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File: 58 KB, 764x536, 820-8207058_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-lbfxskq-apu-apustaja-thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19503890 No.19503890 [Reply] [Original]

Did everybody really talk super fancy all the time back then or did they just pretend like they did in their writing?
If so, then why did we stop talking fancy or even pretending like we do? and why do only pseuds talk fancy nowadays?

>> No.19503903

It was basically a flex. People still do this to show high verbal IQ and education but now they pepper their speech with critical theory gibberish.

>> No.19503912

remember that anyone writing earlier than even like a century ago was rich and had access to a supreme education.

>> No.19503943

It was because democracy wasn't the run of everything. There were still social hierarchies and it paid to speak "up".
You can listen to bertrand russell speak and some old victorian interviews. They're insanely fluid in that speech. We only recently started speaking more downwards and that picked up after the 60s.

>> No.19503981

The upper castes would have, and they set the standard for the civilisation. Now, owing to the subversion of civilisation by the forces of judeo-freemasonry particularly after ww2, even upper-class kids want to speak like ghetto niggers, and most people who "talk fancy" are the halfwit academics who just repeat what they're told to get a good grade. Studying latin and greek used to be the standard for any higher education. Now even english studies have fallen to a very low level. This is what happens when people delude themselves into thinking the vulgar masses are fundamentally no different from the upper castes. I mean, our civilisation literally worships niggers, who collectively represent the most plebian tendencies. It is a joke, humanity is being degraded.

>> No.19503985

based based based

>> No.19504001

Holy based

>> No.19504005

You just don't know any patricians, pleb. Check out how my main bitch Martha Nuttree spits a rhyme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HNkMopT2RQ

>> No.19504015

She's a nyer?

>> No.19504022
File: 33 KB, 500x483, 463840285661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le ebin stronk womyn academic
don't care

>> No.19504044

She is the biggest fraud in an industry of frauds, also she is clearly a man.

>> No.19504046

Don't let the Jew name fool you, she just married one. Martha is straight up New England Wasp.

>> No.19504050

I mean she talks like a nyer wasp ig I have no experience. I've never heard that accent before.

>> No.19504066

Yes, this is what NYC Wasps used to talk like, my great grandmother spoke just like her. You really don't hear it anymore.

>> No.19504068

they had an average IQ of 130, they were just much smarter people.

>> No.19504069

I would like to develop some ideas in writing of how this phenomenon fits perfectly into the Traditionalist model of the regression of the castes/the rise of the demonic masses.

>> No.19504076
File: 49 KB, 212x250, joeymeme75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she just married on

>> No.19504080

That sounds like an alternate dimension desu

>> No.19504090

There is a Canadian accent which is very similar to this, in southern Ontario

>> No.19504096

ya, we are experiencing what happens when you allow jews and freemasons free reign over your civilisation for decades

>> No.19504100

Definitely. Americans used to have distinct social classes just like the British that you could instantly tell by how someone spoke, dressed, or even moved.

>> No.19504169

Carl Sagan accent lmao.

>> No.19504176

Yeah but some of it was too exclusive and that's why it went once technology made the production/efficiency rate made the lower class have more efficiency than the upper class did who had more scale.

I think it would have been interesting buying a 3rd class ticket because a 4th class was just that little bit too terrible for you lol. I would just want to see the psychology behind all that.

>> No.19504186
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> that's why it went once technology made the production/efficiency rate made the lower class have more efficiency than the upper class did who had more scale.
What did he mean by this

>> No.19504206

shut the fuck up you fucking faggot frog fuck!

>> No.19504215

I genuinely have no idea what you were trying to say friend

>> No.19504221

The classes worked because they stryctured society efficiently and effectively. Obv a small amount of ppl at the top is natural, a slighter bigger amount of land owners, anyways lower class as artisans or slaves could shut down a huge part of the industry if they stopped working in a factory. This gave them more pull. Not a lot but I imagine the end of slavery is inevitable as slave economies just lose out to technologically developed non slave ones. Hegel wrote about it but in his own way but marx took that and made it class warfare where it leads to the classless state.
Now I don't think classes end but I don't think they're social constructs either. I don't think they're material either so I prefer an education class system (in a better idealized sense of education) where you can choose to go up if you want and your value objectively increases.

>> No.19504225

B-but muh Jimi Hendrix!

>> No.19504231

If I understand you correctly, you're saying class distinctions faded because the lower classes gained more bargaining power?

>> No.19504233

>married a jew
She's an honorary jew, then.

>> No.19504247

That would be a marxist way to say it. A capitalist would say productivity increased to a point where anyone could create high quality products that ppl would buy so kinda like "the business of land owning aristocracy had to adapt".
I would say the social construct that was efficient in particular time and place fell and a more realistic societal distinction rose. Those are very important distinctions but that's a summary.

