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19516581 No.19516581 [Reply] [Original]

old >>19500043

>> No.19516584

He crossed state lines.

>> No.19516585
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I wish I was never born

>> No.19516607

what's on your mind

>> No.19516612


>> No.19516617

Should've studied something I actually enjoyed

>> No.19516624

I agree. I picked the worst outcome.
>be in HS
>have to choose which subjects to pick at better level
>cant choose between physics, biology or chemistry
>pick physics because someone said at 3 will be too hard for me
>get rather good grades at it
>dont know what to pick related to physics
>"eh, maybe energy physics"
>realize that physics isnt my thing only 2 years after
>descend into boredom and apathy
>barely finish bachelors (even with academic leave)
>realize that I've never liked physics in the first place and the only redeeming factor was chill HS physics teacher.
I didnt make any connections nor I liked the studies.

>> No.19516628

Do germans feel ashamed for losing the war and having to celebrate their defeat as a "liberation"?

>> No.19516633

>losing the war and having to celebrate their defeat as a "liberation"
Lmaoooo do they really?
Several German cities got totally glassed by allied bombing which is a war crime so what's there to celebrate?

>> No.19516647
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I wish I wrote more often. Inspiration comes in waves I can't control, and even when I have a good start I feel I don't have enough to keep it consistent to the end. It's also incredibly frustrating seeing how I'm so predictably strongly influenced by whatever drama is plaguing me in the moment- it's almost as though my feelings can only be roused by the transient relationships I have with others, or whatever mini existential crisis I'm having at the time. As a result, a lot of my writing centers around the same 4-5 topics. I have not changed in 8 years.

>> No.19516672

>so what's there to celebrate?
jews, mass non white immigration, and the freedom to be a tranny or a communist?

>> No.19516675
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NRx morphing into globohomo alongside Zizek is so damn perfect.

>> No.19516742

We live in a world made up of many smaller different worlds.
It’s astonishing to think that’s there’s so many out there.
Cultural movements, religions, subcultures, scientific fields and sub fields, historical organizations, regional cuisine, so many little isolated worlds that coexist in the larger one. You can focus on a given world, learn about how it works, who the main players are and be amazed at how it has its own internal logic yet still exists in a wider world, it only constitutes a very small part of it.
I don’t know if I’m expressing myself clearly, it’s hard to articulate what I mean exactly.

>> No.19516752

>No gf
>shit job
>shit life
>too pussy to kill myself
How i cope?

>> No.19516757


>> No.19516801

I keep dreaming about kissing attractive girls back from high school

>> No.19516818

>become social, do what you need to do, go to the gym, gain confidence, get gf
>quit job and pursue your dreams
>move to a completely new town/city, take up new hobbies
>just don't kys lol, life is beautiful and worth it
Basically just start over. Sounds like you have nothing to lose, anon.

>> No.19516819

I had a bad dream last night. My first gf, who's now an ex cheated on me, and while I wasn't there to witness it in real life, I dreamt I saw it happening and I just couldn't do anything to stop it. It's been five years since that happened but I haven't felt so sick ever since. I fucking hate my mind sometimes.

>> No.19516833

going to start reading Magic Mountain

>> No.19516846

hmm, its 5:27. i wonder if i have it in me to pull and all nighter and fix my sleep schedule? i dont think so, especially since i dont have a tv series to watch right now. god help me

>> No.19516924

I am Plagued by faslehoods i perpetuate and castration of cure through my Pride, may lord plunge this wretched disposition from my being. on another note it is quite sunny and in ten minutes i will be going to box with a friend. there is fear of defeat but not pain, even though i have better chances at victory.
I hope i will get home soon enough to have time remaining for studying, although will to study is also something i wish i will have when i return home. but i suspect i will not have that will.

>> No.19516948
File: 1.33 MB, 2145x2331, Arnold_Boecklin-fiedelnder_Tod(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mann is peak comfy. All of his doorstoppers are fantastic. Enjoy him, anon.

>> No.19516950

Through every concept, every idea, everything, there is a common quality shared through each of them, this quality is that which binds them all together. There are sections that all bind together, for example; there are many concepts of justice and injustice, and there is a common quality that binds them all into one, that’s what makes them justice and injustice, the thing that binds them together forms the concept. Not everything connects directly, for it would be unwise to say there is some common quality between being a college professor and being a pro wrestler. But if we step back and look at the whole, we can see that the common quality of the professor is directly linked to something else, which then links with something else, and so on and so on until we reach the connection of the wrestler. So in this way everything is connected, but not so directly. It’s like blood flowing through a system of veins, the blood doesn’t jump from the foot to the heart directly, but it is still connected.

>> No.19516999

bussy braps

>> No.19517471

we must imagine syphilis happy

>> No.19517707

I keep running into this 16 year old. First time I met her she came up to me, we shared a smoke, within 30 minutes she was necking me, we made out a little. She asked me my age, then she came clean. Now I can’t escape her, I see her everywhere, as if she’s stalking me. I want to fuck her so bad, I can’t wait any longer bros

>> No.19517786

well its 9:55, i tried, but my heart is starting to feel not so good, not sure ill be able to stay up, hopefully i wake up at dinner time or something like that so i still have a chance to sleep tonight

>> No.19517858
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>Write what's on your mind
Carrying capacity


>> No.19517893

The carrying capacity of earth used to be lower. We keep raising it with technology. At our current peak technological level, the carrying capacity of earth is gigantic. So what you should really worry about is keeping the economy strong, so technology can expand and support the rising population of earth with resources to spare.

>> No.19517951

Is there any idea which can be traced to a source? Are ideas like rivers which go downhill from a starting point?
Is there any way to access ideas deliberately which would imply there is some kind of idea reservoir?

>> No.19517959

How come that geniuses are able to have completely new ideas?

>> No.19517967

David Lynch is an awful director and editor, and he reminds me of bad Croatian movies with their awful actors

>> No.19517968
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Ideas are representation. You should ask whether any Thing can be traced to a source. Ideas are easily triggered, even en masse.

>> No.19517970

I wonder where the woke movement is going to find itself in a few decades.
Will it actually gain power, and if so what will it do with it ? Or will it be seen as a fad that people freaked out about ?
I used to think the latter, but things have taken a turn in the past few years. As a non-Anglo, I'm staggered at how much this clearly American ideology somehow gained ground in my country.

>> No.19517974

We’re gigantic, we’re only enabled by technology to replace nature with more of us.
The “economy” doesn’t fuel technology as a rule but a byproduct.
Technology eats resources. Go on and invent fusion energy or the Star Trek transporter/replicator technology. We’ll go extinct while you try.

>> No.19518007

Lack of technology eats resources more. Go ahead and burn wood for heat, plant crops without fertilizer. House people in one-storey buildings, you'll see what happens to the land.

>> No.19518047

>Those without technological advances eat through more resources.
>Which is why our ancestors destroyed the earth millennia ago and we’re not actually having this conversation now.

You’re throwing a tantrum. Stop it.

>> No.19518146
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What will happen to my pupper yorkshire if I put her in the microwave?
Mfw no giantess gf to put me in her microwave. Why live?

>> No.19518157

My heart never talked to me. Its just like trying to scream into the void. Nothing.

>> No.19518163

I feel like such a failure. I did everything I was supposed to do, worked so hard, and jumped through so many hoops for nothing. In two weeks I'll graduate and have to move back in with my parents because the only job I have doesn't pay me enough to live on my own. I've been applying all over the country, willing to travel, willing to relocate anywhere and even fucking Nebraska doesn't want me. So much wasted time interviewing, writing cover letters, meeting with career advisors, all for nothing. I've been working since I was legally able and my bosses have loved me but not enough to pay. Everyone had such high hopes for me but I'll be stuck at my parent's house as the interest racks up on my useless loans. I'd live out of my car if I could afford to buy one. Those hiring signs you see everywhere? If you get to the interview they reveal that the pay listed is a lie. It's all a lie. I don't know how much more rejection I can take. I don't want to be a burden on my family. I was so hopeful after getting to the final round on a dream job and fantasized about being able to send money home to help them. Nope, rejected. What a waste. I know I have to keep trying but it hurts

>> No.19518270

He has a point. From the very beginning, humanity has not been a sustainability-minded species. We are the ultimate apex predator and we hunted much of the megafauna of the world to extinction. Later, we created farming and irrigation which even in the days of Mesopotamia wasn't sustainable. With each technological innovation we grow more demanding of the Earth, but also closer to sustainability.

My point is that the people who want to return to a past level of technology which they imagine was more sustainable have an overly-romanticized view of the past. The only way to become sustainable is to move forwards, technology-wise. Especially now when we have created quite the mess. Simply returning to a primitive lifestyle will not solve this. Instead we have to move forward: develop more green energy sources, build up the infrastructure for stuff like solar/nuclear/wind, invest into environmental cleanup, etc. We've been unwittingly geoengineering for millennia, it's time to consciously do it.

