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/lit/ - Literature

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19524214 No.19524214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is there a meme that lit is a high IQ board?

>i force myself to read 50-page nature description instead of watching a few scene cuts during a movie

>I’m so intelectual, women should have sex with me because i was able to name a dreadful book written by a female that other females use to rub their pussies

>I actually took the time to read 2000 page book with every unfiltered thought that gave me the same knowledge that 15 year old got by reading detailed summary a break before the test

What makes lit posters better than brainless consumers on /a/ and /tv/?

>> No.19524227

Rampant narcissism and uninsightful state capitalism

>> No.19524228

It's a meme because it isn't true.

>> No.19524237

fuck you coomer stop posting this slut on my board

>> No.19524240

It used to be better because most who read regularly don’t rely on instant-gratification art.
Now /qa/ boards and coomers reign supreme and dont even read

>> No.19524246

The meme didn’t start out with “IQ”
It was mostly correct that we were the more intelligent board. More adults, more women, and far more readers than you see today. It isn’t so now of course. Too many immigrants from pol, r9k, qa etc. just here to decorate your shelves with something besides funkopops

>> No.19524252

Nothing. /lit/ is just the other avenue for "intellectuals" if they can't into STEM (/sci/), aren't autistic (/his/) or braindead (/pol/), yet have some verbal intelligence which literally everyone else has, only difference being that they decide to write as pretentiously as they can while citing random gibberish.

>> No.19524255

>high iq board
>posts charlotte sartre
checks out

>> No.19524256

my god women with tattoos should be sent to concentration camps

>> No.19524272

Get over it.

>> No.19524276

Why should a board discussing literature limit it’s vocabulary to appear dumb and in-line with the rest of the boards?

>> No.19524279

You're the absolute worst.

>> No.19524282
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The meme is because /lit/ posters are actually really stupid

>> No.19524285

no i will not "get over it," all waste is environmentally destructive, and wasting flesh is sinful on top of it. i am an environmentalist first and foremost and people who waste their flesh should be treated with the same contempt as people dumping chemicals into the ocean

>> No.19524296

because there’s a widespread stereotype that books are read by intelligent people. ton of people on /lit/ don’t read anything they can’t aestheticize so that’s part of it.

>> No.19524299

>all waste is environmentally destructive
Then why waste your time on this board?

>> No.19524301

That's a man. Same as "her" wife.

>> No.19524307

Bad tattoos may be a waste, but this >>19524282 sure isn’t. She has every right to say you’re wasting your skin.
Hahah. Get a name.

>> No.19524323

every moment i contribute to the discourse is time well spent. our collective consciousness is poisoned and i am the antidote

>> No.19524332

That would cost money. They should be used as whores for incels to fuck.

>> No.19524339
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>The meme is because /lit/ posters are actually really stupid
This. Isn't it obvious, op, or are you a fucking dunce?

>> No.19524343

Based best butterfly

>> No.19524350
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>>all waste is environmentally destructive
>Then why waste your time on this board?

>> No.19524358
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I want a Goth GF so bad bros...

>> No.19524375

It's a shame they're practically extinct these days.

>> No.19524380
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No, this >>19524246

>> No.19524387

I want a Butterfly GF so bad bros..

>> No.19524406

Don't worry Anon, there's plenty of retarded women out there. You'll get one soon enough.

>> No.19524413
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>we were the more intelligent board
>more women

>> No.19524427

It's such a shame that attractive girls are smearing themselves with horrible tattoos and prostituting themselves. You know, pornstars used to be those gross Jenna Jameson types with balloon tits, they didn't even look human. Now it's like every young woman is in this market.
There's something particularly sad about beautiful things meeting their end in ugly ways. It gives me the same feeling as watching an animal documentary where some chick or pup gets eaten by predators.

>> No.19524435

>nooo not the pretty w*merinos, poor little victims
Women have always been whores, Anon. They're just allowed to parade their true nature publicly now.

>> No.19524441

butterfly I didn't know you liked muscle girls too. maybe you're not so bad after all.

>> No.19524446

Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.

>> No.19524453
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>> No.19524458

>Women have always been whores, Anon.
People have a tendency to be the worst they can be, but it's a tendency. When you encourage that tendency, yes, this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's like saying "all men are sinners, you might as well go around and rape and murder everyone", yes this happens if you do not push back against it. Everyone's nature is horrible, but mankind has always had the ability to steer from their natural tendencies toward something nobler.
I'm not sad that women are innately evil just like me or everyone else, I'm sad that the worst of the worst has completely won over everyone.

>> No.19524487

(((They))) know advanced psychological warfare techniques.
The only white girls that go for niggers are morbidly obese, but that wouldn’t have the desired event.
This is why (((BLACKED))) hires the most beautiful white girls they can find, the more beautiful and pure something the more devastating it is to see it defiled and corrupted.
This is an advanced demoralization technique and even thought it doesn’t reflect reality, it works.

>> No.19524504

Pretty sure it's because certain people are cucked beyond belief and they actually get off on pretty women getting fucked by animals. It's a weird fetish like diaper stuff.

>> No.19524506

>What makes lit posters better than brainless consumers on /a/ and /tv/?
Their rampant narcissism and uninsightful state capitalism

>> No.19524508

>only white girls that go for niggers are morbidly obese
Kek, what is this, 2002? I see pretty white girls with black bulls all the time.

>> No.19524517

Americans don't count as people

>> No.19524523


>> No.19524525

Reading generally forces your mind to imagine the situation more. Reading is also more mentally active because you have to parse what the writing is trying to convey to you, while watching while also stimulating is not nearly as much because you generally speaking don't have to read any text and thus your mental load is lessened.