>> No.19504264

The distinction is for a capitalist that the classes could return if scale or productivity could somehow be concentrated (as if we develop some ai and can only support a few then classes develop again).

>> No.19504280

>You can listen to bertrand russell speak and some old victorian interviews. They're insanely fluid in that speech.
Now I'm curious (and I don't even like that cuck).

>> No.19504283

jimi hendrix sucks ass, allan holdsworth is the patrician's choice.

>> No.19504290

I would say that the new situation has two features: one is that status is more fluid, both in economic terms and in the intelligentsia, as compared to the rigid social class of blood nobility; the other is that the fashion in a democracy is always constrained by a (rather cynical) sense of populism, which makes it gauche to strut around like an aristocrat, so more subtle forms of signaling have emerged. In recent decades the race dynamics have also started complicating everything a lot, but I think that's more or less just another variant of the democratic pattern.

>> No.19504294



>> No.19504301

See the Pompey graffiti. Nothing has changed much among us commoners.

>> No.19504306

I wouldn't disagree w that. I hope the race dynamics just fade though as I'm against giving any political representation to any members of social constructs. I think education covers it well and I think all conscious beings strive for education, in a very liberal sense of the word, all the time.

>> No.19504307
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I love Ragtime, Jazz, Blues, Rock & Roll, Funk, Disco, and R&B.
Fuck, I even love some rap. Sue me.

>> No.19504309

Charlie Chaplin was really poor growing up. He had to learn to speak posh.

>> No.19504324

What do you mean by education and social constructs here? Race is not going anywhere; the west is becoming more multiracial by year and in a democracy that means tribalist politics to some degree.

>> No.19504325

It's ok to be a pleb, most people are. Jazz is just bastardized, negrified classical

>> No.19504336

>our civilisation literally worships niggers, who collectively represent the most plebian tendencies
Speak for yourself Amerifat. No one worships niggers outside of your deranged country

>> No.19504365

Race is a social construct. We also have left handers vs right handers. Now even if we start wars about that it would be ridiculous to start making political units out of that. So we don't need social constructs as political units.

Some political units cover others. I would say education covers anything to do w value in individuals, families or race or gender. In fact in a gender you can be rich or poor. Education is much better line that properly helps and describes the issue. So some can be more accurate and encompass other issues more fully. You'll find a lot of issues about "gender wage gap" disappear when reevaluated by education. Right now it's evaluated by individual preferences which can create social constructs. You get rid of individualism you get rid of gender etc because there's nothing instantiating the social construct.

Now as far as value, I can make the case that higher (ideal) education increases your options and abilities objectively where being a gender, individual, worker and so on does not but I'll rn sit on studies which show education is the best variable for long term income. These studies are shown in many contexts like for immigrants to Canada.

>> No.19504372

I'm not american, nigger worship occurs all throughout Western civilisation and by extension the rest of the world. Of course it originates in the US. I'm talking about rap "music," "style," general mannerisms, etc. Then there's the fact that blm shit is forced by all megacorps, and even in European countries where the population is 90% white or more, 3rd worlders are still forced on everyone through advertising and other media. It is all part of the goal to degrade and level humanity to the most inferior elements.

>> No.19504382

What do you mean by social construct? Race refers to the tree of human ancestry, which is a genetic reality. Our apprehension of this reality is a construct obviously, but so is any other.

I'm still not understanding what you mean by education. Do you just mean out current academic system?

>> No.19504383

>Race is a social construct
Only partially, it is more a construct of biology.

>> No.19504396

brown hands typed this

>> No.19504400

lmao no just no. Race definitely does exist but what we ultimately do about it is what matters.

>> No.19504408

Alright Filmer and Hobbes's ghost. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Filmer

Shall I fetch a man to bring your palanquin around as my valet tops up your claret?

>> No.19504412

Just noise, insolent noise

>> No.19504428
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x1443, Beethoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your musical tastes are retarded dude, you sound like a fucking pleb. Jazz is distinct from classical, it's not just the "bastardized" version of it and if anything it's closer to folk than classical. Interestingly enough, Beethoven himself actually wrote some music that was jazzy and boogie-woogie like (link related)
> https://youtu.be/uQMCfqFr4XA

>> No.19504430

I mean a very general and ideal education. We all try to do the best that we can in any situation given the circumstances. How to best allow us to do our best in those situations is what I mean we should focus on developing and basing our political units on. So an ideal doctorate is of more value than an ideal master > ideal bachelors > hs > no hs. It would take a bit of effort and proof but it's of better value even in our crummy system which we have studies to show. In fact ppl of higher education have higher rates of "succeeding" in life than high iq does (which can run the gambit sometimes in "success").

Yeah race is an attempt to understand the biological distinctions but it's not the best or the only distinction. Age can be a better biological classification than race is in terms of medicine. Anyways we can find better classifications but as we do they become less social constructs definitionally. Race is itself a social construct. The distinction between sub species and race is pretty far iirc but there's no genetic basis of it or not any I could find besides "historical population a in place x implies a is separate from b in y", which is just begging the question.

