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/lit/ - Literature

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19529322 No.19529322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do busy people find time to read?

>> No.19529338

>not NEET

>> No.19529343

They bring a book everywhere with them and pick it up during the "waiting" parts of their day

>> No.19529376

They don't

>> No.19530797

They don't. Or they only read the light flavor of the month kind of books. If I only had 5 or 10 minutes at a time to read I wouldn't even bother. Or maybe I'd look for collections of articles or poems. But I wouldn't bother with long dense novels or philosophy books.

>> No.19530816
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By giving up social media. Instead of monitoring threads, read a page.

>> No.19530832

>busy people
No one's busy. It's just a lie they tell the world because it justifies whatever it is they're doing.

>> No.19530857

They don't have another hobby. When I got my full time job plus evening classes, I had to choose between books and vidya. I'm now at my third run of Demon's Souls remake, waiting for Elden Ring

>> No.19530860
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>I had to choose between books and vidya.
>I'm now at my third run of Demon's Souls remake, waiting for Elden Ring

>> No.19530866

What is this from

>> No.19530883

Yeah I know Shrek, I already hate myself

>> No.19530940

She became a ftm

The zog takes no prisoners....
So so sad

>> No.19530951

Stay up late, wake up early, and/or avoid scheduling things on the weekends that would take away from reading time.

>> No.19530961

Man, Tim Pool was really cute before her transition.

>> No.19530962

I read people on /lit/ talk about books on my breaks and pretend like I've read them.

>> No.19530983

I’m a busy person, and I started reading a book every 2-3 days after some people who were dear to me hurt me and I decided other people weren’t worth it

>> No.19530993

Lazy people ask the same thing about working out on /fit/. If you want to do it, you find/make time to do it. If you don't want to do it, you make up a heap of excuses not to.

>> No.19530999

Listen to audio books while doing chores

>> No.19531025

if you somehow can't find time to do something as time-flexible as read, you don't actually want to do it.

>> No.19531051

He said read, not listen

>> No.19532385

I don't drink. I don't have any friends. Never had a gf.