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/lit/ - Literature

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19518456 No.19518456 [Reply] [Original]

How to find a /lit/ gf?

Unironic thread. I'm looking for serious advice. I keep talking to women (whores) on tinder and I lose interest after 3 days. All of them are nothing but vanity and superficiality. Their ideas are derivative and poorly thought-out. They are not passionate about anything, nor have any strong opinions. Their interests are laugable. They all seem like robots to me and sicken me to a misogynistic degree.

>> No.19518457

you don't want a lit gf.

>> No.19518471

Most people aren't strong opiniated. Most people haven't been in all of history.
Be passionate about your opinions and what you have to say and woman will flock to you to listen.
That said you sound like you have many other problems so I would work on those first.

>> No.19518486

imagine looking for women on tinder and expecting anything other than shallow whores
you are retarded anon

>> No.19518488

Lmao women really don't want to hear about your thoughts you've been developping for years on history or philosophy.

It means nothing to them, for the ideas are things they have never considered and do not care to consider.

>> No.19518490


You must force yourself gay. It is the only way you will ever be able to find a partner you can intellectually respect, and even then half of them are vapid female-brained whores themselves who want nothing beyond Starbucks and Netflix. And even if you manage to find an intellectually compatible man one of you will secretly resent the other or think less of the other, you because of the prison gay, and whoever is the top will not regard the bottom as a real man.

Basically you're fucked OP.

>> No.19518501

Am I really doomed to never feel genuine love for a woman?
Life truly is grim.

>> No.19518509

>Language class
>is funny, witty and otherwise a good classmate
>suggests a group in the class get a beer afterwards
>give attention to the chick, talk about literature
>people are leaving, we stay there alone and talk more
>we end up dating
Is that easy

>> No.19518513

Has anyone ever met a woman who was genuinely interested in literature other than -

YA Books
Mainstream "Classics"
True Crime

>> No.19518520

Woman want to hear about everything you are when they love you. Woman love passionate men, not your autistic brand of quiet misogyny masquerading as "logic"
Literally have sex.

>> No.19518538

>when they love you
so *after* they love you?

>> No.19518539

I've already graduated and my last 2 years of uni were all online classes from home cause of corona so I had no chances to hit up any girl.

>> No.19518542

Woman should fall in love with you within a day of meeting you. If you can't do that you've already lost with her.

>> No.19518550

You're not aware of it but you are on massive amounts of cope.
Hope you can be honest enough with yourself to figure it out one day.

>> No.19518559

Has anyone ever met a man who was genuinely interested in books other than -

Mainstream "Classics"
Making Money

>> No.19518563

I get dates. You don't.
Don't see the need for cope honestly.

>> No.19518565

I'm not asking for excuses, anon, I'm exhorting action.

>> No.19518570

I found a /lit/ gf using a language exchange app.

>> No.19518579

I have been on many dates this year alone. Didn't go on second dates with any of them though.
Personally I don't feel the need to sex some whore you are deluding yourself into liking. You are pathetic. I have zero respect for 'men' like you.

>> No.19518588

And i have no respect for 'men' like you. Though you suggested nothing I can imagine.

>> No.19518614

You can't even put into words what it is you don't respect.
You immediately retreat into 'have sex' when someone calls you out on your meaningless life. When told your little fantasy strawman arguments don't fit reality, in a onions-tier fit of rage you just say 'no you'.

Truly pathetic. Try to change.

>> No.19518617

All the time actually, although I think a better list for men nowadays would be -

Manga (I swear to God every time I go to a bookstore there's always a bunch of greasy dudes in the manga section, never any girls)
Self Improvement
Political Books for whatever side they're on

Haven't seen many dudes into reading sports books or books about finances DESU, they just watch YouTube for that stuff.

>> No.19518634

Nothing at all was called out in the slightest. You have provided nothing of substance, just attacked blindly.
Have sex is a perfect valid response when doing with one who has nothing to say like yourself.

