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File: 114 KB, 1280x1886, Tragedy_and_Hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19511919 No.19511919 [Reply] [Original]

How is this book not spoken of more often
A globalist conspirator is literally laying out their plans in this book and people still say there is no elite global cabal.

>> No.19511950

Simple. Nobody has read it.

>> No.19511964


>> No.19511981

Hide a tree in a forest.
The global elite probably finance a lot of writers who publish crazy, unfounded conspiracy theories so that people believe all conspiracy theories are preposterous.
The best way to make sure people don't read books like the one in the OP is by pretending such books do not exist; if you try to censor it you only give it more visibility.

>> No.19512012

shits like a million pages. took me half a year to read dawn2decadence, aint nobody got time to learn about the globohomo conspiracy

>> No.19512038

I follow Jay for years and know that he has done lectures on the subject, yet I never bothered watching them simply because I am too stingy to pay the 10 bucks to watch the complete series (I am from Eastern Europe - we do not like to pay for shit from the internet).
On the other hand I completely understand Jay - the time and effort he must've put in compiling those lectures must be staggering. I would want to get paid for that fo sho as well.

>> No.19512067

And even if you did read the book and many others about this topic - then what?
What are you going to do about it? Tell the world? You very well know the world does not care at all. If it did it would not require you telling it. That is the most frightening thing here - not that this wretched planet is ruled by psychos that want to dominate and genocide 2/3 of it, but simply the fact that the majority of people simply cannot be bothered. I often wonder how did it come to this? Was it like this in the past as well? Were people so apathetic in the past?

>> No.19512071
File: 74 KB, 776x900, 1607094290756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds ludicrous. Have you taken your medication, anon?

>> No.19512073
File: 551 KB, 1423x1566, brenton tarrant clown world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you going to do about it?
Be the change you want to see (in Minecraft).

>> No.19512159
File: 61 KB, 408x630, pseud-tier quigley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a long, tedious, mentally draining read. And it's supposed to, it's a filter. You need to be heavily motivated to put the time and energy into reading about and comprehending all this information Most people don't have that. I'm not trying to sound superior. Even I had to take long breaks since I have a job and the book is so information dense it would give me headaches trying to finish a single chapter after coming back from my 9-5.
Instead anons start a dozen threads a month about picrel, which is half filled with fake quotes and unverified information that go nowhere. But hey it caters to midwits who think they can absorb centuries of clandestine operations and navigate complex webs of unknown activity through a grade school-tier book (oh and look at that based and redpilled cover!) so those threads get hundreds of replies. Every time I tell people to read Quigley instead - no response.

I've started thinking picrel is unironically shilled so people avoid trying to read Tragedy and Hope along with The Anglo-American Establishment and The Creature from Jekyll Island. Clinton was Quigley's best student and directly quoted Tragedy and Hope along with by name at his DNC speech. Why? Because he understood what 99% of people couldn't. And was smart enough to join the 1% to exploit it. Can't blame him desu. You don't need to hide a book that already filters most readers out there. I've just stopped caring.

>> No.19512182

Forgive the typos, slightly hungover from a grad school party last night. On that topic: Some of the students in my cohort have worked for the Fed and World Bank and can't even muster the effort to get 50 pages into this. Two have seen Tragedy and Hope on my bookshelf and get all interested when I explain it to them. I've loaned it out and they return it a week or two later saying it seemed interesting but they don't have the time or it gets too deep or some shit. It's so tiresome lads.

>> No.19512192

For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief. Ecclesiastes 1:18

It would seem that this was always the case.
And always will be.

>> No.19512237
File: 86 KB, 1024x952, 1636003509829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Ytuber read the whole book. You can download the audios and that's your audiobook right there. The book is replete with minute details but the big picture is still there. It can dispel lots of propaganda. For example, you're told Weimar hyperinflation was the leading cause of the rise of Nazi Germany. CQ proved it's a fake theory. Actually, leading German industrualists bankrolled Hitler and his Nazi Party to power.

