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/lit/ - Literature

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19528901 No.19528901 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19528911
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>> No.19528924

It's over

>> No.19528932
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>> No.19528934
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>> No.19528947

>leggy gonzalez
wtf anons fr said she was cringe

>> No.19528948

Wish editornigger would announce his retirement and give me the files so I can finish this shit

>> No.19528964


>> No.19530337

Start a new one, we can always have more than one magazine.

>> No.19530346
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it's just beginning...

>> No.19530364

Mira contributing to &amp next issue?

>> No.19530418

Worth a read?

>> No.19530429

first three chapters are in &amp if you want a taste without having to spend a whole dollar

>> No.19530436


>> No.19530438

I'm confused, I need help:
would I fuck Mira?

>> No.19530483

&amp should make a burgerpunk collection, with some of the best burgerpunk-ish stories and some new hits. it could really corner the market on burgerpunk and start a whole movement

>> No.19530492

I would like to support /lit/ writers, but for the time being I have no credit card, but I'll fav.

>> No.19530529
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Some anon is writing a Burgerpunk novel as we speak. He posted the cover and first two pages sometime ago.

>> No.19530541
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>> No.19530548
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The McMasterpiece

>> No.19530573

my body is ready

>> No.19530924

What exactly is &amp and furthermore why is it called that?

>> No.19530946
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Stop shilling

>> No.19531014

The ad is paid for, and it’s mentioned in this thread because it’s in &amp, so I don’t know why the fucking you’re bitching

>> No.19531422

meh, eyes too far apart desu

>> No.19531486

He's bitching because there are a number of literary services, publishers, and magazines that don't get to advertise here, so neither should you get to.

>> No.19531505

where do i read this?

>> No.19531524

Don’t GET to? There’s a fucking link under the banners that says “advertise on 4chan” maybe they should start there if they’re so desperate

>> No.19531650


&amp podcast when?

I imagine we doing a weird short length podcast, similar to those 90s MTV ads, you guys get the aesthetics?
It could be 10 minutes long, it could be a person with a sexy voice reading a poem by anon. Or some anon reading his favourite poem by his favourite writer.

What you guys think?

>> No.19531688

Maybe you should take your shitty magazine there instead of trying to get free advertising.

>> No.19531719

You must not know where the fuck you are my friend: this is a collaborative art project, available for free which, when a new issue is out, does actually pay for ads
Keep bumping the thread if you really want, but you’re making absolutely no sense

>> No.19531728

Sounds cool, you should make a sample so we can get a clearer vision, but I’m down to contribute

>> No.19531862

I'm using Linux rn (fuck windows, I hate the antichrist) and I'm not sure if there is an audio editing program for it.
But I could make a sample, yes.

We could add some shenanigans such as extracting audios from interviews of famous writers, short insights of whatever they might have said.

>> No.19531867


>> No.19532052
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to whatever editor made this thread, proofread and put this in (1/3):

I was falling from the sky. Not free-falling, no, but imagine instead a submarine on a calculated trip to the ocean floor. No leaks through the hull, no panicked crewmembers on the verge of claustrophobia-induced insanity, but instead a routine survey at the bottom of the sea mediated by calm, experienced sailors. Supporting me on my descent were these hairless humanoids, holding me by my forearms. Their skin was covered in scales that shone in a spectrum from blue to yellow, depending on which angle you looked at them, and their jet-black lips were no larger than a pen clip, yet entirely capable of emoting along with their mostly human eyes and facial muscles. The men and women only differed in height and the presence or absence of featureless, almost imperceptibly small breasts; their crotches were all smooth and featureless. As I was studying the anatomy of the one holding my right forearm to guess its sex, the Earth's surface - or whatever planet we were on - emerged from the fog. Pink specks were shuffling in a flesh-tone ocean, like a carpet of maggots on a wet pile of trash. A smell of rank sweat and stale urine hit me, growing stronger the further we descended until I grew desensitized as anyone does with chronic stenches. Turning to the being on my right again, I asked where they were taking me in desperation. The floating entity didn't say a word, but instead smiled and flickered its eyes like an aged lightbulb. Suddenly, I was drained of all desire. I had the notion that this rush of contentment wasn't mine, but I wholeheartedly accepted the feeling of serenity unquestioningly all the same. I lost awareness of everything, fear of everything, of where I was, of who I was, of where I was sinking toward. All of my anxiety gave way to unquestioning trust in the opalescent, levitating gecko-woman holding me and the living ocean it was slowly leading me towards, until from the indistinct, vibrating mass individual outlines started to emerge.