>> No.19518635

True but the difference is history is one of the meaningful subjects you can learn about. It's not in any way comparable to YA fantasy books.

That said, most men are not better. The average man and the average woman are almost equally vapid although I'd say most men I've met put a bit more thought into politics and sociological problems at least.

>> No.19518637

anon you’re simply not mature enough for a gf right now. This type of utterly cringe post is proof of it. Also if you even used your brain for a second you’d realize that the easiest way to meet one would be like >>19518509
That said, for non idiotic anons reading this, it’s still possible to meet someone on the internet. I met my ex on tinder and hit it off after we realized that we had a lot of things in common/multiple run ins in our past (yes, the fact that we had met in real life before tinder does suggest that I have actually touched grass before, something pretty hard for your average ugandan stamp collecting forum user to relate to) and we have had a ton of interesting conversations and discussions. I met my current girlfriend on the internet on a forum based on a shared political opinion. We regularly read books aloud to each other and discuss politics. So virgin anons, there’s hope for you to meet an actual irl female woman who you like and who likes you. Just stop being such fucking losers.

>> No.19518657

You are a boy. Nothing more nothing less. Your main goal when it comes to women is touching boobies after your boring college class.

Wait another 5 years until you're actually ready to settle down and realize none of the women you've been involved with are people you actually want to share your deepest self with for the rest of your life. On top of that you are now in a position in life where it is much harder to actually meet new people.

>> No.19518673

You sound like you need to have sex

>> No.19518719

Finding an intelligent gf is very hard, also depends on where you are from. The problem is that women, even when they are interested in intelligent things, they do not invest as much as men do. Also you have to filter those, who so it only for aesthetics or as a compensation for the lack of identity. Those who actually invest their being into it are very masculine most of the time, or just plain ugly. I dont even look for "smart" gf anymore, I think its more realistic to settle for a girl whose intellectual inferiority you can tolerate and look for male companions. Inter male relations also breed competition, which is indispensible for intelletcual growth, so its better.

>> No.19518792

lol I usually wouldn’t bother but self aggrandizing anons are so unnecessary and frankly silly. Anyway. I’m not a boy, I’m a waman. I’m not even a girl, I’m a female adult. I’m probably going to marry my current girlfriend—we have pretty solid plans for the future. Touching boobies brings genuine joy. Try it! And being able to sit with your partner while you both read, or studying new languages with each other just for the sake of it, and dunking on cringelords from the internet is loads of fun too. I’m glad I get to share my heart with a real life person. I hope you get to do the same. Best wishes anon.

>> No.19518806
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>lol I usually wouldn’t bother but self aggrandizing anons are so unnecessary and frankly silly. Anyway. I’m not a boy, I’m a waman. I’m not even a girl, I’m a female adult. I’m probably going to marry my current girlfriend—we have pretty solid plans for the future. Touching boobies brings genuine joy. Try it! And being able to sit with your partner while you both read, or studying new languages with each other just for the sake of it, and dunking on cringelords from the internet is loads of fun too. I’m glad I get to share my heart with a real life person. I hope you get to do the same. Best wishes anon.

>> No.19518849

If anything you've only proven my point.

>> No.19518864

You're right but they'll call me a white knight or simp for saying it, so I'll just call you a carpetmuncher.

>> No.19518865

This is a shit thread but generally just look for someone who reads and is open to reading in general. Also stop using tinder, maybe go to your library, see if they have any events, etc.

>> No.19518896
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Most of the attractive, intelligent women I’ve met (or pursued romantically) were:

>femoid aspies (they didn’t have social media nor did they know much about modern pop culture)
>women with PhDs / professors (serious subjects like economics, history or STEM)
>published writers / journalists / authors
>judges and successful litigation attorneys (with private practices, did not practice criminal defense)
>centrist politicians (radical leftist women are PC and overly-emotional/irrational while far-right women are cold which makes them come across as less feminine IMO. Conservative Dems and moderate Republicans tend to be smart and pragmatic while still retaining their soul)
>engineers (SE, EE, CE etc)
>doctors / pharmacists / psychologists
>basically most women that pursued higher education instead of dating/breeding. (You won’t find many on Tinder.)