>> No.19512239

Cleo Skousken wrote a “review” of his book, The Naked Capitalist.
He claims that Quigley Mamés figures such as Alfred Milner, Cecil Rhodes and the Round Table, banker families like JP Morgan, Jacob Schiff and the Rothschilds and all these people were apparently influenced by this British guy John Ruskin and his humanistic ideas. Cecil Rhodes wanted to expand the British empire to the entire world because he thought it would bring enlightened civilization to the heathens but the idea morphed into the Anglo-American empire and then into Communism.
Cleon asks how come the super rich financed the Soviet Union (this part isn’t speculation, it’s historical fact that Wallstreet did in fact give funding to the bolsheviks)?
Turns out that the cabal of internationalist bankers and the super rich (Jewish or otherwise) are indeed Marxists like your boomer dad claims.
And it does make a bit of sense. The USSR might have collapsed but thy are trying to keep the dream going.
This time however they’ve understood that going through the capitalist stage of development is a necessary step towards communism, especially in regards to technology.
With the rise of the technocrats the international canal hopes that an AI will be in charge of the world economy, analyzing data fed to its algorithm to set quotas with infinitesimally small margins of error.
Why do you think they push for open borders and multiculturalism so much? It’s because they want the revolution to be global, by getting people used to thinking in terms of a world state instead of nations. We’re all part of the same global village, aren’t we?
You can see the influence of communism in how Klaus Schwann talks about the Great Reset: you will own nothing and you will be happy. If he’s not referring to the abolition of private property I don’t know what is.
Ultimately thought unlike what Cleon says their plan actually seems pretty benevolent, who doesn’t want to end world hunger and ethnic conflict?
Under the centralized control of an AI the world economy could be managed far better than any capitalist manager could, meeting demand efficiently without producing waste.

>> No.19512402

You're on the right track anon, and are more knowledgeable than most, but you still make the fatal misreading that many on /pol/ do.

>You can see the influence of communism in how Klaus Schwann talks about the Great Reset: you will own nothing and you will be happy. If he’s not referring to the abolition of private property I don’t know what is.

No, what you and most anons refer to as "communism" or "socialism" is more akin to unfettered and interconnected state capitalism on a global level. To the extent that what you might call "cultural marxism" plays a role, it is to funnel left-wing rage into identity politics (big success) and right-wing rage into culture wars, another big success. The right has picked up on these tactics w/r/t to social issues like multiculturalism and open borders, but by focusing solely on them you help their goal: to de-politicize the economy and de-politicize the economy.
I mean this in good faith, but the "abolition of private property" conclusion is laughably wrong.

The "own nothing" has to do with creating an underclass who have to spend their whole life as renters. This is painfully obvious in the housing market already. In other words, they are expanding what is already a massive rentier state - which is when the elites purchase and monopolize property, raising prices so they you are forced to pay rent and cannot gain a stake in society because they have no property. It's being abolished in the sense we can't afford it, to think this has anything to do with communism is painfully misguided. They will buy hundreds of $200k houses and flip them into rental properties. I can go on and on about the housing scam but just search "wall street housing prices blackrock" and you'll see the first two articles are from vox and the atlantic calling us crazy:


It's not communism, anon. At least not in the literal 20th century form you might think. Follow your knowledge but carefully re-assess your conclusions

>> No.19512437

This shit is an obvious psyop. Any book that actually exposes the elite would not be promoted and as popular as it is.

>> No.19512450

>I've started thinking picrel is unironically shilled so people avoid trying to read Tragedy and Hope along with The Anglo-American Establishment and The Creature from Jekyll Island.
No n1gger those books are all popular as fuck, they’re not some hidden secret. My boomer dad has all 3 and he’s not even super into conspiracy stuff. Why would they try to restrict access books like picrel or CoC if they were misinfo?

>> No.19512462

>Actually, leading German industrualists bankrolled Hitler and his Nazi Party to power.
Not true, read German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler. The theory you mentioned IS very popular among conspiritards who think they’re enlightened and Marxists.

