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19510980 No.19510980 [Reply] [Original]

Literature about the death of art?

>> No.19510987


>> No.19511053

>the promise of the “””””””””creator”””””””””” economy: getting millions in advertising revenue for pumping out derivative and unoriginal crap
Notes on the Death of Culture by Mario Vargas Llosa

>> No.19511065
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>> No.19511074

a billion flies argument

>> No.19511076



>> No.19511223

Not OP but I was at the barber shop today and the music was literally OOGA BOOGA UNGA BUNGA NIGGA NIGGA UH UH UH UH EL CORAZON EL CORAZON OOGA BOOGA OONGA BOONGA and there was a small company of young white people who spoke in a slurred speech, cussed like sailors, and were overall extremely unpleasant, only distinguishable from niggers by skin colors and the fact that they didn't steal my shit. To get there I walked through a screen that was broadcasting lesbians and niggers and faggots kissing in the spirit of Christmas, of course while buying consumer products that serve no purpose except a literal few seconds of dopamine thrill, because nothing has any real utility anymore. Kids are completly braindead consumer cattle by the time they can walk, there is no way to protect them from the brain cancer of TV and urbanized homonigger propaganda. Every second I spend in contact with the urbanized world is like my soul is getting raped with a sandpaper replica of Grond. I have to leave, by the love of all that is holy I have to leave. I'd rather shit myself to death in the quiet of a forest like Chris McCandless within a year from now than live the rest of my life in this disposable nigger faggot world. I've long ago stopped giving a fuck about "culture", culture is meaningless by the simple fact it can only be distributed through the industrialized press, true culture is religion and folk stories that are transmitted orally from father to child for a number of generations. God I fucking hate the human world so much, literally every sight, every sound, every slurred wigger word I hear from strangers, everything wounds the most tender, innermost parts of my soul. It's fucking unbearable, it's literally impossible to live like this unless you have the brain of a cow. God fucking damn it it's getting difficult to do basic tasks like getting my hair cut, I'd literally rather endure medium-high physical pain like chronic exploding haemorrhoids, unable to sit, than hear a single fucking negrotune song while I am trying to achieve something in a cold lifeless consumer store. God I fucking HATE human beings, at least these human beings, I don't know if somewhere in fucking Siberia I can still find something that is not this but this shit is the worst. Morally, aesthetically it is the fucking worst, the urbanized landscape is a slaughterhouse for the soul. I have to leave.

>> No.19511243
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>> No.19511246

Culture Industry by Adorno & Horkheimer (Adorno's essay on Jazz as well)
Baudrillard's "Conspiracy of Art" essay

>> No.19511248

Yes, any sane person should be making escape plans by now. By the way, you should learn to cut your own hair.

>> No.19511252
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>> No.19511264

Culture has been industrialized, everyone's pulling each other for a piece of the pie. I heard someone say 'music is fashion' a week ago, and I've been thinking about it a lot. A lot of people do just treat art and culture like fashion, like some appendage to be worn to tell the world who you are at a glance. To make people superficial cutouts of someone else's idea. It's dangerous; music and tv just manufacture personalities. There are the 'good' personalities (that people who watch the shows replicate) and the 'bad' personalities (that people who don't watch the show are often compared to in the real world). Television programming, except it's not a programme in the traditional sense, it's a program in the computational sense, and the viewers get their weekly program update each time they watch it. Same with nigger music. The 'high culture' where I live is just white people talking about how horrible we are for fucking up the abos. I don't like most of my 'friends'. There's only one friend I actually like; he gets depressed and retaliatory, but I otherwise like him. The others just care about money, crypto currency, joe rogan. I had to choose between that and nigger music listening friends. You don't get much choice. I try explain any philosophical concept, and they just rebut it with 'dude money lololol dude get JACKED dude learn MARTIAL ARTS dude learn JEW JITSU dude DUDE WE SHOULD ALL DO FIGHTING SPORT, DUDE FIGHTING, FIGHTING COOL MARTIAL ARTS, COOL CRYPTO, BUY BUY, SEL LSELL, MONEY, HAHA SOCIALIST KEK, HAHA HEEE HOO... aHAAAHAHA". I just want a friend, someone who can construct an argument and rebut a point instead of being too filtered to even get the point. I resonate with a lot of what you said. I don't hate human beings, I think they're extremely stupid, and they deserve what they get, but I'm generally indifferent to them.

>> No.19511267

He knows the system and he plays it well. You're the retard for caring about trivial shit like that

>> No.19511271
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I have no idea what Squid Game is about. The only series I've ever watched in my life was a Polish 1960s TV series called "Four Tank-Men and a Dog". I don't have Netflix nor do I desire to have it. Even if I did I wouldn't be able to pay for it. 90% of conversations among my peers revolve around these series and I am completely alienated from them because I don't watch them. Recently a girl unmatched me on Tinder because I told her I don't watch Netflix

>> No.19511277

netflix, spotify, amazon, metaverse

The four horsemen of the apocalypse

>> No.19511282

103 million viewers sounds impressive until you realize that 102 million of them were Indians.

>> No.19511286

>There's only one friend I actually like; he gets depressed and retaliatory, but I otherwise like him. The others just care about money, crypto currency, joe rogan
America is truly hell on earth, I live in Paris and I literally don’t know anybody like that, I love my friends.

>> No.19511289

I actually have Spotify and Amazon. They're both pretty decent. Amazon allows me to order books which I otherwise wouldn't be able to in Poland. I was also compelled to register on Amazon because my American aunt gave me gift cards as a birthday present. Spotify is cool and allowed me to discover few musical gems. So long as you don't have a premium account it's okay

>> No.19511295

Made me laugh heartily. Thanks, I needed that.

>> No.19511299
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people in extreme debt volunteer to play childrens playground games at the behest of several billionare's entertainment. When they fail or lose they are excecuted and their life has a monetary value that is added to the prize pool for the remaining competitors.

It's... Ok i guess? It's a somewhat cut above the average netflix schlock so I think the fact everyone was stuck at home had more to do with its success than the show's merits themselves.

>> No.19511319
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I'm pretty strongly against both. Amazon makes my skin crawl, I've never ordered from there and hopefully never will, someone's getting royally screwed over with how cheap shit is on there.

Spotify just facilitates normies turning music into a fashion statement, letting their friends know what their 'top 5' artists are or whatever. It's also not exactly great for small artists, but nothing is so I don't care about that. I think I just have a problem with the way human psychology flocks to what everyone else is doing.

>> No.19511324

it’s a literal ripoff of an early 2000 anime named Kaiji

>> No.19511333

Kaiji is alright too

>> No.19511343

Counting views for things like TV shows has always been inaccurate. Of course on Netflix they can count the number of accounts that have seen a show, but they can't count the number of people in the room watching the show or the number of pirates who have watched the show or shared the show with others. Check this shit out, this is literally how they "count" people who watch a show on cable.