Go to the places and events where an abundance of women like these will be present.

>> No.19518908


Intellectual types are very uncommon in both men and women. Intelligence is mostly invested into social scheming, dissimulation, and trying to "seem cool". I'm sorry you were born with that curse, the need to know. Women are even more passive and less curious than men. But coitus should smooth the rough edges in a relationship, you should find women charming despite your differences

>> No.19518919

Intelligence is beyond overrated in woman. Find a girl with emotional control and understanding and you will be 100x happier.
If she's really that smart she'll quickly realize she shouldn't be with an unhappy 4chan shitposter.

>> No.19518933

I have a lit gf and am loving it

>> No.19518937

It’s probably folly to seek intellectual match or discourse with your romantic partner. You can talk with the men about affairs of the mind. You can talk with women about affairs of the heart. What’s wrong with that?

>> No.19518938

Can’t even be mad at being called a tranner on the internet. Semi unrelated, but I wish people would realize that most of us actual lesbos despise men in wigs who call themselves women, and hate to be associated with them.
Thanks bro

>> No.19518956

Most of /lit/ is shut off from their emotions and haven't experienced a girl worming under your hard shell to expose you for the fraud and idiot you are but still love you anyway.
When you experience that you will realize you need that far more than someone you can talk to about books.

>> No.19518969

how do you meet so many people

>> No.19518980

Not him but he gave you the answer in his post.
>leave your house

>> No.19518990

you dont get to meet professors, journalists, authors, engineers, doctors just by ''leaving the house''

>> No.19518999

>Go to the places and events where an abundance of women like these will be present
Granted I don't know what events doctors go to but there are certainly ones for authors and writers.

>> No.19519012

do you go out of the way to find events and attend them or they come in your way? That's what I'm curious about, and if they just come in your way, what kind of job/position allows this to happen

>> No.19519028

Go out of your way. Go to author events and talk to people.
>what career
Any? Why would career matter?
I don't do this shit cause I'm a failure as well, but its not a bad suggestion

>> No.19519043

>I keep talking to women (whores)
>why can't I get a gf :(
This has to be bait. No one lacks this much self awareness.

>> No.19519075

I can get a girlfriend easily
I can't get a girlfriend I would genuinely care about

>> No.19519081

If you knew how "/lit/ girls" really are you wouldn't look for one. You're trapped in a pathetic romantic dream.

>> No.19519094

No girl would genuinely care for you

>> No.19519099

>They are not passionate about anything
Anon, women are literaly incapable by nature to be invested into anything that isn't vanity or motherhood. They can be educated to excel at something but they won't be fully invested into it. The also cannot have any strong beliefs of their own. Call me a cunt but I did an experiment on my mom and a girlfriend: I would pressent them with a simple statement like: immigration can be good for a country with low birth rates because it would fill in vacant jobs, it could expose people to new cultures and it would help many people escape from war-torn countries/unlivable climates. I would pressent arguments with feigned passion and eloquence and they would agree after a few minutes. A month later I would tell them that immigration is a realy bad idea because it would flood the job market with people willing to work for peanuts, it would increase crime rates and it would also have a negative impact on social and cultural cohesion. They also agreed and seemingly forgot about the other statement. I'm not saying that women are inharently dumb, I'm saying that it's a waste of time to try to make women think like a man.

>> No.19519119

>Anon, women are literaly incapable...
stopped reading just to tell you to have sex

>> No.19519127

Multiple have though. Sorry you feel the need to project.

>> No.19519132

Hate to break it to you but that girl doesn't read. She's just posing for a pic to upload to instagram

>> No.19519133

Woman are far more invested in other people than men could ever be.
The woman sacrifices everything she has and could be when she becomes your lover and men on 4chan still seethe and create lies to hide their inherent mental issues and loneliness.
Now seethe at my post like the cucked faggot you are.

