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File: 447 KB, 999x750, 0EF956A0-BFBA-4F9D-8702-DF4B6FF3960D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19531091 No.19531091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

she really fucking said Dorian Gray. i want to violently assault this uhly fat libtard cunt, not even sexually i just want to punch her in the face over and over until her teeth fall out and her skull and all the bones in her stupid face are smashed

>> No.19531099

>watching youtube book essayists
You are receiving what you deserve

>> No.19531142

Why do women so often identify with Dorian?
A woman can never be like dorian even without muh epic cursed painting.

>> No.19531157

>Dorian Gray
The un-self-aware self-awareness is poetic

>> No.19531160

why does this bitch have so many painting in such small dimensions its not like they are actual painted copies just print a fucking bigger picture

>> No.19531164

If you can't afford an original, you should have them up at all. I'd rather see some shitty local modern artists work that you can afford an original on your wall than a fucking print. It's like wanting to dress in a suit, but buying it from Walmart. Just wear a t-shirt and jeans

>> No.19531171

I have a small one of Jesus hanging up on my wall

>> No.19531174


College aged women have postcards, prints, and polaroids plastered on their wall. this is a "one trip to the thrift store for frames" promotion. Look how off-centered they all are.

>> No.19531176

>hedonistic faggot writes a confessional and moralistic novel about dangers of degeneracy
>2021 roastie: omg literally me
Delet w*men

>> No.19531178

i mean yes i agree but if the bitch insist on having "paintings" on the wall at least print them larger it just feels retarded

>> No.19531186
File: 680 KB, 725x803, 6016165065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are we going to get the Waldun/Dakota crossover kino?

>> No.19531196

ok but im assuming you are religious so it has some meaning to you i doubt any of the pictures have any meaning to her because if they did they probably wouldnt be printed on A5 paper
very sad, it realy feels like people like this only have this type of shit to impress people as if they are some avid art connoisseur

>> No.19531201
File: 608 KB, 688x1588, Mirrors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19531203


>> No.19531207

You're unhinged. Nobody's forcing you to watch this

>> No.19531221
File: 946 KB, 728x1156, The Dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody's forcing you to watch this
>the dog
The dog bears witness and so to do we.

>> No.19531223

I doesn't look to bad as far as that goes, minus the shit frames

>> No.19531230

is she fat or does she just have a wide, simian frame?

>> No.19531231

religious iconography is always based

>> No.19531237
File: 11 KB, 359x528, 1633049614754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The confused stare. The fear in the eyes; ears bent back. Dogs use their noses like we use our sight. Imagine the smell. The sudden flush as she yanks up her legs. The horror. The horror.

>> No.19531238

>simian frame

>> No.19531239

thank you, I like to hang it across from my bed so that when I wake up it's one of the first things I see. I also have a cross placed above my bed.

>> No.19531248

God I wish that were me

>> No.19531253
File: 379 KB, 2440x1604, Bouveret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not religious but was thinking about picking up a wooden cross from an antiques store. Here's my favorite Jesus painting

>> No.19531260
File: 3.34 MB, 4000x2865, Henri Camille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this

>> No.19531267
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x2486, IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah that's beautiful, gonna bookmark this. Thanks anon. Here's one of my favourites.

>> No.19531289

>says her mbti is INTJ
>says chaos is where she feels at home
goddamn retard. I'm guessing shes an XSFP, she values Se a lot.

>> No.19531307

Is there symbolic significance to Jesus so frequently being depicted with a very long, thin nose? Nice painting btw

>> No.19531309

im an intj, if that gay shit is even real, and I also feel more comfortable in chaotic situations, though im sure thats something that she says just because it sounds edgy and cool and clearly everything she does is to keep up appearances

>> No.19531331

Do you understand functions? And yeah it was somewhat of a hyperbole, I am almost certain that she isn't an INTJ though.

>> No.19531351

anyone gonna buy her book?

>> No.19531372


>> No.19531373

do people actualy buy books written by youtubers unironicaly? we've seen the quality of waldun

>> No.19531396


oh god I'm c- coo- CC COOOOMING!