>> No.19511346

And Kaiji ripped off the Simpsons episode 'Thirty Minutes over Tokyo', where they go to Japan and compete in a gameshow that they think is going to cost their lives. (the episode was made in 1999)

>> No.19511350

>like my soul is getting raped with a sandpaper replica of Grond.


>> No.19511354

It's not an original idea. People gamble on sports. These "death game" shows are basically gladiatorial battles except using gay ass children games instead of weapons. Nothing new under the Sun

>> No.19511356

Ugh sweaty kaiji is from 96 the manga at least …

>> No.19511360

Also this is very similar

>> No.19511370

What IS new is new media.
Netflix, YouTube, etc. They all promote lazy, unoriginal garbage due to the nature of their algorithms that reward lowest-common denominator derivative pablum.
This is now he medium through which people get their culture and as McLuhan says the medium is the message.

>> No.19511501

wouldn’t bookdepository be better than amazon in pooland?

>> No.19511506

>Recently a girl unmatched me on Tinder because I told her I don't watch Netflix
Post the exact messages. Something tells me you were being an asshole about and were implying people who watch Netflix are subhuman troglodytes. In that case you were unmatched for being an asshole.

>> No.19511508

There’s nowhere to escape to.

>> No.19511526


Very based and true.

>> No.19511527

Christianity and culture by TS Eliot

>> No.19511560

>bruh the vague one-line summary of the premise resembles earlier things
shut the fuck up

>> No.19511561

Woah you are so special.

>> No.19511564

I like amazon and abebooks quite a bit. It has all the rare books I can't find anywhere else. Also i don't have to deal with the people who run bookstores. They are extremely unpleasant. I suppose I could use bookdepoistory but it's twice as expensive.

>> No.19511626

Yes. They are competing for money. It's literally exactly the same as any other sport. And you know it's almost exactly the same as any "enter virtual reality and if you die, you die IRL" same exact shit just with different action scenes

>> No.19511638

free shipping tho

>> No.19511645

Le wrong generation. I bet you're also really smart but just don't apply yourself

>> No.19511652

What compels people to post such npcish posts

>> No.19511656


Nah we need to ban low art and spam. I know the normies will freak out but it's for the best

>> No.19511663

Because the person they were responding to was using this thread as their personal blog to brag about how out of touch they are since modernity is le evil and not taking part is so virtuous, clearly having no idea what movies and tv shows are good is a sign of intellect from the frogposter

>> No.19511671

You don't understand the ethos of the frog post because you are terminally normie minded. The point is his alienation and awkwardness, not some claim to superiority

>> No.19511674


>> No.19511678

...yes that is the point. If you're a socially successful normie why are you not posting on instagram or tiktok or where ever normies post now

>> No.19511680

Taking algorithm-run media seriously will be the death of human creativity.

>> No.19511732

Я c Cибиpи, peклaмы c гoмoнeгpaми нa нoвый гoд y нac тyт кoнeчнo пoкa нeт, нo зyмepы тoжe cлyшaют yгa-бyгa-oингo-бoингo pэп

>> No.19511738

you're too good to be on Tinder anon.

>> No.19511793


>> No.19511822

You know you can cut your own hair, right?

>> No.19511825

I've reading Kaiji (one of the best manga I've ever read) and I don't thing it has anything to share with Squid Game except for a "game" in the first serie. Then again the main messages of both works are similar, I guess.

>> No.19511832

I will learn. I needed to look decent for tomorrow.

>> No.19511861

>Anon talks about abos, meaning he's australian
Butthurts yuros are lacking in the perception departement, I see

>> No.19511883

Here in Siberia they have Jewish-Mongol rappers. Literally, father is a Tatar or a Bashkir & mother is Jewish, LARPing as Negroes.

>> No.19511913

that's horrifying

>> No.19511916
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>brown people scare me
>I can’t ignore advertisements
>children listen to music I don’t like and that makes me sad
seethe, cope, or grab a rope

>> No.19511961

Don't be so naive. The only thing "NPC" about this is anon smelling his own farts thinking any anonymous bloke online would care.
>am I based!?

>> No.19511980

Don't shit on Mr. Kino, man.

>> No.19511997

No, I cannot ignore unsolicited music, ads and other visual/aural molestation. I am extremely sensitive to this shit, it's impossible to "phase out" or whatever cow nigger people like you do. I cannot do it.

>> No.19512007
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This is the Jewish-Mongol rapper that every single biomass younger than 20 and stupider than 90IQ, which is most of them, listen to publicly. Need I add more?
The world is globohomolized well enough you'll find in Chelyabinsk same shit you'll be having in Melbourne.

>> No.19512023

Looks like the shit we have here.
There's truly no escape.

>> No.19512031

ortega y gasset the revolt of the masses

>> No.19512039

Why rap? why fucking rap? of all the godforsaken genres of atrocious music how the fuck did rap win? how? literally how is it possible, it's fucking terrible in every possible way, orders of magnitude worse than rock music, it's just plain unpleasant to the ear

>> No.19512041

t. doesn't understand how iq works

>> No.19512048

All is see is a well-adapted individual. The globohomogods smile upon him

>> No.19512053

highly based

>> No.19512058

being a nigger isn't based anon

>> No.19512444
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It's not that brown ""people"" scare me, it's that they are insufferable 80iq retard and are very un-aesthetic creature

>> No.19512449

D E A D.

You are.

>> No.19512463

Cinema is the most decadent and jewish of arts, it's death is only desirable, and if the blade to do it is cringy zoomer tubers, so be it

>> No.19512492

Holy fvcking based

>> No.19512533

better than the beatles desu

>> No.19512548

Society of the Spectacle
Dialectic of Enlightenment

>> No.19512565
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>> No.19512613
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I have the same energy for these utterly fucking madness. Big fault is in tech (Google, facebook, twitter, TV, modern movies and literature, modern architecture, MODERN EDUCATION..)

For the love of fucking God. Everything went to hell.

" How in Heaven’s name sensitive and self-respecting white men can continue to live in the stew of Asiatic filth which the region has become—with marks and reminders of the locust-plague on every hand—is absolutely beyond me. […] There is here a grave and mighty problem beside which the negro problem is a jest—for in this case we have to deal not with childlike half-gorillas, but with yellow, soulless enemies whose repulsive carcasses house dangerous mental machines warped culturelessly in the single direction of material gain at any cost. I hope the end will be warfare. "

>> No.19512629

cant even type... quitting this place is a good idea too..

>> No.19512637

i was looking for the tweet in question but it seems it was deleted
anyone know the exact reason why?