>> No.19519136
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Another d*ke femanon here<3

It’s true, REAL lesbians are staunch TERFs.

Fortunately for us, lesbians/febfems tend to be smarter than NPC straight women.

The average modern straight woman is truly insufferable.

I wish you /lit/bros good luck on your love quests<3

>> No.19519153

You have never been genuinely cared for. Romance and sex have nothing to do with this. Just because you got some low self esteem girl to see you as everything for a year, does not mean anyone has ever genuinely loved you.
The proof is the fact yoi made a post like this. No one who has ever been genuinely loved would ever make a post like this.
Its ok bro, its a tough fucking journey to get there and I can tell you're looking for it. I'm sorry for insulting you..
Just take a step back and consider what it is you actually want. You can continue fucking for a while like you have been doing, but it seems to me you're starting to realize the emptiness in all the relationships you have had.

>> No.19519161

>The woman sacrifices everything she has and could be when she becomes your lover
how do you know what every woman is like?

>> No.19519177

Well many woman, just like many men (such as who I responded too) are not ready to give themselves fully to another person. I'm talking about where real relationships begin. And no they're not dead, they exactly as alive as they've always been.

>> No.19519192

>Woman are far more invested in other people than men could ever be.
You've never met a woman that isn't your mom.

>> No.19519203

she has a youtube channel based around books and studying

>> No.19519219
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>You have never been genuinely cared for. Romance and sex have nothing to do with this. Just because you got some low self esteem girl to see you as everything for a year, does not mean anyone has ever genuinely loved you.
The proof is the fact yoi made a post like this. No one who has ever been genuinely loved would ever make a post like this.
>Its ok bro, its a tough fucking journey to get there and I can tell you're looking for it. I'm sorry for insulting you..
>Just take a step back and consider what it is you actually want. You can continue fucking for a while like you have been doing, but it seems to me you're starting to realize the emptiness in all the relationships you have had.

>> No.19519228

I see. 5 more years is needed at the minimum.

>> No.19519249

Based Xun Zi.

>> No.19519252


Nice to meet a fellow femanon! My girlfriend and I are both febfems and met on a radfem server lmao. Lots of radfems will admit it if they spent some amount of time on the chan in the past, but I've never met anyone who actually admits to currently going on lit or anything lol.

Also, most of my friends are either mostlystraight women or mostlystraight men, and they're both pretty much capable of having the same level of interesting discussions if you ask that of them/lead the conversation. Honestly though, who gives a fck if friends are le intellectual pseuds in regards to literature. That will have 0 effect on whether or not it's fun to play games together/chat about different mutual hobbies. I do believe that you should hold a romantic partner to a different standard though.

Hope you find a cool gf, fellow femanon. wishing you the best <3

>> No.19519266

they can put this in a textbook under the definition of projection

>> No.19519271

based femanons

>> No.19519295

Projection is a meaningless term that says nothing.
Think for yourself.

>> No.19519311

ESL faggot

>> No.19519334

Church or Catholic connect is the only answer left

>> No.19519358

My lady likes nonfiction serial killer books. It’s all she reads. I am semi concerned.

>> No.19519374

How many languages do you speak?
I speak 4

Don’t reply to me again, burgerman.

>> No.19519390

Thats all my mother reads as well

>> No.19519397

You're such a pathetic human being.
This thread has only made that more abundantly clear.

>> No.19519405

Humans need violence. It is man’s nature.

>> No.19519406

>I speak 4
I really hope that doesn't include English

>> No.19519431
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My wife reads but doesn’t reflect. Lives life on ssri autopilot. How do I get her to think more? Hard to connect with a pillow, even if she is cute and sweet and cooks well and does all the housework. She’s perfect except the nit thinking thing…how do I get her to sit with stillness and reflect? Is it too late?

>> No.19519435

Ask her questions about what she read?

