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19524419 No.19524419 [Reply] [Original]

>hates the United States Armed Forces
>hates the army
>hates the navy
>hates the U.S. Marine Corps
>hates the U.S. Air force
>hates the U.S. Coast Guard
>hates soldiers
>hates war veterans
and hates donald trump?

>> No.19524471

Read the Bible anon it sounds like you need it.

>> No.19524478

idk anything, sounds like you're reasonable apart from making this gay thread

>> No.19524544

The Devil's Chessboard

>> No.19524910

>hates the United States Armed Forces
>hates the army
>hates the navy
>hates the U.S. Marine Corps
>hates the U.S. Air force
>hates the U.S. Coast Guard
>hates soldiers
>hates war veterans
>and hates donald trump
Cringe and libshitpilled

>> No.19524932
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Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky

>> No.19525243

the guy is a faggot, even /pol/ came to terms with this

>> No.19525308

Hating Trump is based if you know the right reason for hating him. 90% of people hate him for the wrong reason though.

>> No.19525319

imagine gatekeeping reasons for hating someone. You are an absolute faggot

>> No.19525335


>> No.19525458

Cry more boomer.

>> No.19525460

you're literally fucking retarded

>> No.19525518

Nice NPC rebuttal.

>> No.19525528

Catch 22

>> No.19525529

nice buzzwords

>> No.19525541

Do you like other countries armies?

>> No.19525856

Wow there, slow down trooper, maybe the postman was just the right guy for your wife

>> No.19525972
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>> No.19525976

Journey to the End of the Night by Celine. Except it's France and not the USA, and it transitions from war into the rest of the book.

>> No.19526000


So you hate USA. Anything anti capitalism and cosumerism then.

>> No.19526024


>> No.19526042

Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink

>> No.19526719


They're all welfare queens lmao. Many of them are gay, women, or gay women now too. Unmanly, I bet most of them could never kill somebody face to face with a knife and watch the lights turn off, or kill themselves if they had to. Eeek, killing, in the armyyyyyy, now I had P T S DEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

>> No.19526723

The Corrections by Franzen

>> No.19526773

this is unironically true, why is the US military full of pussies? I never hear shit like that in other countries

>> No.19527150

I hate him because he was controlled opposition by you know who.

>> No.19527301

Scott Horton

>> No.19527304


>> No.19527348
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The bible fren, also pic related

>> No.19527365

Other countries have armies too anon why not hate them also?

>> No.19527370

how many other countries have invaded half the world within the past 70 years with virtual immunity for the crimes they've committed

>> No.19527395


You’re posting from America I guarantee it and without the USA you wouldn’t have your precious internet or any of the little freedoms and advancements limp wrist baby dick pencil neck bitch niggas like you pretend to hate while enjoying and taking for granted. The world is a shithole as is with US influence and policing without it you would have endless brown hoards constantly killing eachother and none of what you braindead left fags call “progress”.

>> No.19527411

At the end of the day the problem is overpopulation.

>> No.19527414

the most ignorant shit I've ever read. Wish we could somehow rangeban /pol/fags

>> No.19527420

Embarrassing post

>> No.19527422


>> No.19527430


Boohoo i can’t ban everyone who doesn’t agree with my bullshit. Youre such a fuckin homo it’s unreal. Check back when you’re about 10 years older and wiser right now you sound like some angsty teen. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bullshit other than that the US is fine.

>> No.19527432
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>> No.19527438

based weeb fascist

>> No.19527445

Why did you have to specify every branch of the armed forces? you covered that with your first point

>> No.19527452

lol I forgot all about that shit these evil assholes literally nuked entire cities and somehow they’ve tricked everyone into thinking they care about vaccines and public health

>> No.19527456

yes thats right white people wouldn't have their heckin iphones if CIA niggers didnt spend over half a decade couping and bombing half the planet. you should legitimately kill yourself.
>muh ebin brown "hoards"
your nigger jew mutt bombs over syria sent the brown "hoards" right into europe. die you fucking animal, die die die die

>> No.19527467


there’s more phones than iPhones and niggers LOVE materialistic shit too so don’t give me that bullshit namefag moth faggot.

>> No.19527471

>>hates the U.S. Coast Guard
That's going too far man, those people are glorified lifeguards, but they're not soldiers.

>> No.19527699
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Johnny Got His Gun

>> No.19527709

they make it harder and more expensive for me to buy my medications. fuck them