>> No.19532056


The brownish maggots were disembodied penises the size of grown men. Twitching, writhing, ejaculating, deaf, blind. I wanted to scream, but I clenched my teeth and bit my tongue instead, afraid the ones holding me would loosen their grip reflexively. Maybe all the bodies below wanted to scream too, I thought. Even if they had the mouths and lungs to do so, they wouldn't so much as hear their own cries, only now capable of perceiving their ceaseless orgasms and the kneading sensation as they blindly squirmed against each other. The stench multiplied and made my unblinking eyes water.
Another group of floating lizard-people were carrying someone that looked like last semester's linear algebra professor down into the ceaselessly splurting abyss. As much as I tried to deny it, he wasn't struggling or crying. No, he didn't show the slightest sign of resistance. Until all I could see of his head was his signature combover as he fell further below, I saw him smiling from ear to ear. His feet were dangling carelessly, like he was on a ski lift.
The shiny flying reptilians pushed apart some of the penises to reveal the dark green ground that resembled translucent, stained glass on an old wine bottle. When his soles touched it, his legs crumpled like a flattened paper crane, its distinct muscles and bones all warping into a vaguely spherical heap. His abdomen then protruded, covering his contorted lower limbs entirely, leaving a pair of wrinkled lumps the same size and shape as slightly deflated beach balls directly below his belly button. The concave depression where his stomach once was then flattened out like a tooth filling, taking the volume to occupy the cavity from his arms, leaving emptied flaps of skin behind.
The armless creature with nascent testicles for legs still exuded that chilling serenity. He looked up at the beings that brought him there, which had risen to a distance far enough to not be ejaculated on, and smiled again, beaming in a way foreign to an aging academic. Carelessly wide-eyed, he then turned to face with me. The disfigured scholar held eye contact with me for what felt like an eternity, until I heard a sharp snap through the cacophany of meaty, dull slaps.
His spine collapsed. his face froze in that satisfied expression and then smashed into the newly wrinkled skin of his leg-scrotum. A new layer then grew to encompass the rest of his limp body, now a beige rather than a dark, woodlike brown, reaching above his head and pinching tightly like the tip of a sausage. Everything above and including his shoulders fused into each other, becoming a single cylindrical mass. The area around his head expanded until all the skin covering it stretched taut into a bell-like shape.

>> No.19532059
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The other man-penises then tumbled back into place as if they were welcoming him. I watched the writhing mass with bated breath, in desperate hopes of the grizzled intellectual to break free from his foreskin-cocoon and fly upwards to grab me by the hand so we could escape together, miles above this obscene Hell. A rope of semen soaked the sole of my right foot, but my attention didn't waver. Finally, something started to emerge from below.
Were his legs unfolding to support his own weight? Were his arms growing back to push the squirming masses away? Was that beige mass his shoulders rising from that fetid pit? Of course not. I was embarrassed to have even entertained the thought once an engorged, pink bell emerged from the swelling, turgid lump.

Supported by its testicles, I absentmindedly stared down the barrel of its urethral meatus in a nauseated stupor. Upright for probably the last time, it jerked back and forth, but still stood until a white jet shot towards me with a visceral squelch and submerged my head and chest in a salty sludge. I screamed immediately, but a split-second later reduced my wails to a muffled whine once a viscous rivulet of the professor's goo fell into my mouth. Through a translucent film covering my eyes, I could hardly make out the unknowing assaliant fall supline into the indistinct masses.
To my relief, the semen wasn't transformative, but only telepathic. Without a word uttered, I now understood that, yes, every one of the erupting heaps below were once people, men and women alike. Yes, the mutagenic, glassy soil below them supported their metabolic needs in every respect, meaning they all would ejaculate and twitch about until the sun burnt out. No, they were not suffering. It was a deafblind, nigh-eternal ecstasy for every penis. Silent and invisible expressions of otherworldly pleasure were psychically transferred through skin-to-skin contact and sperm-borne transmission to make the euphoria from the continuous, body-wide orgasms communal.

>> No.19532066
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A wetness exploded from my thighs and I tensed up from head to toe like a tetanus patient. No, these expressions were not merely nonverbal moans, but instead transferred every aspect of their emotions with them. The twitches and ejaculate sprays from orgasms, in other words, shared their ecstasy from of a body-wide orgasm to anyone in the vicinity. Others were then brought to climax to perpetuate an ecstatic, decadent eternity.
In that euphoria I realized they were just as clueless about the role of the airborne humanoids that condemned them to the fleshy abyss, if not more in the dark about their origins and motivations. It was even less of a concern to them, obviously. They could never turn back. They could never want to.
But as the dreamer here, this was ultimately my world. As I had made the man-penises and their temptations, I too was able to escape them. The entities that had brought me there, as merely creations of mine, broke their grip the moment I started to wrestle my arms from them.
Then, I flew. I flew until the penises were obscured again by their body heat induced steam. I flew until the scaly beings fell behind. I flew until the grey planet fell behind. I flew until I woke up.

>> No.19532617

>It could be 10 minutes long, it could be a person with a sexy voice reading a poem by anon.
This is not a bad idea. It would drive more contributions to the magazine.

>> No.19532803
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I am forgotten

>> No.19532842

a little on the nose there

>> No.19534271

Just like the aroma of BigMac on a yawing dawn.

>> No.19534903

i swear i've seen this magazine before knowing it was lit related but can't for the life of me remember where

>> No.19535521

What?? You don't think "Ronald*TM burgered as many Mc*TMnuggets*TM as he could, but the forces of Flavortown would not Mc*TMRetreat" represents insightful cultural commentary? Next you're going to tell me that "the vague feeling of emptiness you get from looking at an intersection" isn't some profound expression of cultural alienation...

>> No.19535619

>tfw made the first burgerpunk thread on /lit/

Didnt see it taking off like this bros

>> No.19536308

no i did :)

>> No.19536820
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