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/lit/ - Literature

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19511627 No.19511627 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19511633

The Seventh Continent gutted me.

>> No.19511647

There is none, just books. The only reason these film categories exist is so people can feel superior to others who watch "lesser" movies, meanwhile they're all just sitting on their ass in front of a screen.

>> No.19511657

classics, literature, genre, pulp

>> No.19511659

Cinema = Literature
Film = book
Movie = genre fiction
Flick = pulp fiction

>> No.19511661

t. flick fan

>> No.19511665

Which one is that one? What's top left

>> No.19511666

>pleb and proud
o i am laffin

>> No.19511677

In case anyone wants to know:

>Top left
Winter Light (Ingmar Bergman, 1963)

>Top right
The Seventh Continent (Michael Haneke, 1989)

>Bottom left
The Shining (Stanley Kubrick, 1980)

>Bottom right
Mulholland Drive (David Lynch, 2001)

>> No.19511681

>Mulholland Drive

>> No.19511686
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Same 8[ it took an irl tragedy to zap me out of that funk

>> No.19511688

Epic of Gilgamesh
Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses
Book of Job
Canterbury Tales
Alcibiades the Schoolboy
Finnegans Wake
Gospel of John
Tropic of Cancer
Infinite Jest
Harry Potter

>> No.19511690

Pop literature
Flash Fiction

>> No.19511695
File: 82 KB, 462x879, 1636205174618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heart: Ulysses
Brain: Gravity's Rainbow
Popcorn: JR
Flick: Infinite Jest

>> No.19511697

Job really is the best part of the bible. I wonder what it is like in Hebrew

>> No.19511700


>> No.19511706

Dude I just watched Winter Light the other night, such a good mov….cinema

>> No.19511776

I don't watch movies.

>> No.19511785
File: 86 KB, 1080x1326, gigachad hands behind back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither do I; I only watch cinéma.

>> No.19511812

top right
>What's top left
winter light

>> No.19511817

>Which one is that one?
Top right
>What's top left
Looks like winter lights
Pic is missing joint

>> No.19511827

It was an odd experience. I went into it not really knowing what to expect and I was watching the last bit while being distracted on my phone, telling myself 'wtf am I watching' and then suddenly everything hit me when flashbacks were shown. I started to cry uncontrollably and was left sad for a couple of days. Ironically very life affirming.

>> No.19512169


Yeah, Mulholland Drive is just another flick, dream-like capeshit. What a weak bait.

>> No.19512193

Yes? It's as pop culture as it gets. On par with marvel films.

>> No.19512204


Ladies and gentlemen, the contrarian pleb.

>> No.19512205

It’s lesbo bait for coomers.
It’s message on the shallowness and seediness of Hollywood is incredibly passé and obvious despite all the surreal shenanigans.

>> No.19512206

I say movie and film interchangeably. As for an equivalent there's literature, genre fiction, pulp, maybe some others. This isn't a distinction normal people make

>> No.19512216

Name three decent post-code film by mutts.

Yes, that's what I thought.

>> No.19512219

Winter Light is a bit too nihilistic for me. I preferred Robert Bresson's Country Diary of a Priest.

>> No.19512235

Of a stupid bait picture?

>> No.19512236

Literature: books
Not literature: what every fucking thread on /lit/ is about

>> No.19512263

This is correct. Diary is entry level Bresson however. Watch more

>> No.19512271

I've seen Au Hasard Balthazar, The Devil Probably, and Diary of a Country Priest so far.

>> No.19512333


>> No.19512349

>he doesn’t know
Lurk more and read up on Hollywood history kid. Your journey into /film/ has only just begun apparently.

>> No.19512364
File: 330 KB, 1380x1902, 16A506CC-A768-4403-8B85-C6A495D86EFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A US thing to hamper too much free expression. That poster is likely the Pabst snob

>> No.19512389

american cinema sucks ass but name a single good movie to come out of the hays code

>> No.19512427

the nadir of shit is... even more shit

>> No.19512447

Cheers bro

>> No.19512507

I enjoyed A Gentle Woman and L'Argent is quite good too

>> No.19512628
File: 36 KB, 1073x251, 1638642996292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the literary equivalent of an enema? It must be a book that cleanses you and provides some comfort after reading it. Perhaps, it is dirty or deals with matters people cannot discuss in polite company.

>> No.19512782

What's that image? Where can I find more like it?

