533432

Completely? COMPLETELY??? Nah, I don't think so. Also, wipe your ass better.

>> No.19533497

Has potential, OP. Let's not judge too early, I think that she takes her time when she writes, doesn't complain about failed relationships in short phrases. It is true that less is more and more is less but this seeming dichotomy can be contradicted by saying that because less is more, writing more might make less of an overbearing impression on the reader. I think that the aesthetic principles that Dakota develops her online persona from are prevalent enough to give all kinds of people an incentive to read her work. Girl comes across like she has thick skin, probably has some life experience to back up what she writes so honestly I have to say I'm supporting her.

>> No.19533548

Literally Socrates.

>> No.19533556

yikes man

does looking like this and never getting any male attention in your youth really do this shit to girls? Ive got a few male friends that are complete attention(and literal) whores for similar reasons.

>> No.19533592

Women are so desperate for external validation. It's pathetic.

>> No.19533863


>> No.19533884

Big meaty pussy

You guys ever think about how crazy it is that if you subtract a woman's sex appeal she's basically an irritating faggy 14 year old boy nobody would give the time of day to

>> No.19533889

What in the name of narcissism am I looking at?

>> No.19533893

How come I can browse /lit/ every day for years and still find threads where fags talk about some internet person I've never heard of

>> No.19533895

A pretty girl ruining herself trying to approximate a beauty ideal created by other the collective unconscious of women progressively editing their selfies over years to look like orientalized barbie dolls for some reason

>> No.19533913

Where have fathers gone? One thing I see in common with the malignant adaptations of youngsters is that their parents are never around, and so they freely compound their delusions with an endless composition from the delusions of people engaging in that same process on the internet. What a parent does, is shake up this stream of maladaptive behavior.

>> No.19533922

absolute schlock

>> No.19533949

She won't have sex with you for posting this

>> No.19533960

She seems like a sweet girl. I hope things go well for her.

>> No.19533967

i want to nut in this fat bitch

>> No.19534683

>where have their fathers gone?
same place all parental figures have gone, to throw themselves onto the machinations of neoliberalism. creating an economy where parents quite literally have zero time to check in on their kids, let alone take care of them and properly guide them through life, is a direct path to societal collapse. at least line goes up for another day, though.

>> No.19534709


>> No.19534718
File: 153 KB, 1148x1178, 1611819764787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks cute too bad you tried to shill so don't care

>> No.19534730

Just wait until I start paying for ads.

>> No.19534741

then a thread doesn't have to die for this at least and i dont have to see it

>> No.19534787
File: 595 KB, 1346x1005, 1624291544716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with sufficient social and relationship experience will tell you that women are quite literally worthless except for their pussies.

That's why smart men either pump and dump, or have a submissive obedient wife.

The former is accessible if you're a top 20% male, the latter is nearly impossible with contemporary western woman.

>> No.19534791

>It might actually be good

Extremely doubtful. Women who aspire to be physically beautiful are not the most devoted students of the Muse, I'm afraid. I don't expect her to produce anything of value until she's at least a decade older and people have stopped kissing her ass for being slightly above average.

My own work gets compared to Shakespeare for precisely two reasons:
>Shakespeare is the only good author they've read and they are attempting to say my work is good
>They're trying to fuck me
As she is obviously fueled by vanity, I'm afraid she may be taking these sorts of compliments seriously, and that she is all but guaranteed to embarrass herself

Since she probably made this thread: for the sake of your future dignity, try to publish a few things anonymously, first, and get a sense for just how badly you're being lied to

>> No.19534817
File: 36 KB, 461x500, 1638160617671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My own work gets compared to Shakespeare

>> No.19534823

Insufferable, talentless whore.

>> No.19535457

>My own work gets compared to Shakespeare for precisely two reasons:
>>Shakespeare is the only good author they've read and they are attempting to say my work is good
>>They're trying to fuck me
Who are you quoting here? Dakota or yourself? I'm specifically asking who is the "me" of "my own work".

>> No.19535481

Actually ignore my post. I now realize you are a woman and that men simp for you.

>> No.19535504

I'd like to clarify that the garbage I produce deserves no comparisons to Shakespeare whatsoever

>> No.19535547

She’s ugly as fuck with gallons of makeup and even uglier without it lmao

>> No.19535583

Good of you.

She isn’t. Beauty is subjective anyhow. Fuck your imperatives. Fuck the imperatives of anonymous who don’t want an author worth a damn in a woman, just a fuck-hole that’ll make sandwiches like his mommy used to.

>> No.19535611

What is he reading

>> No.19535622

Kill yourself, you fat cow. Of course a slob like you has shit taste in women, you performative lesbian

>> No.19535630

>slightly above average
She has nice legs but otherwise is not attractive at all

>> No.19535632

A middle aged dyke defending another post wall dyke. What a surprise!

>> No.19535636

u jelly hoe?

>> No.19535637

>that double chin

>> No.19535644


>> No.19535653

Weininger's Sex and Character

>> No.19535663

I switched to writing things exclusively to entertain and amuse three other people. Sort of a Brontë siblings situation in which we communicate by making things for each other in our own cloistered little world. No amount of additional fame could possibly increase my satisfaction.

