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19501781 No.19501781 [Reply] [Original]

This book made me want to leave my third world shithole, and i will, anyone else?

>> No.19501798

I got Beyond Good and Evil first. Which I will read once I'm finished Walden then. Maybe i should have started with your one though

>> No.19501851

Why not improve your own country instead of fleeing? Seems like you didn't understand what you read, or you're just weak.

>> No.19501868

Most third world countries are completely hopeless for reasons out of the control of even its own population
I am guessing OP is a MENAnoid

>> No.19501903

what shithole?

>> No.19501909

Funny because everywhere they flee to becomes like the place they fled from

>> No.19501998

we're full

>> No.19502091
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Gonna read those you listed
Like this anon said: >>19501868
and also because in third world hellholes you are dealing with "people" with a iq below average, monkey tier, they wont understand what you are saying, Zarathustra.
Thats because most of the "people" that flee are illegals, porly educated, low iq, i understand your feeling.

>> No.19502103

Stay in your fucking country and improve it or die trying

>> No.19502107


>> No.19502110
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Lol, otro de estos pinches aspirantes a chicano, los gringos no te quieren, inclusive los que supuestamente si lo hacen sólo esperan usarte cómo carne de cañón para su sucia política
Get fucked cunt, stay here and let's rebuild our country

>> No.19502115
File: 110 KB, 640x678, 1638204799982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and also because in third world hellholes you are dealing with "people" with a iq below average, monkey tier, they wont understand what you are saying, Zarathustra
>believes shit is different literally elsewhere
Anon... I have news for you

>> No.19502119

>with a iq below average, monkey tier
and when Zarathustra deals with "cultured" individuals he reaches the exact same conclusion
if immigration out of poverty is the main motto you got out of the book you ought to read it again

>> No.19502129

Lmao this, you must consider you are an uncultured fucking monkey too, this is what your post reeks off

>> No.19502139

You are just a weakling who wants to flee. This anon gets it >>19502110
Unironically read more Nietzsche.

>> No.19502140

Meant for OP

>> No.19502228

I doubt it was this book that made you want to leave your current latrine. It was probably the smell, the decay and the violence.
I, for one, will stay in mine and I'll put those indios to good work.

>> No.19502236

if you were truly nietzchean you'd embrace your third world shithole and affirm life. i feel the same about my first world shithole though

>> No.19502249
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First tell the white cucks to stop sucking gringo cock and consooming globohomo boolshit

>> No.19502259

Not necessarily true. Brain drain proves that if you take the educated ones and have the migrate to a 1st world country, it wouldnt lead to decadence. Decadence as a result of immigration is due to it being not properly maintained.

>> No.19502267

>stay here and let's rebuild our country
Your country is riddled with power hungry cartels willing to do the most evil acts to show who's faction is better, all while having a corrupt government.

>> No.19502292
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This painting would not be overly bad if not for that pretentious fashionstyle, blunt angle, and cringeworthy pose.

>> No.19502299

That will be necessary too, yes.

>> No.19502312

>Your country is riddled with power hungry cartels willing to do the most evil acts to show who's faction is better, all while having a corrupt government
Says the murican
Looks like you forgot Zbignew Brezinsky stated around 1974 he'd start an operation to fill Mexico with corrupted politicians to prevent it from "becoming a second Japan"
>dood Its no one's fault that mexicans are beheading one another
Cartels were and are trained by CIA glowniggers, if you take the time to read something you might actually realize it
Not trying to say USA is guilty of everything or trying the say "we dindu nuffin" but the CIA is balls deep into our fucking country, thanks for that mr. Anglo

>> No.19502315
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Who said i want to go to the USA?
Also, try to rebuild this shithole, see what happens to you and your family.
>sacrificing myself for this shithole full of people who wont be grateful towards their saviour
Lol no, fuck them, narco lovers.
At least it aint as bad as here
It did, it opened my eyes, it was the drop that spilled the glass and im glad it did.

>> No.19502344
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x1200, 1605790421742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that your biggest problem is not only that you are so up in your ass that you are willing to dismiss an entire country only because of a selfish "boohoo no one understands me ;(" but the fact that you're so stupid you're distorting Nietzsche's teachings, I don't think Nietzsche would have said "dood just flee from your problems lmao fuck em", even worse, Nietzsche would have advocated for a strong man that would seek to do everything to find those two or three men willing to take big leaps, two or three men that are worth saving, you are weak and If one could ever say that some people don't deserve to take a Nietzsche's book that would be (you)
>try to rebuild this shithole, see what happens to you and your family.
By far the most stupid take, try to rebuild any fucking shithole
Ask anyone
Ask a russian, a bulgarian, a brit, a gringo ask anyone if their shithole isn't pozzed as shit by the five eyes force and how many times mossad have acted in their countries, the grass is always greener on the other side mate
Not trying to stop you, I doubt anyone would miss you, and at the same time I don't think anyone will care about you enough to notice you somewhere else

>> No.19502387

Not necessarily but in practice it does since while brain drain is an issue, as is bothced immigration policies, the overwhelming majority of migrants are not educated and culturally conservative. Because the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the countries they flee from are not educated and culturally conservative. We also have those of our own, we don't need more others who also lack cultural (and ethnic) compatibility.

>> No.19502499
File: 191 KB, 1280x1010, dal3humvb0n71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made want to move to a shithole nation. Each its own I guess.