>> No.19518349
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Ayo I'm at my station in the nation of procrastination, practicing nothing but waitin',
I ain't bluffing when I say I'm doin nothin'
let my issues pile up, that's wassup,
Couldn't be bothered do chores cuz I'm bored
Miss me with that errand because from seven
o'clock till eleven I'm sitting as still as a rock and it's heaven
My life I'm not fixing, my dreams I'm just wishin'
and even though tomorrow I'll be bitchin' about the same shit, but too bad cuz I quit and that's it


>> No.19518408
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 7916F7C9-3114-47D7-99A7-B04B03BAB327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not over romanticizing the past, nor am a technophobe/Luddite, but it’s bleedingly obvious we cannot keep adding more and more people to the world and expect FINITE resources to sustain us. “Move forward” into the brick wall of extinction is what we’re doing now. We need to stop the borrowing from the future, yes develop the truly “green” resources, but that will bring us down to what you call a “primitive lifestyle”.
And I certainly don’t want an elite class living in technological splendor while the lower class live in feudalism 2.0, which is what Davos is up to.

>> No.19518419

>be classic good at math and generally smart as a hs kid
>parents and everyone saying “do engineering! It’s good way to get jobs and a career and is full of math and science”
>sure, didn’t want to think to hard about my future
>2 years into college realize I actually hate engineering, can think of no part of it that I enjoy
>feels too late to swap
>4 years later afte graduating and suffering through and engineering job my student debt is finally paid and I’m free to leave and never do engineering again

Honestly, not that bad of a path to take. I’m debt free at 24 making bank while I set up some other life paths I actually like. And all it took was 6 years of dealing with shitty engineering work

>> No.19518425

You chose that life. If you don’t like it, choose something else.

Christ it’s so simple.

>> No.19518469

I am a dislikeable creep. I like keeping secrets. I enjoy telling lies. It gives me pleasure to imply that I have committed serious crimes, but I've pretty much never broken the law. I see people as interchangeable objects. Despite this, I am not a sociopath, and I am dominated by fear; but I don't even have the grace to be ashamed of being a coward, and instead see cowardice as a simple bodily signal akin to hunger or pain. I am more interested in words than people. I like the cruelty of misrepresenting someone, as though the words were twisting them like manacles. But I don't have any personal enemies that I can misrepresent in this way. I have forgotten most of the people I went to school with and hold no grudges against anyone. I don't have the attention span to hold a grudge.

I say I'm shameless, but I'm not shameless enough to write like this. I see literature as a piece of public property, like a poster or a street sign. My characters all have to have normal emotions and not be dislikeable creeps. Or if they are dislikeable characters, there has to be a "relatable" main character with a lower class best friend, probably black or disabled or some such thing to show how he'd be tolerant to just about anyone, even the reader.

I don't have a clear enough sense of self to write for myself; it's as though my personality is completely surface level, and exists only through gestures and implications, stock phrases and stock anecdotes that I've learned to tell, with the appropriate grimaces and eye movements. A wind-up toy that moves in circles, without ever knowing where it's going.

My relationships have all been fake and ended when the other person realised that I can't pass the Turing test; all I do is mirror them and rephrase their opinions as my own. None of my own feelings are socially acceptable, so they are not expressed. I'm less convincing as a human than the average AI.

>> No.19518514
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At this point I am going to side with the communists, even though they will kill me when it's all said and done because I'm bourgeois. I don't care. This current neoliberal hell must be dismantled.

This makes me so angry. We are literally living in a horror novel and people are celebrating their own destruction. This "suicide pod" is only a thing because it's the cheaper option, isn't it? It's cheaper and more economically profitable than fixing the problems, personal and systemic, leading to people committing suicide. This is so sick.

>> No.19518593

Binger, you have to stop. The trial is over. Please. You're still young.

>> No.19518615

Your complete lack of taste disgusts me beyond description

>> No.19518616

based swizterland

>> No.19518784

I do often feel that my only genuine interests are all in conflict with one another.

>> No.19518785
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what would you do?

>> No.19518805

What communists? There are no actual communists anymore. I think you’re probably referring to people who co-opt Marxist symbols for all sorts of oppression politics.

>> No.19518870

>be me
>unironic anti-white fascist
>get away with being a fascist by name-dropping Mao and Sakai when it comes to whitoids
Life is good bros

>> No.19518901

I'd only call the cops if they were overdosing

>> No.19518906
File: 82 KB, 1195x672, A80F6AE3-8022-41EB-9291-AAFA2B5B3A44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Marxist

>> No.19518913

Kek wtf? How would a few million people ruin the world? If you took technology away from today's world it would instantly be a Crossed-tier hellscape. You, like every other zoomer malthus baby, are simply calling for global genocide.

>> No.19518951

Hey butterfly, want an invite to a discord server? Would be fun to have you and any of the anons

>> No.19518960

Stop being a crybaby and use your brain. You’re stuck in the “cornucopia myth of limitless resources” stage.
If we SANELY withdrew high consumptions of our FINITE energy/carrying capacity, saving for the future, we wouldn’t genocide anybody. What you’re thinking of is the bloodshed the greedy bastards will spill to maintain their insanity.

>> No.19518978

Neh. I encourage it and meetups, but say little regarding it.

>> No.19518988

I would like to join the discord server.

>> No.19518989

Nice projection, your post doesn't even make sense. Try again, but breathe this time.

>> No.19519007

Read it again after you finish grammar school

>> No.19519031

Wow you convinced me, and you're definitely not seething. Retard.

>> No.19519057

You ought hop in, it would be fun

>> No.19519058

Plato's dialogues are so gay and I love. It there's always servant boys floating around and bossed around and used as props for Socrates' talking points.

>> No.19519260

That old saying: when a grown man is lusting after children he is looking for God.

Christ will carry your load - accept his gift.

>> No.19519371

Sauce on the pic? Looks familiar

>> No.19519428

Frater brah, I gave you the link to "Kill(ss)ing Asuka" or "Vitrify her" last month I think. You told me to ask about your opinion any time after few days. Have you read his work?

What do you think about that?

>> No.19519458

Only if they were brown.

>> No.19519825

Fact: WWOYM threads turn out better when there's an anime OP pic. Fact!

>> No.19519839
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The older I get, the more death confounds me.

I think the strangest idea is that once my lights go out, all of eternity continues forward without so much as peep from my conscious experience. Seems almost counter-intuitive.

This tiny slice of forever in both directions is all I ever experience? Something doesn't add up.

>> No.19519853

"The truth came to him and the shock of it caused him to forget it in an instance, but not the memory of the forgetting."

>> No.19519854

I have, for some reason, a fear of myself. What I mean is that I don't trust myself, I fear I'll do something that betrays my true desires. Something that I know shouldn't be done, but I do anyway to spite myself. I wish I could confront this part of me, tell him to stop and listen.

>> No.19519884

>If we SANELY withdrew high consumptions of our FINITE energy/carrying capacity, saving for the future
So youre ok with fascism then? specifically national socialism? because you arent going to voluntarily make people do that. if you are, then by all means, do it right now.

>> No.19519913

I've thought about it, this is what I will do:
1. Start a business
2. As soon as one employee is hired, start a union for the business's employees
The union would sort of run the company. It would appoint the leaders like the CEO, decide It would be the owner of the company as well, so no shareholders will ever mess up its mission. It would ensure everyone gets a good, fair, wage, nice benefits, things like a pension (which has sort of faded from the private sector but which I think is good). In this way our company would be one where the means of production are managed and owned by the workers. It will be a little bubble of socialist prosperity in a capitalist world, and as it grew bigger and more people join and leave, other companies would take notice and copy the business structure, unionize their workers, etc.

It's not as gritty or glorious as a revolution, but it could work.

>> No.19519976

>I think the strangest idea is that once my lights go out, all of eternity continues forward without so much as peep from my conscious experience. Seems almost counter-intuitive.
that's your own assumption. why wouldn't the universe die with you? haven't you ever slept 12 hours and it felt like no time passed at all? when you are no longer conscious there is no difference between one second and a billion billion years. some people wonder why time seems like it flows forward and you are only ever in a slice of a moment that moves forward with it. but that's just an assumption as well. you could be skipping randomly through your life right now, or there may be no Now at all, but you wouldn't ever be aware of it because your memories would only ever include past time slices in that sequential order.

