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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 554x554, A0EB181E-F381-49F1-8A70-56BF7882309B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19516181 No.19516181[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to meet with butterfly. She must be so interested to talk about poem and drink coffee with me in da rainy december.

>> No.19516197

I don't think Butters likes poems, she just likes to read about politics and stuff. She's probably very boring desu, so she wouldn't have good convo. Also she's an old, fat lesbo with graying hair and she works at Walmart or something, so she probably smells a lot and wouldn't be able to afford the coffee and brunch you order so you'd have to buy it for her (again, she's an ungrateful lesbo so you wouldn't even get so much as head for paying for her food). Doesn't sound good to me anon.

>> No.19516229

OP is a faggot as usual

>> No.19516618


>> No.19516631


>> No.19516638

She doesn't seem very interested in poetry. She never posts in the poetry threads (although to be honest there's rarely any poetry in them). She might like coffee though.

>> No.19517048

I want to violently murder butter with a chicken bone. HE is the end of all decent disscusion and I'm 102% certain that all "pussy ends all philosophy and theology" threads are made by him and his discord lackeys.

>> No.19517085

And HE does it for FREE

>> No.19517185

No thanks I don't want to end up in Castle Epstein behind the Moloch Gates of pizza rape dungeon

>> No.19517203

I honestly think (s)he would be very boring to talk to. I have never read a post of him that made me think "that's an interesting take"
it always the most vapid and reddit tier takes

>> No.19518729

I vaguely remember her complimenting Pable Neruda before and of course, Sappho is a favorite of hers cause Lebo power!!!

>> No.19518741

Are there pics of her somewhere?

>> No.19519439

If not butters, which /lit/ poster would you want to meet?

>> No.19520867

That pedo from argentina

>> No.19520873

Forest anon's rat

>> No.19520884


>> No.19520894

Guenonposter. Or islam convert guy who wanted to move to Afghanistan because he sounded super interesting.

>> No.19520919
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>convert to Islam
>want to move to the most unstable Islamic region in the world

>> No.19520939

girardfag. always wanted to meet that guy

>> No.19520945

Cumgenius or Guenonposter. I still remember that night where the latter completely overwhelmed the catalogue with Guenon threads.

>> No.19521002
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Anonymous who is reading this post right now. I bet you're very interesting and i want to be your friend

>> No.19521510

There is a series of images from a random camwhore 10+ years ago, one with a photoshopped timestamp. Somehow everybody fell for it. Some still believe it's the real butterfly, but it isn't. He's a guy in his mid 30s who posts here for fun/to troll and make people upset. He's smarter than any of you. That doesn't tell much though since "teehee i'm a gurl XD" is the oldest trick in the book yet all of you believe it, proving /lit/ is indeed dumb af.

>> No.19521560

Whoever wrote the novella that was 33% nigger. I feel like he's more interesting than anyone else here.

>> No.19521570

Stop lying liar. Not true. Don't say these mean untrue false sayings.

>> No.19521636
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forestanon or black gloves guy

>> No.19521645

F Gardner or the dude who wrote Amino

>> No.19521652

Why would anyone befriend a childish weeaboo that smells like pee?

>> No.19521666
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the girl reading this post

>> No.19521680

I honestly would like to meet you too but only if we do it in a place with multile scape routes

>> No.19521900

OH stop it Satan

>> No.19522020

Am i a pretty girl?

>> No.19522047
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The archaeologist who exposed the true nature of w*men and the dangers of matriarchy

>> No.19522085
File: 414 KB, 245x171, 1A69D726-6106-40FE-935B-7F5DF7396A41.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a moron!

>> No.19522108
File: 3.40 MB, 2000x1333, ghislaine-maxwell-court-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butterfly is to /lit/ what Ghislaine Maxwell was to reddit, except Butterfly is worse.

>> No.19522123

myself desu

>> No.19522129


>> No.19522135
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>> No.19522145

Any of the shy twinks in glasses

>> No.19522157
File: 498 KB, 211x169, A88E02A6-4972-48EC-ACDF-F69C38E208CB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only you and other re**it users know what this means

>> No.19522174
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I'm gonna have to ask you to stop posting

>> No.19522230

One of the sadder larps

>> No.19522239
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>> No.19522243

Post proof or forever shut up about it fag

>> No.19522260

Well it's comforting to come back after a year and know this place hasn't changed.

>> No.19522270

>O you who believe! If an evil-doer comes to you with a report, look carefully into it, lest you harm a people in ignorance, then be sorry for what you have done. (Surah al-Hujurāt 49:6)

>> No.19522281
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Hi fren

>> No.19522284

Hey butters, how do you feel about black chicks? are you a racist?

>> No.19522294
File: 38 KB, 469x700, 744AFE7C-F6FB-4212-9F9F-C3E0C8E219F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went out with a couple of them. Didn’t get very far.
Knew one with a nice British accent…

>> No.19522303

There have been multiple butterflies with different trips over the years. I can't remember how many but the original is probably gone by now

>> No.19522310

By gone you mean dead right?

>> No.19522325
File: 111 KB, 747x629, 9FDDCA37-B186-4F2D-8BC6-093C4D15ABB0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of them where me.
Some trips I have forgotten, but the last two I can recreate for you. A good many years I went without. That’s the original me. I would rather go without, but the board changed.
I changed in that I became more comfortable in expressing myself here

>> No.19522358

>Frater has 4747 posts
What an absolute loser. Do you think that gypsy has a job or a life?

>> No.19522456
File: 1.23 MB, 500x281, 1632665571686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That suicidal painteranon who gave up, tried everything, failed and was staring the ceiling of his room all day. His condition is perfect depiction of art world in godforsaken 21st century for anyone who isn't a pathetic conformist normalfag. Those criticisms and rants are absolutely top-tier. He might as well committed suicide by now because I haven't seen him last threads on art but who knows? I think he also had a fucked genetic disease.

That anon who told me he is going to kill himself after the death of his old sickly mother who is the probably the last good person left in this world. His argumentation was solid and reading his posts still give me chills.

That suicidal anon who told me that he has lost all interest in reading and art which were the only things through which he justified his life. He had a whore mother who fucked up his life and brainwashed his younger brother and sisters against him who live with their nasty boomer step dad. He was poor, broken, had no one, he never replied back to me.

That poor anon, who had saved 220$ to commit suicide in a hotel, he was the only financial caretaker of his mother. Some anon told him that his method is shit and he said he don't want to piss away his savings on a failed suicide and end up in a hospital.

I have brainfog so I am forgetting tons of other anons which I would like to know where did they end up probably due to my social media fried brain where you have to check where some person that you know is up to but no those were heartfelt and sincere posts which aren't possible on social media because you're making yourself so vulnerable and "cringe" in a cynical era. There are hundreds of screenshots in my broken laptop. I like lurking in the archives and reading these ghostly words written by an anon of long ago.

>> No.19522463
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>> No.19522496

>Whoever wrote the novella that was 33% nigger
Which one? There have been many.

>> No.19522707

The author of My Diary Desu, he is very prolific

>> No.19522731
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1638406023971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn’t get very far.
Damn, so you never got to try their W.A.P. fr fr? smdh.
Tell me, where they obese? thicc? or petite? also, what is your physique? Just want to know.
> Knew one with a nice British accent…
Woah, like Estelle?
> https://youtu.be/Ic5vxw3eijY
or like M.I.A.? (I know, Pajeeta not Negress)
> https://youtu.be/ewRjZoRtu0Y