>> No.19512481

Another conspiritard. “Wall Street” did NOT fund the Bolsheviks. It was an isolated rich Jew who had problems with the Tsarist regime. After that “Wall Street” did do business in the NEP USSR for economic not ideological reasons.

>> No.19512499

They don't need to restrict access. They aren't. That's the point. Jesus Christ. It's the same way "The Great Reset" wasn't kept a secret, it was the name of the actual book released from the head of the WEF two months into the pandemic.
It's all out there. But nobody cares. Because nobody reads. And you should proud of your father as the exception anon, don't dismiss him as the norm. It's intellectually dishonest. They openly brag about their plans now, because they've realized it's too late - even if we know can't do anything. Going to drop a cringe boomer quote now:

"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one."

>> No.19512519

>Why would they try to restrict access books like picrel or CoC if they were misinfo?
This is a question which troubles me sometimes. Leftists like to say "fascists and the like are playing into the elite's hands, and communism is genuine revolt!" Okay, sure. But then why are communist works freely available and why are fascist/nationalist works restricted?

>> No.19512537

Communism is manufactured revolution by the global bankers and always has been.

>> No.19512557

Soviet-style communism isn't a threat to them or anyone. It's dead. Nationalism and racial solidarity are ideologically alive and rightfully oppose a multicultural, borderless, materialist globohomo society, whereas the left deify these things. And the official narrative of Hitler/Holocaust must be upheld as the eternal strawman against any attempt at right-wing dissent.
It's not exactly rocket science bud.

>> No.19512579

>Soviet-style communism isn't a threat to them or anyone. It's dead.
China, a literal Marxist-Leninist state, is still around, and it's a far more deadly threat to globohomo than anything else.

>> No.19512588

>popular as fuck
lmao go outside and ask the first 10,000 people your meet if they've heard of any of those books. try it anywhere, even in the most educated areas of the world. report your results genius. give your dad a medal while you're at it.

>> No.19512604

Because it’s so fucking boring no one bothers.

>> No.19512608

>How is this book not spoken of more often
How would you quantify that? You can look at google search records and such and find Quigley is a very highly cited political scientist and Tragedy and Hope gets a ton of hits.

>A globalist conspirator
Carroll Quigley was an Irish-American academic, if you read anything he wrote he obviously wasn't some utopian "globalist":

>literally laying out their plans in this book
What "plan"? Quigley claims some racist 19th century British guys had ideas about uniting the Anglosphere into a political union.

If you're afraid of that you should find Brexit disrubing

>people still say there is no elite global cabal
Actually if you talk to most people 90% are going to claim some secret force is controlling global events. Nazi claim it's the Jews, leftists claim its capitalists, conservatives claim that private philanthropists like Bill Gates and George Soros are scheming a NWO, etc.

>> No.19512621

>China, a literal Marxist-Leninist state
Educate me on how the modern Chinese economy resembles the Soviet economy.
>is still around
Because they didn't follow the Soviet model genius you just answered your question
>it's a far more deadly threat to globohomo than anything else
It's insulated from it by the state, as is the Muslim world by its theocratic culture. They aren't fighting the globohomo dick from being shoved up muttland or europe's ass.
This is like saying America is a threat to world hunger.

This thread is like five semi-reasonable people having a dialogue with 15 teenagers.

>> No.19512638

This is classic status quo shilling where you say "uh sweaty, everyone already knows this" and act like that settles the matter.

>> No.19512640

Was From Dawn to Decadence worth it? I've had some interest in it for a long time but it seems like a big commitment.

>> No.19512658

>Nazi claim it's the Jews, leftists claim its capitalists, conservatives claim that private philanthropists like Bill Gates and George Soros are scheming a NWO, etc.
All of these have some truth to them.

>> No.19512841

>Nazi claim it's the Jews, leftists claim its capitalists, conservatives claim that private philanthropists like Bill Gates and George Soros are scheming a NWO, etc.
Your problem here is mistaking the villain is some le evil secret organization while in fact it's mutiple groups of high status people profitting in an unanimous agenda.