>> No.19512657

Nice posing, but you won't change shit in your life.

>> No.19512668

Because he’s admitting he’s making money through unauthorized use of intellectual property?

>> No.19512675

Rock was the first popular music genre that widely appealed to youthful audiences, but it started running out of lucrative novelties for producers. The American music industry also latched onto increasingly insipid pop acts and crude music videos to guarantee profits. Rap was around for a while, of course. They simply gave it a fresh coat of paint to shovel to consoomers.

>> No.19512796

Is it possible that to convince people that niggers were human they decided to bring down whites to a chimpanzee level of knowledge to make it believable? surely if we were to continue improving ourselves as though we were living in nazi germany living next to niggers would have been unacceptable.

>> No.19512868

I am waiting for my mother to die then I will live in the woods then probably die, or I will kill myself.

>> No.19512880

>death of art
Except this guy got absolutely dragged because of how stupid this take is.

>> No.19513012
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Kek'd and saved

>> No.19513040
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This but I still say based and listen to Death Grips

>> No.19513041

You will always be waiting for the next thing, then the next thing, then the next thing.

>> No.19513056

just like you

>> No.19513064

these are cope posts btw

>> No.19513069
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Unfathomably based. This post is a hundred times better than any book I read this year.

>> No.19513082

It would kill my mother if I offed myself or left all of a sudden to bumfuck nowhere to die there. The rest of my family would be OK but not my mother. It's not something out of love, I just don't want to drag anyone down with me. I don't know if this is a weird attempt to convince me to kill myself now, there are weird sadists who get off on people killing themselves on this site.

>> No.19513090

You need to look deeper.

>> No.19513120

>it’s a literal ripoff
It's Korean. Wtf did you expect?

>> No.19513226
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want me to say it?

>> No.19513256

Tell us where to go, don't just post vague shit.
>inb4 'u need to find it urself sry'

>> No.19513260

I agree with you but your prose isn't very good; it's repetitive and there's quite a few comma splices. Normally I wouldn't care, but if you're going to write a massive wall of text on a fairly basic observation at least make it enjoyable to read.

>> No.19513281

>revising my rants instead of just hitting post
dude I'm not even getting paid

>> No.19513287
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>want me to Finnigans Wake?

>> No.19513288

Prove it. Give one single decent piece of art made in this cursed century that could rival anything from the Enlightenment, Renaissance or Gothic periods. It doesn't matter if it's a book, a song, a sculpture or even an architectural trend. Just one single piece that can be considered art. It has to be good by it's own merit, not just popular via social media trends/excessive marketing/motivated by a political agenda. I've been to Louvre and some contemporary art galleries(I use this term VERY loosely) in Paris and the horrors I saw there made me want to stab my eyes with an icepick.

>> No.19513329
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>that could rival anything from muh favourite and fetishized period

Art is alive and well. It reflects back what a society is feeling and doing, and that reflection scares you.

>> No.19513346

not him but here's a reminder that you will never be a woman

>> No.19513369
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And you will never be a man

>> No.19513390


>> No.19513406

lol what is this garbage painting are you trying to kill me with bad taste senpai

>> No.19513416

Depends on each person tbqh. But generally speaking you will not find a good place in urban areas.

>> No.19513426


>> No.19513436
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forgot pic

>> No.19513456

>It reflects back what a society is feeling and doing
Even more reason to burn it all down and salt the earth it stood on. Both the "art" and the society it represents.
>and that reflection scares you
No, it disgusts me and feel sad when I think of how much better it could all be. What is it with you people and your attempts to label natural feelings of repulsion and disgust as "fear"?

>> No.19513495

you probably don't know the first thing about art or its history but think it could be 'better'

>> No.19513501

> Enlightenment, Renaissance or Gothic periods.

how to spot someone who doesn't know what they're talking about

>> No.19513534

they cant and they wont but they dont care, the only reason the truth makes them so angry and draws out all these shitheads and whips them into a frenzy is that they have to maintain the illusion that they are constantly making progress, and anything short of that seems to be admitting some sort of defeat

>> No.19513562

buddy you're trying to maintain the illusion that pre-modern art was some continuous pure expression of some aesthetic quality to which everyone of the time had immediate access and for which they had a full and uncompromised appreciation. it's not even true in a given medium let alone across all of them. the 'truth' of the matter is not a lot of art is remembered for being good, the reasons why certain art is good in some period is different for why it is good in another, people had arguments over whether the moderns or the ancients make better art for centuries, the ways art is produced and consumed always differ, and artistic styles fall in and out of fashion all the time.

>> No.19513616

> a rotten banana stapled on a shitty concrete wall is a representation of society
I don't disagree but that doesn't make it any better

>> No.19513679

This is a fire Ignatius J Riley impression, not gonna lie.

>> No.19513702

that's more representational of media sensationalism than contemporary art in general, and even then that is just the stuff that follows the legacy of institutional critique instead of like photography for example

>> No.19513795
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This work is actually about the decline of the west too.

>> No.19513806

No one considers that art. That's just to make money.

>> No.19513828

it's only the death of literature as a relevant artistic medium
there are WAY, WAY more "film bros" who watch the works of Tarkovsky, Bergman, Kurosawa, etc. and modern art house directors than there are anybody who reads Don DeLillo or Philip Roth.

>> No.19513842

Kindly Ones - Jonathan Littell
Austerlitz - W G Sebald
2666 - Bolano
Pale King - DFW

>> No.19513870

>Doesnt count how many leeches and seeds on squid game torrents

>> No.19513984

>buddy you're trying to maintain the illusion that pre-modern art was some continuous pure expression of some aesthetic quality to which everyone of the time had immediate access and for which they had a full and uncompromised appreciation. it's not even true in a given medium let alone across all of them. the 'truth' of the matter is not a lot of art is remembered for being good, the reasons why certain art is good in some period is different for why it is good in another, people had arguments over whether the moderns or the ancients make better art for centuries, the ways art is produced and consumed always differ, and artistic styles fall in and out of fashion all the time.

>some continuous pure expression of some aesthetic quality

It's pretty obvious that there are certain aesthetic principles of art before the 1800s that were respected compared to how we understand art today. Craftsmanship and realism aren't as valued today as they were previously. Even art that relied on idealized types was grounded in a kind of realism.

>everyone of the time had immediate access

How is this relevant?

>and for which they had a full and uncompromised appreciation

Whether patrons had appreciation for the art doesn't have anything to do with whether the art meets certain principles that one understands as "good."

>the reasons why certain art is good in some period is different for why it is good in another,

You're just being pedantic about the historical context and specific technical problems the artists of these periods were reacting to.

>> No.19514047

Why not just bring a book next time or headphones?