>> No.19520079

>So like worldwide Chinese industrial capitalism, right? Massive bureaucracy, cuz like people can’t be trusted to engineer a better life for themselves. They’re too stupid. We need an ruthless elitism who will not be bribed with their positions of power and wealth and perpetuate this status quo that’s driving us to extinction…


>> No.19520095

>be teenager
>watch anime
>see loli character
>years pass
>be me now
>see loli character
>"I wanna dote on her and tuck her into bed when she falls asleep on the couch tfw no daughteru"
what causes this?

>> No.19520096

That's something like my intuition is telling me.
It seems impossible, just being around for this small slice yet I find my self in it, like some weird anthropic principle.

It would make more sense if "now" held some richer meaning.

>> No.19520130

Life is good

>> No.19520145

read a labor law textbook retard, it’s obvious you have no idea how unions work

>> No.19520177
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Is life in the USA really shittier than it was last year? I feel a great void and see despair in the future.

COVID hangover maybe, but things seem to be getting worse rapidly.

>> No.19520189


My heart sank when I saw this. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.19520209
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Are bread bowls sandwiches?

>> No.19520211

>That's something like my intuition is telling me.
You might like this then https://reducing-suffering.org/eternalism-and-its-ethical-implications/
A famous /sci/ schizo that killed himself at the start of covid loved this essay also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZEvp-H52Ig

>> No.19520222

That's actually not so bad, if someone is living in incredible pain, they should have the right to kill themselves. It's their life.

>> No.19520226

im a dumb american and when i visited the UK i thought i would see New England Clam Chowder breadbowls everywhere and my life would be like a fairytale. but when i got there its just middle eastern chicken shops with the lowest possible quality food from the top of the country to the bottom

>> No.19520233

What's disgusting to me is how it's clearly designed with aesthetics in mind, and not to provide comfort to the patients, but to be sleek and coldly futuristic and romantic to redditors who will coom their pants over what a moral and advanced society we are. No reverence towards the people who will die in it at all.

>> No.19520243

I dont know which philosophical text to read, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason is too big and so is Hegel's Phenemnology of the Spirit. What book should I read?

>> No.19520246 [DELETED] 

Of course you think it's fine. The basis for your morals is whatever you happen to have been brainwashed by corporate media into thinking is good.

>> No.19520254

Thanks, i know all about Mario.
Here's hoping I don't end up like him. This is some heavy knowledge.

>> No.19520258

why? why those two? why buy into the memes? if you want Kant just read Metaphysics of Morals, which is 100x more accessible. don't even bother with hegel, you won't get anywhere and everyone that knows anything will peg you as a pseud if you bring him up in any convo

>> No.19520302

>suicide is...LE BAD

>> No.19520306

I'm not against euthanasia in the case of terminally ill patients. But look at it anon. This isn't how such a person should be put to rest. This is literally a torture chamber, and its designed to look sleek and hi-tech. It's an insult. And it's not even met for such patients, they want to make this a way for anyone who's suicidal to commit suicide. Isn't it evil? Instead of developing ways to help people or looking into solving the issues causing people to become depressed/suicidal, they designed a product to kill people.

>> No.19520313
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>> No.19520327

suicide is bad because it reminds me that i haven't done it yet

>> No.19520336
File: 472 KB, 1229x1858, I fucking love suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Humanity's future is in good hands.

>> No.19520360

It doesn't matter since their kids will be brainwashed by the occupying tribe to hate themselves and their people.

>> No.19520365

Everytime other hobby boards discuss themes in fiction I feel like gouging my eyes out. It's always clear they're a bunch of teenagers who can't even bother to read fucking wikipedia articles on what they're talking about. /a/ fucking sucks

>> No.19520369

I genuinely hate the Redditor anti-natalist liberals man.

>you should be happy they are lining up to kill themselves anon
lmao, fair enough

>> No.19520411


>> No.19520442

Yeah bro, just force them to live against their will so they can wageslave for their (((bosses))) until they die! Nothing could go wrong!

What's that? They voted Hitler into power? For NO REASON AT ALL?

>> No.19520448

The solution, you retard, is to improve their lives so that the desire for suicide fades.

>> No.19520452

Dying by gas is the most painless method of death that exists. Torture chamber? Shooting yourself in the brains is more painful than this

>> No.19520458

your right anon

>> No.19520462
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That's too expensive! They should just get a job! McDonalds is hiring!

>> No.19520475

Do you know it's a torture chamber, maybe it's designed to put people to sleep then inject gas to stop the heart. Do you know the laws of euthanasia in Switzerland?
I don't but I do support autonomy of people's bodies whether it be vaccines or suicide. There is a giant industry in psychology and psychiatry to stop suicide.

>> No.19520477

Never gonna happen. There will always be a need for servants. There is only a handful of real jobs in comparison. Really the only solution is a mass depopulation event.

>> No.19520483

keep hoping and coping fag

>> No.19520489

>That's too expensive!
Exactly. That's what it comes down to, isn't it? Capitalism deciding that it's more profitable to kill people than to help them by fixing things. It's not the Jews, it's the Bezos and Gates and Musks of the world who are pushing for this. It's horrendous.

>> No.19520499

>It's not the Jews

>> No.19520500

You do know that you going to get rekt to death someday? Correct?
Imagine existing in that rekt state for longer than you need to. That's what's on the table here.

>> No.19520524


idk if its just zoomers but there's certainly a class of people absolutely against having a sincere conversation because every conversation of this sort is seen as antagonistic. political ones are by far the most common example of this antagonism that occurs when you peer past the veil. perhaps its some narcissism shit where we don't see people and live under the illusion that they are us and sincere conversation breaks this illusion of commonality which is so essential.

>> No.19520598
File: 128 KB, 1200x858, 1620789376230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better meme

>> No.19520600

They have yet to lose the fourth wall.
Remember when you were a kid or naive adult and felt everything happening to you was performative and mattered in some way?

Some people haven't lost that. You find out pretty quickly who they are by talking to them.

>> No.19520613

>arguing with someone
>they post link to wikipedia
>edit the page and tell them to re-check their source
top fucking kek Im so devious

>> No.19520701

Im wholly unsure of what to do next. I want to return to university because working as a low end wagie is soul crushing and I cant stand it, and I would at least to spend time on things related to what I value in life. However im also hyper aware of how bs university is and know that most of my learning would be from my own study, and if I get my theoretical job Ive heard and seen so much about these industries and academia that Im not sure if debt and years in that institution is worth it if Im not actually helping society unscrew itself in anyway and just at the beck and call of big wigs. Unfortunately i dont find being a code monkey being exactly fun or stimulating but I might have to start considering it, all options are just flimsy at best and it doesnt phase me because I knew from the beginning you have to be an autodidact to some degree especially if you want to create something beautiful but its annoying when im just trying to seek the best possible method to leave my mom's house without also forsaking my sanity in a really bad job that i'll quit in 6 months or university which will effectively lobotomize me and debt which will shackle me from bailing out of society

>> No.19520703

Reading Marx is genuinely boring to the point of distraction. When it comes to the lefties, Mao is much more enjoyable to read.

>> No.19520739

The lady from Japanese Breakfast wrote a memoir called "Crying in H Mart." I read a couple sentences over my wife's shoulder, and now I'm here to tell you: it is hot garbage, at least at the sentence level. I read more mature prose when I worked on the staff of my high school's lit magazine. The beauty creme "shaved ten years off our faces." WTF does that even mean? At a literal level it's impervious to interpretation. She uses the word "paranoid" when she means "fearful of" or "anxious about." "Paranoid of my parents dying;" again, what does that statement even mean? I should buy a copy and a big-ass box of red pens and edit the book until I run out of ink (which would happen before I have finished editing) and send the book to her so she knows how she should've written it. NYT bestseller; content published in The New Yorker, Harper's, and Glamour; indie/shoegaze maven; can't write a full page without sounding like a high school student who thinks she's smarter than she really is.

>> No.19520758

>"Paranoid of my parents dying;"
Sounds like a stylistic choice. You may be applying too much autism.
I mean, I'm sure its remarkably shit on most levels, but put down the pens.

>> No.19520774

not that anon but
>i-im not retarded it was a stylistic choice!

>> No.19520802

She is a best-seller.
Might just she's aiming not for the bullseye. Throw in some retarded shit here, little there, ya know, to sell copies. Its not about us, its about the consumer.

>> No.19520989

Buy a shotgun
Aim it at a 45 degree angle in your mouth
Pull the trigger

You WILL be a wage slave
You WILL work until you die
You WILL be in debt
You WILL rent

>> No.19520994
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Feeling pretty low and pathetic. I'll be fine in a couple of days or a week so, just one those things. For now I just want to wallow but I've got to go to work and get on with my life.

>> No.19521013

Redpill anon all modern literature is like this - even those who are supposedly "good" according to the literati can't write for shit. Now I'm not saying I could do better (I think I could, but it isn't my point) but it's really astounding just how *bad* much of mainstream literature is these days. Not average or bland, straight up bad.