>> No.19535725
File: 1.95 MB, 400x319, EE543368-F6C9-46E9-AF20-3C455DFE8C53.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a bisexual, you crass flotsam.

>> No.19535744

Her bush must be as thick as a bird's nest to cause those panties to bulge like that. Does she have the equivalent of an afro in there?

>> No.19535757

Not necessarily.
Have a look at a variety of them, please >>>/s/

>> No.19535811
File: 596 KB, 720x960, 832889049_ByVN9Jfp_0b2449b963c70f923e9e046b5829fb52b94c7270_K5DlLEzu_c5bb5220598217e10542a151306162a41dd6752e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I donno about "sun," but I do know she likes to swallow the biggest swords.

>> No.19535824

Ugly insects

>> No.19536046

i would like to smash her head in with a hammer

>> No.19537185

God fucking damn it butters. When I first saw them dunking on you so harshly on a thread a while ago I felt bad for you and was sure what they were saying was just the normal hyperbole people use on the internet because of the complete lack of threat of consequences, however every time I see your comments they just come off as the smuggest, insufferable ill-informed shite on a board full of smug, insufferable ill-informed shite. Not once has anything inciteful or clever or interesting appeared under your attention whoring trip Why don't you fuck off to Reddit or any significantly stupider board on 4chan because that's honestly where you belong.
I've never even seen you discuss books FFS you just insert your always awful opinions into usually personal or political debates and they somehow come off as more retarded than the extremists you're arguing with.

>> No.19537241

>ugly insects
Way to betray that you make your decision based on identity politics rather than what is objectively beautiful.

>> No.19537259

she's not here to discuss books, she's here to remind other people that she exists, and that she is le epic lesbian atheist anarchist, which is her entire identity. literally every single post correlates with one of these things, and half the time she randomly informs everyone of these things with off topic posts completely unprovoked in threads about books she hasn't even read. shes more shallow than a puddle and these aspects of herself which define her entire persona are the only things she can post about. she cant post about anything that isnt directly related to her ego, and she will straight up derail perfectly fine threads unprovoked to do it

>> No.19537273

All women are bisexual

>> No.19537281


>> No.19537284

Asian women aren’t objectively beautiful. They’re soulless, plastic bugs

>> No.19537304

>lesbian atheist anarchist
No fucking way can someone be this cringe and open about it.

>> No.19537377

these are literally the only things she talks about. notice how she specifically posted here to defend m'ladies honor to remind everyone she is a lesbian. absolutely predictable

>> No.19537379

This young woman does not have a real personality.

>> No.19537386

kek'd no one would talk to women if they weren't fuckable

>> No.19537397

how dare she disgrace francoise hardy with such low-class sluttery

>> No.19537455

god damn this is fucking boring

>> No.19537474

this chick is _so ugly_

>> No.19537480

neither do 95% of people

>> No.19537483

oh shut up faggot

>> No.19537486

Bitches personality is contrived as fuck and annoying but I'd fuck her pussy and shitter

>> No.19537498

Kys, simp

>> No.19537535

Intj? I thought those and intps were basically autists. This girl is the night of boring normie.

>> No.19537569

ill jerk off to the bitch but I don't like shit that I like being associated with whores in my mind

>> No.19537570 [DELETED] 

Holy shit. She even wears depression/despair like a fashion accessory because she read or saw somewhere about the stereotype of “much depressed soulful artist” this is the kind of thing I thought when I was 16 and was obsessed with David lynch.
What is it with these people and completely commodifying any sort of counter culture they come across ?

>> No.19537574

Most people don't have the sort of pretensions that this young lady does.

>> No.19537583

Holy shit. She even wears depression/despair like a fashion accessory because she read or saw somewhere about the stereotype of “muh depressed soulful artist” this is the kind of shit I thought when I was 16 and obsessed with David lynch.
What is it with these people and completely commodifying any sort of counter culture they come across ?

>> No.19537585

can any anon please do a cum trib on her latest book with her picture?

>> No.19537617

>trashy free verse poetry
Not even once OP, not even once.

>> No.19537624

Is this gonna turn into another waldun thing. Honestly I think she deserves it more, at least waldun seemed pretty genuine and was capable of being a little bit self aware but /lit/ still dragged him mercilessly.
Will she get the same treatment if her stuff is as bad( which it undoubtedly will be).

>> No.19537635

that Kafka quote kinda hits hard to be honest

I would say that I'm not obsessed because I have so little to show for several of my "big" creative ideas but when I look at the big picture that is not necesarily true. I have had two very clear and, at least to me personally, interesting ideas for novels that I want to pen myself rattling in my brain for nearly four years now for both. I have never had long lapses of time where I've forgotten about either and I get stirred whenever I think about how little I have written purposefully for them. I am obsessed with the idea of bringing at least these two ideas to life with every detail and theme that I want for them in place.

The biggest thing getting in my way is believing that I am not a good enough writer to do justice for the projects that I want to bring into the world and that notion has put a terrible barrier in front of me writing altogether.

I have been putting together many essays for college as of starting my first semester this past fall (western hemisphere, september - october), and I started journaling for the first time. These practices have highlighted some of the issues that I need to work on in order to get myself in working order, not writing for so long out of high school made me incredibly rusty, but have also reminded me of how elated I feel when I put together something that I can read through and be happy with. Still flawed but I am continuing to generate ideas which is key.