>> No.19514053

god this painting is disgusting. so vulgar and devoid of any substance

>> No.19514151

Yes art reflects the direction that society is headed, and it just so happens that the world today is fucking soulless therefore our art is soulless garbage too. What's hard to understand? The most popular works of fiction are consumerist products for a reason.

>> No.19514202

Art has no "worldly state". Finding an artwork that sparks an inner connection with beauty is an intimate and organic occurrence that cannot be optimized for, and has as much to do with the piece of art itself as well as the observer.

>> No.19514204

Leave? But where we will you go? Where is there left to run?

>> No.19514212
File: 79 KB, 540x960, 7E476A25-8166-4C79-93B4-98BF2C584963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t crosses the street when he sees a black man

>> No.19514242

Not him but black people do scare me which is why I have a CCW for protection and cross the street

>> No.19514277

Squid Game is garbage that was shilled to the world as part of the South Korean government's soft power strategy, it's the same thing that got kpop foisted onto the rest of the world. If their trash kitsch gets outperformed by even trashier kitsch, it's well deserved.

>> No.19514301

No cap on my momma mrbeast bussin and low key litty af frfr tho

>> No.19514319

as long as there are humans to make it, art is not something that dies. people have been making shitty art from time immemorial. we make some good stuff too, but the vast majority of it is utter shit (like squid game and influencer content)

>> No.19514422


oh wow a game for gooks where if you lose you die, how original

>> No.19514461


I feel like the only contemporary art I enjoy has been movies. Having said that
Wes Anderson, PT Anderson and the Coen Brothers have all produced movies which I consider to be geniune art

>> No.19514482

yes i remember back in the day when art had soul, back when we had countless portraits of the aristocracy that were painted by unknowns in workshops and signed by the master

>> No.19514492

>creator economy
>can only copy

>> No.19514509

i'm not sure what relevance this response has to my post

>> No.19514510
File: 461 KB, 2752x1094, 18B3B316-0835-4DB8-9692-37FFABDCE6BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no sense of humor.
Yesh, you’re scared alright. Look, the past is passed. Enjoy what was more than what we’re getting now. Fine. No one minds. Just stop bitching. You can do better? Do it.
It’s a parody of Baroque >>19513436 and those old Frazetta movie posters. It’s hilarious.
And how do we interpret this sick sad world? (Pic)
You worry about soul and continue to praise the spirit of money, while we try to warn that the material world is going to kill us permanently dead if we don’t change our ways. It’s weird how the capitalists have you defending them so.
(Don’t take the comment personally. You’re an archetypal anon to everyone)

>> No.19514527

The problem is that original content COULD be created but the algorithm favors unoriginality and trend-surfing.
Pre-Google acquisition YT was legit kino, content could go viral organically and you could discover new, cool and weird shit all the time because the algorithm recommended you a bit of everything. Nowadays it simply recommends you more of the same because that’s what keeps people watching.

>> No.19514528

Humboldt's Gift

>> No.19514575

>female presenting account subverts and supports decline and says shit like "Yesh"
that's all that needs to be said and done

>> No.19514581

The real problem is that shitheads like the ones who browse /lit/ can't form a coherent art criticism other than muh soul or muh geometry because they can't think about art in any way that isn't political bandwagoning. Like Bouguereau was the height of art in the west!

>> No.19514604

unironically truly literally actually autistic

>> No.19514644

I unironically like this painting

>> No.19514683

>allegory of having a white penis

>> No.19514686

Gonna stop browsing this cursed site again, its just same crap over and over
Faggots cannot think reality, art, everything without politics

>> No.19514758
File: 154 KB, 748x900, untitled-a-mother-and-her-son-zdzislaw-beksinski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem with retards and art is that the retard only comprehends aestheticism and categorizes symbolism (and therefore abstractness, see the buzzword of hatred for abstract art, citing bad abstract art and mentioning money as if every artist wasn't already aware that high art is a money laundering scheme) as retard culture. they gravitate towards classicism and romanticism like a retard that only listens to classical music too high off his own retard farts to know that contemporaneous examples do exist but are muddled by retard art. they cite this overflooding of retard art ("there exists good stuff, you just have to search for it") as some symptom of the times instead of realizing that history glorifies good art and ignores bad art. there will be a history book for this time that posts non-retard art but you are too retarded to understand this concept and call society retarded.
beksinski is good desu, you'll just find a way to rationalize every example given into being retarded. there is something to be seen in the retard that calls everything retarded.
>"thats too derivative, give me something new"
>"stop posting surrealists from the 20th century you pleb"
michael dickter
>"thats just a bunch of birds and runny paint"
sandra cohen
etc. etc.
go jerk off to some naturalisms then

>> No.19515296

>imagine hating black people this much.

>> No.19515301

Vague and meaningless abstractions are literally tools for the mental midget bugmen of this world.

>> No.19515305

>watching tv or netflix in the first place.
>caring about what is popular.

>> No.19515312

hololive, gawr gura

>> No.19515391
File: 171 KB, 1080x1349, b1ff230125989a84d527ca907c28235bd519bd116f6166c9312f798f9d54e4e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19515415
File: 65 KB, 675x900, you-are-not-alone-danny-hahlbohm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG all the feels, it just gives me shivers. Going to pay for a $600 print of this and hang it on my mantle. It just speaks to the tortured soul of America.

>> No.19515419

damn bro cam down? champ a mr beast burger

>> No.19515424

Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. Czterej pancerni i pies has to hold a place in my heart as the greatest tv series ever produced. And the only reason for that is because I love it personally. I don't know why, I think every Polish immigrant family has it, and shows it to their kids. Man, the nostalgia is real. I say this unironically, that's the one series that might just be too high-brow for the seething mutts on your post. They will never know how cozy it was to watch that as a kid.

>> No.19515447

>meaningless abstractions
oxymoron, moron
>"uhmm ascktually i am referring to highly abstracted art wherein substantial meaning can only be gleamed by context not found in the work"
surrealism is babies first philosophical art, calling it vague is for retards. if you want a meaningful critique, call the meaning (usually something bland like distaste for modern conditions without much elaboration) platitude.
also beksinski himself declares there being no hidden meaning behind his works. calling beksinski reddit would be a better critique than calling his works vague.

>> No.19515505
File: 228 KB, 750x1181, SBR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19515512
File: 45 KB, 900x472, Oswald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to see this man be proven wrong.

>> No.19515516
File: 882 KB, 2736x3648, IMG_20211204_213208-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go faggot. Some 400 year old family heirloom. A creepy portrait some ancestor paid some quarter decent artist to paint of his ugly daughter singing (no doubt badly). This is what most art was for most of history.

You have a bad case of survivorship bias. You think art from back then was good because the only art you are familiar with from back then is good. You don't even realize that your only familiar with the good art from back then.