>> No.19521032

Please help me anons I'm falling into the Murakami reread rabbit hole again

>> No.19521039

I should not have vandalized public property before an apartment complex located at a nice area in broad daylight.

>> No.19521063

youre straw manning hard there, butters

care to explain how you then will convince 8+ billion people to completely voluntarily change their lifestyle dramatically to become more environmentally conscience? remember, we're on the clock too.

>> No.19521127

I’m addicted to the internet generally and 4channel specifically.

>> No.19521141

iktf. The best I can do right now is try and bend all of my will power into turning off my pc at 9pm.

>> No.19521148

Doctor gave me SSRIs. I took half a pill and felt sick for 2 days. I won't take them anymore.

>> No.19521190

Feeling sentimental and wanting to watch a Richard Linklater film

>> No.19521195

I have a master's degree and I rather deliver Uber Eats than working on an office a single day more. What even happened? Is capitalism such a meme?

>> No.19521196


Love this song. Simple as.

>> No.19521217

No, that is basically what fascism is, that is basically what fascists would say.

Reverse this though. How would you, the fascist state of North America (or wherever) convince China to stop industrialization and rampant capitalism? War of course. You’ll get into a shooting match with nukes and other heavy artillery.

8billion+ people peeling away statists is practically that needed change right there. Direct democracy, full participation in the cooperation and betterment of their regions are far more likely to adapt and be that ecological relief in and of itself.

The iron fist is what got us here, it can never be the cure

>> No.19521232
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Do what makes you happy
But don’t forget about the future

>> No.19521250

>But don’t forget about the future

Are you saying I'm going to die poor and working at a second job (probably an office job) regardless?

>> No.19521251
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>> No.19521262

the dialogue in this film makes my stomach turn

>> No.19521275

As I was opening your embed, I was hoping it was going to be Monday Morning.

>> No.19521306

Naw. You could do whatever you want. Find passion in growing mushrooms or something.


>> No.19521307

>War of course
wrong, diplomatic and economic strong arming combined with expansion of domestic industry, china's economy is a massive bubble that is ENTIRELY dependent on exports to the west
>billion+ people peeling away statists is practically that needed change right there. Direct democracy, full participation in the cooperation and betterment of their regions are far more likely to adapt and be that ecological relief in and of itself.
you have made it clear that you have no viable plan to make any of this happen, it still comes down to the crux of 8 billion people operating in harmony on a completely voluntary basis just to make this happening, then you have to do it AGAIN to get all of those people to change their lifestyles.
>The iron fist is what got us here, it can never be the cure
actually this is wrong too, historically speaking liberalism is what got us here, tolerance is what got us here. the iron fist of national socialism is what got us modern animal rights, environmentalism, and sustainable development practices and the the fusion of radical environmentalism, ideology, and spirituality.

>> No.19521349

It’s just my phone really.

But besides my addiction, this whole thing creates a crisis of conscience in me personally. On one hand, it’s not just the addiction and I have genuine anti-tech sentiments. On the other hand, I fantasize about making YouTube videos or something to be able to escape working life. So even besides the addiction, there’s a moral problem that arises in there somewhere.

>> No.19521365
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Can you go in to more specifics? About your ideal job, what you want to study. There are always other options, brother, hopefully we can find one for yo.

>> No.19521367

who is the artist of this pic? Google image results gives me the original painting but not this modified one

>> No.19521373

A problem I have is that the time spent on the internet instead of doing virtually anything else usually leaves me unsatisfied, and in my unsatisfied state I find it more difficult to exert my conscious will, and this difficulty of course goes right back to feeding my addiction, creating a harmful feedback loop

I also think there are of course other deep causes of dissatisfaction in my life that also pour into this cycle and prevent me from feeling content

>> No.19521397

>diplomatic and economic strong arming
That’s what blue fascism (neoliberalism) already does. If fascism ever revs back up again you imagine they’d try to avoid war *this time*.
There’s no strong arming them now though. Too late. (No, they have exports going elsewhere now too. They’ll manage).
> you have made it clear that you have no viable plan
Localized self dependence is half the job there. The minority rulers have shown themselves to be selfish and foolish. The majority would at least have their say in all the meetings. I would trust it.
We operate in harmony as directed by so-called experts. Would each meeting vote to let flat pit idiots run things? Would we ask a panel of fools how to move forward? We’re trying to do things right now, but monied interests still rule us.
> liberalism is what got us here
Liberal capitalism. The Industrial Revolution. So-called civilizations, always iron fisted, have brought us to this.
>Fascism has always been Green

>> No.19521405

>flat pit
Flat out

>> No.19521416

Man, I can sympathize with that too. All of it.

>> No.19521427
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Why does Bobby Fischer look like Guenon?

>> No.19521437

He doesn't look anything like him. Do you have autism?

>> No.19521491

>That’s what blue fascism (neoliberalism) already does.
no it isn't, that is to say, everyone does diplomatic and economic strong arming, but no one is utilizing it for that purpose because it isnt in their interest
>There’s no strong arming them now though. Too late.
you're completely pulling this out of your ass, china is still EXTREMELY heavily reliant on exports to the west, and their presence in Africa can be challenged.
>Localized self dependence is half the job there. The minority rulers have shown themselves to be selfish and foolish. The majority would at least have their say in all the meetings. I would trust it.
We operate in harmony as directed by so-called experts. Would each meeting vote to let flat pit idiots run things? Would we ask a panel of fools how to move forward? We’re trying to do things right now, but monied interests still rule us.
>Liberal capitalism
liberalism INCLUDING l BUT NOT LIMITED TO liberal capitalism, liberalism as a principle is also to blame because liberalism has been little more than effectively the principle of personal human liberty put on a pedestal to the detriment of everyone/everything. its little more than the celebration of the right to self destruction.
no argument, everything i have said is historically true to the point where liberals made propaganda making fun of them for it in order to protect liberal capitalism. national socialism is the foundation of virtually all modern environmentalism, animal rights, and environmentally sustainable development of infrastructure ,and most importantly, they had the means to actually make these things happen, it wasnt just dreams, they turned theory into action, unlike your ilk. the green party was literally founded by nazis and radical environmentalism is absolutely foundational in the blood and soil ideology that guided all policy and was taught to the next generation through education, media and the hitler youth program in order to ensure a radicalized youth of each generation can understand the importance of and continue to pass on the torch of the ideologies principles.

>> No.19521497

i'm bored

>> No.19521500

Smart guy with schizo ramblings? Checks out

>> No.19521603

This person will be in their 30s before they have their degree and they have no work experience at all. I can’t even see them having a job. I don’t know what they’re going to do.

>> No.19521618
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Seems interesting

>> No.19521628

The job market is heavily in favor of workers, as of late. I have a pretty good job, but even the ones I've seen posted lately say everyone needs to be vaccinated and are expected to be in the office at least some of the time. Either one of these are dealbreakers for many workers.

>> No.19521644
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Read Bordiga and Lenin instead, still accessible while not being opportunist.

>> No.19521704

I’m so restless all the time and feel something like dissatisfaction.

>> No.19521745

Interesting as fuck

>> No.19521787
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How can I become a proper nazi? None of that larping shit, so no alt right, no reactionary bullshit
Give me literature

>> No.19521809

>Bordiga and Lenin
Read Lenin in England and critique Lenin by learning from the factory floor itself. Its what Lenin would have wanted. Which technically makes Autonomists Leninists. Tell them that and watch them spew.

>> No.19521846
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>Trust me, a single world ruler will fix everything
I was once a teenager too.

>> No.19521847

Why do you care? Why do you let these things that have nothing to do with you harm you? I’m working on a book I’m calling The Individualist Manifesto, one of the points I’m making in the book is how needless concern for other people can harm you. (Of course, i don’t mean this to say we should all be selfish and loveless, I just think that worry and anxiety for people who aren’t you, for people you don’t even know, is silly. What good does your concern do? Just observe the suffering of others, learn from it what there is to learn, and move on. You can’t connect your own happiness with the well-being of others.) So, following this philosophy, why would you care if people are going to use these suicide pods? What’s it to you? No ones going to force you to use these, so why do you care? The ideal suicide is a tranquil one, and these seem to be providing that.

Moving away from individualism, why do you see death as so sickening? Many see death as this great evil, but we don’t know anything about it. What’s wrong with you? Making such drastic assumptions, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Death is where you were for the billions of years before you were born, you weren’t suffering or wishing for anything else, were you? So what’s wrong with going back to it voluntarily?

