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/lit/ - Literature

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19506380 No.19506380 [Reply] [Original]

What literature have some sort of "descend into madness" vibes in it?

>> No.19506387

anything by burroughs. more of a swan dive than a slow descent though.

>> No.19506391

Philip K. Dick

>> No.19506400
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>> No.19506433

Fanged Noumena or The Conspiracy against the Human race

>> No.19506439

death on the installment plan - Céline
The tunnel - William Gass

>> No.19506499

Molloy - Beckett
The Quentin section in Sound and the Fury
Child of God - McCarthy

>> No.19506636

temple of the golden pavillion

>> No.19506639

heart of darkness

>> No.19506645

Incel core

>> No.19506663

Crying of Lot 49

>> No.19506693

hunger by hamsun

>> No.19506937

anna karenina
madame bovary

>> No.19507601

Any books about what he was like after he lost it?

>> No.19507606

Darkness Visible by William Styron

>> No.19507839

Literally how? My main takeaway after reading it was that the author was a closeted homosexual.

>> No.19507876

my diary desu

>> No.19507900

This but in reverse.

>> No.19507996

Literally incel core

>> No.19507999

kashiwagi's philosophy was pretty much the blackpill

>> No.19508023

yes, Wilhelm Weiblinger was a student who befriended him during his life in the Tower and wrote a short book about it. It's a fascinating read, strongly recommend it.

>> No.19508032

Are you implying all incels are closeted homosexuals? I don't think that's right, somehow, considering all they ever talk or think about is women.
I don't know what that is.

>> No.19508040

I heard there was this play that everyone who has read it descended into madness. I think it was called The Yellow King or something similar.

>> No.19508177

Didn’t know incel core could be so good.

>> No.19509426
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>> No.19509439

I’ve been looking for something like this for a while. The closest has been Moby Dick but so far nothing lives up to a certain manga of all things.

>> No.19509445

The Moon and the Sixpence

>> No.19510179

Go look how many people on /r9k/ are becoming homosexual everyday

>> No.19510214

Correction - Bernhard
Trilogy - Beckett

>> No.19510220

Celine’s Conversations with Professor Y. Also the different sections of Journey to the End of the Night in the war, Africa, America, Paris, etc. Most of his stuff really

>> No.19510227


>> No.19510247


>> No.19510251

Forgot Diary of a Madman by Gogol, very nice and pretty short

>> No.19510277


>> No.19510283

Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius from Borges is what you are looking for.
Maybe Letters from the Underground

>> No.19510288

>What literature have some sort of "[DESCENT] into madness" vibes in it?


>> No.19510289

crime and punishment fits the bill more

>> No.19510291


>And then he opened the door to reveal the horrifying visage of....A SPANIARD!!!!

>> No.19510310

>Go look how many people on /r9k/ are becoming homosexual everyday
But why?

>> No.19510315

Not really a descent but there's a scene in American Psycho (which is ten times better than the movie) where Patrick is roaming the streets while foaming at the mouth.

>> No.19510329

>which is ten times better than the movie
I doubt

>> No.19510403
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Unless you lead a sheltered existence or live in a virtual bubble the X factor of flux will inevitably throw things into disorder at some point, regardless of how ordered your life may have been prior to this; the important thing is what you do with the mad you feel; how you subtain chaos, mediate, and acquire purepressed experience.

>> No.19510574

Anything by Lovecraft and anything from the French decadent movement. Also No longer human is great at this.

>> No.19510598
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The Recognitions

>> No.19510917
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>> No.19510995

I want to masturbate by having mental dialectical discussions like platonic dialouges. Don't refute my coping mechanism mr. wittgenstein, it hurts