>> No.19515519

It was a typo this time, but there’s nothing wrong with “yesh” on occasion.

>> No.19515525

The hands are elegant. The colors and texture are deep. And you are a brainlet who will leave behind pixelated smart phone pictures as your legacy.

>> No.19515536

Have Faith anon, the only answer is God. You're not above it. How do you think Lot felt in Sodom?

>> No.19515545

I try quite hard to leave no digital trace.

>> No.19515546

Why does this post have so many replies?

>> No.19515552

>And you will never be a man
This is a weak and nonsensical comeback.
>the painting is a Joke! haha! isn't it funny? honestly it's HILARIOUS
Um ok you're coming across a little forced, especially as nobody else seems to be aesthetically tuned to the joke.
I don't see any particular resemblance DESU. A bunch of naked women descending from the clouds and attacking Moby Dick doesn't really have any conceptual link to a series of classical scenes painted onto a ceiling, besides comparable grandiosity.
I reverse image searched the painting out of curiosity and it's part of a series titled: "revisionist histories"? oy vey, not a good look. Liberal insecurity over old art is sad, you can't kill the past bud, and neither can you force yourself into it.
>I conflated the most feminine trope in European art history with the most masculine American epic, Moby Dick
Really typifies what I'm talking about.
>There are no WOMEN in Moby Dick... what if I painted a picture of women appearing out of nowhere and killing the white whale? Sure if would communicate nothing but "you're a man and pleased with yourself and I'm mad about it" but one twitter-loving tripfag will praise me so yass
I'll leave you with one bit of praise blubbers: If you are in fact a tranny then congrats on perfectly emulating the typical femoid's PENIS ENVY.

>> No.19515575

>The hands are elegant. The colors and texture are deep
Stop. it’s a bad fucking painting

>> No.19515577

Just know to respond with "squid" to Asians on /int/.

>> No.19515578
File: 1.19 MB, 720x404, 1638646304697.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunningham's Law
A call to action
Trolls trolling trolls for the lulz, unless you thing ahegao and trump jesus were meant as serious examples of good contemporary art.

Some people just enjoy taking the bait even when they know it's bait.

>> No.19515585

Anything by contemporary philosopher Byung-Chul Han seems apposite to this threads sentiment, i.e. it's all fucked.

>> No.19515625

there’s an manga with a live action movie that does the death kids-games shtick but the twist is it’s high-schoolers and the guy running the game claims to be God
It’s really not a new concept for a story. Deadman Wonderland was also that until it turned into shounen battles with blood superpowers

>> No.19515644
File: 1.24 MB, 205x199, Laughing Southern Italian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uga-buga-oingo-boigno rep

>> No.19515683

>he hasn't taken the cove-pill

>> No.19515743


>> No.19515758
File: 76 KB, 408x550, 000415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give one single decent piece of art made in this cursed century
Beksinski was painting until 2005 when a young gentleman stabbed him to death over $100.
This is from 2000. He's not for everyone though.

>> No.19515848

I just used to be a musician, I'm trained to actually listen to music.

>> No.19515863


>> No.19515870

Doesn't look bad to me; I mean it's maybe not the BEST or most beautiful painting ever either but it is very skillfully done nonetheless and not creepy or ugly like you guys said. It looks like St. Cecilia to me, so if this painting is really of some patron's daughter I would find that really cute <3

>> No.19515898
File: 33 KB, 314x500, 51H7o8EFGYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check it out the painting that cover uses is going up for auction in a couple days low estimate 200,000 pounds


>> No.19515912

They're called niggers, and they aren't people. If you haven't realized that by now, you aren't gonna make it.

>> No.19515946

It doesnt have to be good. Art is a reflection on the society it comes from. Looking at that painting is connection to a traditional and proper way of live before jewish degeneracy.
Nothing made in the modern day can be good because it all reflects modern society. Sure, someone may paint a pretty landscape of a park. But we all know that 100 yards to the right there is some blm antifa protest happening.

>> No.19515996
File: 116 KB, 1250x750, 3815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't see the tremendous beauty in pic related then you're genuinely retarded.

It's from A Shimmer of Possibility by Paul Graham

>> No.19516012

your criticism is a reflection of your ugly and stunted thinking

>> No.19516013

spiritual N. cut it yourself ape

>> No.19516032

>muh escape
Gamma male move. Sigmas use chaos for their own game. The final sigma vs alpha battle is upon us and the betas are its canon fodder

>> No.19516098

A fair point, but I think it should be said that the sheer volume of stuff being produced may present some unprecedented challenges. Naturally subsequent generations will pick through our time and find what they like, but the sheer amount of raw data to dig through will be an obstacle.

>> No.19516101

>a young gentleman stabbed him to death over $100.
i know the feeling and he probably deserved it.

>> No.19516113

the sheer amount presents more shit but it also presents more decent, albeit the percentages of 90% shit and 10% decent are memetically the same. you are right to mention the sheer increase in access that people have to both consume and produce art given the digital age and general quality of life. the percentages might be a bit more skewed as people are more privy to post their art at any given stage (unless its sketchbook shit, rarely anyone posts their sketchbook) given social media sensationalism and whatever.

>> No.19516131

lmao, fuck off.
1. Use earplugs
2. Don't be in shitty places. I don't know where you faggots live. I don't have to listen to unsolicited music or watch unsolicited content.

>> No.19516137

>a money laundering scheme) as retard culture. they gravitate towards classicism and romanticism like a retard that only listens to classical music too high off his own retard farts to know that contemporaneous examples do exist but are muddled by retard art.
I don't have time to search, fuck off.

>> No.19516139

>consumes art but doesn't research what they want
do you also listen to the radio and watch netflix?

>> No.19516194

so even some shit art from back then still destroys any of your modern faggotry what will your legacy be zoomer some dead cellphone batteries

>> No.19516211

wow look at you instead of watching a Korean TV show astroturfed by netflix you are watching a Japanese anime astroturfed by crunchyroll.

>> No.19516221

Hey man, cows are cool. Everyone is on ssris, mood stabilizers, benzos, and amphetamines to cope.

>> No.19516276

Tractatus by Wittgenstein. I felt like I was transforming into a Vulcan trying to understand it.

>> No.19516282

This shit stinks.
>lol ignore it
It stinks of shit. Why would I ignore that? I need to move out, it stinks. You stink.
>use noseplugs
>don't be

>> No.19516367

>city insect cannot imagine leaving the hive

Many such cases!

>> No.19516400

True but the fact that you felt this way because of rap, which is not as cringe as you believe tells me you are a midwit.

>> No.19516424

Of course its a nigger proving>>19511223

>> No.19516501

rap sucks and is shit. faggot.