>> No.19521861
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>> No.19521922

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.19521941
File: 31 KB, 324x499, 41wJzZZsSBL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a very brief easy to digest pamphlet to get you started
A new nobility of blood and soil by Richard Walther Darré is a critical text of national socialism that elaborates on the blood and soil ideology and will help you understand the ideas at the heart of national socialism and which differentiate it even from other fascist movements
if you want a decent little overview of hitlers germany that is properly sourced and not schizo shit but isnt intentionally trying to be outright wartime propaganda against him you can look into "hitlers revolution" by richard tedor
you will want to understand generic fascism, so
geovani gentile and mussolinis works are of course something you might be interested in looking into, and oswald mosely.
you will want to understand some basic history of marxism, its ideas, its failures, the revisionist crisis, and how fascism emerged and heir to leftist thought.
A New Social Philosophy. by Werner Sombart explores national socialist economic ideas from a perspective of an (ex)Marxist professor who was somewhat critical of some aspects of its social ideals
you can check out The Ideology of Fascism: The Rationale of Totalitarianism by A. James Gregor
Fascist Socialism by Pierre Drieu La Rochelle is an essay that explores how marxist revisionism played out and how the results effectively point to fascism by comparing and contrasting revisionist marxist nations with fascist nations

>> No.19521963

Many thanks.

>> No.19521972

damn, yea you got thoroughly BTFO and had to make your closing statements lmao. a pretty weak one too because, aah yes, everyone knows teenagers are well known for their strict adherence to authority, the importance of that authority and and adherence to discipline, spirituality, and rejection of degenerate overindulgence. is that seriously the best you could come up with? I WAS a teenager once too, you know.

>> No.19521989
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what is picrel's problem? why is it the way it is?

>> No.19521994

these may be worth looking into too

>> No.19522027
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She looks sweaty

Naw. That post of yours is pretty frantic and stupid. You want to take a victory lap, whatever. No. A dictator, another elitist class with yet another mandate, whatever, it isn’t going to result in anything different than what it has done already.

We have to abandon statism and the blood of it in money.

Yeah, as a teenager I appreciated Doctor Doom style. Where you a punker “anarchist”?

>> No.19522046

They pro vaccine or something?

>> No.19522051

What job won't make me miserable? None? Should I just dump all my money on crypto and hope to get lucky? Seems like there is no way out.

>> No.19522062

If you’re not sure what you want to do with your life, drift around some odd jobs (if money is tight).

>> No.19522079

>No. A dictator, another elitist class with yet another mandate, whatever, it isn’t going to result in anything different than what it has done already.
thats the point though, I want to recreate what has already been done, what has been proven to be possible on the scale required to change the currently horrific fate of us and our world. actual real tangible change in the right direction, theory becoming action becoming policy and all the steps in between. real viable methodology with real life application creating and controlling a mass populist movement that can not only exist but be structured to proliferate its self into the next generation.

none of this "well theoretically if we could wave a magic wand and make everyone in the world into self governing communes that might help" garbage

>> No.19522090


1) Brilliant fucking economic advice.

2) I enjoy the fact that you are tacitly accepting the work model in common language, where "what one wants to do with one's life" equates to a career path.

>> No.19522111

>Right, that’s what we want. More of the same.
You’re only imagining the dictatorships of the past as subverted by “liberalism”. You’re fooled by them
Talk of magic wands!

>> No.19522117
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I choose this desire, not from desperation, but from confused arousal of the soul.
Your consistent intervening efforts only embolden my maudlin personality.
and so i turn over in the oven, reveling in the smell of my naked burning flesh.

>> No.19522122

Tried to read zero to one. Thiel ousts himself as a deluded pro-monopolist or simple bad faith propagandist within the first 30 pages. Educated adults will read this shit and let it shape their worldview.
What in fuck.

>> No.19522127

non argument as usual. i dont know how you function with this level of willful ignorance, you literally know you are in the wrong and dont have anything to say.

>> No.19522130

The current world doesn’t let us just drift without the necessity of cash. I hate it, but there it is.

Some people can drift without worry because they got cash. Imagine the shared economy in a free world!

>> No.19522143

I’m just showing you how you’re thinking is twisted. You don’t accept arguments. You’re so in love with the feces of the past and you’re sure we’ll learn to enjoy eating them as much as you do.

>> No.19522144

i want an exciting job. but i only have a bachelor's. i hate sitting at a desk. i want to fucking LIVE damn it.

emergency room nurse? cia ops? something. give me some ideas here guys. realistic ones too. cia will never take me since im a white man.

>> No.19522146

a shame "Imagine" is all you are capable of. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a Merry Christmas.

>> No.19522152

Dark alley mugger
Car thief
Dog breeder

>> No.19522165

you literally have not addressed a single thing ive said to you. I dont accept arguments??? this is what im talking about, how can you live with yourself after posting such completely and utterly blatant projection and lies? you do nothing but spit platitudes while i lay out actual historical facts and examples that make my point that sitting around waiting for your platitudes to come true isnt a viable option and there are ways to actually make real changes here and now, and all you can do is quip because it makes you feel better. youre a real piece of work.

>> No.19522166


A coward i call you
A virgin of the fighting soul
A useless broken shoe
A rebellion with no goal

>> No.19522170

The people on this board suck eggs.

>> No.19522222

Please argue for me that in Book 1 of Nichomachean Ethics, virtue and eudaimonia are inseparably intertwined.

>> No.19522225

This? >>19521491 ?

>no it isn’t
Yes, there’s barely any light between neoliberalism and fascism. It’s practically the same economics. I’ve already mentioned how China is gaining because they’re in industrial capitalism mode, (while the west in finance capitalism). But the point is fascism has no other economics than to replace the bankers with non Jewish names. No other government but to replace the bureaucratic suits with bureaucratic Hugo Boss uniforms with sharp looking piping and fancy insignias.
>everyone does diplomatic…
And fascism would be no different in character or nature. You wouldn’t trust a single person to vote on a measly representative to do the right thing, and you expect a single superior figure to rule his roost and avoid corruption and stay the course of some plan they tell the people is for their own good. How naïvely optimistic. How will you are to eat the old turd as if it were still food.
You need more??

>> No.19522405

>Yes, there’s barely any light between neoliberalism and fascism
you literally do not know what the fuck you are talking about, holy shit. care to explain to me how exactly you think the German currency functioned relative to liberal countries currency? how their approach to interest and debt is "barely any different than liberalism"? you are completely talking out of your ass, you dont even know what fascism or natinal socialism are for christ sake. you literally think its "liberalism but government :DDD"

>And fascism would be no different in character or nature
what are you talking about????? both theory and history literally already proved you wrong in this, the very differences between the fascist and liberal economy and administrative structure alone outright DEMANDS a different approach to international trade and diplomacy, and this isnt even getting into the future ambitions of national socialist economists to completely revolutionize the very fundamentals of international trade in order to bring it in line with the philosophy their currency was based on, which is that all economic activity should result in the manifestation of real tangible goods and infrastructure and labour instead of funny money hoarded by billionaires. you are literally just making shit up and hoping i dont call you out on it.

>> No.19522417

Recently came to the realization that the reason I push people away is because I'm scared that once they get to know me that they will see me as some kind of fraud and then leave me. That I am a shameful creature. Realized it's source. I was always treated better away from home than inside it. At school, with friends, sports, with girls but they always made me feel so bad about myself. 7 years removed and I still live with this fear inside of me, what the fuck am I supposed to do to move past this?

Education doesn't make you not dumb. You just know more.

>> No.19522447

Similar happened to me recently, got shortlisted for 3 jobs cleared none. I can understand your pain anon. I hope we both make it out, good luck to you.

>> No.19522503

I am cheering on the Covid. I wear my mask and have all my shots, but I really love the new variants and watching everyone pointlessly screeching and nashing teeth in fear while everything collapses in slow motion. It's super edgy and cringe but humanity deserves this. Only the strong will survive and this will lead us back to the way we have lost.

>> No.19522524

Fuck she got rekted. National socialist bro you earned your 1000 reichsmarks. Enjoy bruder.

>> No.19522541
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You really think you need the mask and all your shots anon? The strong don't need those. Sadly for you: you are not going to make it.

>> No.19522595

>German currency functioned relative to liberal countries currency?
Accumulatively. Natsoc is state-socialists that imprison other state-socialists and start wars with other state-socialists, and they all use state centralized capitalism. In the meantime we have free market cappies bitching about the mixed economy of neoliberalism. Which is state-socialism for the rich and austerity for the poor.

Ah, no usury, just war instead. Ah, such different trade and diplomacy, history showing us how that broke down and they had to break treaties and go to war. “This isn’t even getting into the future ambitions of national socialism…” because of some nasty war, I know. Seems the Chinese are doing what the National Socialists wanted to do.
But why don’t you root for them again?
I’m holding them all to an actual revolutionary standard, anonymous. And they are all too similar to quibble over any further. I don’t care that much. Cute to know, fun facts, but in the end these things are ravenous beasts that eat up resources and destroy lives. Art and culture exist despite them

Eat shit, toady.