I should absolutely be writing every day, especially when I do not want to because of how I get in my own way, so that one day I can finish and publish one of those novel ideas in full. After that I will hopefully begin on the next.

>> No.19537659
File: 16 KB, 753x198, dakota (46).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkmate incels

>> No.19537674

>dakota (46).png
Do you have more?

>> No.19537675

built for bwc

>> No.19537688

Maybe im just jaded. I have this debilitating obsession with sincerity and I am unsure of how much of the insincerity that I see is a projection of my own mind, but it seems like everyone is almost afraid of being genuine

>> No.19537699

I actually felt bad for Waldun when he pulled his most recent book and acknowledged that it was shit. I respect anyone who is willing to look at themselves critically. It seems like his entire personality is based around being a writer, so that must've been hard for him. I guarantee this cunt wouldn't do the same.

>> No.19537704
File: 45 KB, 700x494, 1608792028161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish The Pale King, slacker

>> No.19537721

>fat ugly dyke gets assblasted on /lit/ episode 234
Oh boy!

>> No.19537722

INTJ here. English classes are fucked beyond belief. In writing classes, you don't actually learn anything and the teachers are usually aspiring writers and force their shitty writing and inspirations upon you. In literature classes, they all want to "challenge the cannon" and half of what you read is niggers and women talking about being niggers and women. Also, listening to students talk about a novel is nauseating. philosophy may be interesting, though I haven't taken any classes because they're all 100+ people a class. I'm not sure what to do anymore as all the humanities are fucked beyond belief. I was willing to get a useless degree just to have it because its paid off, but its all corrupted and totally worthless.

>> No.19537726

redpill me on the pale king. I liked his two collections of essays and The Broom of the System, but I get too tired of books to read anything over 400 pages

>> No.19537744

>redpill me on the pale king
No can do. I've only read Infinite Jest from him. We'll have to hope a resident DFW scholar passes by and is feeling generous.

>> No.19537823

would love to but her fat pussy out and put it in my fleshlight holder so I can fuck it until its rotted

>> No.19537848
File: 23 KB, 422x967, 57F3C9EC-155B-41E4-A9B8-DEEA5351124E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leonard Stecyk is the best character ever written in the history of English language novels. He's a beautiful character. He makes you feel warm and mushy. He's the literary equivalent of someone giving you a head massage with one of those silly octopuses.

Plus the 100 page monologue about running a business where he writes essays for priveleged kids at Harvard (or some Ivy League) is his best writing ever.

>> No.19537855

based repartee. the dyke's got class.

>> No.19537860
File: 310 KB, 1300x867, JCoffice022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fiendish creature, why can't she be pretty like this majestically brained girl?

>> No.19537865

Post fleshlight

>> No.19538158

any excerpts?

>> No.19538460

Not sure if it will be in the book, but this is the latest piece she has shared. It seems ok.

>> No.19538569

Nice for me.


>> No.19538571

>I still think about the coffins stuffed with worms
turned off there. there's no way this whole thing isn't atrocious

>> No.19538576

>divinity tastes like copper coins
Wow didn't expect such a blatant MUH PUSSY

>> No.19538611

>turned off there
shuold have kept watching if you want peak cringe

>> No.19538642

I did, I got to this >>19538576
then actually turned it off. she's even more shallow than I had expected. sometimes I second guess myself thinking that my conception of the majority of population having contrived one-dimensional identities may be wrong, then I see shit like this.

>> No.19538945

I will be pre-ordering her bathwater

>> No.19539045

Watch this if you want to hate this girl

>> No.19539068

>Says something entirely reasonable
>”This will make you seethe!”
You’re right. There’s a lot of idiots from r9k around here who can’t understand words that come of of women’s mouths no matter what they say.

>> No.19539168

what do you think their feet are like

>> No.19539180
File: 141 KB, 500x381, 1638263360602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 50 years old horny dyke without a partner is defending a 21 years old e-celeb on a Mongolian wanking forum

>> No.19539191

I’m mostly slapping the non-reader’s jaw shut on their wagging tongues.

>> No.19539192

This is better than coping, it's not like she's apologising for being white or some dumb shit like that.

That being said
>aus girl named Dakota
Shiggy diggy do, and I don't read female authors except a chosen few

>> No.19539196

I don't think she would like the smell of your ancient musty pussy

>> No.19539199

butterfly is the biggest simp on /lit/ and that's saying something

you ever sucked a girl's toes butterfly?

>> No.19539201

I've emailed her this thread, you'll be hearing from her soon.

>> No.19539203

tell her to bring her big mons pubis down here and answer questions about her poetry

>> No.19539211

You should also tell her that there is a 50 years old lesbian /lit/ mommy from 4chan who wants to fuck her.

>> No.19539426
File: 39 KB, 624x351, 80081758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strong picrel vibes fom Butterface when she lusts after zoomer girls

>> No.19539443

Hey you insufferable worthless cunt, why dont you respond to the comment above calling you out for never saying anything insightful? You dumb fucking bitch.

