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19522938 No.19522938 [Reply] [Original]

What are your Elliot Rodger headcanons?
>James Ellis was actually gay for Elliot but Elliot-kun broke his heart by only focusing on girls and not seeing his love. Should have went the yaoi route.

>> No.19522946

I think the only thing Elliot knew about writing was that the good stuff had the "feeling" of profundity. He missed the part where you actually say something that is profound. His narcissism led to his conflation of the two, and the summary belief that what he wrote was important enough to justify going on a killing spree to get it some exposure. The irony is that he must have known on some level that it was dreck. Why else do you go to the trouble of writing an autobiography about a nobody and then go out to artificially construct the circumstances by which it will be significant, however fleetingly?

>> No.19522952

Doesn't he have some famous quotes though?

>> No.19522957

>How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from british aristocracy he is descended from slaves.

>> No.19522963

>be socially retarded hapa with smol pp
>expect 10/10 LA blondes to seduce you
>doesn't happen for obvious reasons
>go on an awkward and pitiful virgin rampage
Poster boy of incel entitlement

>> No.19522969

I'm sure Kim Kardashian has some famous quotes too. Someone in human history has the distinction of being the first to say YAS KWEEN. It is of no significance that people repeat words said by some other person. It's the words themselves that should be judged on their own merit, and Elliot's words have little of it.

>> No.19523208
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>This is the Story of how Elliot Roger came to be
The Elliot Origins Manga goes further into detail when he founds a monastery of celibate gentlemen who worship him as the Supreme Gentleman. Women are demons who take on physical form and only Elliot Stand Users can see the spiritual truth. And so they'll hate him because he's the hero they need but not the hero they deserve. His death never happened either. A fanatical follower took his place for him. But Elliot must go on as a fugitive in Gynocratic clown world until he overcomes Mother Merkel in an epic lightsaber battle. But can he contain the raging beast that dwells within him?

>> No.19523252

Elliot Hokage Arc was kino

>> No.19523258


>> No.19523297

His mothers continued financial support into adulthood caused the rampage. Had he been forced to work he would have something else to focus on and saw its not so easy for the normies.

He was actually terrified of sex, he didn’t rape any of his victims and never bought a prostitute.

Parental neglect, he was raised by television and world of Warcraft to a point where his reality was warped.this is becoming increasingly common

>> No.19523304
File: 116 KB, 1080x1057, ac6aca35590188fbbe7d0f7f5671b6bbaf5df96c6e0a952aac538b0aab99d100_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An accidental explosion took the life of a Sorority chapter in College and supposedly Elliot Roger as well. The reporter thinks the Supreme Gentlemen was responsible.
"I gave the agencies a description. They have a warrant for murder."
Elliot is wanted for a murder he did not commit. A murder he cannot prove he did not commit and so he must let the world go on thinking that he too is dead until he can contain the raging spirit that dwells within him. The world hated Elliot because he spoke the truth.

>> No.19523411

He's like a Bret Ellis character come to life, without all the desirable parts of being rich, successful and getting pussy. He also writes like Ellis if Ellis had 70 IQ.

>> No.19523484


>> No.19523594

>like Ellis if Ellis had 70 IQ.
So he writes like BEE already? What a waste