>> No.19522626

The stupid die first as it's the most exploitable weakness. Then the physically weak die.

I'm in better shape than the photo you posted. The vax and mask were for social ease.

Every million humans that die is another species saved.

>> No.19522915

>didn't actually describe how the currency functioned relative to contemporary liberal economies
>doesn't actually understand or address what i was stalking about when i mentioned how diplomacy and international trade are effected

once again proving you are just improvising as you go along lmao, dont worry though, its late and you get the last post for tonight, we all know thats the real reward you are after, not the truth. bon appétit mon ami!

>> No.19522949

I'm 24 and I haven't cried since I was 12 years old. It's been an incredibly tough year and I feel it all on my shoulders. I just want to let it out and cry. I felt my eyes welling and I tried to let it out but I couldn't. I guess close enough is good enough.

>> No.19522960

There is literally nothing more boring or derivative than the argument over interpretations of other people's thoughts. I'll never understand how people can get so caught up in rooting for their favorite ideological football teams. You aren't an 'ist; 'isms don't exist. They aren't immanent and never will be. It's all an abstraction from the far more basal human need to feel tribal membership. Grow up and use your own brains to formulate your own thoughts.

>> No.19522998

You sound completely autistic. People care about these things because they are tied into every aspect of the world and everything they care about, and they carry very real consequences.

>> No.19523015
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Feel like such an NPC with no own opinions or goals or drive to do anything really, crippled by fear and insecurities. Being self aware enough feels like a step in the right direction though. How do I overcome this and become my own fulfilled person?

>> No.19523017
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>> No.19523028

>People care about these things because they are tied into every aspect of the world and everything they care about, and they carry very real consequences.
Or maybe these things (I would argue unnecessarily) carry real consequences and are tied inextricably into every single facet of postmodern life BECAUSE people care about them. Take a look at the world. How do you think that's working out for us?

>> No.19523044
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Started watching futarama and this shit really dosen't hold a candle to early Simpsons, don't understand why it's so foundly remembered.

>> No.19523046

What's so boring is that people's declared beliefs are often negatively-defined. They simply find the opposite belief onerous, or indicative of bad character, eg, 'only right wingers believe in that, so I believe in its opposite'. People are likely to adopt an ism simply because its sold as an antidote to something bad, eg, "I'm a stoic because negative emotions are bad, and being in control of your emotions is good."
I know a few fellas who are "democratic socialists" or "utilitarians", and have arrived at such simply because they were found to be the safest options given the prejudices of their peers. "Utilitarianism is all about maximizing wellbeing for all people." I don't even need to explain how shallow that is. It's so meaningless that nobody could believe it. It serves only as a badge for halfwits to prove that are not dangerous.

>> No.19523055

Futurama is soulless. Haven't you noticed that every character basically sounds the same? I can't explain it. It's like they all talk and project their voice the same way. It's a flat show. Fine jokes, but there's too many jokes, and they're just read one after the other.

>> No.19523080
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I wish the Lord would take me

>> No.19523123

I haven't been this sad in a while. I'd forgotten what it felt like. My thoughts are with my sad homies tonight, this shit sucks.

>> No.19523141
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>the white guy at work calls me "problematic"
>he gossiped that my buddy was being "rapey" because he flirted with the delivery girl
>corrects someone for saying "jew" and not "jewish person"
why are white people so fucking gay?

>> No.19523207

Everything is getting worse everywhere. We're experiencing the dusk of a golden age.

>> No.19523225

I mean it's definitely not getting better. By what metric could you even say things improve?

>> No.19523359

Why I am the way I am? Why not something else?

>> No.19523377

If it's any help, consider him
a modern version of the pearl-snatcher.
Old example:
>Calls the new hire "impolite"
>Nags about the delivery girl "improper" leggings
>Corrects everyone who doesn't call him "sir"

>> No.19523454

This video proved to me that modern philosophy is worthless and ironically, that Spengler was right about his contemporaries.
The video makes Heidegger sound like an idiot.

>> No.19523474

and I will not be happy, if Im going out Im using a bigger caliber
I just want to do research in math or science. Im not delusional I know thats not very realistic especially for sci in the US, Im more than willing to work for a company or firm crunching numbers or messing with chemicals on their part. I have a love hate relationship with programming but I enjoy that as well Im currently learning C++ and if all else fails programming is my last gambit really.

>> No.19523592

kek I didn't know there were memes of this but I guess it makes sense. I don't browse /pol/, were there threads during the trial?

>> No.19523622

I can’t help but wince at the loneliness of all literature. Not a word can be written unless the man is alone, and of course solitude engenders a certain character of thought, nothing of which I have come to trust. The influence that the literature man has wrought on this world via his means of broadcasting from his neurotic solitude has been criminal.

>> No.19523632

How old are you? Have you considered anything like the military? What’s your programming experience? Hobby projects?

>> No.19523653

mao? More like lmao

>> No.19523739

Do you want to talk?

>> No.19523759
File: 60 KB, 960x632, 79E14B0D-B41E-4BA0-AE4D-947E19ECFEC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22, considered military but not interested and I wouldn't fare well at all from what my uncle told me. Novice in JS and Java but I bailed that because I wanted to learn C++, studying C++ as we speak but Im a beginner. No hobby projects because still learning basics but I have a well of ideas already. The love hate relationship I described is because I enjoy programming but the more I learn the more I hate how broken or nonsensical everything is, which is part hubris but partly a good thing because I have ideas and all I do everyday is study so ill catch up. I applied for uni next year as a transfer, weighing what part of STEM to major in (S, T or M). I at least just want to leave my family and be independent, the debt doesnt bother me too much I’ll know how to manage and mitigate it desu.

>> No.19523847

I have and perhaps I saw bit too easily into his psyche, his is the common neo-Buddhist interpretations you’ll find by the more depressed crowd, and in truth all of his Philosophical, religious and mathematical endeavors were clearly just a cope for the existential crisis which pervaded his being, the lack of meaning in life which he perceived, which his studies certainly did not help with, mix this with common aesthetic vanity (such as his fixation on beauty, impossibility of perceiving how others could be alive with their own lives and meaning, over idealization of his fictional media as superior to the mudanities of common life, etc.) he basically was the perfect concoction to harm himself. I’ve seen many like him before and the reason they exist is partially a damaged psyche and partially because of misunderstanding various doctrines and partially due to youth. Is there an intellect there, there is, but not as expansive as he assumed, and because of this specialness and yet seeing void in himself, the results are clear as day as to what would happen. Either shattering of his model of belief or suicide.

>> No.19523955

If I could offer you some pieces of advice at this juncture it would be:
1) To avoid debt as much as possible. If you avoid debt, the worst case scenario is that you lose time and effort, which you always would’ve had to expend anyway and is never truly wasted. Debt, however, can trap you and enslave you.
2) Just run with coding. You have your eyes set at “what you want to do” and that’s great and all but for the overwhelming majority of people, especially the type that come here, work is just work. There are exceptions of course, but for many people who work professional jobs the most they can ask for us that they don’t hate it and if you don’t hate programming, just run with it. I personally believe that feelings are attuning faculties. If doing some sort of function is a total grind and miserable, you’re not supposed to be doing that doing. Don’t force yourself to do things you neither need to do, nor want to do.
Beyond that, I would just say in the grand scheme of things I would say what you study in college, where you study, how old are you, and even if you study will never be the most important thing in the final analysis so there’s no reason to feel so lost over it if that’s the case.

>> No.19523986

God I wish I was rich.

>> No.19524067

your advice has been heard and your dubs is proof that it's sound advice, ill take it very seriously. My critical weakness is decision paralysis and since this is the biggest choice in my life its really bad this time, so I just needed someone to kick me in the boot since nobody around me can really do that, thank you anon. I knew this deep down because coding gives me the best angle to incorporate things like math, science and literature anyway, and since I want freedom its the only field that can give me that. I'll make sure to avoid debt as much as I can, and luckily programming isnt something that makes me suicidal while I do it so I think ill be fine. I'll try my best to not overwhelm myself thinking about college decisions and just be pragmatic about it.

>> No.19524093

Why do I have the worst luck when it comes to getting what I want? Motherfucker

>> No.19524101

This weekend I am going to facefuck my wife's friend while she watches

>> No.19524108


>> No.19524111

>You don’t know how the reichstag currency works! Haha I’m not gonna tell you! Woohoohoo. Gotchya!

>and use your own brains to formulate your own thoughts.
That’s what gets us to some conclusions about how to improve the world.

It’s satire. You can’t have “too many jokes”. You can have too much character building and introspection. Some episodes do actually stop to tug at heartstrings

Be something else.