>> No.19539627

>was capable of being a little bit self aware
Lol no

>> No.19539698

>>19539443 It can’t think of anything to say so it just continues to obliviously post the same retarded shit while saying that the posts it doesn’t agree with are from /r9k/ or whatever.
Why don’t you crawl back to /tttt/ where you belong you disgusting creature.

>> No.19539747

She isnt actually an INTJ, she values Se and Fi too much. same functions different order.

>> No.19539758
File: 139 KB, 708x676, the isle of flames where stars are born.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On Sun Swallowing
Assume this is a reference to the Cannibal Hymn of the Pyramid Texts?

>> No.19539778
File: 133 KB, 742x742, Entropy by Dakota Warren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sample poem

>> No.19539783

It's alright, better than I thought it would be.

>> No.19539788

That’s not a poem that’s a paragraph.

>> No.19539794

Doesn't rhyme. Not poetry.

>> No.19539799

Poetry doesn’t have to rhyme but it does have to have structure outside of what the language it’s written in requires, which this does not.

>> No.19539809

She has high a opinion of herself for at best a dolled up 6.5/10 .
As someone who doesn’t read poetry this just seems self indulgent and boring.

>> No.19539814

To be good, it should.

>> No.19539820
File: 506 KB, 1558x2191, The Poem's Heartbeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poetry only needs metre, which that poem... uhh never mind.

>> No.19539831

>I am fuck eyes and toothy grins
This drew me in.

>> No.19539851

What an adorable creature
I've never seen a 5/10 so utterly convinced that she's a 10
Never seen someone so lacking a talent be so assured of her genius
Never seen someone having such boring arthoe life believe she's a genuine article.

Women, regular western white girls, are capable of degrees of self-delusion and detachment from objective reality that would make buddhist monks gloat in envy.

>> No.19539853

I am fat thighs and bovine eyes.

>> No.19539856

Based literal child

>> No.19539860

is she fat or does she just have a wide, simian frame?

>> No.19539862

>As someone who doesn’t read poetry
You didn't have to write this part, it's easy to figure from the rest of your post.

>> No.19539866

>Will you be preordering Dakota's poetry collection called "On Sun Swallowing"?
I might, depends on how much it costs.

>> No.19539875

fucking kek anon

>> No.19539883

Make you appreciate Waldun now, doesn't it?

>> No.19539889

>Never seen someone so lacking a talent be so assured of her genius
I mean, how would you know, have you read any of her poetry?

>> No.19539891

Kek, this roastie is trying really hard to ape Cioran's aesthetics, whom she shitted on in her "review".

>> No.19539895

Silence, w*man.

>> No.19539916

its fine for a uni student nothing more than you would expect from someone clearly from a privileged background who probably goes to one of the best unis in aus. If it where an American high school girls it would be good I guess.

>> No.19539918

no go fuck yourself dumb roastie

>> No.19539920

Holy Cringe

>> No.19539926


>> No.19539942

Fair, i was just wondering if you'd read it, cause it seemed like you just assumed it was bad (which is fair), which would make your post look even more seething than it already did.

>> No.19539966

Some samples are well written "I am fuck eyes and toothy grins" or "big wet brown eyes". But she seems self obsessed and self deluded in her average existence she performs as some kind of artsy kinderwhore superstar, but it falls short, she is a 6.5/10 rich girl, with all the mediocrity it implies.

>> No.19539988
File: 17 KB, 773x607, 1627130818538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when a vapid roastie who faced exactly zero obstacles in her life tries hard to appear insightful and artistic
Honestly, it's just plain average, probably better than Rupi Kaur but nowhere near actual literature. She's also smart enough to imply her female sexuality, fully aware that's all she has to offer.
I'm not mad at her for attempting something, but the attention she receives for no discernible talent whatsoever is sickening.

>> No.19539991

>I am a lovesick wet dream and the one you all try to save.
Bros...I can save her...I really can...

>> No.19539998

Dude, >>19532894 she has the face of a 42 year old potato peeler from Siberian commie block. Don't fall for flattering selfie angles with filters and two kilos of makeup.

>> No.19540006

In my defense I hadn't seen that pic. I agree with you, she is rather a 4/10. Shapeless fat face with no strong traits, she will breed chinlet sons.

>> No.19540007

Post a screen shot of the email. I don't believe you one bit.

>> No.19540088

Are you aware of your mediocrity or only others? And why be misrable and self-confining?

>> No.19540112

That's exactly my experience with her too. Gave her the benefit of the doubt when I was new but now I run through the "Girls" chapters from American Psycho in my head whenever I read her posts.

>> No.19540123

Butterfly makes good recs and her posts are usually a correct and needed balance against r9k tendancies that threaten to imprison lit minds.

>> No.19540127

I'll give her something to swallow

>> No.19540404

t. butterfly

>> No.19540469

It wasn’t.

>> No.19540727

OK let me translate this one:
>I can have anything I want
>I lie to Father and seduce le bad boys
>I play piano btw (no you don't you fat fuck)
>I whored myself out of my own choice but sometimes I feel bad about it lol
>I am pretty and blonde
>something something sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex

0/10 and this makes Waldy look good.