>> No.19519445

she probably stays busy in order to keep from thinking, probably why she's on ssri's also, right? You know her best, ofc, but just be careful you don't cause her to spiral into a depression she is clearly barely avoiding.

>> No.19519451

>Drive half an hour from my suburban apartment to a bookstore I like in the city on a Sunday afternoon
>Browse there for a while and pet their cat then go across the street to a comfy coffee shop to read
>Notice about a dozen women studying or reading over the course of this day
>Daydream about saying something charming to one and falling madly in love with her in a drizzly apartment in the Pacific Northwest and having half a dozen kids and moving out to a quiet rural town in New Mexico to retire and dying within a few weeks of each other
>Do nothing until they leave
>Only read like ten pages over the course of three hours and then go home
This has been working splendidly for me so far and I highly suggest it to anyone

>> No.19519462

It’s a shrinking circle: 120iq basically the flat lands of the bel curve. Not a soulless corporatist, not a political hive mind hack that bitches about trans hate and the patriarchy and believes testosterone gendering the brain is an alt-right big pharma myth. The few that are left are holed up with a book, largely inaccessible.

>> No.19519477

Girl books like Malibu rising, couldn’t care less.

The pain has to be felt, no other way. The self gets fossilized under the layered misery.

>> No.19519483
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Boy, are you miserable...
Better keep doing everything EXACTLY the same.

>> No.19519502

You're goddamn right

>> No.19519538
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What are they *really* like? Neurotic pseuds coping with pretension and projected self-loathing like /lit/ boys?

>> No.19519650
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*she/her ;)


Immerse yourself in your interests.

For years I’ve volunteered with nonprofit organizations, hospitals, and political campaigns (for fun, bc I enjoy it.) I also worked part time in the legal field during engineering school.

During those experiences I made sure to build strong professional and/or personal relationships with the people there, and eventually I found myself becoming part of their social networks. In those circles is where I met the elusive Beautiful Intelligent Women.

Their behaviors are totally different than the average modern woman’s. This is why it’s hard to find them on Tinder, Bumble, or at a random club or concert, etc. They care about big ideas and are literally more likely to be volunteering, studying, participating in a triathlon, learning a different language, working on a project or campaigning for something.

Of course, nothing is absolute, and these are just my observations based on my experience. I’m sure you could find a /lit/ gf on Tinder, at concerts etc but it might be more difficult there.

My advice is to expand your network by volunteering or collaborating with people that have similar interests as you. This could be through a club, volunteer group, professional society, political party etc. Once you’re a member of those circles, start building relationships there. You will definitely meet many smart women, assuming you immersed yourself in the right groups.

>> No.19519670
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Don’t worry fren, everyone finds their someone…for some of us it’s just a little later than earlier

>> No.19519780

Your suggestion is intriguing but requires too much work.
Alternatively, since you have already found them, why don't you just post the social media handles of all these beautiful intelligent women so we can skip the legwork, send them pictures of our dongs, and demand that they each choose their mate(s)?

>> No.19520191
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Are /lit/ girls kinky?

>> No.19520205

>how do i meet an intellectual gf on the normie fuck app

great discussion here on 4channel dot org.

>> No.19520219

i want a bimbo gf

>> No.19520259

Nice story bro

>> No.19520265

Where do you live, OP?

>> No.19520311

IDK why but lesbians genuinely just annoy me - it's something deep inside of me that just feels like it's watching a house burn and everyone is throwing their valuables in it because they love the fire. Gay men don't bother me because they can't give birth, but lesbians just seem to be the highest form of deluded that a human can be. Everyone loves women because they're beautiful, but not to see the beauty in men as a woman seems to me to always be based on total spite. Not mad at you but open to your thoughts on this.

>> No.19520329

>book signings
>poetry readings
>lectures open to the public
>art classes

>> No.19520331

>Everyone loves women
hm I could swear I was on 4channel

>> No.19520337

Replace love with desires if that clarifies.