>> No.19504438

What are you talking about? I just said monarchies were inefficient. I wish they'd shove you in a serf economy as a serf so you'd shut up. I literally gave a better system. Learn to read serf, you're literally forced to.

>> No.19504443

You need to go outside more. Just because they like rap music doesn't mean they like niggers. Those things maybe forced down on us but the population largely remains unaffected and are generally hostile to nigger culture, only enjoying the more tame and enjoyable aspects such as their music, no one want to imitate their real culture. In fact blacks in the west try way more to fit in our culture than we do theirs, it's the Jews that are pushing for these muh blackness meme

>> No.19504455

But do you like our current education system? It doesn't seem all that meritocratic to me. I mean the smart, industrious people will still do well, but as an overall sorting mechanism I'm not so sure. They may indeed do better financially but that is partly due to the credentialist scaffolding that has sprung up around the explosion of the college industry. Education used to be something for a real intellectual elite.

As for race, of course we should also consider age and other categories but that doesnt mean we should discard race. You keep calling it a social construct without defining what you mean by social construct. I assure you it is very real; you can take a DNA test and find out which parts of the world your ancestors came from, which would not e possible were it some arbitrary classification.

>> No.19504463

This little creep follows me into every thread about monarchism and aristocracy and whines about me supporting it when I spend every thread he bitches about it explaining where it fails. Would you read the whole bit? There is some value to monarchies and if you're going to be my bitch because you can't comorehend something so straightforward and honest then claret and bend over naked so i can kick you in the balls.

>> No.19504466

>Charlie Chaplin was really poor growing up. He had to learn to speak posh.
But he was an actor. Actors read a lot, I suppose.

>> No.19504469

For the people saying it’s just because the people writing back then were elites, go read the journal of some random pleb ie a Civil War soldier or British factory worker etc.

>> No.19504474

>Just because they like rap music doesn't mean they like niggers
Have you ever spoken to a mulatto perm zoomie? They may be 100% European but spiritually and culturally totally niggerized.

>> No.19504489

I gave an extremely good definition of what I mean by education. It is ideal, based on what we do and not what we have. I don't have any input on philosophy of education rn in any formal sense but it would preclude the current system.

The DNA doesn't have a racial aspect. There's no material distinction for race so it's at least not science. Now there are correlations of material things but those at best point in a direction so race isn't a material distinction. Now is it a transcendental distinction like logic or math? I don't think so. You may try to say gender has a transcendental distinction but nothing supports that as life seems to start off asexually (one sex). So it can't seem to be classified anywhere but social construct.

>> No.19504498

In interviews he spoke posh. Just because he had the ability too that doesn't imply a drive. There was a drive to speak posh then.

>> No.19504514

Can you quote your deifntion of education because just calling it ideal doesnt mean anything.

You have to define what you mean by social construct or we arent going to get anywhere. Race is literally nothing else but genetic classification. It is a series of concentric circles of genetic relatedness.

>> No.19504519

Your opinion is irrelevant, Jazz is negrified, bastardized classical, this is a historical fact. Whether or not it is good music is a different argument. I like some of it and can appreciate it and played it when I was younger, I even received an award for an improvised solo, but I have little interest in it now.

No, the influence is insidious. You will notice that young men now often do not know how to convey confidence in a masculine fashion apart from speaking like a retarded nigger. You will also notice young women of any race behaving and speaking like "sassy" sheboons, with the hand movements and speech, etc. The "culture" is being forced through pop culture, and of course rap is a large part of this. The mannerisms are emulated, such as being loud and obnoxious instead of reserved. The way people communicate through typing as well. Of course one could argue and may in fact be correct in saying that these inferior elements are not exclusive to africans. For example, "ebonics" is pretty much just very low-class white speech with a few added colloquialisms. The point is that these lowest class traits are exemplified in the blacks as a whole (of course there are individual blacks who are much better than this, but we are speaking in general).

>> No.19504532

Again, Jazz music is way closer to folk music than it is to classical music. This is historical fact.

>> No.19504553

>We all try to do the best that we can in any situation given the circumstances.
>How to best allow us to do our best in those situations is what I mean we should focus on developing and basing our political units on.
If you want more then progress is based on universality. So a doctorate can speak more fully or universally (in depth and breadth) than a masters > bachelors etc and is graded by that.

Literally why? It is not genetic classification. There is literally no gene which properly distinguishes ppl by race. There are no set of genes which properly distinguish by race.
Also "genetic relatedness" is a terrible definition. An inbred family or some twins can have the same amount of gene relatedness w a cousin as a parent (not to mention which parent). None of those make race a scientific distinction.
Just so you'll stop asking the same questions a social construct is a construct fundamentally derived from a social culture. Now this doesn't mean everything is just like it doesn't mean everything is derived from an individual (so everything is not subjective). To be a material thing we must see a derivation of a thing (for race probably material, i.e. gene) towards another material thing (race). So we need these genes which are inclusively or exclusively racial.

