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19519307 No.19519307 [Reply] [Original]

Subversive books like pic related and how it changed your worldview.

>The economy is instituted and propagated by the state. This suggests that what we call reality is really just what we can perceive inside the socioeconomic construction of the state.

>> No.19519315
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>> No.19520773

sounds pseud

>> No.19520805

so what if it is? wow the state regulates the economy. shocking. grow up.

>> No.19522435

Read the chartalists/neo-chartalists

>> No.19522585

all the research that went into it and that's all you got from the book?

>> No.19522600

Leave. Leave this board.

>> No.19523933

David Graeber is a hack and every anthropologist worth their salt knows this. He used a fucking Twitter poll as a source for Bullshit Jobs, for God's sake.

>> No.19523945
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>> No.19524146

>also posts Rothbard and Shapiro threads

>> No.19524183

I hate those retards equally. I avoid anything related to (((them)))

>> No.19524192

Go shit in your panties again, you fat cow

>> No.19524204
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Killing Christans and other degenerates is morally justified if you get away with it.