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19523916 No.19523916 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about positive thinking? Do you think there’s truth to it? I heard about some POW who was in a Vietnam prison and visualised playing golf for years and years, and came out to play a perfect game somehow. I think I’ve read a few pages of a book called Cybernetics a few years ago, it was supposed to improve the way you thought.

>> No.19523928
File: 39 KB, 320x470, dianetics-modern-science-of-mental-health-hardcover_en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only book you'll ever need.

>> No.19523973


>> No.19524006

Come on now

>> No.19524172


>> No.19524217

It is a tragedy to see a man beaten not by a better opponent, but by himself.

>> No.19524249

>I heard about some POW who was in a Vietnam prison and visualised playing golf for years and years, and came out to play a perfect game somehow.
Probably "The Royal Game" by Stefan Zweig

>> No.19524277
File: 322 KB, 1579x2560, this_is_good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19524420


>> No.19524434

Quality Review of Documents?

>> No.19524505

Quick Run Down

>> No.19524518

Jews deserved worse

>> No.19524579

Sneed deserved feed

>> No.19524649

An austrian psychiatrist/neurologist describes his experience of surviving multiple concentration camps and tells you his way of coping with hardships of life.

First half of the book focuses on the literal hell that was the holocaust and on what did author learn about life, while going through it. The second half is about his school of logotherapy - its main principle is trying to find a meaning in life. Viktor claims that human can endure almost any difficulties while having a good enough reason to live. Just as Nietzsche once said: "He who has a Why? in life can tolerate almost any How?"

The book is quite short and easy to digest, even though the subject of it is rather dreadful.

>> No.19524733

Isn't that some shit feel good self help book?

>> No.19524756

Nope. It may sound like it at times, but in my opinion it's legit. The background of the author adds a lot of credibility and his philosophy is something that's actually being used in psychology, not some made up trash on "how to become happy in one month".

>> No.19524771

I mean, if you can stand that the entire thing is a lie, then its an okay book.

>> No.19524879

>the entire thing is a lie
The Holocaust?

>> No.19524902


>> No.19524938

It's always so cringy when Americans are pretending like they are experts on WW II. Literally 9gag level of being based

>> No.19524944

Im not pretending or acting as an expert on anything. Its entirely clear that the holocaust did not happen as they say it did. Do some reading.

>> No.19525009

And by reading you mean what sources exactly?

>> No.19525118

Irving :)

>> No.19525159

Irving what? Irving the Fuel Supplier in Warsaw? Or Irving Kyrie the basketball player? Maybe Irving tea? Are we getting tea pilled? Or are you talking about Washington Irving, American writer and historian, the guy who died before holocaust happened?

>> No.19525168

Is there a reason you're basically doxxing yourself?
(Also, I mean, it's not an easily deniable thing)

>> No.19525200


>> No.19525219

I like all of Seneca’s works but this is my favorite without a doubt

>> No.19525225
File: 108 KB, 1200x1915, 8A5B3126-DFF5-4893-934F-669BB18A1254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the fuqin image

>> No.19525228

Maybe he is using someone else's name to cause them trouble by talking shit

>> No.19525254

Could just be an entirely random name and state too. That’s what I’d do

>> No.19525273
File: 67 KB, 650x648, IMG_20211206_214338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yes, that seems plausible.

>> No.19525984

Looks interesting. I’m reading some Epictetus right now, most of it is common sense but it’s very comforting to realise that you are ultimately in control of all your decisions.

>> No.19526351