>> No.19504562

Jazz was influenced by classical, but it was influenced by a lot of other music as well. That in no way makes it "bastardized" classical

>> No.19504565

We have genes for eyes, humans, hair color, tall ppl, left handers etc. Where is the one for race.

>> No.19504574

Ok sure, I will concede that it takes elements from both, it is still bastardized and negrified. I don't know why you would post Beethoven to back up your point.

>> No.19504583

>>How to best allow us to do our best in those situations is what I mean we should focus on
You think this constitutes a definition?

Yes race is literally genetic distance. You realize you have to get an organ transplant from someone of your own race right? Why do you think that is?

>social construct is a construct fundamentally derived from a social culture. Now this doesn't mean everything is just like it doesn't mean everything is derived from an individual
I almost feel cruel doing this to you, but do you not think your concept of "education" is a social construct based on this...attempt at a defintion?

>> No.19504584

You mentioned some of them.

>> No.19504588

>So a doctorate can speak more fully or universally
No, the whole point of getting a phd is to narrow in on something very specific. Your brainlet takes on race are amusing to watch het destroyed, lurk more.

>> No.19504589

You determine race by looking at a sufficiently large number of genes in a genome.

>> No.19504601

>I almost feel cruel doing this to you, but do you not think your concept of "education" is a social construct based on this...attempt at a defintion?
It is funny because this is true from a relative perspective. All these retard leftists are now realising this and trying to "decolonize" education, which means teaching people that math is actually just white ppl shit. What a joke.

>> No.19504602

hello based dept?

>> No.19504603

Depends on their education and social status. For example, in Petronius' Satyricon, the high class characters use literary techniques, complex/correct grammar, and a high register of diction. The low class characters use slang/idioms, broken grammar and common words. In the 19th ce, German philologists erroneously corrected the plebs' bad grammar usage in the novel while they were editing it b/c they missed the point kek

>> No.19504607

Writing itself was a privilege of the elites

>> No.19504611

>Depends on their education and social status
Which depends on their biology, generally speaking.

>> No.19504616


>> No.19504618

I almost feel cruel to you but no, I defined what all conscious beings necessarily do. That would at least be a material thing accounting for all conscious beings but I'd argue it's transcendental. So it was put in an order for you to be like from this get this.

Any race can get a mutation that makes them have something not like it. Obviously hair or skin color alone isn't it and it's rather constructive to keep adding on more.

No that's liberal overspecialization. If you think a phd can't teach on history better than a bachelor or hs student then wtf is a professor for? No that's a particular view of education. You're outclassed buddy. Glad you caught your breath but you were reasking the same shit. Now we know you're just dumb.

>> No.19504621

if white people were so oppressive, why would they teach writing even to the 3rd world populations that they dominated?

>> No.19504624

>Any race can get a mutation that makes them have something not like it.
Not blacks, asians, and all other races except whites. You also cannot show that it is a mutation.

>> No.19504630

How many? Let's test it.

Yes and nazis tried to make it a social construct w deutsche physik and deutsche mathematik. Anyways they were wrong. It's not best understood as a social construct.

>> No.19504635

White skin is losing a melonin gene and eyes are something similar. Albinism has similar roots. Anyways there's no gene or material demonstration of race.

>> No.19504643

Lmao, your mode of thinking has been destroyed by science, yet somehow still persists in the social "sciences". Race is genetic, and genes largely determine behaviours and abilities. Amazingly our ancestors understood this well and ordered society accordingly. This new race-denialist fad is just a house of cards waiting for a breeze.

Every month there's a new article by some mediajew crying about how AI is racist. This one's a doozy:


>> No.19504645
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>dude with the 85 IQ POC take of race being a social construct is now declaring that he outclasses people
Your phd is not worth the paper it's printed on. Maybe 100 or even 50 years ago it had value, now you are just buying into a massive scam. What are you going to use it for? working at a college. ha.

>> No.19504651


>> No.19504656

What genes dumbass? What genes are inclusively and exclusively racially distinct? I'm asking y'all to show up. Put some genes out there but for a couple years now you've all been comfortable looking like you have no genes that shows this. The world would like to know what you figured out

>> No.19504658

Brown skin is gaining melanin, which blocks out sunlight. Brown eyes are something similar. Your theory is baseless speculation.
>Anyways there's no gene or material demonstration of race.
None that you would know of, you mean.

>> No.19504667

Its something like 100 genes, I've posted the study on here about 5 times. If you even vaguely grasp how genetics work you can understand why you can sort people based on ancestry

>> No.19504668

I'm glad you think a person knowing professors teach unis has a phd but this is common knowledge. This is what I mean by outclassed.