>> No.19520338

Yup, all they care about is twerking and hot chip.

>> No.19520344

Brutal blackpil.

>> No.19520352

No but that's because no one I know really reads

>> No.19520366

Yeah, you just need a hole that lets you continue the family line and can take care of the brats while you do real shit.

>> No.19520393

This thread must be the most sarcastic that lit has ever had. It's just pure spite. I love it.

>> No.19521669


She's wasted on you. I would have liked her to tag along when I rolled past Gein and Dahmer's killing grounds on the same day, and also when I retraced the killer's path and other environs involved in the Jacob Wetterling case. The one location where I stopped short was the Wetterling home itself, it's a cul-de-sac (no easy way out/to keep going) and it was near the anniversary so I figured the locals wouldn't take kindly to a stranger going where he doesn't belong.

>> No.19521716
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God I just want a qt big fake titty /lit/ gf

>> No.19521732

most of the readers I've matched with on tinder were absolute bitches. Getting an artistic girl and getting her into reading is probably the best bet if you're using tinder. If they like you, they'll read and with enough time will get into some cool stuff on their own. Finding a good tinder match is hard though. If you want somebody who's already well read, frequent your local bookstores. Very easy to strike up a conversation in one you can already get to talking books right away. They're out there anon. Read from female authors as well, these girls are reading Virginia Wolf, not Schopenhauer

>> No.19521779


>compromising myself by reading shit I don't care about and therefore wasting my time all in some effort to access a hole


>> No.19521865
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R U a male? For some odd reason men (and even other women) seethe at the idea that a woman can live a happy, fulfilled life without a man or d*ck. SAD!

>> No.19521878

I'm a bbw lesbian. Extra bbw.

>> No.19521889

nigga she gave you advice but you won't take it, then you ask why you don't get bitches. it's because you're lazy. you don't deserve pussy. you deserve to be eradicated from the gene pool

>> No.19521901

Lesbians don't need men to have children btw, you can now make eggs with two mothers out of stem cells. Males btfo

>> No.19521911

No women will ever live up to the intellectual partner you are looking for (assuming you yourself are actually intelligent). My unironic advice: first, find a male friend that you can discuss your studies with. Then look for a woman that will be a good mother to your children. If you don't want children then date around for fun if you want, or don't. This idea of finding the perfect life partner in a woman is a feminist concept and unironically not gonna happen. Of course the same thing is true that no woman will ever find the perfect man that will "get her". Marriage is literally just to have kids and continue society. That's it, sorry man.

>> No.19521925


Yeah, that should work out well.

>> No.19521926

Lesbos buy fake dicks to fuck each other with. They can lie and say they don't need a man, but they go out and buy an ersatz man anyway.

>> No.19521944

go to a library
or take English electives classes at a college

>> No.19521971

You watch too much porn. I believe most of us don’t bother with dildos. Vaginal stimulation isn’t as good as clitoral stimulation. Though I can still use my own fingers for either.
Plenty of freaks, I’m sure. I’m not against using strap-ons with a girl, but I haven’t had to buy one

>> No.19521991


Right, when you hit each other all the time that's all the proxy male stimulation you need.

>> No.19522017
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Tell me you suck eggs without telling me you suck eggs.

>> No.19522041

Please have sex

>> No.19522128

This. They will be a good friend, not a good life partner.

>> No.19522156

>Has anyone ever met a woman

>> No.19522161

My wife doesn’t like any of those things.

>> No.19522540

All of the good women are already taken.
Take this black pill and swallow it you massive faggots

>> No.19522587

>serious subjects like economics

>> No.19522604

>All of them are nothing but vanity and superficiality. Their ideas are derivative and poorly thought-out.
Well, you know that old truism; something like, "what we hate most in others is what we see in them what we hate about ourselves"? Seems like it might be applicable here.