>> No.19541284

Jesus you can tell that there’s nothing being these words. It’s bizarre that you can write this much nonsense but not have one real thought

>> No.19541291


>> No.19541302


>> No.19541306

>I am the spawn of infidelity

No dad = Psycho cunt

who could've seen it coming

>> No.19541395

I hope you realize how many people want you fucking dead. You worthless fucking cunt.

>> No.19541583

Idk how butters provokes such visceral hatred in me.
I used to use twitter for politics and browse the comments section on doujin sites but out off all of the scum I've seen on the internet somehow this creature takes the cake.

>> No.19541612

Lit has a big enough base of at least somewhat well informed leftist/Liberal voices that butterfly's awful opinions aren't even necessary for balance.
In fact it probably does more harm than good as it makes whatever side its arguing for look retarded beyond a child's debate club.

>> No.19541639

It doesnt read either which is pretty clear because it never even has anything to expand on its brain dead ideas and it posts the same fucking book images over and over again.

Another thing, while im at it lol, it has the gall to call people out for "frog posting" and then posts the same images of ugly antiquated bitches over and over again. And when called on it ive never seen it once respond.

>> No.19541643

the thought of setting up this video and coming up with this title to desperately make it sound interesting is hyper-cringe

>> No.19541667

Im just so very tired of it all, is anyone else just incredibly fucking tired of it all?

>> No.19541671

The modern life of an arthoe. With that being said nothing beats blaring old jazz and arthoe pussy.

>> No.19541688


Guys your going about it wrong.
It can't understand your arguments so all you need to do is remind it (and everyone else) of the time it shat its pants and posted it on here.
If anyone has the picture post it.

>> No.19541703
File: 295 KB, 924x833, butters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19541707

yes. no one is sincere. it was impossible to escape the influence of the world before the Internet, but at least it was somewhat localized, at least there was some sense of community. Now the global public consciousness has completely consumed the individual, creating void people like this.

>> No.19541727
File: 2.09 MB, 2232x1716, but.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19541729

Same. I feel like the people who are actually talented and passionate about their craft don't need the sort of constant ego boost and validation that posting online about their "art" gives.
There are obviously exceptions but what this means is that every Internet space is filled to the brim with people who only do what they do because it gets them attention while the really great artists are plugging away in relative obscurity and will probably never receive as much attention (although one could argue that the quality of the attention they will receive will make up for that).

>> No.19541752

Nice thank you, going to post these as a reply every time I see her post something, She must be ruined.

>> No.19541786

idk I could certainly use such an ego boost but the thought of people reading my work when I am not yet confident in my own abilities or knowledge is too much to deal with. I can't imagine the anxiety. Somedays, I wish that I was as blind to my own lack of skill as she is. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

>> No.19541843

I often think of this myself, I mean we all know it people just dont regularly go around espousing it. The connectivity of the internet ruined mankind. Now we have to find a way to bring us back. But fuck man, why did I have to live in the time of "void people" as you rightly describe them. I feel depressed some days over it.

>> No.19541875

Based. Me too.

>> No.19541909

I wonder how much I'm being deluded by the influences, because it's to the point where I am distrustful of everyone

>> No.19541911

I guess I spoke a little to broadly as every great artist has friends, confidants and critics who's advice they use to improve their work. You just don't need to seek validation from the brain dead masses on twitter.
My advice would be to join a writing group. Irl is best but if your work is a little to /lit/ for the common taste then I bet there are plenty of online communities you can get feedback from.
I was part of a /lit/ writers group on discord until I had to start focusing on my schoolwork more and it was surprisingly very instructive. I even got some praise for one of the first things I'd writen which felt very good.

>> No.19541920

Thread theme

>> No.19541922

Its hard not to be, not to drag politics into this and other mainstream narratives being pushed through Internet Connectivity, but all my friends of over 15 years are completely "pozzed" and outwardly support the things destroying us and creating people like this art cunt we are discussing, and yet they are all angry and depressed and dont know why. Its so fucking strange.

I think indeed even you and I, dont realize how much it effects us as you say.

>> No.19541933
File: 1.03 MB, 1001x1001, caltropy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19541997

This really reveals that she doesn't just have a bad personality, her character is pathologically narcissistic. She can't see beyond her sole priority of twisting every conversation and situation to be "about" her, even when it's this serious. Even when it's this serious, she still didn't see the person in question as a human or put the minimal effort in to read his post.

>> No.19542020

With the 2021 poem "Caltropy", sneed takes his place atop the pantheon of contemporary American poetry.

>> No.19542039


>> No.19542048

I understand women (and now about half of male zoomers, who are effectively women) are cringey effeminate attention seekers, but what I don't understand is how grotesquely over the top it is. My instinct tells me that the way the average woman now acts is literally, and I mean literally, childlike. Not an adult who wants attention in a childlike way, the product of bad upbringing, but literally behavior that would only b appropriate (and even then, still ugly) in a child.

What shocks me even more is that other people mostly don't see it. Fathers let their daughters embarrass themselves and the family, men enable it from day to day.

Why are maturity, dignity, and self-awareness so rare in women unless forced upon them? When you take moral fiber and social structure all away from men, they create 4chan, which may be bad, but at least still has informal rules of conduct. Women literally regress to the point of infancy, emotionally and intellectually.