>> No.19516524


>> No.19516534

So what? You retards are same as SJWs, totally mind raped by politics

>> No.19516553

You and your ilk started it now you lambast folk for noticing lol good cuck post some more gay photos of your pet apes acting human

>> No.19516587

That's not what politics is, anon. That's identity pottery.

>> No.19516603

What ilk retard? I have spent my late teens and 20s on 4chan so I am literally alienated from the culture of where I live. If you can't appreciate beauty then you're a subhuman.

It is idpol.

>> No.19516639

>What ilk retard?
Tastelet normie cucks. You barged into a thread bemoaning the death of art armed with a kitsch photo of a nigger actually doing work

>> No.19516649

I dont understand how people in 2021 still dont know how to torrent

>> No.19516653

Seconding this.

>> No.19516657

Art is alive and well, it just exists in small cliques. There is so much stuff out there that you have to actively search out for what interests you and research that clique, key persons involved in that scene, galleries, publishers etc. What gets publicity worldwide is a mixed bag, I do think cream does rise to the top, but its less relevant than ever since that cream is mixed in a group with ideological picks and politics. What is dead then is the idea of a worldwide publically recognized genius, the genius work of arts get increasingly lost in a global bowl that is really more a maze of ideology and political interests and with too large amounts of capital involved than art should ever see. On the other hand, if you find localized scenes that fit your taste, the art community feels very organic, real and flourishing with people who are truly interested and inspired by art and there is even overlap between these sort of different small art communities. Sometimes one of these communities will producr an artist that makes it truly on the big stage, sometimes its artists "only" make it to regional importance, but all of this feels very exciting for the community, since it is an accomplishment not only for the isolated artist, but for the whole community and that whole artistic tradition, with benefits flowing downwards to all members. Now my advice is that if you want to experience "real art" in today's age, then you will necessarily have to become social. Find the key persons (artists, galleries, publishers, critics) and the key spots (usually bars/pubs/clubs) where an art community of your interest lies and become part of the "scene". The added bonus is that these localized art scenes will allow you to meet artists who are very down to earth and genuinely excited about their and others (even yours) work. And even if you are not an artist yourself, these people are happy that anybody takes an interest in their work. The best part however is simply the socializing, thr making of new friends who are usually a bit out there just like yourself and of course the drinking, I even got art pieces given to me as gifts just because I have a good relationship with these people.

>> No.19516659
File: 60 KB, 644x641, pola-raksa-czterej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. are you a Polish immigrant yourself?
>tfw you will never have a cute Marusia gf

>> No.19516660
File: 56 KB, 960x852, 1638215698561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19516670

Lot of talk from a corporate wagie paid by the hour like a prostitute.

>> No.19516716

This isn't even a le ebin 4chan term anymore, you'll see this term more often on reddit than on this site.

>> No.19517369

what does this mean?

>> No.19517393

The mrbeast video is only so popular because of the show, and it will still make a lot less money than the show itself because even though less people are watching it people will pay a fuckton more for a whole series of like 50 minute episodes than one youtube video

>> No.19517429

Americans need to burn

>> No.19517466

But why the fuck did it take 10 years to make?

>> No.19517545

Art never was a mainstream thing, if you think it's dying you just have been in the wrong circles.

>> No.19517560


case in point

>> No.19517572


Should I move to France my dude? I’m getting married to a French woman and I can’t stand the idea of raising a child given the decline of American culture and society over the last two decades. I need a change but I don’t know what or how

>> No.19517648

Not him but yes. I'm french and lived in the US for a few years. The US is truly a hellscape, social relations are non existent. The few friends I've made either ODd on opioids, are locked in asylums because of schizophrenia or simply brainwashed to the point we have nothing in common anymore.

France and the US are the most neurotic nations on earth, the two great experiments of democracy. France is stifling, the US is the aftermath of suffocation. Pick your temporality I guess

>> No.19517849

Read Adorno.

>> No.19517994
File: 63 KB, 462x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art is alive and well, it just exists in small cliques

>> No.19518026

cant remember the exact name or anything but there was some art historian that stated the brillo box by warhol marked the death of art, though of course this argument is very western-centric it's still an interesting argument

>> No.19518205

No not personally, but my parents are. They would play it for me as a young kid. They only speak Polish in the house, and I am fluent in it. And in leaf land I took the optional French immersion. So now i know 3 languages.

>> No.19518234
File: 225 KB, 500x280, john.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19518382

>the hands are elegant
>the colors and textures are deep
I swear you insufferable dilettante fucks don't even try to be subtle. you're talentless, you lack taste, you seem lazy. I think it's gross how you dance proudly in your ignorance. what do you know about art? it seems the content doesn't even matter, as long as you can it fetishize for being "le so beautiful and traditional". the camera was invented, we don't need to make these dog shit worthless portraits anymore. you unironically worsen art as a whole and also fuck you

>> No.19518440

You need to return to the Tundra, white man.

>> No.19518496

I do not believe you would accept any example offered thus I opt to offer none what so ever

>> No.19518500

weeb cope

>> No.19518515

lurk moar

>> No.19518655

Imagine seeing art and imagining some great 'beauty' or 'purpose'. Renaissance especially. I've been to Florence, Rome, Amsterdam. If you ask me, it's overhyped nonsense.
The wealthy have always found ways of storing their hoards. Interesting that the Renaissance coincided with the introduction of banking.
Art is literally a place holder for capital. In the Renaissance excess value was placed on lines of credit and interest and every vile semitic trick that underlies the society you all lament. The only significant change from then to now is that I can buy a shitty camera at Wal-Mart and take a naked picture of some slut, and it'll will be ten thousand times more realistic and lifelike than Da Vinci's doodle of a pussy.

The only thing of value that art ever provided was the prestige ownership of an 'artist' provided and still provides.

Now they literal shit on canvas and the intelligencia and elite's compete to bid millions on it.
At least the pretense of skill or value has been stripped and the common man can see the sham for what it is.

>> No.19518732

lazy. art is not simply a place holder for capital, it is surplus production which takes whatever caracteristic of the current mpc and claim it as aesthetics. when society was religious and cyclical, art was divine insofar as it was a projection of the eternal aspect of cyclical time. renaissance, being the society of change, introduced new art, then now that the current trend of capital is dissolution then all art is the dissolution of itself. duchamps, dadaïsts etc..
the social function of all art is to induce passivity, which is why, ironically, video game is superior to every preceding artform. Vidya
rendered every other artform obsolete in that it isn't l'objet de la seule contemplation. Vidya is the Aufhebung of art.