>> No.19504669

Why did wasps decide to surrender their control over America via miscegenation with Jews?

>> No.19504671

>It's not best understood as a social construct.
Why not? education in the West is a product of white colonialist society

>> No.19504672

you belong to reddit

>> No.19504673

None you have the balls to show.

100 genes rn, post them.

>> No.19504682

>t. dude who can't even write coherent sentences


>> No.19504684

Your bitch ass zoomer self should go to reddit.

Because they were wrong. "Jewish" physics has nothing to do w race. Hell kuhn compared einstein's relativity to aristotle in contradt to newton. Were the ancient greeks secret jews trying to trick you into having european pride?

>> No.19504687

That's a coherent sentence dumbass just not to you.

>> No.19504689

No, there's just no point arguing it because you'll just say it is found in other races therefor race doesn't exist, because you're a fucking retard.

Because when civilisation became dominated by the merchant class the aristocracy had to do this to maintain their power.

>> No.19504692

>bitch ass
to reddit you go faggot

>> No.19504696

>it makes sense to my monkey brain
Yes, yes, you are actually very intelligent.

>> No.19504702

it's a groid dude

>> No.19504704
File: 206 KB, 1439x418, Screenshot_20211203-002134_Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen, we got them.

I actually have way more distinctions there I'd bring up like are east africans distinct from west by 100? Is it by europeans? Does a family member have 100 distinct genes? It's just goofy. Sub species don't differ by 100 genes and some genes are more fundamental than others. It just sounds wrong.

>> No.19504710

I can tell you're a euro by that sentence. Don't ask me why. I think nord or eastern but more nord.

That's how we speak. I'm a milennial. You have no social skills.

>> No.19504713

>That's a coherent sentence
No, it really isn't. In fact it is even less coherent than your claims of race (material reality) being a social construct while university education (a product of European civilisation) isn't.

>> No.19504721

You're not white. I don't think you're asian either, since they are much better at writing. You're almost certainly at least half african...oh nononono

>> No.19504724

Serious question: do you have a mental disability or are you inebriated?

>> No.19504728

Because no one reads, this post is a legitimate proof of that. No one fucking read.

>> No.19504730

>That's how we speak. I'm a milennial. You have no social skills.
Speaking like a retard or fag doesn't make it an inherent part of a generation. I suggest you head back as their diction is more akin to yours

>> No.19504731

Because you keep on saying that jazz is just a bastardization of classical music but I have no idea what you actually mean by that.
I personally think that classical music after the Baroque era tends to be pretty fucking boring and that modern classical music is on the whole unlistenable but if I was to say that the shift in style represented a bastardization of classical music I would at least try to define what I mean by that or else the accusation would simply become an empty invective and it would lose any force of critique it might of had.
What do you mean by bastardization exactly? and how is this process of bastardization any different than the shifts in style that happened before jazz?
I posted Beethoven because I was trying to show that the fact that Black people created Jazz music doesn't mean that it's somehow inherently negroidal; perhaps in a different timeline, White people could have independently developed something very similar. Beethoven clearly wasn't trying to debase music, he was just having fun and experimenting, he was innovating; the question then is if western music followed Beethoven's lead here and went for a more "Jazzy" style, when and what would make it become degenerate?

>> No.19504732
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>> No.19504736

I said education itself is not. Again you should learn to read. I used university education terms to be descriptive but I very specifically said a general education based on x and that is not fundamentally our current system. Even animals educate themselves. Like monkeys dumbass. You know what those are?

I mean I think I was more accurate than you. Hell maybe race does exist (and not culture) but you dk.

I'm educated you dumb bitch. You forgot you said I had a phd.

>> No.19504740

You can barely speak English. I was nice to you because I thought you were Esl but good God

>> No.19504741

>You know what those are?
Your ancestors. >>19504732

>> No.19504742

How you speak is not indicative of who you are otherwise ppl would just speak like kings. This is first grade shit man.

>> No.19504744

I riled up the angry zoomers, boys, and I aired em out. They're in stage denial still.

>> No.19504745

Damn you give out phds pretty easily. No wonder you think education is a social construct.

>> No.19504746

>otherwise ppl would just speak like kings
This presupposes that everyone has the capacity to speak like kings, which is false.

You forgot that I said your phd isn't worth the paper it's written on. There are countless idiots getting phds, particularly in the less rigourous fields of study (aka non-stem), you should reflect on this.

>> No.19504752

>How you speak is not indicative of who you are
How can you be so wrong?

>> No.19504753
File: 362 KB, 220x140, cage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. literal negroid currently getting gangraped itt

>> No.19504757

A lot of ppl and tons speak better than chrles or andrew etc. They won't become kings.

There's nothing you can say to limit the fact below you saying I had a phd for pointing out something so simple as saying professors teach students.