>> No.19542098

>What shocks me even more is that other people mostly don't see it.
I always wonder if all the markers are not observable by others or if they just go along with them, playing the social game.

>> No.19542128

Someone send her this thread lol

>> No.19542155
File: 311 KB, 664x570, 1620651058691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it so hard to rationalize that anyone could play the social game that deeply. People have to be blind to reality, there is no other plausible way.
Only by questioning reality will they ever escape that thinking.

>> No.19542200

Why bother. Its mostly just full of Ad hominem attacks that will only fuel her ego further.
I doubt if even the Walden treatment could get through to her.

>> No.19542204

New video just dropped!!


>> No.19542215

she has good fashion sense

>> No.19542232

Not even the Waldun treatment could get through to Waldun. He still shat out L'Académie only to have to get a second dose. The third dose may be fatal to Waldun.

>> No.19542246

"ad hominem" only applies when you're arguing about something else. there are some pretty biting critiques of her personality here.

>> No.19542273

As someone who hasn't rubbed one out to her, I find her poem so vapid and annoying, clearly narcissistic. She should set up an onlyfans account instead of this try hard edgy bullshit

>> No.19542302

I watch a great illustrator channel who (understanding that with the quantity of technical art advice on youtube anything from him will just be adding more of the same) gives spiritual art advice and did a video about artists block which is probably much more useful than any of this crap that "writer" channels pump out.
He also says that his main influence is paradise lost and basically implied that drawing is his greatest love while in the same room as his wife.
Unfathomable based.

>> No.19542309


>> No.19542312

not sure why you just write 4 long lines about someone else

>> No.19542336

Her new video is about writers block you mongolid.
Who is this?

>> No.19542338

holy snokes this is what myself and my friends in the know would proclaim as based. thousands of times better than the original. SOVL I proclaim.

>> No.19542353
File: 11 KB, 225x225, DavidFosterWalrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strongly recommend. I really enjoyed The Pale King, and I do think the 100-page monologue from 'irrelevant' Chris Fogle is some of DFW's best work. The Leonard Stecyk stuff is delightful throughout, and the Toni Ware chapters have their own sort of dark humor, but the first-person "Author here" stuff struck me as hit-or-miss after a pretty strong start early on. Other favorite sections of mine would be Glendenning's rant about civics and selfishness, plus the Rand/Drinion conversation near the end.

>> No.19542397

How close to being finished to it? I know it doesn't really matter if the plot is finished as long as I can appreciate the writing and get the message of the book but I still like to read completed books.

>> No.19542404
File: 9 KB, 215x234, 3464356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy snokes this is what myself and my friends in the know would proclaim as based. thousands of times better than the original. SOVL I proclaim.

>> No.19542437
File: 70 KB, 452x363, 9c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>holy snokes this is what myself and my friends in the know would proclaim as based. thousands of times better than the original. SOVL I proclaim.

>> No.19542443

She's not going to sleep with you

>> No.19542455


>> No.19542462

He was replying to the meme revision, retard.

>> No.19542464

>I have a way with words
>I value my intellect
>doesn’t know the meaning of “writers block”

>> No.19542478

You're being intellectually dishonest or your IQ is really low. I won't try to answer that question.
Dakota's doing that high school essay trope where you quote the OED definition.

>> No.19542488

Someone should paste this in her newest video:
What an adorable creature
I've never seen a 5/10 so utterly convinced that she's a 10
Never seen someone so lacking a talent be so assured of her genius
Never seen someone having such boring arthoe life believe she's a genuine article.

Women, regular western white girls, are capable of degrees of self-delusion and detachment from objective reality that would make buddhist monks gloat in envy.

>> No.19542491

This video kind of diffuses my anger. She just seems dumb and lost. She probably is full of herself like every cunt is on default at this point, but shes not nearly as intolerable as her images and memes make her out to be, funnily.

That being said she should be shot.

>> No.19542496

I read one of her essays and it just seemed like it was saying absolutely nothing, just pretentious twaddle that namedropped plato and I think hemminway.

>> No.19542498

Post your chin, simp

>> No.19542505

It feels almost as finished as any of his fiction, but there are quite a few one-off characters and others who aren't developed as much as they probably would've been. There's hardly any overall plot, but it's got some really interesting character studies and it works well as an exploration of boredom, duty, and the influence of machines in shaping the modern world.

>> No.19542576
File: 134 KB, 805x1172, 1512492220522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dakota thread is going to hit bump limit
you faggots are all completley retarded, anybody reading her work (and even Dakota herself) knows that she is fueled by an intense and huge Egoism, that's her whole allure is all the things retards in this thread are seething over, I'm beginning to wonder if she's acting this way on purpose but i suspect not. Either way its all performative egoism, it's what sells, creates conversation and controversy, multiple people ITT have pointed this out that should Dakota see this thread it would only fuel her inflated warped Ego.
Stop Posting about this Dumb Australian

>> No.19542585
File: 37 KB, 720x340, Screenshot_20211209-230541_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear God, what makes people think like this.
Honestly, I want a genuine answer.
I mean I was an awful cringy spithead when I was a teenager but this is just retarded.