>> No.19522629
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>sense of fulfillment is all or nothing
False binary
>women are dumb whores cuz no testosterone, let me count the ways
Negativity bias
>all my perceptions and experiences with women confirm my priors and programming
Confirmation bias + self-fulfilling prophecy

Haha you incels are fucked.

>> No.19522785

what the fuck is going on in that photo

>> No.19522792



>> No.19522805

i speak 4 as well lmao, ESL cope

>> No.19522807


There is no such thing as a real lesbian couple who look like this. This is common knowledge and you're projecting. Meanwhile there are in fact gay male couples who look attractive.

>> No.19522866

lmaoooo look at dis duuuuude, have sex my man, its not gonna hurt u

>> No.19522972

>published writers / journalists / authors
have you seen the amount of pure shit that's published? by either man or woman, being an author nowadays means less and less when people read shit like sapiens to appear smart

>> No.19523069

just find some 3rd world plowable submissive sow you retard
why would you want a woolf/plath suicidal selfish bitch
if you need to talk to another living soul you're not aspie enough to make it as a serious reader

>> No.19523072

wait, this nigga has been involved with or romantically pursued professors, journalists, authors, judges, attorneys, multiple politicians, engineers, doctors, pharmacists, and psychologists? and this is just "most" of the women, and not an exhaustive list? what the fuck is going on here.

>> No.19523270

all the lesbians in this thread should start a general where they can discuss literature, philosophy, and scissoring techniques.


>> No.19523296 [DELETED] 

Unironically see escorts and then date them when they inevitably fall in love with you

>> No.19523418

I want a trad, lit, English gf bros.

>> No.19523439

Probably the most practically untrue statement ever made. Love isn't instant, it develops and matures. Girls who I didn't even notice the existence of when I met them grew to become very attractive to me as I got to know them over time.

>> No.19523569

Take the celibacy pill

>> No.19523572

The option of leaving your house and going to libraries, bookshops, cultural spaces worths the shot, even if the advice might sound plain and roughly pragmatic at first. Libraries and bookshops have the advantage of being places of habit and of free social interaction helped by the pretext of books. Be careful though not to confuse helpfulness with genuine interest, especially when coming to employees, not that they are hypocrite, but service in general can sometimes generate an ambiguous impression of special and unique care.

>> No.19523590

>fraud and idiot

Didn't need a woman to tell me that

>> No.19523751

Post hand and/or tits and/or feet with timestamp

>> No.19523804
File: 235 KB, 1178x1406, FF456qgX0AEbtU7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried praying?

>> No.19524004


>> No.19524007


Take control, convert to Catholicism, don’t let your gf have opinions that are inorganic. Simple

>> No.19525171

>looking for gf on a whoresite
anon, are you being stupid or just autistic? Tinder is for hookups. If you are after a relationship, the odds of finding a serious one on Tinder are very, very low

>> No.19525208

I pity you. In the manga sections here theres always women but they all reek of fujoshit or underage
>how can you tell if a girl is fujoshit
I can smell autistic people

>> No.19525216

Not him but you have no right to criticize someones post when you post a wojak with your argument

>> No.19525351

>be german
>be blocked from literally everywhere except grocery stores and work because you aren't vaccinated

>> No.19525420
File: 7 KB, 200x200, Its all so tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy i've recently been to my local book club, and its mostly girls BUT
>10% trannies
>brainless libtards, all of them
>garbage taste in books and tv shows (Dr Who's latest pozzed season is considered a masterpiece by them)
>cracks lame puns and unironically laugh
>as ugly on the outside as on the inside

Yea, I can see why nerds get bullied so much

>> No.19525428

what books are assigned?

>> No.19525524

last one was American Gods, which was complete sneed. Gaimen is a hack

>> No.19525611


>> No.19525623

the only /lit/ girl I've met ranted to me about how she hates Hesse and called the protagonist of Steppenwolfe an "incel." Is there hope for these types of people?

>> No.19525625

>Finding women on dating apps
Anon I

>> No.19525630

Yeah, I feel you, it is quite ironic and inadequate given the present situation.