>> No.19512816

Could be any of a dozen sword and sandal epics. Quo Vadis, Ben Hur, Spartacus.

>> No.19512896

What's the film in the image? Looks dope

>> No.19512941

Never seen Winter Lights, but I did watch the other three. You really notice a quality difference. SC plays like a series of scenes and the audience has to work for their meal -- we aren't awed with spectacle, supernatural shit, or violence. Shining, for 1980, was a heady genre film, but still a genre film. MD is all spectacle -- jump scares, love scenes, violence.
Off the top of my head
Literature -- Les Liaisons dangereuses, Les Misérables, Don Quixote
Novel -- Thomas Hardy, James Joyce, Melville, Dickens, etc.
Book -- Gone Girl, No Country For Old Men, Mason and Dixon, etc.
Genre Fic -- Harry Potter, LOTR, Dune

>> No.19512943

There are plenty of "decent" post-code American films. I'll say Taxi Driver, F for Fake, and Down by Law. Now, if you said three post-code American films that are at the apex of cinema, it would be harder.

>> No.19512958

What movie is "film"?

>> No.19512968


>> No.19512973

Is this suggesting that Mulholland Drive isn't artistically intriguing?

>> No.19513021

Zoomers hate the good directors of previous generations. Kubrick and Lynch are great, and mentioned often, so trolls mounted a campaign to slander them, so now they’re not popular.

>> No.19513059

Seventh Continent by Haneke. Ignore the shitposter.

>> No.19513074


>> No.19513075

Film is not just filmed theater, pseud. Its not theater because its heightened on instinctual nodes that have to be perceived through neurological rhythm, related to direct sensory development, perceived through focused intuitive movement and *folkish* *symbols* and objects. Well, you could say no theater does the same thing with dialogue. Except theater is restricted by the intellectual fore-thought beforehand and can only grow and function in the limitations it sets for itself. That's not a bias or a negative but its how theater itself wants to be perceived and developed. Cocteau, in the tradition of Mizoguchi, Has, Tarkovsky, Bunuel, can capture direct sensory thought through camera and editing heightening, but also specifically chipping away at whatever doesn't heighten sensory thought. Sensory thought meaning the correct flow of logical events, except it can also be meta-logical. Sensory thought in this captured and condensed form becomes limitless and endless in possibilities because it truly mirrors the rapid firing of synapses. This has less to do with *interpretation* and more to do with the processes of cognizing movement. Well, you might ask, why do their films have narratives then and aren't just scenes of pure locomotion? Because the narrative adds the combination of *ironic* (double ironic) social processing. All these faculties become fully engaged and the whole brain starts firing up like a lit candle and the man becomes an active creative partner in witnessing a glimpse of infinity. Infinity meaning all possible processing. Theater just simply doesn't have the arsenal to accomplish this. Its aims are different

>> No.19513091

Filtered by Lynch.

>> No.19513134

Okay pleb

>> No.19513234

that's because Bergman was atheist larping as having a faith crisis while Bresson was a based catholic.

>> No.19513245

Lynch is probably a pretentious Freemason, so I can understand the hatred towards him.

>> No.19513259

It’s a troll

>> No.19513270

Just pay attention to the imagery in his films. There is a lot of Masonic stuff in it (e.g., checkered floors). This is also evident in the last few episodes of Twin Peaks, Season 2.
I don't like Lynch that much. I've seen better surreal horror films.

>> No.19513282
File: 66 KB, 894x719, D028BAD1-329F-4DC4-ADED-697BB0C75E69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poppy too!

>> No.19513366

>instinctual nodes
>neurological rhythm
>sensory thought
Do you have any more bullshit terms up your sleeves?

>> No.19513373
File: 24 KB, 480x327, 1211102201304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is impossible to be filtered by entry-level American flicks. The singing is pointless, he had decades to learn from Mizoguchi's use of Noh I guess he should have went to films instead of film school. It is poorly edited. The singing and sex scenes are too long, this bbc loving cuck could have learned something from Czech New-Wave editing. Just see how Menzel approaches sex in Closely Observed Trains for example. Lynch had decades to learn from the Czech.

>> No.19513396

stop masturbating and stop watching anime you will realize how every feeling you thought was profound only stemmed from your mind's obsession with sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex that's all you think about in one form or another you are incapable of comprehending "beauty" in any form that isn't sexual at its base kill yourself

>> No.19513796

You also cannot possibly be more blatant than repeating "the owls are not what they seem" multiple times.