>> No.19524116

Stay mad lol

>> No.19524135

holy based

>> No.19524150

You're a dumb bitch and need to stfu.
The average person is a moron and does not give a shit about environmentalism especially when it goes against self-interest or convenience. You need something like "eco-fascism" to push for sustainable models of civilization.
May you please just stfu already?

>> No.19524186

Based Schwabian

>> No.19524197

Don't want climate lockdowns? Boo-hoo, cry some more lib.

>> No.19524199

Klaus Schwab is not an eco-fascist. I don't think he truly cares about the natural world.

>> No.19524226

>The average person is a moron because they were raised for nothing else but cheap disposable labor, and have been endlessly misled on the issues of sustainability and proper management of life on purpose.
Commit sudoku.
“Eco fascism” is just another liberal spin on a product. Why buy it? You vote for Bernie Sanders or AOC too?
“Civilizations” are NOT SUSTAINABLE. May you please LEARN SOMETHING already

>> No.19524280

kjøttboller i brunsaus

>> No.19524288

Agrarian communities can be sustainable. India in ancient times under the reign of Ashoka the Great was sustainable. Read these quotes from him, you dumb whore:

"Dhamma is good, but what constitutes Dhamma? (It includes) little evil, much good, kindness, generosity, truthfulness and purity. I have given the gift of sight in various ways. To two-footed and four-footed beings, to birds and aquatic animals, I have given various things including the gift of life. And many other good deeds have been done by me."

"The Dhamma regulations I have given are that various animals must be protected. And I have given many other Dhamma regulations also. But it is by persuasion that progress among the people through Dhamma has had a greater effect in respect of harmlessness to living beings and non-killing of living beings."

"Wherever medical herbs suitable for humans or animals are not available, I have had them imported and grown. Wherever medical roots or fruits are not available I have had them imported and grown. Along roads I have had wells dug and trees planted for the benefit of humans and animals."

You need a fascist or monarch like Ashoka for sustainable countries.

>> No.19524313

Literally anyone can plant fruit trees

>> No.19524320


>> No.19524337

In order to have wide scale positive effect, you want the leader to enforce planting the fruit trees, respecting wildlife, and more. The problem with representative democracy is that the representatives can easily be bought out by industry interests. The problem with free democracy is the average person is easily brainwashed and tends to be a greedy bastard.
It is preferable to have one fascist ruler or monarch who imposes a uniform set of values on everyone

>> No.19524348

Sometimes you act extremely smug and narcissistic.

>> No.19524398

People did that for millions of years without dictatorship and caste systems. “Leaders” get greedy and in these days of diminishing resources you see them robbing out in the open. They’re a part of the problem, not a solution at all. Stop polishing their boots with your tongue

>> No.19524437

Effective and noble leadership can lead to more awareness of the importance of respecting the environment. Without noble leaders, you risk anarchy and people destroying the world only for their own greed. Greed, hatred, and delusion exist in high frequency among the human population. You are a stupid humanist who doesn't realize the dangers of the mob because you, yourself, are like the insipid rabble. You have a peasant mentality.
In fact, I do not consider myself a fascist. I am technically a theocratic monarchist. You are a soulless bitch in dire need of some public lashings. It doesn't matter to me if it comes from a Catholic priest, Buddhist, mobed, or Muslim. The important thing is they should be yelling verses from their scriptures as they lash you. It has a purifying effect and can help drive away your inner demons, whore.

>> No.19524548

Has anyone always believed they were destined for great things?

>> No.19524550

There is no thought on this board, only automatic responses.
Goodbye, I hope you have a good time.

>> No.19524619

I wonder what would be the most frightful existential yet darkly comedic thing my Goldfish could say to me.

>> No.19524646

>encounter minor inconvenience
>"huh guess I'll kill myself"
should I be worried

>> No.19524732

>Effective and noble leadership
Ahh, the Myth of the Noble Dictator.

More awareness leads to more awareness. For this the student needs a teacher, the child needs a parent, the novice needs an expert. No one needs a bossman, absolute ruler, elected elite or technocrat. That’s just breeding social imbalance.

The imbalanced society is brought about by there being a ruling class and a rabble. I seek to eliminate both classes.
Go lash yourself.

>> No.19524810
File: 15 KB, 480x360, dastard .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can say the N-word on the internet and nobody can stop me HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.19524839

I wish I was able to communicate my thoughts more clearly.
I wish I could speak and write better.
I wish I was more sophisticated in the way I express my thoughts.
I wish I was someone I know I can never be.

I'm 23. I feel like I've wasted my life on meaningless games and brain-numbing activities. It's too late now, I believe I'm destined to be mediocre. Either way, I will try to improve myself. I will never stop trying, I will never waste another fucking second of my life.

>> No.19524846

The imbalanced society is caused by letting idiots like you have a voice.
Too much variability in value systems leads to social chaos. The absolute ruler helps to maintain the constraints for acceptable value systems.
The rabble are too greedy and stupid to help maintain an orderly, prosperous, and ecologically sustainable society. What they need is a ruler who helps impose a uniform system of values that serves to unite the rabble for noble causes.
By breaking class system, all you will do is give equal voice to both the ignorant and wise. There will be those who argue Madonna is on the level of Wagner, for example. The ignorant and wise can never come to universal agreement on a collective scale. What is needed is a higher wise force to enforce order and a hierarchy of values.
You deserve lashings, and deep down, you know this to be true. Shut the fuck up, whore.

>> No.19524850

i cant read a fucking epub, i get distracted to quickly

>> No.19524894

Are you trying to read it on your PC or an e reader ?
I know I wasn't able to either on my PC so I bought a cheap Kindle recently, helps me focus on that since its only good for reading.

>> No.19524907


>> No.19524996

People talk about taking chances because you don't want to wonder what might have been. I've found I consistently regret what I do rather than what I don't do, since taking chances/risks constantly blows up in my face.

>> No.19525031

Can you upload epubs from your pc to a kindle or do you have to buy the book from the Kindle store?

>> No.19525055

You can use the program "Calibre" to do that yes.
Z-library is a good website for e pub downloads.

>> No.19525195

I’m not sure if I should get a dumb phone, or just get rid of my phone entirely.

>> No.19525201

I'm reading Nabokov's Lectures on Literature. I'm on the Dickens lecture.

> In order to discover whether it was Lady Dedlock who asked Jo [a street urchin] about Nemo, Tulkinghorn arranges it so that Jo is shown Hortense, her discharged French maid, veiled, and he recognizes the clothes. But it is not same jewelled hand nor is it the same Voice.

I don't think it was Nabokov's intention to make me want to garrote every single character in this book. I would like to see every character Charles Dickens ever wrote lined up and executed by a firing squad one by one, with each of their ridiculous names called out as they move down the line. I almost want to write a piece of fiction where some tragic apple cheeked orphan gets tossed into a woodchipper just to make sure that this happens. His name would be Tommy Goodheart.

>> No.19525239

Have been thinking about reading some erotica for a while now. Does anyone know any which also has good prose?

>> No.19525242

Read the power of now

>> No.19525326

Are there any good, unbiased biographies of Adolf Hitler?

>> No.19525333

I’m lying on my fluffy shag rug pretending it’s grass. The fibers don’t tickle as much as those little leaves.
I hate winter. I hate winter more than anything else in this existence.
Make the sun come back.

>> No.19525369
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>the lost parts of the epic cycle
>gemistus pletho's nomoi
>hadrian's epistolary autobiography

>> No.19525383

>girl starts talking about a book
>about depression etc
>*me inside "plz plz dont be written by a Jew. plz God this once dont let it be true plz."*
>look up on wiki
>its a Jew

>> No.19525411
File: 304 KB, 800x1098, IMG-20181022-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the war Germans devolved into a people of constant apologizing. Especially for the Holocaust. They call it Fremdschämen, which translates to being ashamed of someone else, because we're now three generations later, and everybody who had something to do with the war is dead. Sure, they'll find some 99 yo fuck who's been cleaning closets at a kz, just to rekindle the storm of apologies. Even letting a lot of refugees into Germany has been a subconscious move to show that they "changed", that they aren't what they used to be. But in the end, they're still hard working people, bowing down to the ruler, with little real protests. Nowadays German youth wants to distinguish themselves from their "deutsche" past by being extra environmentally friendly. Look at Baden-Württemberg, the richest-part of Germany, where the Greens keep winning. They think they're so progressive and different from daddy, yet they won't even say hello to you if you don't belong to the Herrenrasse.

tldr: just salt

>> No.19525412

Then what happened?

>> No.19525421

>Even letting a lot of refugees into Germany has been a subconscious move to show that they "changed", that they aren't what they used to be.

that's hardly subconscious

>> No.19525480
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Mad and seething that the Jewish master race contributed so much to the culture and history of humanity.