>l’art en général : le medium utilisé, tout en permettant de faire exister une représentation attrayante de la vie, interdit concrètement d’y prendre part autrement que sur le mode de l’identification affective à distance. Ce faisant, il engendre une insatisfaction fondamentale du public qui, fortement sollicité par ce qui lui est montré, se retrouve pourtant dans l’impossibilité d’intervenir directement.

>> No.19518954


мимo c Hoвoкyзнeцкa

>> No.19518966

Homo(sexual) niggers

>> No.19519487

It is a portmanteau of homo (гoмo) and nigger (нeгp), blending to become homonigger

>> No.19520093

Whoa different people speak and look different from me. You sound thin skinned. Maybe just care less?

>> No.19520124

>realism aren't as valued today
And why is that bad?

>> No.19520186

youre a peace of shit

>> No.19520474

>tfw I'm an autistic into literary fiction and my friend is an Aquinas-Aristotle ADHD nerd and we can empty a room at our school by ranting about theology
It's the first time I've had a friend like this. It feels nice.

>> No.19520527

Late reply but rap music broadly falls into the categories of either a) boasting about your success and riches and b) talking about superficial hardships. The former gives normalfags a power fantasy to look up to and the latter is for normalfags to relate to.

>> No.19520671

You are right anon, he was probably listening to something really deep not a top 10 nothing song.

>> No.19520678

dude, just move to the country, lol.

>> No.19520781

cut your own hair

>> No.19520813

you sound autistic

>> No.19520823

Wear headphones and listen to music you like. Use the tools of the modern world for your own advantage.
Ask yourself this: what do you want to do before you die?

>> No.19520851

>I've long ago stopped giving a fuck about "culture"
>wall of text seething at culture

>> No.19520872

>t robs white people walking alone at night then shoots them in the chest for no reason and runs away like a little girl

>> No.19522073

>Id(entity) po(ttery)l (the l is silent)

The fact you think "idpol" is anything but nonsensical show's how retarded you are. It's an oxymoron, politics means "for the people", identity pertains to the individual. Politics for the individual makes no sense, it's just another retarded way our society enables narcissism.

>> No.19522121

wow you're totally right anon old bad new good wtf i love squid game now

if you killed yourself,. the world would improve and i would laugh. i would laugh and dance on your fucking grave you disgusting animal

>> No.19522575

its normalfag you fucking degenerate newfaggot stop defending frogposter you dumb ccunt

>> No.19522592

Kaiji is fucking great. Shit had me sweating from how tense it got at times.

>> No.19522724
File: 165 KB, 841x1200, 1638578934894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question is "what is great art"?
It's not like there are no classical composers, great sculptors or brilliant romanticism painters.
The problem is much deeper - there is no one left to point out to you that THIS particular artwork is great. Aristocracy is dead. Only us, the slaves, ar left.
Rich people do not count, because, as Marx has said, they are slaves just like us albeit corrupted by the capital. They are not an authority.

>> No.19522774

Walter Benjamin

>> No.19522781

watch akagi and oneouts

>> No.19522820


>> No.19522880
File: 38 KB, 562x570, your power level is pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marginally more views IF you are the god-level youtubers who make millions of views
>still no lasting power whatsoever, people forget about a second after watching it, just mindless entertainment to watch over lunch
>controlled by tech mega corporations that control every aspect of it from your speech (can't cuss) to your political opinions to your choice of music to play
>get fucked by advertisers the second they decide to de-monetize you because too many people are becoming capable of self-employment and mega corps dislike that
>it took 10 years to make baby's first generic, derivative, formulaic speech where every character is a drama formula like "daddy was mean to me" or "muh daughter" bullshit, with baby tier production value

fantastic stuff

>> No.19522890

kekd hard

>> No.19522892

I mean, why did the Americans bring them here in the first place? You can blame it on Christianity, but not totally. I want to say they weren't as dumb as people are now, but I mean, imagine thinking that you could just have slaves and it would be fine and would never result in any strife or miscegenation. I thought people were supposed to be very well educated back then.

>> No.19522918

Pathetic coping. Every single piece of "muh abstractions and meanings" in art made post the 1950's is the same shit, a random bunch of scribbles all over a canvas and the oh so regal and important social-political context is that the guy who painted it was a communist. The role of the artist on top of using the technical aspects of art to create aesthetic beauty is to successfully convey the meaning of what they are trying to express, if they fail, you can't cling to "muh meaning", get fucked and be a better professional of your craft next time. "Conceptual art" is utter trash because its so called artists are incompetent incapables who can't use technique to convey their meaning and want to create shit first and explain "muh meaning" in a leaflet later. Like banging your head on the keyboard, printing the random shit that comes out and verbally explaining what is supposed to be written.

Scorning upon aestheticism is the dead giveaway of someone being a seething pseudo-intellectual, because 100% of the study of art in any academy or school is a technical study of the creation of imagery through medium, be it either painting or sculpture, and for the ENTIRETY of human history an artist was judged on the merits of technical quality, by professionals, clients and experts, and "muh symbolism" could eat shit if the imagery weren't quality work.

You cope pathetically, even admitting that there is an organized effort by money launderers to push crap because it is easier to make, by claiming "b-b-but history will absolve me!", when you KNOW that every art period that had genius artists had them being pushed to a position of relevancy by the art establishment and the wealthy of their time, like Caravaggio who got away with murder by being friends with many wealthy people as it was trendy to own his paintings, Michelangelo who was personally sought after by the Pope, and Da Vinci who was a celebrity. What is pushed nowadays other than shit? You look back at the days of Basquiat (60's) and see any vindicated quality artists forgotten in their time?

Continue posting baby's first contemporary painter of heavy metal art covers and closing your eyes to reality. Contemporary art is in a state of shit, it is retarded, and aestheticism is KING.

>> No.19523100

This man fucks

>> No.19523220

yeah, because he doesn't want to get knife raped in an alley. is this supposed to be an own?
>a real man would let the black guy mug you before murdering you on the sidewalk
i just want to walk to my apartment
why are you pathologizing his normal reaction to ugliness.
>this is repugnant
>you're scared
>no, it's not scary, it's just repugnant
>yep! yer scared alright!
Holocaust??? *strokes dick* o wow, your great grandma died in some polish forest 80 years ago? fuck, where is she buried, i'd like to masturbate on her grave! *rubs cock* what do you mean you don't know? well, can i look? it's illegal? *cums* holy shit, that's some kino fantasy porn. i may not get to have a nation or race because of your fake holocoaster masturbated to death grandma but at least i got a nutbust out of it.

>> No.19523303

That she did not see the "play Baby Shark" as a problem says a lot about the worth of this woman as a mother.

>> No.19523307

Are you me?