>> No.19514320

that picture is a few years old, has nothing to do with zoomers just the usual contrarian nature of 4chan

>> No.19514374

where is kino at

>> No.19514583

I watched The Seventh Continent because of this thread, and I enjoyed much more than the other Haneke films I've watched. Thanks for the low-effort thread, OP.
As I watched the final scene of the film, these stanzas of a poem by William Empson came to my mind. Maybe some here will enjoy it:

Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills.
It is not the effort nor the failure tires.
The waste remains, the waste remains and kills.

It is not your system or clear sight that mills
Down small to the consequence a life requires;
Slowly the poison the whole blood stream fills.

>> No.19514592
File: 541 KB, 497x732, 62D187C2-4745-40A6-9C5B-E33D39CA8C34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trolls. I don’t care when the term “zoomer” came about.

>> No.19514646

But it’s a critique of Freemasons and Hollywood raping and sacrificing young women though? The black lodge is not a benign place

>> No.19514678

The last episode is pretty clear that the Black and White Lodge are one and the same. It is similar to the antinomian views of the Freemasons.

>> No.19514974

Beating a man to death with a hooligan bar to steal his belt.

>> No.19515006

Where is the cinerama category? I exclusively watch Cineramas

>> No.19515013

I watch it all the time. I love it. That whole family is on the same page and totally free. I have to shower right now, so I'm especially in sympathy with their mindset.

>> No.19515022

This. It's entertaining but I don't get why people think it's some super deep surrealist masterpiece.

>> No.19515032

>It’s message on the shallowness and seediness of Hollywood is incredibly passé and obvious despite all the surreal shenanigans.
How much do you get paid to embarrass yourself like this?

>> No.19515212

Classic v Novel v book v idk

>> No.19515252

the only one of these that's used as a technical term in academia is "cinema", it's the equivalent of the "literarure" honorific for books. "movies" and "film" are used interchangably to refer to the medium, cinema is a subset of movies/film

>> No.19515260


>> No.19515272

Light novel

>> No.19515286

all four of these are on the sight & sound top 100 iirc. so i'm not sure what's being implied

>> No.19515297

actually the "cinema" and "film" ones aren't lmao. mastetfully crafted bait

>> No.19515299


>> No.19515364

>calling anyone a pleb
>that post
>calling anyone a pseud


>> No.19515435

Closely Watched Trains is a great film but I don't see how it relates to Mullholand Dr. or why the latter should conform to the standards of the former, which is a completely different genre. And how is it poorly edited? Give examples.

>> No.19515489

I watched it based on the thread. I had a good idea of where it was going but…shit. It just felt so real.

>> No.19515774

Watched this because of this thread as well. Jesus christ. You know from the synopsis what will happen but there is something so truly hopeless and irredeemable about how it turns out. Great editing and camera work.

>> No.19517100


Imagine what a pretentious big piece of steaming turd you need to be to make such generalization and actually believe it.

>> No.19517107

This is basically the Rick and Morty copypasta but unironic

>> No.19517458

Lynch is just Neil Breen with a budget

>> No.19517544

a literal retard wrote this post

>> No.19517568

Of course the coomer tranny with a scat fetish likes the lesbo film

>> No.19517712


It's OK, you've got filtered. Just accept it and move on.

>> No.19517752


I remember my early days as an edgy teenager when I also spouted this nonsense about Lynch's movies and other things I didn't understand or like, because there was this kind of rush about being the only enlightened contrarian in the room (I wasn't the only one, neither are you). But then, one day, I just simply grew up.

>> No.19517769

Books > movies
That is all

>> No.19517775

All this seething from lynch fanboys, yet not a single actual argument. Just seething and coping.

>> No.19517785
File: 123 KB, 1140x1140, Charlie and Linus in a wilderness of aluminum Xmas trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where is kino at
'kino' is just a zoomerized version of the boomer term 'cinematic'.

>> No.19517852


Mulholland Drive, at least for me, is the closest thing I've seen to a "filmed nightmare".

>> No.19517913
File: 517 KB, 1920x2112, kiki-andriansyah-hex-y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What film is top right? It looks nice.

>> No.19517992

Only honest poster so far. i'm going to watch The Seventh Continent tonight anon, cheers

>> No.19518115

as Wilde says, there are good books and bad books, that's it