>> No.19525512

I only assumed Jew because of how she described it. its seems like all neurotic, depressive, life-denying popular lit is written by Jews.

>> No.19525564

>all neurotic, depressive, life-denying popular lit is written by Jews.
First of all that is not true (what is Russian lit?), second of all if it was, it would be absolutely based.

>> No.19525598
File: 10 KB, 312x162, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a future, a strange future. A future that fantasizes about our present. Our modern homes, our modern art, our modern culture all reminiscence'd by those in the future who have not experienced it. The black and grayish homes of today made of nothing but metal and glass who's designs are sleek and underwhelming are considered soulful and artistic in the future. The abstract designs of our modern art, usually without meaning or reason or purpose left to the viewer for interpretation are all grouped under one category, the exact opposite of what the artist intended for there "unique" creation to be labeled under. And our culture, which we feel is underwhelming compared to the cultures that have come before us, in the future is labeled as a turning point in history. History repeats itself, the same phenomenon will happen to there generation and the generation after just as it has happened before. Soon out modern generation will be considered ancient, and history will continue to repeat itself. I see a future, a strange future...

>> No.19525612


>> No.19525640


>> No.19525732

Which should I read first? Infinite Jest, Anna Karenia or War and Peace?

>> No.19525777

Does anyone take seriously astrological charts or similar?

>> No.19525792
File: 110 KB, 768x1024, eatingpaste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to spend the majority of the rest of my life working.

>> No.19525807
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>antinatalists, nihilists, r*dditors, trannies, and leftists are literally gassing themselves
Good, saves me the trouble of doing it myself.

>> No.19525815

When I first learned about the concept I was somewhat open to it because of certain "coincidences" but upon reflection you can find as many contradictions, so it's probably just cold reading.

>> No.19525818

Me desu. Stars don't impede, they compel. But who reads natal charts lol. Just tell me your sun sign bro

>> No.19525941

How are you supposed to meet your destiny, if you have one at all?

What are you supposed to do when you’re paralyzed by indecision and too confused regarding which way to move?

What do you do when everything is starting to futile in spite of all the feeling for fate and destiny and ambition?

>> No.19525945


>> No.19525946
File: 20 KB, 474x355, OIP (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wealthy older woman is showing interest in me. She's attractive despite her age and I would fuck her for free. Ideally I want to become her sugar baby. Any experience/tips on wooing mature ladies?

>> No.19526031

>Eat shit, toady.
Someone is in their period? How does it feel to get rekted by a natsoc?

>> No.19526070

No idea but I wish you luck anon

>> No.19526084

I will not blogpost outside of WWOYM
I will not blogpost outside of WWOYM
I will not blogpost outside of WWOYM


>> No.19526222

What a stupid post, fuck you. Your not creative at all. Digits confirm

>> No.19526258
File: 2.02 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20211207_005225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell in love for the first time in a long time. Maybe for the first time. I think I love him. He is worried about a long-term relationship, but he wants to meet me again and really likes me. I want to make an effort with him. I want someone to love and cuddle with. I don't want to be alone anymore.

>> No.19526259

Holy checked, I didn't think it was that bad though...

>> No.19526269

can you elaborate on this?

>> No.19526294


>> No.19526302

If I get digits I counter your statement and make irrelevant

>> No.19526325

Why are you gay?

>> No.19526331
File: 365 KB, 1200x1600, 1200px-Rolled_kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantazising about shoving 3 or 4 of these down.

>> No.19526367

just had a delicious kebab wrap
tryna find the kebab in that pic

>> No.19526397
File: 299 KB, 1400x1082, olivetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exaclty the same. i have also been praised by many others and won an award in high school, but unfurtantely even if sometimes i'm full of ideas i just can't get started or if i do i just leave it half done.
just yesterday i finally started writing something i was proud of (after many unsuccesful attempts) and a couple of minutes ago i find it all lost because fucking office online didn't save my file.
i hate fucking computers, i wish we went back to typing machines (not really)

>> No.19526429

What kind of stupid question is that? /pol/ is the motor behind most right-wing internet activity for any major political event. They create the majority of the memes, they push out the most advanced and sophisticated internet-friendly rhetoric, and they establish the foundation from which most right-wing grifters milk their revenue.

>> No.19526433

I feel like shit…

>> No.19526434

my mother finds a way to make every Christmas season as bitter and stressful and vitriolic and passive aggressive as possible.

maybe she means well but my whole family's communication model is to tear each other down, to be as negative and critical and disheartening to each other as possible, and to shame people both openly and passively. my mother acts unpleasant towards me, then asks why I don't spend time with the family and cries, then makes underhanded digs at me and ignores me and lashes out and is critical of my every behavior. my mother is unable to act "at ease" unless she feels I am doing what she thinks I *should* be doing and she projects all her stress and poor coping onto me.

moving back home has been beyond "toxic" (meme word I know but it's the best description). my father is just as miserable and critical in his own dysfunctional way. the only time I feel free is when I am physically out of the house or no one else is home. there's gotta be some sort of solution to this. it gets very tiresome and exhausting.

>> No.19526445

A big question. I think I am bisexual. I don't want to hurt women. It's hard for me to penetrate them because of that reason, especially coming from a family background dominated by women. But with guys, I can do that to them. I dominate them. I relate to them. And this guy is a blond-haired, blue-eyed beauty. He has a great personality and is multi-talented.

>> No.19526450

It's not /pol/ anymore, it's right wing Twitter now.
>le grifter
Is this really the only way you can understand dissent

>> No.19526454


>> No.19526461

>whole family's communication model is to tear each other down
So are you a wasp or jew

>> No.19526472

a lot of people are like this, you have a tremendous blessing and a tremendous curse in being able to recognize it for what it is (insane and unhealthy) and see these people stuck in their ruts. it's usually very hard for good thoughtful people to realize that their thoughtfulness is rare, because they sincerely want to believe that everybody is equal and everybody is striving in their own way against their own demons. but most people simply cannot, ever, escape from their ruts, for most people the ability to see the toxic equilibria they and their family and friends get stuck because of their various mental illnesses and traumas in might as well be a magic power.

there is a trick to acknowledging this and even learning to master it, it involves both recognizing how lonely it is to be the only person to notice these things and to be doomed to watch them recur for years to come, and simultaneously taking is a weird kind of solemn duty to do the best you can to help these people

your mom may have BPD and your dad is probably a knotted bundle of shit coping mechanisms, so many families are variations on this theme and the world is just getting shittier and pressurizing them even more. you can't necessarily save them completely, but you can pull off this strange double maneuver of melancholically recognizing your aloofness from it all and also re-descending into the madness to help as much as you can (without destroying yourself) out of charity and nobility. sometimes the best we can do is be a pillar of stability in a fundamentally unstable dynamic just to increase the latter's relative stability and at least help create/prolong moments of calm and happiness.

>> No.19526473

I’m really into Japan, but I wish I wasn’t.

>> No.19526477

or you can just move on from it all. family isn't sacred

>> No.19526482

Family is very sacred, practically the most sacred thing outside of like a literal temple or religious rite

>> No.19526484
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half of my family is emotionless Northman and the other half are weeping thespians. Even worse are the descendants of the two bloods, who will sit in meek timidity then burst onto extreme violence only to recoil again after its all over.
My temptation is too bring a third party to the feuds, like my brother did, oh how they squirmed and cried irrationally

>> No.19526490
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>> No.19526495


>> No.19526505

Twitter is intellectually sterile. The people I'm talking about aren't dissenters, they're grifters and oftentimes Zionists or philosemites. Dissent is /pol/ on the internet and groups like Patriot Front in the real world.

>> No.19526518

you can take your "dissent" and shove it up your ass bitch

>> No.19526529

Right wing twitter is to 4chan as a cringy 15 year old younger brother is to an older brother he follows around. Everything they produce has the cringe stink of "notice me senpai" poor imitation. It's just zoomer redditors who want to be part of the 4chan "phenomenon" but can't figure out how computers work beyond social media apps.

>> No.19526612

I woke up feeling the presence of the divine next to me.

>> No.19527790

>The imbalanced society is caused by letting idiots like you have a voice
I no voice, no say in how my community or even how most my own life is to be spent. Voting is a placebo.
> Too much variability in value systems leads to social chaos
In a meeting is leads to large groups hearing out and understanding what’s going on and then proceeding to make some consensus votes. The experts will have their say here too, and the people will coalesce around their choices.
>The rabble are too greedy
You’ve confused the rabble with the elites here. But no, they’re not that stupid. With time they’ll get wiser yet. Only those who relinquish their votes and skip meetings may retain an innocence in ignorance. Their choice.
You are scared of democracy though you’ve never seen it.

I wouldn’t know. Literally never happened.

>> No.19528064