>> No.19504758
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>> No.19504763

>A lot of ppl and tons speak better than chrles or andrew etc. They won't become kings.
nice, do you have anything relevant to say or was that supposed to be it?

>> No.19504764

Speak like charlie chaplin or a brit or slav. I thought you were saying race is genetic. You seem to give up a lot just to try to justify the next comeback.

>> No.19504767


Consider that they didn't have fucking screens so they had to amuse themselves one way or another.

>> No.19504769

That's called a proper contradiction, or, as you zoomers love to say, YOU GOT DEBOOOOOOOONKED

>> No.19504770

Oh, you actually have a phd? nice man, in what?

>> No.19504774

I'm curious which one you would've given me. Imagine saying "you're a king" then "oh you really are, ha ha ha" and thinking that's a comeback.

>> No.19504775

No, it had nothing to do with the point I made, you literal fucking retard. You're drunk.

>> No.19504777

>They're in stage denial
There's no way English is your first language or else, you're actually retarded.I genuinely feel bad that you naively think you're intelligent, and that you're supposedly riling up angry zoomers.

>> No.19504781

Your point, if it wasn't relevant to my point, was off-topic.

I'm supposedly doing it and what are you going to do about it. Zoomer, ZOOMER!

>> No.19504783

It was more for rhetorical purposes, I would say you don't actually have a phd but it is a goal of yours.... HAHAHAHAHA GOOD FINANCIAL DECISION

And I would say you're getting it in something stupid, but that almost goes without saying at this point. You aren't a king, don't worry about anyone making that mistake.

>> No.19504790

Are you really this ignorant of the state of the science? Stop spouting untruths if you are so uninformed.

Sub-Saharan Africans have significant amounts of non-human genetic material from very primitive apes that are not found in any other human population. To claim this admixture only creates differences in appearances and behaviour that are skin deep is laughable.


>> No.19504791

My point was that your argument relied on an invalid presupposition, and then you ignored that and attacked a counter-argument that you had in your head, you halfwit.

>> No.19504792

Good one

>> No.19504796

ZOOMER come and get the zoomer wahmbulance.

>> No.19504799
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It's for you, sir. We do indeed Trust The Science.

>> No.19504801
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I'm waiting for you to devolve into googoo gaga baby talk at this point.

>> No.19504802

Yes not all populations have neanderthal dna either. Iirc asians have homo erectus dna which euros don't. Anyways we share half of our genes w literal flowers so gl w that argument.

>> No.19504805


>> No.19504807

Zoomer bad
Can't be glad
Loses debates fast as he can
He doesn't mind
Shits up a storm
Will only be good
Working at a door

>> No.19504809

Take your meds schizoid

>> No.19504810

Did >>19504802

Come on, y'all are making me think I have a phd now. That's not a real argument. I already said "percentage" or "genetic relatedness" is a bad metric

>> No.19504816

Schizoomer the mental disease of our younger generation you have to trust me zoomerbob

>> No.19504819

Refuted by Guenon.

>> No.19504824

I'm sorry for being an asshole. I dont hate you or anything.

>> No.19504827

I said refute it, you complete idiot. You are arguing that race is merely a social construct while acknowledging that different racial groups evolved from different species, you have yet to reconcile these two things.

If you have a phd that would be the funniest thing itt so far.

>> No.19504832

>In the 19th ce, German philologists erroneously corrected the plebs' bad grammar usage in the novel while they were editing
High level autism.

>> No.19504837

You can't even formulate complete sentences.

>> No.19504843

G*rmoids really are fucking souless huh?

>> No.19504845

No it doesn't look like racial groups evolved from different beings but their ancestors may have raped some other hominins but again that's an extremely minor bit of dna.
Anyways I said ppl can be genetically different. That's a fact for kids being born. I even gave different ways to biologically or genetically classify them. I don't think any that I have mentioned are good enough as a classification for political units (e.g. hair color) but you haven't shown race is a genetic distinction.

>> No.19504846

>if white people were so oppressive, why would they teach writing even to the 3rd world populations that they dominated?
Because then they would have better proles operating their machines while they keep all the money earned to themselves.

>> No.19504856

>Because then they would have better proles operating their machines while they keep all the money earned to themselves.
You don't need to be able to write to operate a machine. Having an intelligent underclass is not beneficial if you intend to rule over them.

>> No.19504869

It doesn't matter, the machine makes the worker more efficient and having a worker buy increases profits. In any sense it seems that technological developments eventually get rid of inequality. Not directly ofc.

>> No.19504873

>No it doesn't look like racial groups evolved from different beings
Did you even read the title of that link, retard? Africans evolved from a primitive hominid that no other ethnic group has in their genealogy. Not only does this refute out of africa, (an idiotic out-of-date theory which I know you endorse, because every one of your opinions are NPC normie-tier) but shows that different races have distinct genealogies; you also mentioned Neanderthals and something specific to asians, which is in the same vein. You've been shown genetic proof of different races, like you asked, and now you're denying it or saying that it actually doesn't matter for some reason. You're an idiot.