>> No.19531406

did wilde write anything else in the same vein as dorian grey? i was quite surprised by it and the fact that upon further research found that he desperately wanted to become christian before his death. so all around, my preconceive notions got BTFO which is always cool

>> No.19531408

I'd rather just f*ck da bitch from da back but wut do i kno

>> No.19531411

women rights were a mistake

>> No.19531450
File: 1.09 MB, 1284x1293, 1638305706445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you want to get back at them? Check this out

>> No.19531473

I can sympathize with the functions, but think that the tests are bullshit

>> No.19531478

this bitch actually wrote a book kek

>> No.19531720

why are you watching this shit? just jerk off to her Tik Tok and get on with your day bro life is too short for this shit

>> No.19531819

>You will never beat a woman

>> No.19531825

what an asshole

>> No.19531933
File: 81 KB, 780x1072, Fuck eyes old men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19531958
File: 152 KB, 1100x622, Father Peter Anthony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the thots. Listen to Father Peter Anthony review Houellebecq. https://youtu.be/vILkaDU_d8E

>> No.19531961

there's genuinely nothing that disgusts me more than this insincere, faux-artistic attempt to be interesting that so many college aged people do. Sincerity is heroism in our times.

>> No.19532005

I think it's related to manufactured personalities--snarkiness and contrarianism in lieu of insight annoy me more than faux-artsy shit.

>> No.19532019

I don't know. She at least made the effort to think of some images and ideas. Compared to Rupi "line break" Kaur this registers as poetry.

>> No.19532030

actually based

>> No.19532039

its hard to explain what exactly the common denominator is for the imagery, but its exactly the same shit that all these girls write about
>pink blah blah blah
>cherry chapstick
>toothpaste kisses
there are no ideas behind any of this, except for maybe depersonalization and thats probably because she's on SSRIs or she's just making it up because mental illness is en vogue

>> No.19532044

can you expound what you're referring to by snakiness and contrarianism?

>> No.19532057

why do you listen to female opinions in the first place. they dont appreciate literature, and everything they do is done solely for purposes of social signaling.

>> No.19532064
File: 315 KB, 1109x1254, Father Peter Anthony2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me kek.

>> No.19532068

The ethos is kind of just "stuff related to me being an unstable thot". What else are they realistically going to write about

>> No.19532086

I want to be a booktuber but have nothing insightful to say and I also take like a year to read a book I'm just not immediately smitten with.

>> No.19532091

replying only to say OP is a faggot

>> No.19532100


>> No.19532101

How does a middle class white bitch even relate to Dorian Gray?

>> No.19532106

Well niggers can't read so thats a start

>> No.19532116

what scene is this one depicting?

>> No.19532131

I'm another anon, but whenever I read women poetry it always boils down to
>I'm such a sexy hot slut femme fatale vamp Lolita ingenue I have so much sexual power yes
>I'm so special and *unique* (unique in italics because c'est un mot français très éxotique)
>muh trauma - described by cheap, trite imagery
>world revolves around me

If you're jaded you can detect immediately if a poem is written by a woman. I think it is a natural result of their upbringing.

>> No.19532132

>That painting

Absolutely based

>> No.19532138

This is just a female waldun

>> No.19532139

Meant to reply to >>19532044

>> No.19532141

>read the wee bit of french
>find it hilarious
guess i have to learn French now for humor

>> No.19532146

I hate this shit because it makes me dislike writing because I feel like I am being narcissistic

>> No.19532154

these cunts ruined 50s/60s French fashion for me too

>> No.19532161

>see a woman
>it opens its mouth to talk
>give it a chance
>its only talking for social credit score increase
>bash the cunt until it stops talking
>break her phone
>laugh at her
>go do something else

>> No.19532163

>simp coping intensifies

>> No.19532197

le ebin based bro. you are a subhuman. real men would just ignore a lesser life form.

>> No.19532206

There is no logical argument in abstaining from violence against a woman. This is why it has been practiced everywhere at all times.

>> No.19532225

incredibly based

>> No.19532235

I gave him his own thread. Unfortunately, Serotonin is the only book review on the YouTube channel (it belongs to the Parish).

>> No.19532241


>> No.19532282

it makes sense if you don't believe in violence against the weak, but if you have no problem hitting a weaker man then you should have no problem hitting a woman.

>> No.19532311

Based economist.