>> No.19524549
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>Make up

>> No.19524555

Well honestly Benelux and Scandinavia are so cucked they might as well count as America.

>> No.19524581

>more women
hahahahhahaha butterfly you are good at being retarded

>> No.19524589

YA doesnt count.

>> No.19524602

Can we please range ban the triptranny? It's obviously him who made the OP. It's off-topic and the image is nsfw. remember to report and hide

>> No.19524613

>Why is there a meme that lit is a high IQ board?
Because I post here. My mere presence upwardly biases the average by at least two standard deviations

>> No.19524616

Actually make that three

>> No.19524661

I just lowered it by three sorry lads

>> No.19524672
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They deserve to fall by the wayside, anon. The lower depths of darkness are merely nourishment for the strong, thus the eternal balance is maintained. They have been judged unfit by the laws of the universe and must inevitably perish.

>> No.19524688
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Oh yeah.
Not too muscular so’s they start to look like the males

>> No.19524697

I remember watching this porn vid with this girl who had perfect breasts and then in the next video she had implants and ruined her body. What a waste.

>> No.19524717

Gorgeous ink and poopa.
> Rest in piss tarantula/women hybrid
That's like when I was dating this super hot fully tattoed purpled haired french-vietnamese hyperslut and she got her own place and started decorating it with preserved fetuses of animals and insects in balls of glass. I could barely stand the fowl fetus, but the second she decided to get the giant albino spider one, I was the fuck out of there.

>> No.19524730

/lit/ care more about how well you write something than whether it is true. If I put effort into writing my post properly it is usually well recieved, whereas actually making correct arguments but with language errors always elicits sperging.

>> No.19524738

Fuck off and die.

>> No.19524753

Is babby upset

>> No.19524768

I get the most (you)s on shitty but colorful posts. That said I think (you)s are not a real metric of post success: assuming N is the normal time to (you)s ratio, all you need to do to get more (you)s is to get a dramatically higher N within the first hour. On slow boards this means like 4-5 (you)s in the first 30 minutes. It's all snowball effect after that, and perceived post-success feeds backwards into perception of post quality. It's exactly as it works on Reddit, although Reddit is worse because unlike 4chan, upvote-churning is entirely professionalized.

>> No.19524781

>People still respond to buttertranny

>> No.19524782

>>19524768 (You)

>> No.19524787
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Yeah...and they probably always will.

>> No.19524798

If you want (you)s just make a shitpost on women, decadence, or such, but make it incredibly long winded and over the top, using somewhat abstruse words as long as they don't need to be understood to get across your point. My running theory is that there's a ton of /pol/ immigrants who want to feel like they're intellectuals capable of grasping complex ideas while not giving a shit about anything but surface level /pol/ shit.

>> No.19524814

People who read and especially people who read literature are more likely to have a higher IQ. Openness to Experience is the personality dimension that predicts IQ which means smart people are interested in aesthetics and abstract thought. Literature is the most cognitively demanding and least instantaneously gratifying form of art so naturally you have people who are smarter here. Critical thinking and discussion is arguably valued more on this board than on any other because of the subject matter, which also encourages a standard of higher iq posts. There are plenty of low iq shitposts (and if I were to bet I'd say IQ negatively correlates with how frequently someone posts), but overall its natural that the most intelligent people are going to be here.

>> No.19524868

What if I hate women and I just want to vent?

>> No.19524874

>Charlotte Sartre

>> No.19524876

>IQ negatively correlates with how frequently someone posts
>Never post and have infinite IQ
It's all so simple.

>> No.19524918

Then you'll get a lot of (you)s

>> No.19524922

>but make it incredibly long winded and over the top
This is what I do every time I get lots of (you)s. Write something in the same vein as the Navy Seals copypasta or NIGGERS COULD BE HERE and you're guaranteed to have tons and tons of (you)s. Of course this takes a degree of skill that people here lack, so it is in a sense worthy of admiration.

>> No.19524936

Fuck you for making me think I was gay

>> No.19525010

U r gey

>> No.19525060

/lit/'s not smart, everyone else is just more retarded
also posts tend to be longer than on other boards

>> No.19525165

>the same knowledge that 15 year old got by reading detailed summary a break before the test

lmao underage RETARD

>> No.19525418

INSANE bait, best I've seen all week

>> No.19525457
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>> No.19525514

Because it's the only board that calls itself dumb.

>> No.19525673


>> No.19525730

9/10 bait

>> No.19526212 [SPOILER] 
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>It was mostly correct that we were the more intelligent board
>more women

>> No.19526246

It is no meme. Or cogitative cerebrations are supreme among the boards .

>> No.19526248

Well said. I remember the good old days of /lit/, around 2013, when we actually discussed literature.

>> No.19526249

Fuck I meant "our

>> No.19526357
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>Or cogitative cerebrations

>> No.19526369

who dis

>> No.19526410 [SPOILER] 
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>who dis

>> No.19526448

modern life isn't too bad, ty anon

>> No.19526476 [SPOILER] 
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>modern life isn't too bad, ty anon
Yw anon

>> No.19526480


>> No.19526483 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19526509

maybe if you started reading you would stop being such a brainless coomer

>> No.19527261

>more women
God, I hope not

>> No.19527275
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Begone foul coomer

>> No.19527332 [SPOILER] 
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>Begone foul coomer
Who? Me?

>> No.19528153
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>but honey, that’s not going to fit up there