>> No.19504877

Oh, it's this same incoherent retard. It really is not even worth pursuing discourse with you, I feel like I'm talking to somebody with a mental disability.

>> No.19504891

>Having an intelligent underclass is not beneficial if you intend to rule over them.
Agree. And that explains the world we have today:
With a lot of people extremally educated in a technical sense but without any sense of ethic, moral or something higher.
We're still uneducated(as a rule) in a level, you know?

>> No.19504908

Wow, this thread sure turned to shit fast.

>> No.19504919

Evolution into homo sapiens very definitionally did not happen by those different hominid dnas. It would be weird to assert that then assert that those genes by the different hominid are now making a comeback and can now account for race.

>> No.19504982

Pre ww2 basically everyone that went to college could also read and speak Ancient Greek and Latin. Our modern day academics can hardly compare to a normal student back then. This is the result of decades of diversity shit, destruction of social hierarchies, letting the administrations do whatever they want in universities, and basically making unversity something people had to get to get a middle class job and not just something for the upper classes actual geniuses. Hey

>> No.19504988

Hi anon

>> No.19504997

Fuck phone added that for some reason.

>> No.19505003

Don't forget about the Illuminati!

>> No.19505152

Based German autists

>> No.19505181

Don't niggers have like 12%-30% unknown DNA that neither Aryans nor Mongoloids have

>> No.19505219

>even upper-class kids want to speak ghetto
This is nonsense.
Not even true for the US, certainly not true for any other country.

>> No.19505226

>12%-30% unknown DNA
You mean nigger DNA?

>> No.19505234

I fail to see what you see as being distinctive about these examples. Russell has a very formal sounding voice, but the way he structures his sentences and arguments here isn't particularly striking or demonstrative of something beyond the capacity of an ordinary person today. And that's not even considering that he's a philosopher delivering a speech on a philosophical subject.

The woman's speech is remarkably coherent for someone of her age, but neither of them approximate the kind of heavily embellished writing that was actually very common a century or more ago even in more popular writing.

>> No.19505240

>No one worships niggers outside of your deranged country
Europoors were literally kneeling because of Fentanyl Floyd, BLM protests occurred worldwide, fuck off with pretending the rest of the world isn’t cucked

>> No.19505256

damn we need to get this info to bone marrow donors and transplantees, this social construct is fucking them over

>> No.19505357

Because it is unnecessary and was only needed to flex on plebs. We live in a democracy now and are mostly aware that differences between former castes are negligible. Most former serfs, factory workers, farmers became middle-class with tertiary education.
Highly stilted speech and usage of rhetorical flourishes are anachronisms.

>> No.19505729

>Because it is unnecessary
I bet you think eating non-bug meat is "unnecessary" too huh, don't you fag?

>> No.19505786

It's been awhile since I looked

>> No.19505803

You're single handedly bringing our IQ down retard. The average IQ of a population is always 100, and the test is readjusted from time to time to meet this standard.

>> No.19505805

Bone marrow transplants get tested for sickle cell disease but there's nothing inclusive or exclusive in race about sickle cell disease, you see

>> No.19505838

This thread is so uniquely American somehow.
All this talk of "muh ancient academics knew Ancient Greek and Latin and spoke pompously, that means they were ultra smart!"
Along with /lit/'s broader obsession with those two languages, it's just so strange to me, who did learn both for 6 years at a humanities gymnasium. I never understood what's the big deal. It was a status symbol to know those back then, and besides knowing etymologies for some words it's completely useless nowadays. English is the only language you really need. But /lit/ pseuds gotta pseud somehow, they can't flex with stem after all.

>> No.19505860

Watch this video of Senator Borah and notice the speech when speaking to the cameraman vs the recorded audience. Also note according to Gore Vidal this fucker took bribes from the Nazis. Has the highest peak in Idaho named after him.


>> No.19505864

It'd be like having the elements etc of wordbuilding and expression in a toolbox. Even today we consider unexpressive people dullards so it may not be causative but it's certainly derivative.

>> No.19505875

I can't tell if his facial impressions imply anything but I get a kick out of the word choice he uses as if the south had a choice or decision to make in whether to support each other and he decided it was more proper to maintain the "alliance".

>> No.19505892
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It was a class thing, to distinguish one's self from the plebeians or hoi-polloi by casual insertions of Latin, Greek, or French into one's speech or writing, there was no other purpose to it.
As it turns out, people can express themselves just fine enough without having to resort to Latin, and any recourse to it is likely more about showing off than expressing one's self (the point of language); it's why the only people who still attempt to "talk fancy" are invariably the most privileged and out of touch toffs imaginable, case in point: Jacob Rees-Smugg.