>> No.19542596

Eh I thought about that too but sperging out for a bit is fun and cathartic.
Plus it's not like she will find out about this in all likelihood.

>> No.19542608

let weird teenagers be weird in peace . they aint hurtin nobody

>> No.19542615

Someone mentioned it above, its just the infantilization of modern day people, specifically in the West because we have reached such a state of comfy complacency that you CAN choose, if you really want, to identify with cartoons and fictions that the system loves and pushes. You dont have to tie yourself to the camp that values water or food anymore. You can just be a hufflepuff now, and it makes you feel real, real good.

>> No.19542737

>omggg I'm sooo interested in X
>sometimes I like to do X with makeup on, sometimes I like to do X with light makeup, sometimes I like to be seen doing X in public, sometimes I like to do X in my room which is decorated with pink and purple, sometimes I like to do X with a bow in my hair :) xoxo


>> No.19542740

You got the piano line wrong, just for the record. She's saying that she goes after men with long fingers so they can finger bang her more effectively.

>> No.19542765

>As someone who doesn’t read poetry this just seems self indulgent and boring.
For anyone, its self indulgent and boring.

>big wet brown eyes
Does she mean her butt?

>> No.19542768

it is a weird thing to say isnt it, big wet and brown baby!!!

>> No.19542786

Honestly it's not that strange. I remember alot of the old english children's classicsmyparents bought for me described eyes like that.
She seems like the sort of person who would still be enamoured with those stories into her 20 so maybe she poached the description from there.

>> No.19542807
File: 580 KB, 887x1376, Songs_of_Innocence_and_of_Experience,_copy_F,_object_38__HOLY_THURSDAY_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demonic post. You're celebrating your own vices of anti-sociability and a cowardly fear of self-expression, and doing so as a sign of contradiction in recoil at her small joys and beauty.

>> No.19542830

Not him but.. fuck you.

>> No.19542844
File: 8 KB, 179x282, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither is she physicqlly attractive or genuine enough to be described as beautiful.

>> No.19542852

Believe it or not, this gets censored and automatically deleted, so she won't even see.

captcha: yagay

>> No.19542868
File: 480 KB, 851x1333, songsie.c.p38-44.300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-reflect on your demonic nature as well. What are you recoiling against and why?

>> No.19542869

>unchecked narcissism
>spending daddy's money on gothic lolita externalities and color coded $35 books and knickknacks
>"small joys"
she will never recover from the peter pan syndrome she has developed and her parents have enabled her to develop

>> No.19542898

He is recoiling against the demonic nature of vanity.

>> No.19542911
File: 418 KB, 837x1339, songsie.c.p45-50.300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she was ugly you wouldn't be having this reaction to her. You're recoiling at the confrontation with beauty and self-expression embodied in her. If she were ugly, or a man, and didn't threaten you by allure, you would pass over her without notice. If your reaction to her allure was mere disinterest you would pass over her with a smile. But instead you have demonic rage, a sharp recoil at being subject to allures that threaten your own misery and ugliness, and an out-of-bounds anger at this threat of small joy and beauty invading your dark misrable isolation.

>> No.19542919

The concept of 'vanity' is demonic, look at how you use it, to crush any human pursuit or joy as meaningless. Sit under a bodhi tree and be misrable alone.

>> No.19542929

You dont have a fucking single thing figured out you overzealous nigger. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.19542946

Demonic recoil. Either you don't intend to apply the same punitive contempt to yourself, or worse (and this I think is more likely true) you do apply this contempt and loathing to your own self-expression, your own attempts at relations with other people, and live as a gloomy nasty person of continual self-restiction and self-punishment.

>> No.19542967

Projecting, you are so fucking miserable that you have to troll other anons with this nigger nonsense. You need to get right with God and stop attacking people, demon.

>> No.19542980

>seducing the demons with the piano fingers and the big wet brown eyes

>Waldun playing piano

Waldunchads... How does this fit into the HH?

>> No.19543019

Amen brother

>> No.19543063

Asian hands wrote this post

>> No.19543114
File: 170 KB, 600x600, 1636506957996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men rise up

>> No.19543597

holy snokes

>> No.19543682
File: 334 KB, 1080x1080, 1619410926190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is an aussie
They're gonna link up and Waldun is gonna end up wringing out the sweat from her socks straight into his mouth, right after barebacking her with Tchaikovsky's waltz of the flowers playing in the background

>> No.19543706

they deserve each other, honestly.

>> No.19543711


>> No.19543718

Waldun? Isn't that a Thoreau book?

>> No.19543721
File: 66 KB, 702x526, 1635097507264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but I'm completely serious, bros..

How do we get our guy Walden laid with her? I think we can make it happen.

>> No.19543891

They already linked up pseud >>19539926

>> No.19543936

keep it

>> No.19543941

it really doesn't take much to get a woman's ego to balloon out of control does it?

>> No.19543954
File: 953 KB, 1439x1748, 1627363774610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about swallowing cum, you idiot.
She's a semen demon.

I cannot believe that you INCELS are still fapping in this thread after two days.
>>/gif/ is this way.

>> No.19544007

Throat fuck
Ass fuck
Finish on her face

>> No.19544014

She's not even cute, you stupid coomer.

