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19527199 No.19527199 [Reply] [Original]

Post books that could be described as Lynchian.

>> No.19527212

christ lynchfags are so insufferable

>> No.19527218

How old is he in that pic? and with that haircut? Good God...

>> No.19527219

Pretty much all of Beckett. Ionesco, too.

>> No.19527231


>> No.19527248

Boris Vian
Alain Robbe-Grillet

>> No.19527254

Atrocity Exhibition

>> No.19527298

Kafka? read A Country Doctor. Only a few pages long

>> No.19527387

Lynch is all-style no-substance shallow obscurantist fluff for pseuds who think art is about being wowed by surreal visual effects, so probably either Finnegans Wake or (depending on your opinion, and despite having some actual content to his fluff here and there by accident) Samuel Beckett, who incidentally sucked the dick of the guy who wrote Finnegans Wake.

You could also try Pynchon, if you want middlebrow shit that pseuds force themselves to think they like because they were told it's supposed to be prestigious.

>> No.19527400

The New York Trilogy

>> No.19527433
File: 1023 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mhgc9eKbVm1rsaf97o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem insecure, as if all this blusterous lashing out is your way of protecting yourself against from facing your own inadequacy. Suffice to say, pretending you're better than famous, accomplished artists so you can feel some degree of confidence and superiority isn't the best way for your own mental health and personal progress. There's a difference between attention
and accomplishment which you haven't doscerened. Good luck.

>> No.19527449

Franz Kafka, some of Roberto Bolaño, Paul Auster, Barry Gifford obviously.

>> No.19527509
File: 101 KB, 1536x2048, LYNCHED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19527515

John Hawkes

>> No.19527522

George Saunders stuff kinda

>> No.19527542

If you are going to make a thread in reference to a term coined by DFW, atleast include a link to the essay he wrote on it or the video where he talks about it to Charlie Rose.


>> No.19527551

Infinite Jest, DFW was a huge Lynch fan.

>> No.19527650

How? Civilwarland in Bad Decline has grotesque/surreal stuff in it but it's not Lynchian. I need to read Bardo though.

>> No.19527663

drip or drown you bum

>> No.19527671


>> No.19527674

This post pretty much sums it up. Surrealism = gay.
Learn life.

>> No.19527681


>by accident

>> No.19527728

the word is meretricious and no he is not.
Tarantino is meretricious.
Lynch adds one pinch of European cinema to his films and Americans get filtered.

>> No.19527780

t. soulless faggot

>> No.19527781

I don't like either. May as well say Spielberg and Lucas.

>> No.19527787

I've banged 9 black women.

>> No.19527788

Lynch is better than those guys. I'm not sure how you can even compared them lol are you one of those cringe /tv/ contrarians?

>> No.19527793

Zoophilia is cringe.

>> No.19527808

When reading Robbe-Grillet (and watching his films) it was fairly obvious Lynch was heavily influenced by his work, particularly the bizarre austere characters and fractured narratives.

>> No.19527819 [DELETED] 

beso books and films by this gentleman?

>> No.19527833

I'll admit I have made recent errors in judgement and they were all in browsing that board.

>> No.19527843

best books and films by this gentleman?

>> No.19527915

All of them, in chronological order if possible. La Maison de rendez-vous has the most lynchian environment, with the seedy happenings revolving around a brothel in Hong Kong. The Voyeur is essentially Lost Highway. Regarding his films, he wrote Last Year at Marienbad, a good place to start. Trans-Europ-Express, L’immortelle, and Eden and After are films he directed, all worthwhile. I haven’t seen the rest. If you enjoy Lynch I highly recommend delving into his work.

>> No.19527921

Thank you for your kind answer :)

>> No.19527968

My pleasure. Robbe-Grillet is underrated around here.

>> No.19527993

“Lynch is all style no substance.” You’ve never seen Elephant Man, have you? You should give it a shot. It’s probably pretty relatable.

>> No.19527996


>> No.19528208

>best books and films by this gentleman?
La belle captive

>> No.19528248

Paolo volponi maybe