>> No.19505909

Well there's clearly some value in expression. Keep in mind that a lot of philosophically-oriented ppl are accused of inflating their word usage for no reason when it's absolutely necessary for a semi-decent efficient conversation to simply use words like epistemology or ontology etc as they are. Now this doesn't just apply to specialized conversations but I don't see what you think is ideal without it coming off dull.

>> No.19505922

All true.

>> No.19505933

ITT Zoomers with no knowledge of genetics whatsoever arguing whether race is a social construct or not.

>> No.19505965

Well can you give a gene which is inclusive and/or exclusive of a race?

>> No.19505978

Keep in mind the last point brought up would assume we're not even same species (since we would have evolved from different, disparate hominids) which has way more issues than assuming we are (biologically) racially different as we can mate healthily and do things of an as a specie.

>> No.19505982

Now you can say that we all evolved separately to accidentally become the same thing but that brings up questions like how much, why and that sort of thing

>> No.19505990


>> No.19506041

Duffy null allele is mainly found in Sun Sharan Africans and not in Asians and Caucasians.

>> No.19506050

Ethnicity serves far better as a biological entity than race. I agree with the other poster on race being a social construct.

>> No.19506061

This. So much this.

>> No.19506069

Your grandmother sucked dick on horseback with her pinky finger extended.
She was an old timey hooore with a sranky pussay.

>> No.19506081

The sun rains *mainly* in the plains of Spain.
We need causative not correlative. This is your theory not the world's. It requires a bit more effort.

>> No.19506113

Sorry should've phrased that better, a frequency of almost 100 per cent in sub saharan africans.

>> No.19506119

Internet happened. Trendy and meme words which supposedly encompass a broad reality replaced a whole variety of others words that described different flavours of the same reality. No one looks for the adequate word anymore, because it isn't needed to be broadly understood. Slang, sms abbreviations, all of these shortcuts to express one's self have impoverished vocabulary and syntax to the point someone who tries to speak "properly" will often find himself looking like a clown in society.
It isn't even about using technical or complicated words, it's about using the right word at the right time, and constructing your sentences well.

>> No.19506123

The frequency of me taking a shit is 100% frequent w someone halfway across the world snapping their finger.

>> No.19506136

Wtf are you talking about? I'm talking about genetic frequencies here. And also I'm in no way insinuating that a certain race is better than another one biologically.
I still stand by this.

>> No.19506142

It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words. Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well. It isn't only the synonyms; there are also the antonyms. After all, what justification is there for a word which is simply the opposite of some other words? A word contains its opposite in itself. Take 'good,' for instance. If you have a word like 'good,' what need is there for a word like 'bad'? 'Ungood' will do just as well--better, because it's an exact opposite, which the other is not. Or again, if you want a stronger version of 'good,' what sense is there in having a whole string of vague useless words like 'excellent' and 'splendid' and all the rest of them? 'Plusgood' covers the meaning, or 'doubleplusgood' if you want something stronger still...In the end the whole notion of goodness and badness will be covered by only six words--in reality, only one word. Don't you see the beauty of that, Winston?

>> No.19506149

Sure but I mean a frequency isn't inclusive of a race and it's deffo not exclusive of a race. Either way even if we find a trait which is inclusive and exclusive of a race it should be more fundamental than some slight distinction like that. A subspecies usually has some fundamental distinctions. It's why dog breeds aren't separate species even if they look very different physically (they can still breath, require same vitamins etc).

>> No.19506154


>> No.19506161

Speaking of dog breeds, it should be noted that the H value for them is far higher than humans (which means they show more genetic diversity) and if they're not considered sub-species, races don't fit the bill in any way.

>> No.19506198
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Phenotype is an expression of genotype, no? So a genetic distinction could be Caucasian, mongoloid, and negroid skulls. I primarily know about this when it comes to criminal forensics, in which the Identity of a cadaver is narrowed down by the "race" or genetic expression of its skull.

>> No.19506575

I got bullied as a kid because I used big words and more formal variants

>> No.19506700

My guess was always that they had to be concise with their writing before the digital age, meaning they had to pack meaning more densely in each sentence.

>> No.19506769

sheeeeesh, brah spoken like a real nigga frfr, no cap

>> No.19506833

Rich people did. Manners and clothing revealed people's social class.

>> No.19507691
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>by the forces of judeo-freemasonry particularly after ww2

>> No.19507743

to be honest you still can see that in south america, the upper classes usually talk better than the brown working class, they also have different accent and treats the language in a respectful way, americans like to say that south america is a classist society, the united states would´ve been a classist society too if africans were 40% of their total population

>> No.19508011

in terms of its western influences, you could definitely say it was influenced by marching bands and that music, but I've never seen anyone make a an argument for classical. the Caribbean and african influences overshadow the western anyhow

>> No.19508030

damn, that's dope