>> No.19544037

When did this thread go from being about REAL screengrab stills of OP whore's pussy to badly photoshopped bitches?

You can see the fucking exact places she airbrushed all her skin imperfections away, tucked her stomach pouch in, probably her thigh, etc.

>> No.19544369

Hilarious. The link is to a video on Epicurus, not stoicism. I said nothing wrong there.

Not me. Never posted


>> No.19545053

You first

>> No.19545057

You are a piece of shit. Fill your life with something other than talking to young men half your age who hate you.

>> No.19545064

Digusting slut, posting your soiled panties lmfao. fuck you

>> No.19545084

i think it goes without saying that its too late for someone like her to fill their life with anything else. her life story is a farce consisting of all the words things a person can chose to do in life, and now she is old and has nothing because of it. everything she posts here is cope, follow her closely and you will see that everything she posts is intrinsically linked to coping with one of the major aspects of her life that led her down this path. her activity in this thread is a perfect example, and if you keep this in mind when you observe her future posts you will find that this pattern is true and it absolutely defines her as a person. there really isn't much going on behind that tripcode

>> No.19545087


>> No.19545091

Yeah ive been trying to bring her down for.. years now hahaha, actually im still somewhat convinced that the current one is a fake, or one posting not too long ago. But yeah, dumb cunt.

>> No.19545092

you dont have to be an open book ever
fuck this overindulged teenage shit

>> No.19545094
File: 349 KB, 1600x1400, 1618238545703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not me. Never posted

>> No.19545147


>> No.19545259

>getting mad a typo in a shitpost

>> No.19545374

emmie found threads about her, it's not uncommon

>> No.19545666

How do you know this and what was her reaction?

>> No.19545675

Waht was her reaction? Was it as unkind as this one?
I like email she seems more genuine than most.

>> No.19545678

*fucking typos galore.

>> No.19545687


>> No.19545713

Such a shit site. You have to click a link multiple times for it to work and every click just opens up a porn pop up. Use warosu retard.

>> No.19545716

use adblock and none of that happens

>> No.19545780

>dude sex lmao

>> No.19545799

I laughed out loud

>> No.19546898

shmoly snokerino

>> No.19546973

The redness of her lips makes me imagine a sharp pain in my knees and ballsack. Like she landed my garlicballs between her teeth and pressed down.
Why is red lipstick so fucking disgusting? I can't be the only one that starts to think shit like this.

>> No.19546979

>I can't be the only one that starts to think shit like this.
Have sex and touch grass.

>> No.19547006

It's not my fault I feel sick when I see it, it's like being creeped out by spiders.
When I see it, my mind immediately imagines her chewing through my ballsack and it makes me want to puke.

>> No.19547044

You appear to have a trauma you’re suppressing.
Either get a shrink or get off the internet and go hide in a monastery cell

>> No.19547573

New jak just dropped!! mind if i save it?

>> No.19547578


>> No.19547602
File: 1.79 MB, 1321x944, emmie(28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19547652

This is NOT true

Women can cook and clean which allows you to have more time for reading

>> No.19547667


>> No.19547817

>take a break from lit for a few months
>butterfly poster still shitting up the board
When will it end

>> No.19547844

woman moment

>> No.19547858

Who the fuck preorders books

>> No.19547866

all yours my friend

>> No.19547919

>take a break from lit for a few months
This is what I should do. Honestly it’s fun here but it can’t be good for me.

>> No.19547941

>Somehow I’ve enjoyed her channel in a way that I can’t with any other annoying booktuber “personality” she seems very sincere and I also like that she doesn’t infantilise herself and her audienceby trying to argue that any of the shlocky ya she reads is any deeper than it is.

>> No.19547949

If you give any money to this hag you really are a bottom tier male

>> No.19547982

Girls are so cute!
Girls! I salute
you with my toot.
Come in my arms
I'll turn your harms
away, come girls.
Put your little curls
on my shoulder.
'Tis a colder
world without you.
Beautiful brew
we make together
in this heather.
Girls are so cute!
Come, I'm no brute,
Come jolly Emmie !
I shall put gently
my thumb inside
your ass, I'll ride
you in winter
till comes summer,
and from June
to the clear Moon.
You'll suck my cock
shinning as rock
under the sun
of your sole one:
your beautiful clit
covered with spit.
To lick your cunt!
To make you grunt!
To kiss your crone!
To hear you moan!
I love your sex
hairy, complex,
greasy, stinky,
tasty, dinky,
pink, dry or wet,
but always het
for me my love.
Your breasts above
are my seasons,
crushing reasons
they breath with you
your joy anew.
Your whole body
knows nobody
but my warm hands
it understands.
Girls are so cute!
And I'm en route
To fuck you Emmie!
Beautiful Emmie
You'll soon know me.

>> No.19548258

Bravo sir, take my updoot.

>> No.19548260

>letting a woman cook your food
Enjoy awful taste and no gains

>> No.19548397
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1633988611260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cried, well done.

>> No.19549471 [DELETED] 


>> No.19549475

Waldun is literally just the male version of the same. They belong together, no wonder they're dating.

>> No.19549493

Modern women neither cook nor clean. You'd know that if you knew any IRL.

>> No.19549614

You don’t know any women