>> No.19523325
File: 68 KB, 450x405, tuxapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s a parody
Subversion, tribute, parody, "a playful nod at", "reference", "commentary piece", "modern take", "deconstruction" and every and any such things are absolute cancer and you are a complete and utter fucking retard with shit taste and most likely a tranny, whose mind is as barren of creation as his belly. All fields, dilate, YWNBAW, neckrope, and do not (you) me because I will hide this whole conversation right now. Tell that to your favorite pillow 'cause I know you have nobody else.

>> No.19523342


>> No.19523500

Oбoжaю мopгeнa

>> No.19523501

A coward leaves
A man changes it

>> No.19523515

Metal Gear Solid 2
You're welcome

>> No.19523518
File: 237 KB, 325x380, Truwer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not liking based R-hiphop produced by our local POC (kek). Пидopaхи filtered.

>> No.19523547

>France and the US are the most neurotic nations on earth,
Non ce n'est pas vrai, tu ne peux pas comparer la France aux US, tu fais une fausse correlation, les deux n'ont rien à voir. Ton post est dénué de sens.

>> No.19523552

Ok ferme ta gueule gros con

>> No.19523809
File: 26 KB, 640x456, 1638433692703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is predictive programming, isn't it?

>> No.19523835
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>> No.19523854

>baby's first contemporary painter of heavy metal art covers
Not him but it's curious that you call others pseuds if your gripe with Beksinski is that after he was killed his art was used by metal bands as album covers. He never painted a single thing on commission, and he would've hated that use of his work.

>> No.19523856
File: 179 KB, 649x619, 1633708334118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I looking at here, it fills me with pure dread

>> No.19523873
File: 579 KB, 2000x920, Shimabara_Rebellion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is last piece of art that made me feel

>> No.19523879

I can't watch foreign language stuff, it's funny because I used to do it as a teenager but now I've transformed into a typical boomer who hates subtitles.

>> No.19523891

Read about the War of Canudos. Read The War of the End of the World

>> No.19523930
File: 35 KB, 828x552, b4e75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chiale 1 coup le réac, l'art est mort. ce qui se prétend art est purement autiste: des productions individuelles séparé de la vie. sa fonction social complètement supplanté par le numérique, l'art est obsolète, l'art est mort. l'art est nihiliste, c'est la vie qui se soustrait à la vie. sa pratique est nécromantique. Un poète = un prédicateur de la mort.

>> No.19524287

Move to India. You sound like crying baby

>> No.19524318

>every slurred wigger word I hear from strangers, everything wounds the most tender, innermost parts of my soul. It's fucking unbearable, it's literally impossible to live like this unless you have the brain of a cow. God fucking damn it it's getting difficult to do basic tasks like getting my hair cut,
Holy based, literally me. I refuse to go out and when I hear a single word of that trash my whole body screams in disgust.

>> No.19524870

L’art n’a pas à avoir une “fonction sociale” utilitaire, nous n’habitons pas en Union Soviétique.

>> No.19524889
File: 71 KB, 357x565, 6521D9BA-7DF4-4349-B363-6B26B74A8832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19525279

I agree with you but i have to endure it everyday anyway

>> No.19525284

You need better friends anon. Mine dont even know bitcoin is

>> No.19525294

Im actually glad kaiji is not popular enough to attract children, but i wish it was popular enough to give some discussion on /a/

>> No.19525318

Was this the only barber around or why did you even go there? You know there are barbers that aren't like this at all

>> No.19525380

this faggot posturing as being all into philosophy and going "eeewww martial arts" like a chinless dork, the level of faggotry

>> No.19525432


>> No.19525450

>it's not complete shit
the bar is so low, I'll take it

>> No.19525454

listen to some nick drake bro that shit makes me weep

>> No.19525469

Didn't even read the post, just increasing the response count

>> No.19525509

And it was technically the highest echelons of art to ever exist at the same time and age in which the uber wealthy commissioned art that depicted the events and most important passages of the Christian faith, allowing art to evolve to the point where artists would be free to depict whatever they wanted in future art movements. Also I highly doubt anyone would call Diego Velasquez a nobody.

What's the difference between that and current art that is peddled by social engineering Billionaires trying to convince you that there is no such thing as objective beauty and in the mean-time making a quick buck out of their money laundering schemes peddling random scribbles as being the highest echelons of art?

The difference is QUALITY.

>> No.19526116

The thing is that the countless portraits of the aristocracy were made as a trade, like... It's not like the aristocrats could choose to have a photo taken. It was a portrait or nothing. This wasn't meant to be the end and purpose of art at all, people just wanted to have a portrait taken.
It's like including all graphic design jobs, all wedding photos, etc. in "art", while you really don't pay those any attention. The art that was actually being made for the sake of art was different, some good some bad, but thinking "oh well the aristocrats had portraits taken, this was art" is subject to a stupid bias.
In the late XIX century academic art sort of became a fashion, like you'd buy a brand item today, and this was sharply criticized by people of the day.

>> No.19526122

nick drake was such a good soul

>> No.19526219

reminds me of John Keats

>> No.19526267
File: 75 KB, 643x820, 1638762765975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure your message is very heart warming but

>> No.19526290

The only way to change it is to drop a bomb on it.

>> No.19526335

>"I bet thos be sum comfy vibes fr fr but I cant read all dat shit nigga"
>Posts on /lit/
Sounds about right

>> No.19526385

Has bots clickin up his views, talks shit based on shit numbers

>> No.19526876

Why are you an ancap

>> No.19526892

art is not dead

>> No.19527361

Yeah but there are things that are less newer than others

>> No.19527874

God. Your friends sound based

>> No.19527890
File: 49 KB, 657x527, 1631679518899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just here for the big reply count

>> No.19527925

>The places I frequent and the people I surround myself with are all niggers, but not me!

>> No.19527951

I’m not. I don’t want that kind of future.

>> No.19527998

I'm not saying 'ewww martial arts', I'm just thinking how cringe it is that they jump on bandwagons because Joe Rogan said to. Also Jiu Jitsu is short people martial arts, I'm not a manlet like some of them.

ew what an incel. Also anon said this century, not the 20th century.

I actually respect Nick Drake a lot, his music has made me cry

>> No.19528009

Just stay in the countryside if you are low/med-class

>> No.19528060


>> No.19528100

I'm too much of a coward, but if you're not you should do something about it.

>> No.19528106
File: 469 KB, 2506x668, myfilter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filename related

>> No.19528124

you're not supposed to use tinder like that anon, you're supposed to catfish and get them to incriminate what the hell are you even doing

>> No.19528508

>which is not as cringe as you believe
jesus, the fact that you have to type this out speaks volumes about how cringe it is and how cringe you are

>> No.19528519

embarrassing, why would you share this

>> No.19529218

the entirety of this thread is mind-numbing stupid holy shit, no wonder nobody take you guys seriously LMAO